I nw mm, On THE daily news. rtuxce ecrarr - efcrrfsB colcmbu ftaarafrg Berry Afternoon. Except Benlar, by PSce Rcpen DaBy Slew. ZJtesKed, Tfesrd Avesoe H. r PBLLBf - - - Uiritt-tiRct stwttitfttfM MAt6& City dell very, by mafl or iirVT yearly deiiud patf br AaVliate tut 'damn ;.'wa pajd rr. 2t.v, per week By mail v, J part f British Cotasnbt. tl BrftMh Eamere ana United Slat) ixi tn at! ranee, per year . . . . By mil to all otber eotalrl. per year AmurrwiNO kates display advertising, per neh I adrerttetts. Brr ward, ptt Legai notice each InserJon per agate Une Local readers, per isaertiMi per line Ofantraet :.ies OTt Ae 14 fttiflirf DAILY HJtTIOW WiLL PAY Tiioinrtrin'r' liVlhKrM 11 11 lilVJ-JU 1 Germany IVM Fay at Least Sat tfiffir a KeH f Medffieatise Of Moratorium LOKDOK. Jane It t repor ted here that Investors in Oenaan ' Janes may expect to get something on Interest doe as a result of modification on her projected mora lor -ana on an foreign obligations which effective July 1. GJrfison Parades T 17 T i In Vienna luesday InMapsburg Dress ' , Aastrta. Jane - i fkst taste mfx the roflaaa? of rfr-flangama Bssptre. a nm Vienna garrison paraded tn on Taeaoay i Hotel Arrivals opal K U. Wheaard ;sni 1 om rsssir ii ncr. A Wl!d frwt t Prtnee Kaatrff R. Wilkrr Vii:ojvr ' F. T PaHer n or-vi' 14 and. Rheumatism Kept Her In &VT ttn. 7 H. Put. tfrti, 'rajt fl -"Ff VS& r a. 'A ItTK m k U4 tr U KL.i- Bm 4 iMton, I tk x a --.'.titf. tad tty gt w mm t : m tLuUU U hj litI tve . ad tf m Ua ". riiuilin uu -li-Af &SJL" 'nwW fcr Of ja4 IS rM, c 3 JO l.t Tefcshoiie Tbaraday. Jane M, un rateitmONS axcTonced '( oattawl fran aare ! aaaaajEa, Tasaa ufaea Tate. Walter Zehsto Grade Bevrn with honors Dorothy O- eUL Ms CostoaM. AatoasctU Bowrgoa, Mary Conroy. Bake. LadUe Tftaner Bryant. Pat- .xu Bean, Bertha Conror. Bad Davis. Pat Deaoe. Cathertne Bast-atan. Margaret ffthx Tbeekla Fnl-Mary Oeary. Mane HeUbron-er, Makoin Basst. Patricia McAJ- luster. UMan 'Kan Xaxanotc. Patnet Paaaer. Brian Parsons Rdbert Piarhey. Car: awJOi. Bedy gMrlnro pxtaed cohdltibaaQy Veiaas Panag wtth honors Osnran WeBe. Botert BoOOk. JaBaWoyf CaBhaB. Tofaana - fl.ai ate. aW.. r.. Mn. BJilLj- jnfnuan Mat. rijl axsvt ritiaam - - FasaM vrlth hop hafih Jdna-'stooe. tnmi Bttry. Caniaaer aaorgan- PaaaM EtfKh Breverton. DonS-Ury 0117. B Ianfcs Baby M. Charles Stuart. MarW Vfes-ton Tbr err-i lores strong men The I ttke a woman - Benito Maaanlliil T H E A GOAL FOR SAVINGS A orrfveriiry educotlen Ii on edvontog which moit portnti would Kid rtitir chHd-ten to enjoy. tvn with a imoll Income, thii Ii often occompliihed by Issplno a peclol Sovingi Account. RegVor dtpotUt, at compound Intersit, toon accumulats. ROYAL 6 A N K OF CANADA FALL OW IN WHEAT Tatarps Dn m ttit Aeata T day fje( A Pary Eeerrd WXJfJflPEO. Jane a Pui i Iktkt of ssore than a boa DBBtfi CarLtdlar; wheat today InjHted ii up avis' treiBj Id wSjkfB Bstnres wlds reconKd evtf tftoM eent lanes to ctast a laer than yesterday. VASCOUVH7- Jane W Presii-Wfaeat wnas qastM at tiabr an thje locai exchange today. Tenii 6f Britisb Comriiissionf Is Made Year Longer UMDOS J nr. 2 Official an il asade that flr Cbrrt f tern of or ffc as tn Canada has extended ants Septetavr of year Extoination Papef Theft Followed By Arrest of Official TOSOBTO. J rr 39 - AOeged thdrt of Mida Srhooi exsrobuttoa pabers fran the raoru of the pro vineitl Depertmert of Wv-trinr. has led to '.be arrest of s temporary esaatoy ee of tb departnent Vancouver Stocks TSFInfa nciflt hti SlJa. Bbcrrttt. 1 11 raaeaavrr Bridge RJvr Cans. X Big Missoun M Cork Provhxe. Gears River. Mk Laefcy Jim. S-MeridJaa. it. 1 Porter Idaho. .11 Beward. JX Baarr Crest. ML Wayside, JlrV Wbitesnanr. M. Carnoe Qaarta. m. OS a. p. cosl. n. CaJnont, la. .114. JT United, ot Todays Weather Dedt TW Pairtt--yiiMMt. caaa. JK WMtaiansI ia: Tm naana--Part dM. fresH vdl8Mt Hhli; heavy eno. Lansjaft Xalancl rjVinast. ught Mtsifiiy Atld: ata aMKiale. Terraea Part etbady. eana. g AlyaatB-cBMay. eaht. 7. AAynWlolitfy. ealh. . Bteafi Cfcody eabn. H&, rtetan-part ctoany eaaa, wtbMra-eiear. eaaft, arm. Doftu Ufe Clear, eafm. M. LF.OfOX Li'sh-tiT The rottrtn ime-ad to an-ndoBeed for tornorrov nMBtt tk-(niaida Bay Cap football gan by ctnadam Legten against Canadian Laoor Defente Leagv: r. Cor rte and Stfca; Me-nd rjai: Bsf). tie BMMn. BfcWnM. Mtrrily ghd Cornadlna. 8pa res-Morrison and Bassanich C I U. L Lf?TrtlP The foTJowing une-up for Canadian Labor Defence League in to-Rtgnts Dominion Day Cap football game u announced: Spiro Oanrich; Moe And Oomec; Vaocher. Coma-dlha and Zarlll; Dickens. Chen-osltl. Dye and Lokken; spare. Ma-gdtre FOOTBALL! TONIGHT CANADIAN LEGION vs. C.L.D.L. AcropolU 6 30 pjn. Aflm'. 15c. THT oailt ntws SENATORS Trpn r r i r friiirtr riefeau tlevefaikf a tidwt m rvi Lr4Ml CUrZlAMD. Jr,f Cdna- dams Pxeiai B lit n tlM fli here resurday. the Sena ill 111 il n g&e Ajcerteas 0r tla Be Yivk Yaaed dBo nere aimuag oscr '-'-e Tlgen in : free-httung gaaoe a' Detroit The Box oosted the from third place by sos seventeetith Br for the Tan- JbMd scores: Ojasknn Lner -L Mr Tort t-l f-S. BVSTren l- lam 9-9 Bvtoa !-S 9-i Phfk'tiiota S-3 ABBfnfitfti I dt73P PhBaapT3 9 C -? r Jlew Tort f Detrr 1 W iJiirretnr. 15 C eland 2 I BOXING MBHHMBMjMMHnHBMnneT Empress Social Club Saturday, July 1 At P-M. ' MAIN EVENT Steve Bright vs. Niria Gurvich (MS) Six Hood Preliminaries Admission: 50c and 75c Baseball Standings NATIONAL LtttttK K Pet. New York 40 33 3S ST W MI PBtahorg M t son 33 M m 33 Jg 4TI M M -M It 3t rt 41 AMEniCAN LKAGUE 4t 34 Be Tort 43 29 23 CWJOMO fj IIS Padadnphjla 31 Cleveland 34 Detroit 33 m 471 BoaUm 37 gj JVT 8t Loan) 2S 44 A man and woman am be hapny If they want to make earn other happy -Mr Pranklin D Roose- e,t 1 h ; u t ' j ettJLY 7nr?eTrfn sttmc? i i tt hu u. kxockott l a J6fcVTBA Jaat JS raBy Tonssnl of T 4 anred a inHnirst stnst af i boayae as two . . . 4eoa ELKS WIN SOFTBALL tie BW cnsnM aae fastf half of the On SoftaaJJ and Un secoast n attl gef way an Jary f Tfa CBB wBa ffna the 13 to 4 The BBs war heavily and also ulsjSsg pa ugned on sane new phyera. a good gane bat had a Mod) tn the fifth ififdng when the arored sax ran. Johnson and pUyag ell tor tna ISM tab Phs italo and Tape r aare A doane-neadar pane a be played tonaght to clear ap the eat-vindmg games of tBr first naif and on Banday night, baa pked aau of the ieagvie tfll play an exhasitasB gane tor the benefit of one of the players. Tna) dhoald be evepUonaBy aobd as Ba beat off the stz teans wsB be pBaad) far Uu At a rommtuee aiirftng. held on Tuesday night, tt was decided that wosad be ahryvd in the evennsg ai- istead of in the afteraeoa. an tna any giving Btrrnrrars a chaaca to pet back for the The second hah Juh iC H. ft A. vs. Impress Jary f C. B. R. A. as. Mavy v ICalent. Jwy II- KmVas vs rfta. Jniv 13 Bmprem vs. Navf Jary r4rotto vs. BXens vs C. N B A. July 1 Bfta vs. Navy July BV-Orai July 3- napriis vs. KBar. Mary vs. C. B. B. A. I July 3 Oratta vs. Navy. Jaty Tl JBfca vs C. M B. A. Jaly M Kabms Plrs t Oraue. Aagaat 1 Navy vs Avvnt S--C. N. B A s Aagaat C M. B. A. am. Mavy. Ems vs. Kaiena. Avenst a -naasan vt Oiaua An met W Bnawhi vs. Kaams atatt ta 1 Baw vs. Oratto. Awvasf 1V-T V R A va Abenat tt KaBns vs Otnuo n q rat to vs. c M. R A Agaas tf P"itwem vt C S R A Aarnat t4-Kalens vt The to as j W. L. PW 1 WO C K R A. Arntto am Katens rrs 3r! R C H V R 33i: B)feB ft. 9.0 C Dominion Day Sports ACROPOLIS HILL, SATURDAY, JULY 1 Morning, 10:30 CMMfan's Para from Westholme Theatre with Boys' Band. Free dbrfbutioa of candy, peanata, ata. Chftdrvn's Bports Afternoon l pm Junior Pootbalt tMu.8enior Track 3 lint fMur Kvcrifnjr 9 j n0fJ".rnal for Dominion Dar Cup Friday, June 30, 9 p.m. Ulg t)ance in Moose Hall SPORT CHAT of tan teaiwda at Sv Do- Tl BP ihe J day That w4st gnt a saad to see the yonag Leagae that year hu been a vtrj Can basuaTaat finft aenooi )oct BaSlB bV th ante enal n tKe -gene. The teaass for tenraayit sre parsed :nxa the piay--, rt m :hf Junor Leatue faaaned and Qary ap to be enraptiuaaBy aaltl forward tsoe a tne better bat the Booth drfrnr loan vary it road a paper BoeaVc an an? be arwrttM fran Anr ty Carrie Mats Marloe. fHth B OTSefll. Lindsay Hooston Camp Bhrabiall. IrrUv Houston an spares "The Booth team aWteted from Oay v imrmr: amtaxuRotn rxr M"-'Jfwbdr Crsserort jdarDonaki Cu- MrLeud Mr VIm km Bale B Batehar Oar mihsataor. 4eoer on o- MjWai mWU Lady At'nr A MARK OF Jane SUPREME ACHIEVEMENT IN TIRE BUILDING TVs DUrfl.O 'tOnV' TV mti U Cf U MaUr ! lss is U dr of t ciir l of OUNlOf Test vUck stir ye wimpti tU In errry rk r. ta HOLIDAY LAKELSE HOT Springs Lodge An Ideal I'lace to Holiday llnnt af fly fHhinr. banting. bat hint and boating. Arm nee fr trsmportatioh with V. II. Ilarnell. Trrrare. n.a Kates from Terraee te the Lodfe inrluding boat tervire: One aflBlt 3J M enh additional adull. SI SI. Wrile or Wire W. II. m'RNETT U Look After Your Wsnts When Coming Id Itnut Make Arranrrmrntt M'llh Swain'3 Transfef & TAXI, Terrace, IJ.C. To Creel You. We meet all trains Freight ft passenger service anywhere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, hew boat ii a S i now In amlea on the lake additional. No crowd too blr. No Job too small. PICNIC TAUTIES KVEItY SUNDAY FISHING SHeBkl Be Good frrf r The HoUrky BfJtB. aw Cosi S1.S0 LIMES froba DCttS9.00 o BOOB fsoaa 95C..S18.00 a 20cteS9sOO And Cveryihiag Pr anpir ( at Kaien Hardware Smith Btaeic Mmm 3 ;C0AL! COAL! 1 9wr PsJBoas Bdaao. ABjerU sM Safttey VaDey Catls are roarxr eed to gtve a Uaf setter. Trr a ton of N 1 Balkier Yahey e abo ! Thsethy Hay Wheat Oris iedfisrley Prlnc ftfipcrf FfffJ Co. U - rsenrt US mm4mmiammmmmmmmmmm DISTINCTION JKtnpBnpBanannwl' ,nAV RESORTS FURNISHED CAMP FOR RENT At Weld of Lakelse Lake OrubHa nf 3 raom sn nlrrplng pirrh 30 f- ' long Boat Inrludrd Itos SC. Trrrare. fLC THE DUNES Bathing, Hunting Fishing Modern Conrtnlcnrfs No Flics, No MosquiloM Home Cobklrtc Vt F.cflmit II .00 I'rr UVfk Children under 12. half rntf MADAMK RAJAUT Tlfil. tl C. hland