timber 20, 1033 f lT NEVER PAYS TO TAKE CHANCES I . AlTII rAllnwiiil . . - yyiin uuuoiruL BAKING w POWDER. I USE AND MAGIC -cost not quite l4 of a cent more per baling than the cheapest Inferior baking powder. Why not ute title fineuallry baking powder and be ure oi tatltuctory mulM? , i'i in a SATS Miss An.i aua.u, ptut wtu .,ffe f -' SM(0 Butittu of Ih4 CaipJlan lloint Journal $fit "SlV 1 "I IINTAINS NO ALUM. ThU illimfl on tin U ur SuManif lh M.tk H.tln Pnoitrr 2Jf U (m (rum alum uf any harmful ngrllut. Mad. In Can Xmas Greeting Cards Make Your Selection Now Toilet Sets & Perfumes In YARDLliV JASMINE GARDENIA MOIR'S- Mint and Fruit Blocks 25c 12-Pound Ymir Piirrrinspc Are Worth Votes V.. trf to cast tVein for some little girl or boy Help a Little Girl or Hoy to Win a Prize Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Drtiqrjists The lleaU Store rhoneif 81 & 81 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK CO Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. H.C CANADIAN PACIFIC Slrsmers leave I'rlnre Rupert for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports: Princess Adelaide. Fridays 10 00 p.m. 'or VANCOUVr.Ilt direct! Princess Nornh. Nov. 17, Dec. 1;,15 , CIMrw.v KCTCHIKAN. WltANOIXL, JUNKAU and ShAC.l.l. Princess Norah, Nov. 13, 37. Dec n Low Winter Kxcurslon l'ares io Vancouver and Kelurn Tickets on sale Nov 10. IMS to Feb, 28. 1934. nnai im limit M.irch 31. W. L. COAYE8. General 'f'"te KMpfrt' ltU UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED f"-ner Irsve Prtnre RUl for Vmi'-"'ivr TS. (ATA1.A I'.VKUY TUKJ5DAY. I:MMI Thuwd riernyn. TS.S. CAKDKNA KVKItY FRIDAY M1WN1CIHT. .,. Arriving VmuvK M.mUny . B,.wWt B''w" tM Nm Miti..K. t Pwh. SUnpKm. Alio Ami, Anyo. CUL WINTER EXCURSION RATE. ROUND TRIP. INCE "I'PKKT TO VANCOUVER, $32. (Meals and nrrll. -clud'd.) On Sale Nov io tn Feb. 28. return limit March 3i. ,..r,v '' ''"an reMMin ill ilng nd t.:t t Slil) .TH2 DAILY KZW8 1 -u'JuiLi jjjji jujjau j 1 1 i' i mum tiiii m i mini rfm LOCAL NEWS NOTES Sllyexslde jBrOs, lor,. Wallpaper. fit.. n.i.1 . i ..-" .5- I C H. Orme of this city ha purchased the summer home at La kche Late of W. P. Armour a let) of this city. It U announced. Thei property consists of a dwelling and float, having formerly been a houseboat. Union steamer Catala, Cept. A. B. Dickson, arrived in port at 3 o'clock last evening for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points .whence she will return here to I morrow morning and sail at 1:31 . for the smth. Dr. and Mr. W. 8. Kergln sail last evenin on the Catala for Premier where Dr. Kergln will take over the practice of Dr. Robinson who is leaving there. Following uu-u iitcili raarraBajc ill ot. i (iu- ( max. Ontario. Dr. and Mrs. Kergln have been spending the past couple of months In this city. Ronald Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs J D Allen of this city, has been notified of bis transfer from the local staff of the Bank of Montreal to the Main and liaetfng Street branch In Vancouver. lie win be leaving for the south to assume his new duties at ttw sod of the week HU successor here wfll be W. R. Dibble from Prince Oeorge who Is due to arrive from the Interior this week. Mah Wan Poo, driver for the SunrUe Grocery . who overturned the Sunrise Orocery delivery van on the Westview Bridge last week, wrecking the vehicle which had a very narrow escape from going over the side of the span, pleaded guilty In city police court this morning to hurces of driving to the common denser by speeding and also driving without a chauffeurs Necore. fine of. $10 and M respectively be uir imposed. His driver's licence was aim ordered cancelled Announcements Philharmonic November 31. Society concert. Presbyterian Church Play "Con sequences" Nov. 14. Moose Daaee NovetHar 34. Ragle' Dance December 1. W. A. Canadian Legion Basaar, Katies Hall, Dee. 5. United Church Bazaar Dec. 7. Hogmanay Dance. Queen Mary Chapter. December 29 Cabin n.M TeutUI n.n ThlrJ U.m Irom M.M .Irom ! tll.M 11V not so home for C.hrlttniai? ,. . IV t Imp you haven't been there for year. Reitful cabin . . . comfortable public room ... ntarvellou meal . . . and the perfect Cunard Personal Service await you In whichever clats you travel on thee popular ship. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SAILINGS Jwm MONTREAL on No. 21 - R.M.S. "AVRASI.V I llatr. nJ LonJon. No. 37 R.M.S. ATllEtA,, ! U.ltMt, Llmpool, CI.H. Jwm HALIFAX on P.C. V R.M.S. Al)SONIAw l. IS R.M.S. "ASaKNU" IO Plymouth, llf, LonJoa. Dm. IS-R.M.S. "LKTITIA" lo B.irl, t.l.rpoal. Gl.ow, Irom Saint John, Dc. It. Low Roumt'Trip Fares A.k about our Spm-UI Chrbtmai Kirunloni, Irom your local aant or from th nnml tlun.rj nfflr ill lu.ilnia KirMl Uhi. ISrymour VanCoo.f Basketball tonight .Moose Hall. W. Parmerl of this city returned home on the Catafcf laet evening from a trip to Vancouver. For supplies, wiring and repairs to all electrical equipment Parkin Electric Co.. 2nd St Phone Black 123. - . 12591 Chief Steward Bert Ebden of th:-steamer Catala is rtow ashore at Vancouver talcing his annual vacation. CMer Steward F. doodle of the Venture is relieving on the Catala during Mr. Ebden s absence. ildren's Colds Checked without "dosing,Rubofl Vapo .f,Mni.L-wi:WHi.vfmn Mis Mary Armstrong, youny daughter of Station Agent anc Mrs. W. L. Armstrong ' of Princt George, is continuing" to make good progress toward recovery followlnt a recent serious operation per formed In he Prince Rupert Gen era! Hospital by Dr. J. II. Carson. II. C Whyte 8. C.U. 8. of Victoria and his assistant, f. W Teague. ar rived in the city on the Catala last evening from tile south, having sur vey work to carry out locally. They will be here (or several days. Some years ago Mr. Whyte Was a frequent visitor to the city while engaged in timber land survey wark on the Queen Charlotte Islands. ' Hotel Arrivals Iteval Mrs. J. D. Watson. Part Sims- son. O. Datuerg and F. MeOtbney. ilty; D. H. Burnrf ii V) bobu ver ; J. Adams. Bums Lake. Leg of Pork per lb. Leg of Veal- per lb Leg of Lamb per lb. Fine Rib RoJt per lb. Round Steak per lb. CerUal Magne Ratten, '"city: FraneU T 8ml th. Prince George; Bd. A a derson. Bwufiskl; Jue W4a and U McLennan; r:NJ". i--" Prinre Ruriert A C Knight. Vancouver : S. R. Donaldson Port Essington; H. E. Wt.yte and F W Teaue. Victoria u ijt&j jsv.tut.ii -.mtWLtMimi tur ! i SUMMIT CASH MEAT MARKET Pork Chops per lb. . Veal CuUeta per lb Lamb Choao4 per lb shoulder Lamb , per lb - Hamburger 3 lbS Stew Beef 3 lbs - ; Bologna per lb Pot RoatU- 4 lbs Com Beefi 4. lbs Liver. 1 lb. & Bacon. 1 lb. sliced Spare Ribs per lb Wetners Fresh Flounders m i IOC 15c 18c 12ic 12ic 18c 15c 15c 10c 25c 25c 15c 35c 25c 25c 10c 15c PROMIT SERVICE ASSURED We Deliver Phone 6C6 CLONES IS OPENING A STORE HERE New Fur Shop to Be at Corner of Sixth Street and Third Avenue In Exchange Block i A new far shop is opening in Prince Rupert this week. J. Clones of the PapjJa Furs, manufacturing furriers and raw fur buyers of 850 Oranvllje St.. Vancouver, a firm that also has a branch at Prince George, will be located in the Exchange Block at the corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street. The firm will buy raw furs aud also will handle ladies' fur seats nd neekwear. Being manufacturing furriers with the "From the : Trapper to You" poHcy, loeal people will be able to save from twenty-five UB 1 10 tony percent oy ouyuig irom them. A shipment of the latest styles In fur goods Is expected within a few days and these will be shown at the new store. They wUl : be of the highest quality and work-' manshlp and the prices astonishingly low. 1 268 1. Build B. C. Payrolls" Pacific Pioneers As Vacuun Packed FOUND When some great canning plant announces vacuum packed frutu and vegetable.' you can Uitnk of Pacific Milk here In British Columbia as baring used It long before Until we adapted it to milk the process was called impossible for other than dry foods. Pacific Milk "100 B. C. Owned and Controlled PLANT AT ABBOTS FORD Want Ads LOST LOST Black co:kcr spaniel pup answers name "Blackie " Ftndei eaU 11 or Black 311. 269 FOUND Pair horn rimmed glasses between Fifth & Sixth Avenue on Yourg Street. Owner may r ave same by calling at Daily News Office and paying for thL advertisement. FOR SALE i FOR SALE good office safe. Can be seen at Daily News. U FOR RENT NEWLY Renovated modern flat, Rand Bloek. Max HeUbroner. tt like new, mont. room mooernnuuM. harbor view. ! FURN1SHDD Houskeeplng Rooms for rent. Will move you In free. Phone 490. lm WANTED WOMAN wants general house work or cooking. Apply Box 191, Daily Nsws. 263 WANTED For rent small house or apartment furnished for married 1. IIERTEL COUple. am : s!trrji'agrmBTtTa Mf PAINTEHS 1 PAINTINO and Paperhanglng M0""' Phon Red 803 NEW ROYAL - HOTEL TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Dry birch. J. Zarelll, Proprietor cedar, Jackplne. Furniture mov- "A IIOMK AWAY FROM lng. ' HOME" - Kates $1.00 up HAIRDRESSER SO Rooms. Hot Cold Water PERMANENT WAVING! Prince Rupert, B.C. cusl cu,,, utMt styles Phune 281 P.O. Box 163 NELSON'S BEAUTY SUOPPE vMATO 1 Rsytl Ch Temitefi nt4 tK c.n, trtnifrr4 to cjutrol . Kii.ncd to tut nd irvcd hett A tnoit popular Quick dull I Building Light Here Last Month ! Issued in the city of Prince Hupert during the month of October this year totalled only $960 in value as compared with $1935 in the same t month last year. So far this year ..... . building permits here have totalled Permit, to Value of Only $960 Is- valu jjgQ M compared with sued, Brinting Total For Year m in tht flrst ten months of Up to 9UJS10 1M0 The list consisting merely of small repair jobs, building permits Advertise In the Dally News A Chance to Cash in on Your Purchase of Your Singer Sewing Machine Whenever you bought your Singer, it was the best machine of Its time. But both the times and the Singer have changed. Now we want to help you to know the ease of modern sewing. To help you have a modern Singer at once while prices are lower than they may be for many years to come. HOW YOU MAY BENEFIT For a limited time to Singer owners only. Your old machine may be 30, 40 even 50 years old. nevertheless we will make you an allowance of 40 of your purchase price (your machine being In tolerable condition to apply on a new modern machine. What other article of merchandise automobile, radio, vacuum cleaner other article of merchandise automobile, radio, vacuum sweeper will make you an allowance of 40 even after one year's use? Singer Sewing Machines are made entirely In Canada and Singer factory must be kept going. The advantage Is yours. Will you grasp it? eMlaeSm.Md FURS! FURS! FURS! Wanted in Large Quantities We have an order for 5,000 Mink, 2.000 Martens, 500 Fishers, 500 Cross Foxes, 1,?00 Red Foxes, 3.000 Wolves, 10,000 Weasels, 1,000 Silver Foxes, and in order to secure the above articles we are prepared to pay you the highest cash prices. We also can use all other furs at full market value. For a square deal, highest market prices and prompt returns, ship or brinr your furs to us. A trial shipment will convince you.; John Clones - Prince Rupert, B.C. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED TRAIL IIIUTISII COLl'MM Manufatturert of ELEPHANT lira n J nir.MlCAL IF.KTII.17FRS Producer & funners et TADANAC llrand KLKCTHUlATIC AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS JZCtis ple&scyou'l REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 fell III?: : i 1 i 1 .4 ' f XI trf.'WR SaH