r Money-back NklCHID W TH ?kgz faaza "' ' " " ' ' 1 - r i 'i ii -i -f - -- """ 1 ' I t -rf !. -- - - . i 1 i LOCAL NEWS NOTES CX.U L. dance tonight. tot day" arid1 night Taxi service Phone 321 tf Hh.p. to ,OOO h.p. Sllvearsldca Bros, for Wallpaper", GUARANTEE of Glass, Palr.t and Muresco. The Vancouver bank clearings ?of fi thing boaff, tuqs, freight, pssienger and pleasure beats, mw rniflf, wdodworlmo; plants, grht for the weeks ending June 15 and SUPERIOR QUALITY Piano pupils of Miss Way and June 22 totalled $1S,734,C0Z and mills, mines, lighting and general industrial purposes. :Muw OJaf'on will give a reeitaL $14,643,629. Printed 6n twefy Package ! United Church. Jane 30, 7.30eharp, All Interested are Invited. . 152 Fred Atkins- of Qaee-t Charlotte ForSftapshots Baby Talcs 1 On (he Dull Day Use fi(flrk Tafc j I S. S. Panchrotaafic r or j Filtns I Sifk TaIc aml IIwtt,- 25c I I I See our windows for SPECIALS on 8 FLY SPRAYS, etc. j I Ormes Ltd. The Retail Start Phones: II I , . ...... . . k li i 1 m i. I j i I mmmmimmmmmmammmmmmmmmammmimmmmmmm inley Mill of Terrae wri' :- the ely on Tun! :i from th Interior with : Wilby who ha bf-n ad- Prtn- ilpert OAs- ptlal tor treaimftu re i Phone fi2 f liOICK Ii E E E A i RVMP lb MP lb 17c RIB ROAST '1'I.DEK lb ltK POT ROA8T ' W 2 lbs. Sic BRISKET 3 PORK BP ART Rnts t b- STlltMXfi 1 Kl'TTW I SVHtSaSISIBSSBlEMsABBakBaBHSnSni'W'WaSHHBMlai - TS l$elb. PR 15e lb suiit's L A U I) 2 lbs. 25c UMSHWiMsV I COTTAGE 1 ROLLS r 5c NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll, Proprietor A IIOMR AWAY 1'KQ.Vl IIOMK" Rates $1.89 up K'om. Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert. ll.C. - 281 P.O Bale 1D6 UNION STEAMSltlPS iJMltED .'Vi - 8ttmr, Uiri mhfc Rupr for VrA!r:-TS.S. CAfALA KVEKY Tf SllAV, Ii30 PJM. Duo Vancouver Thursday pjh. T8S. CAltDRN( RVi:RY FHUlAY MIDNinilT. Due Vancouver Monday n.m. tsuuitt ib fort Blalpibn, Alice Arm, AW. Stm sntt Nikk ' "'tier lnMMi). ...rl.t. ill Prln hi.kk ii.. sikmAJ mi n - V ii If you 16IC ahythliiff, SUNSHINE, VAM-N 'O' AN tXCfJS.Vr. a turned to the Interior last night At Terra Mm HUN )vnert the train j!.d iliey proreeoed through U Nev HwIIji: '.her.- 'hey will l.ive on j motor trip to Vancou- iii h I ' lid ll ii in. i Values Phone G.1 F srnixn Ilk L A M n b 15c I.EOS. lb lb ! SHOULD BR. lb ISC lb tftc STEW. 2 Iba. 25c SHOULD BR. lc lb 2Sc HOCK8. 9c lb swirrs Tello Wrapt K A C 0 N 2 )kjis. 25c STEKMNC; COKFKB 35c OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the I'lOierman, LoKirr, Miner ROOMS $10 per month, $1 per week, 50c per nliht SIIOWMl ItATIIS Third Avenue Phone 946 JIM MI E CICCONE felllnak SttM tK Si Avenue. Phbne tils' (ry 6 classified ad. HtAI TH HATtlM Mrs W A. King of Terrace left by last night's train on her re tux. - to the Interior after having speir a few days r tilting in the city. She was aceompanM by her daughter. Mrs B. B. fteddltt of Toronto and the laUert daughter. Jea.i. Mrs. rred Nash and child arrived to the city on the Prince John Tuesday night from Maaaett and proceeded on feat night's train to Terrace Mr. Nash la at present engaged la sumytng to the Caribr gold district O. C. McLaren and son of Chi eage. wtM have been paytr.g a viaii to Lak-eUe Lake, smiled yesterday sftemowi en the Prince RupeA u. make the round trip to Skagway wrence they will proceed through to Vancouver and home to Chicago Announcements Boxing, Bmpraas Social Club, Saturday, July 1. Main event, Our rich vs Drtgtrt Oood prelim tnar-:en Untted Churclr choir tea, Jury o Menoe PNtiieTblirby Island. Jul 16. Eailea ptcntt July 90. Catholic Baaaar Octootr 19. Presbyterian Fall Basaar Nor. b Anglican W A. Baaaar. Nov. 16 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Osfrattdf three bry Docks ToUl cipaclty tO.Oli tons Shipbuilders and Bhlp Repalrtri Ui Ufeel and Wood Vessels Irsh and Brass Catting CUetrlc and Acetylene Welding 10-tAn Derrick tor Heaty Lifts Bswmlli and MlnlncMsthtntfy Rvaslrcd and Overhauled i . I On Saturday, Dominion Day, Post Office wickets will be closed ! ill day. The public lobby will be I open from 8 a.m. to 0 pjn. Ernest Unwin, who has been spending a holiday visiting at Hell on the Queen Charlotte Islands, returned to the city on the Prince John Tuesday night. O. w Laldler and E. J. Smith. ! who have been on a brief busrnese I trip to Queen Chari Ue Island iDolnts. returned to the ritv vester- day morning aboard the local power tug r. M. Fhtppen. Cant. James Morrioon. Miss Erray ZareUl sailed yesterday afterroon on the Prince I?U- pert for a tiro or taree weeks' trip ' U'"Z . to to Alaska. A1k. sh 8he wilt iit attend no the th,B,lPrtnce most RuPert yeatexttay from the nf tY.B tlma in MmliiiM tntUi I brief vUiu also in Ketchikan and Port Alexander James Bryant returned home on the Prince Rupert yesterday from his studies at the University of Washington in Seattle to spend the summer vacation here with his parents. Mr. and Ml. O. A. Bryant, Fourth Avenue West , Commencing after July 1. City Hall offices will opfsp lor buainear at I .V) to the mornmits Instead of 0 o'clock as at pfet,t was announced this 'morning by City CommiMior.er W. S. Alder. The offices will remain open until t o'clock In the afternfton aa at pre sent Some thirty nattre children, who have been aitending school at Co cjualeetsa and Alert Bay. earn north to their bomei at Skidegate and Massett ontbe rfeeejit vojfa$ J "e wn rruwrr jvnn. iirj ; were accompanied by Miss Bailey j of the staff of Coqualeetaa lntl - tute who came on here aad pro oeeded on hut night's train to pay visit In Terrace. Royal M. Shepam; well know.' j runeau mining engineer, who has oeen on a brief business trip to Vancouver and Seattle, arrived in the city on the Prinee Rupert yesterday from the south, being on its way to Vital Creek In the Om-! iheca mining section where be win 1 akc charge or operations on pla- rer claims which he has k&sedi from local Interests. He will leave j on tomorrow mint's tram for tat: erlor. dollur lets v n Uko udvuni.tnc ot our summer service calls. Have your set conditioned for the best reception, as summer reception requires i ne utmost of your set. Oct those ba.soball and special broadcasts on the short w a v e a with a converter rented from ue for the event at very reuaonuble i.ites. Superior Radio Service 333 Second Avenue Phone Blue 320 P. O. Box 132 A. O. BARTLETT. C. H. INSULA NDER ... V. .X. - J Vll hi.C SO. Prince John Tuesday night from the Island, being here to receive treatment for a leg injury. O. Erickson, who has been In charge of the Baxter Pole Co.'s interest at Plrt Clements, arrived In the city on the Prince John Tues day night from the. Islands, being ort his way to Vancouver. ' Jonn . Morgan, alter having "Peiu m wo m the "' acd BHlmor sawmill, will tn Prince John tomorrow I" on nu W!? '"' vwwceni inm. wueen Charlotte Islam. Mrs. W. Doodson of Smtthen, who has been on a trip to Van- aiiah mvmIkuI 1 a a. south and is paying a brief visit here before proceeding to her home In the interior. ECZEMA Chafing and Skin m jaw Irritations quickly relieved by Dr.CUASE'S W. E Cooke and A J D. Cooke of O.'ean Falls are In town to at- Un- a Masonic meeti:g. having! arrived in the city from the paper town on the Prince Rupert yesterday. They will return to Ocean Falls on the Princess Adelaide tomorrow night. Making her first voyage of the season an the Alaska tourist route CNR. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. Neil McLean, arrived in port !at li o'clock yesterday mofnlnc lnrn Vancouver. Powell .River arttt ueefttv milt with a large list of passengers. Including many rouita trto tourit.. on board and sailed at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon for Skagway and other Alaska points whence he will return her next Monday southbound. 1 " '' 11 " aaaaaaaaawBaat9aaBsBasnB Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 Phone 937 Spring Lamb About 8 lbs. Off p Legs, per lb Spring Lamb-About 5 lbs. -f XUk, Cp Shoulders, per lb. Spting Lamb About 6 lbs. uoK (Ifp Loin, per lb. Leg of rtsrk- -f Cp per lb stMMitaH Pofkw 1 0t! pet Ib. Leg of Veal- 4 fijn pei lb M-ox Prime Rib Roll 1 fip per lb XOl Ramp HbtMt of Beef CTp per lb Loin Veal Chop K(n 3 lbs. for OUU Round Steak, t lot. , CAp OUU Sz Bacon, 1 lb. Corn Beef Cp per lb Tomato Sausage-- 1 On per lb Pot Roan of Beef i,fn per Ity AUi' Frying Chicken 3QC For Picnics-Tin of Head Afn Cheese. 3 lbs Mill Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 NCOeoTi TRY Fort Garry Tea and Coffee You'll always want the second cup and worth it. sold Everywhere Fifty Cents a Pound The Highest Standard of Quality In Red Packages Containing Premium Coupons Classified Ads FOR SALE WANTED rOH SALE good office safe. Can WANTED Second-hand range, be seen at Dally News. tf hand washing machine, oath tub. .... "Apply Box 178. Dally News. 154 ' FOR RENT HAIRDRESSER HOUSES F. W. Hart. t" MODERN S-room house Blggar .ni,JE?,MNFNZ " -K'nlette- Wf Vi. Pkce. Phone Oreen 378. tf $5.00. ,. . NeUon's t- - Beauty Shoppe FOR RENT Clean, furnfcihed bed room. Phone Red 444. 40DERN HOUSE, nve rooms and Bath, with Range, $16.00. Phon 88. tt "OR RENT Store on Third Avenue In centre of business section. Will renovate to suit tenant. Thomas MeClymont. (tfl FOR RENT 3 roomed modern apartment, harbor view, $15j00 a month. Heated. Phone Oreen 707. 435 Fourth Avenue East. 161 PAINTERS AINTINQ and Paperhaftglnr Moller. Phone Red 802. PIANO TUNING IANOtJ Tuned $3 DO. Walker's U; sic Store PRINTING Office Supplies Rose, Cowan & Lntta Phone 3' For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Kays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones Green 3t Exchange Block Summer Price on STOVE COAL $11.00 a ton HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 If your papflr does not ar may ttro OUR TAXI SERVICE TOMMY'S TAXI phone number U changed to 77, BtaotCapltot TKeatr Block. tf TRANSFERS :AMERONS Transfer. Phone 177,. Furniture moving. Bottles bought. Chairs for rent. Wood for salt. CLEANING & PRESSING Ricia reasonaoie Benktndorf, Third Ave, next door to Dally News. LAXII ACT N'otlrv mf tnteMtan l Applr to rfrh-e In Print Rupart Imnd Racoraiar Dti. 'rtot of Rsaac four Oot DMriea, ti ttt sbewt fl rrotn UMnduttjs of tit Khuti Rtw on tb Baat Tett, TiU aoUci umm I. wuiimh Ucrtig 9HMrt of VaneouTer. B C . occupttlon ttne Optntor asemes to (Bttlr for ehliiloa to purchaae tbe Mtowtns MerlbeU tend CMMrnctns Kt a pant pitjtted cm m MDt tram tiw Wttnw pcxt tt B W'MK alee o( Urn 1T1; thiv s'Mterljr 80 ehaliu; Umm tousherir, 3H -tMSw: thenev , eaRtefry m chalru; iteace aoritjtrtf to ehatna. and oon-olnln too hffm. more or tm. WttllAM LAQRAKOK dILBERT. 1tt April ITth. IMS The AUCTIONEER ' Packing Crating Wrapping St General Furniture Repairs4 List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 120 arrive, telephone thi offlc