AdI TWO Dollar Day FRIDAY and SATURDAY WALLACE'S DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PK1NCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Publlaned Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid in advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week lu By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year 3.00 Friday, June IB 1M3 IMPORTANCE OF ELEVATOR The importance of something being done to insure the continued operation of the Prince Rupert elevator is made clear by talks with farmers and merchants everywhere between Prince Rupert and Prince George. It has been pointed out that the prosperity of the whole region depends to a "considerable extent on the use of the elevator for shipping grain. Not only does it provide a ready market for the output but every train that goes through helps to pro vide employment for the people who live in the towns and villages. It is interesting to know that a number of different firms have been making inquiries and considering the possibility of leasing the house. It is to be hoped that the INTEREST IN RUPERT . Throughout the interior great interest is taken in Prince Rupert and her doings. The municipal activities are watched and officials of interior municipalities take a keen interest in the new commissioner and his doings. The elevator is a frequent subject of conversation and the methods of the railway come in for more or less friendly criticism. Indignation is expressed almost everywhere at the manner in which the highway construction has been neglected. To know that no work has been done on the Prince Rupert end for the past two years arouses ire. What is more they seem to know where to place the blame. They say that if it were possible to drive their cars into Prince Rupert they would come. often and do business here but under present is impossible. Prince Rupert's fish business is carefully watched and the number of express refrigerator cars going east carefully noted.. Also. the shipment of poles and lumber is always a subject of conversation. Everyone wants to see Prince RuTOPt' prosper because the people feel that if it becomes a big city they will have a steady market for what they produce. .. . . .. HOLIDAY RESORTS LAKELSE HOT Springs Lodge An Ideal Hare to Holiday Finest of fly fhhlnr. hunting, bathing and boating. Arrange for transportation with W. II. Burnett, Terrace h.C. Rates from Terrace to the Lodge including boat service: One adult. $3.00; each additional adult, tl 50. Write or Wire W. H. RURNETT We Look Aller Your Wants IDT When Combig lo Terrace Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. TO Greet You. We meet all trains. Freight & service anywhere, Eattenger ukelse Lake and Lodge, new bdat H A. S.i now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult. $J.00 $1.50 per head additional. N6 crowd too big. No Job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY tRMHfACsyvi ssBBir suH' Take the Daily News with you THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishing Modern Conveniences No Mies, No Mosquitoes Home Cooking Par Excellence SH.dO rer Week Children under 12, half rate MADAME KAJAUT Hell, Q. fj. Islands BOATS ON NEW RUNS Canadian National Steamships to Extent) Service to Alaska Waters Next Week Summer schedule of Canadian National Steamships under which Capt. H. E. Nedden Master of atea.. PrU.ce George. next week and will continue until the end of August when fall sche dule will go into effect. Under the summer schedule the minister of trade and commerce through the grain hoard steamer Prince George or Prince vlll be successful in making such a deal that the Prince Rupert win arrive here Wednesday Rupert section of the railway, will be able soon to pay its g IXTnSr' way and relieve the general taxpayer of the annual deficit ,ng at 3 0.clock wme afternoon on it. ' - Capt. Neil McLean In comahd of su-amer Prince Rupert for Skagway with calls at Ketchikan. Tata Olacler. Jarteau ami Wrmtgrll. returning here at t o -ctoek Monday mornings and sailing at 4 otkxrk Monday afternoons for Vancouver via Ocean Falls ond Powell River. On Friday mornings at 11:30 the ttaarier Print napert or Prince George wfll arrrre here from Van-efttvet vta Fowefl River and Ocean ttrfla. Kin at 5 pn. that day for An-yflx and Stewart, retain here at G 6"ekk Saturday evenings and sail at 1 otHWk -the sain evening fr 1 ValWeWet vta Ocean Falls and PowWl RtVer. Theft wffl be no change In the schedult of the steSmer Prince John which will continue to operate as at present on a fortnightly echedule between Prince Rupert and Vancouver via all Queen Charlotte Island points Principal officers on the three Canadian National Steamships this summer are as follows: 88. Prince Oeorte-Captaln. H. E. Nedden; chief engineer. A. 8 Monroe: purser. J. A. Crawford: chief steward, A. Hartley. 88. Prince Rupert-Captain. Neil McLean; chief engineer, W. E. Ball-He; purser. N. A. McLean; chief steward, John Walker. 89. Prince John Captain. Dan McKlnnon; chief engineer. William Ballantyne; purser. A. II. Robson; chief steward, Frank Bray. Mail Schedule Eor the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl. days 8:30 pin. THE DAH.T NEWS Friday. June 15 FOOTBALL ISROUGH Canadian Lesion Defeated Canadian Labor Defence League 5 to 4 Last Evening In a game which was marred by service by the steamers Prince Ru- rough play which persisted In spite Deft and Prince decree will be ex- of emphatic warning by RefeTife tended to Alaska in addition to An- James A. Johnston. Canadian Le-yox and Stewart comes into effect glon defeated Canadian Labor De- fence League by a score of 5 to 4 last evening In the Stuart Benefit Shield football competition. The first half ended in a score of 4 to 1 for the Legion which had the hill in lt favor during that period. The Defence League, after the switch-over, pulled ahead and nearly evened Up the count but not quite. Goal scorers were: Canadian Legion Dickens. 3; Murrav 2 Canadian Labor Defence League Zarclli. 1; MejCay. 2; Chenoskl. 1 At half time the ref wee wiled he players together and warned them against continued rough plav In the secorfiFhalf. Zarelll of th- r L D L was removed from the field suffering from a now ininr sustained in a colMflon with Charlie Baptle of the Legion whd"'initW a cut in the forehead but w able to rnnMnue ahr tererln first, nW Bronson Html Wat hnnih1 fron4 the field tn th second half for interfering with thf referee and generally questionable tactics. Baseball Scores AMERICAN LEAOUE N York. 5: Boston. 8. NATIONAL LEAC.LK Bflaten. 7; X&x York. 4. Brooklyn. 9: Pbttadelpfcla, 1 PHUburg 0 Chteato, J. JUNIOR FOOTBALL STANDING The JtrnWr League Football standing so far this season is as fol Iowa: W. D. L. F. A, P. Booth I 1 13 9 11 High -.A 1 2 16 8 Borden Vi) 0 6 4 18 Today's Weather Prince Rupert Part cloady, Nght southeast wind: barometer. 39.96 temperature. 57: sea smooth. Dead Tree Point ruining, calm barometer. 30.00; temperature. 55 sea smooth. Triple Island- Part cloudy, light southerly wind: sen smooth. Langara Island Overcast, light westerly wind : light chop. Terrace Cloudy, eaftn. 54. Aiyansh Part cJoody, calm, 54 Anyox Cloudy, oatm. M. StewarV-Part cloudy, south wind 50. Hazelton Cloudy, calm. 53. Smithers Raining, calm, cool 51. Burns Lake Part cloudy windy SAddi rcil. COUPON 1 CJiin Milk Product! LMted, yWIy Houic, T6ronlo Went lend me free booUet "Cmp CooUftj." Nine . Notice, Rupture Sufferer!! A'l Ruptures Yield To the Inflatable Air Pres. sure Treatment by Beailey, the Famous British Expert Complete Comfortable Control Guaranteed This grrat British Invention ha.s (he approval of the medical profession everywhere. U is arcepted as standard by leading hospitals Once Used Always Approved Wrlle -Beiileys- (CaHsda) 544 Burrard fit Vancouver, BO I .,' - .j ' ... ... ssssssssisssbssbsbbssbbbibsss'"'!" "1KI DOLLAR DAY SATURDAY Fraser & Payne's ORtiN TILL 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY NIfillT Vl'll fa3Hioi:1) silk hose VvAiusso Prints Ladles" Pure lhread 8ilk Hose, full fashioned, 36 Inches wide, tubfast and sunfast, 72 deswn wmierviee MCrtght. French heel, an new U choose from, all new pntlctrU Q n a shades, ocrebelge. sungleum. gunmeUl. hula, PWr Day. s y4- 'of ?UU "" ""' '-"" mall grey-dawn, smoke lone Reg i?Q , . l.0Q hort; Doittr Day SdccL Pr . sU,:,)t: MNWIIEU FLAT CRKI'E . 7 i-L Beautiful aoft finish pure silk flat crepe m,..,! LADIES' RAYON SILK UNDEHWE.tlt finisti. M mche wide, in shades of mmilh, Vest and Bloomer Sets, Combination. Q AQ royal, flesh, pink, mauve, ntle. pale blue r, , Pyjamas. Slips. Dollar Day Speciul ?J-W black and whlie Q nn D"ar Ql.VV yHrd LIIES' RAYON SILK BLOOMERS & PANTIES Aisortevi shades: shea small, medium and large PURE SI' U.N 81LK dull finish. Utlored & lace trimmed Q4 A A , pJre n C()lori Te spun, ail Q4 Art styles; EpBar Day..2 pair, for ,UU good shades; Dollar Day, 7 yds, for fclaUU CIIILDKCVS SILK lJLOO.MtltS viHi t fv Miivf vn .-.,., Rayon SUk dull finish: 6 to 12 years, h J'"?1 shades of flesh and wnlte 0 A A 'l!? " VAN RA.tLTE HOSIERY L I'NDEUWEAR -" Van Raalte Pure Thread 811k Full Fakhtoncd Hose WINDOW SHADILS with the hew f let y. cradle fooi. m all ihe Q"n shade only, mounted on beat quality nAtm- s"w hchw- ! lata sturdes; it comes tn three weights, service HZn KeTrti-sefviee and chrffon Silk to Qi A A ready to hang Dottor Da, Hh ' thetgp; Dollar Day, pt. Qi.VV mTRA L,Hfll: SIZE HALF BLEACHED SHEETS VAN RAALTE PERU SILK VESTS & BLOOMERS Abolety free from filling or dresniim Tailored styles in ftoah shade only G4 A A heavy qoalUy stae 81 xW tnche Q4 nn puc thread silk. Dollar Day, garmem J-UU Dollar Day, each QXUU GIRLS' . -LENGTH LISLE HOSE 36 INCH CURTAIN NETS Heavy quality ribbed Lisle Hose, turned down Whit Curtain Net. 3 Inches wide, extra plain tops in fawn and grey only Qf A A aallty ErujHsh net Q4 A A .. St 1 1 P; poiijr pay. 4 nr for QX.U U Dollar Day. 4V, yards for . Ql.UU CIIILDIIEN'S SILK k LISLE SOCKS CRETONNES ANKLE SOCKS Assorted designs, fast colors good CI OA All fehades and styles In Half Socks and all site wearing quality, ' Dollar Day. 7 yds. vXUU Alad Ankle Socks in all sites, silk & O-fl A A vl.UU RLFFLED CURTAIN EA nil ICS lfcfe pigu Dollar Day 4 pr for " 1 - ' White sertm with colored raffled edtes P A A LADIES' ANKLE SOCKS aaaortgd pilorlngs; Dollar Day. 7 yd V.VU Assorted styles and colors in pure silk Q4 A fi ' a'nd sUk i lisle. DotJ,r Day 3 pr for 1.U U MBVS AND BOYS' CLOTHING . 1 11. M. 1 1 1 Boyt' V-Neek Sweaters pullover style. ax LADIES' VOILE ti PRINT ltE.CII DRESSES patterns, all wool, siae 38 to 34 AOp ISO Real Smart Dresses, assorted stytflk tn voiles " .Doflat Day. each vQK . printed beach cloths and fat rnlql-ed prtnU m steea. Rejruuy vaHiet up to W hn MOVSTWECD KNEE 1A NTS Dollar Day ' each vJUVU Aieorted patterns, stromt and durable ACkn 9tas 4 to years. Dollar Day. pr. LADIES' FABRIC GLOVES' " 1 Fine quality summer weight Chamotiete oft VOITIIS COTRAI.LS assorted colon ami stylet 04 A A Oond (rarfty khski coverahs made Q4 OA . Doliaj- DajE. pr lor 1 51UU oi t-BL duck site 8 to Id. Dollar Dav O"' St OCLL KVlTTINO YARN HOV' COVKKALLS 32 Shades pure Botany Wool. 4-ply fast CI A A Blo " ood suwig cloUi ACp colon: Danar Dai, 8 l-Q ball- fir Vlf U , WltH ttwle knee sasf 3 to 8 years OIL CLOTH WALL SPLASHES ON SILK COMBINATIONS SIM 18x45 mehea. sealtoped edies. white o etoth ! Comblnatlona. aaaorted si aaanrted colored deaiirm CI 00 ,Wm from M to 41 fiQp Dollar Day, 4 far VA'UU Dlar Day u;u WHITE FLANNELETTE ME.VS SOCKS Soft and fleecy, fine done weave, good washing ?5 Dos. Mercury Soeka, fancy patterru. woo: n and wearing awUM , Ul ' Qi AA ton mix lure; staes 10 to li1 Oi flft Ql.UU AUU 0 yards tor r,llar Day. 4 pr for T0WKI5 TOWELS 25 Dozen Turkish Towel, run of Ihe mill, all perfect, assorted colors Size 25x43 inrhe.- ; Dollar Day 5 for Extra Large Size While with rnlored itrlpe.i and clnTks Size 26x48 inches Dollar Dav 3 r.r m I wHIhhl K I S I I I n it a s 1 I I 1 IUIII 1 1 IV IT4IUI1IUIU 1 ' ; f 1 Reports reaching here from the Hippo Island '-rolling gioundi on the west coast 01 the Queen Cltar- lotte Islands are to the efisct that WAGE CUT DEMANDED Brflthrtliood of Hallway Employees EtetullTe Called Into ScmIoo At Chicago CHICAGO Jane lft-A apecial the flah are very scarce there and meeting of the national executive the weather rough. Urlesa condi- or the Brotherhood of Railway Bm- tiona Improve soon. It is likely the ploye-s wi collet, for this city for moat of the fleet will move north tdy consider a demand which to the Langara North I Mand has been made by a number of grounds t , ; 1 Making a special trip over from the Queen Charlote Islands, Up Ug tug St. Paftli atlivcd ytoterfHy; morning from Queen Charlotte City, bringing In for treatment ttt the Prince Rupert General Hospital Richard Slgntund. who suffered. injuries In in accident at the Allison logging camp at that point. Slg- mund was removed from the wbarf to the hospital in the ambulance. The St. Faith, which returned toon after to the Islands, Is engaged ,ln towing of logs from the vortotH camps to the Towell River pulp and paper mill. There are too many thlhgtin modern Atrtff lean life that ifpafW people. Sherwood Anderson. 1 large railway companies of the country for m further reduetlon by ten percent of wages of all railway employees. SOFTBALL June 18 Navy vs. C.N.RA 1 June 18 Katens vs. Orotto. June 20 Empress vs. Navy. June M Blks vs. Kalens. Juae 38 C.N.U.A. vt. Blks.' June 2d--C.N.Il. vs. Elks. June J5--Orotto vs. C.N.R.A. June 27 Navy vs, Orotto. June 29 -Kajens vs. Navy. July 2 Empress vs. Kalens. July 2 fries vs. Empress. FOOTBALL June 20 C. L D. L vs. Regiment, TOWKLS si.00 si.00 P.irl- that arr not fr.u k li ive a habit of nUbbin 1; back Stanley Baldwin AVo Stock Everything For Tcnls the SPORTSMAN Ffftliinjt TflcUIc Piicit Itoanls & S.lcb Tennis Itackcts I fiold Pans Soitljalis ' r)nsn)lKlits, Ktc Kaien Hardware Smith fllock l'""'e s