Official Figures on Salmon Pack Dates of Game Season Announced Halibut Landings I The total salmon pack for the Skoena River up to August 19 when the sockeye fishing season closed is placed at 110,272 cases according to officially compiled figures, this comparing with a total of 170,619 cases for the corres-nondincr neriod last yeah The Skeena sockeye pack is placed at 28,935 cases as against 55,099 cases last year With the exception of pinks, the nav nf which for this season Is inlet this year's total pacK was placed at 87.642 oases as compared 84.306 cases in comparison with 66.-wlth 43.910 cases last year, all other 189 cases last year, the sockeye pro- varieties also show decreased packs duction being 77,010 eases as against off the Skeena this year as com- last year's 59.335 cases. For Smith's pared with last. The total pack lor inlet this year's total pack up to the Naas River this year up to Aug- August 19 was 54.500 cases as com- ust 19 was placed at 57.109 cases as pared with last year s 26.362 cases rXmnarM with 77.441 cases last while, for the central area, this yfkr, this year's sockeye pack year's pack was 126.502 cases in amounting to 8.939 cases as against comparison with 166,549 cases last 13 063 cases last year. For Rivers year. The sockeye pack for Smith's c ; OLD EMPRESS HOTEL Home of the FUherman, Logger. Miner iROOMS $10 per month, $3 per week, 50c per night shower n.vrns Third Avenue Phone 948 JIMMIE CICCONE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms. Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. D.C. Phone 281 P.O Box 190 TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BMII GOD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. Our Creditors Demand Cash. We must Sacrifice our $12,000.00 Shoe Stock to satisfy them, Regard ess of Costs At Lowest Prices ever attempted in this city Cut Rate S WATERFRONT WHIFFS hoe Inlet this year was 36.879 cases as tganut 24,658 cases last year while, .n the central division, the sockeye ack was 26.628 cases this year In comparison with last year's 17,050 cases. PwfU River Co.' tug St. Faith via In port Thursday evening for fuel. She left outside the harbor a Davis raft of logs which she Is towing from the Queen Charlotte Islands to Powell River. C, P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, 8- K Gray, arrived In port at 9)10 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnti. Bird Hunting Season .The open season for the shooting ol geese and ducks in the western district this year wUl again be from October 15 to January 31. It la an nounced. In the provincial electoral districts ot Omlneca, Fort Oeorge, AUtn and that portion of the Skeena provincial electoral district situate In the eastern district the season lor geese and ducks will be from September 1 to December 15. The bag limit for ducks will be 20 In any day and 1M for the season and for geese 10 In any day and 50 in the season. The use of automa- hlblted as is the shooting oi migratory birds earUer than one hour before sunrise or later than one hour after sunset. After having spent all day discharging and loading freights at Skeena River cannery points. Un- jlon steamer Cardcna. with Capt. ! Ernest Oeorgeson in command, ar- vlvnrl In nAft o4 ft 'Ml laser ttflevHH f rAtn waypolnts. The vessel had quite a number of Skeena River cannery workers on board going through to Vancouver for the winter. Halibut landings for the 1033 season at the port of Prince Rupert up to and Including yesterday totalled 10,550,600 pounds of which 4,922,000 pounds had been brought In by Canadian vessels and 5,028,-600 pounds by American.. Last year up to a corresponding date landings here hftd totafifd 105150 pounds including 3,301,260 pounds from Canadian boats and 7,260,100 pounds from American. During the week ending yesterday landings totalled 360,600 pounds of which 173,000 pounds were from Canadian boats and 177.500 pounds ifioai American. Prices during the weetc remained nt a Tuirly satisfac tory level, even for fish that went) tore into cold storage. The high price of '.he week for Canadian fish was 7c nd 4'ic which the AUi and Vera Beatrice received for catches of 15.-000 and 16.000 pounds respectively while, for American; fish, the top bid of the week wM gfec and 6c which the Augusta and Zarembo received for 14,000 aM 7,090 pound fares respectively. For Canadian fish the low price of the week was 5e and 4'4C and for American 6Vfec and 4c. Want Northern Cross Canon Rushbrdok, who has been in charge of the Anglican mission Mat Northern crosr during we ,ummer months, has returned here to take charge of St. Pater's Church -.t Seal Cove and thelsalon boat Is now laid up for tire winter, no suitable man being available for the work of the coast mission. Resi dents at Alice Ana and other points have protested at the withdrawal of service and are sending petitions asking that the boat be continued In commission during the winter. Making her final voyage of the season on tourist schedule, C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. Arthur Slater, arrived In port at 9 o'clock this morning from Vancou ver and sailed a couple of hours later for 8kagway and other nor thern points whence she will return hare next Thursday afternoon southbound. The vessel brooch t In 143 passengers of whom seven dls embarked here, four going north from here aboard the vessel. The ; northbound passengers Included some thirty Alaskan vhool teachers going north to resume their duties ' after spending varntion In the south. At the conclusion of the sent voyage, the Princess Louise will n M AlMka hth on her return to Vancouver and Dll visional headquarters of the provincial police here have been advised that Jme Bovd has-been fined $10 arn costs. wjtoptren of seven days" imprisonment, for assaulting Alee Moffatt, a well known Prince Oeorge merchant. The case was heard at Prince Oeorge. Developing and Printing Send Your Films Direct to WRATIIALIS PHOTO FINISHING Rapid Sen lee I'rlnfe Rupert Si.ii ni .Minn.i i ) BrMday," wcck-Mui jn.iure .it Capitol Theatre hire. COMEDY ON LABOR DAY 'Her First Mate," Starring Zasu I'itU ana Slim SummcrviHe, Cominx Here Two very popular screen come-1 j lians. Slim 8ummervllle and Zasu l?itu. are co-starred In "Her First I Mate." which will be the feature icture on the screen of the Capitol l heat re for Labor Day and Tuesday. The picture is based on a famous scory and Broadway play entitled Salt Water.'' In support of 8Un and Zasu will be found Una Mattel, In her own right a noted come- hrnne. Warren Hymer. Barton Churchill. Jocelyn Lee and salty looking character men la the per- r s of Oeorge Marlon and Henry Armetta. "Her First Mate" Is the story ot t candy butcher on a Hudson River tteamboat who has successfully kidded his wife into the belief that he is a great saUorman and whose me ambition Is to captain a sea going vessel. Zasu saved and pin- hed until she had enough to buy a boat but it was a ferry boat which blew up on Its first trip The picture, is filled with a swift nunc ion of I aughable Incidents and makes 1 treat holiday entertainment, it Is ld. PRINTING Office Supplies Hose, Cowan & L rhone 231 atta The AUCTIONEER Packing- Crating Wrapping tt General Furniture Repair I Lkt your goods with me Phone HUck 120 i GEO. J. DAWES Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks "Total capacity 20,000 ton Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for 8teel and Wood Veistli Iron and Brass Casting electric and Acetylene Welding BO-ton Derrick for Heavy LRU Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Saturday, September J, ijjj PAQE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Joan Bennett MONDAY & TUESDAY Wednesday Si Thundi; TWO SHOWS 7 Si 9 9KKX reunion in AdmUsion SOc & 15c MONDAY MATINEE, 2:30 VIENNA" THE SCKEAM OF THE SEASON LAUG Slim Summerville and Zasu Pitts "HER FIRST- MATE" With UNA MEItKEL, HENKY A KM ETTA. A Can. Universal Kelesie All Aboard For a Grand Laugh Cruise :omedy "SEE YOU TON'tOUT" SILLY SYMPHONY "NOAH'S ARK" "SCREEN SOUVENIRS" Musical "JAZZ A LA CUBA" Admission: MATIN EK & EVENING, 13c & 50c SHOE Feature Start MATINEE, 3:15; EVENING, 7:45 and 9:15 LAST TIME TODAY "Arizona to Broadway" "Know Your Star's Voice" Contest It (IRANI) FRIZES WINNERS' CHOICE v;if ORMBS LTD. -Table Jasmine Cosmetics tV LAMBIB At STONE- Made to Order Mil '. 41 00 MAX HSTUIHONKR Community Plate 34 piece) 40 J CAN. FISH Si COLD STOKAOB--6 Cases of Smoked Cod . 30 i WATT 8' GROCERY Ootids ism, WALLACE'S DRY OCODS Ooods swi SAM WOOD- Utiles' Dreas Cast . is ALBERT 6 McCAFFBRY LTD. t Ton Coal 15 s STKRLINO FOOD MARKET -Ooods to PIONKKR LAUNDRY As CLRANSRS -Service l COMMODORE CAFF. Service ... im BURNS St COMPANY Shamrock Hems and Bacon I" o (Ret Your Itallots From These Merchants) And in addition, every contestant who sends in a eomri"' correct set of answers and deecrtptions will receive aulocrap'.' : photos of each of the tars In the "Knew Your Star's Voice :. tost, mailed direct from ltoUywood. CAN YOU RECOGNIZE YOUR FAVORITE STAR? Valuable Prizes in Paramount' "Know Your Star's Voice" Contest Only a Part of Scrccndorn's Favorites Will lc Shown to Fans An opportunity to capitalise the quickness of their r and the sharpness of their ears is being offered city n ing picture fanB in the Capitol Theatre Know Your S' ' Voice" contest which begins Monday on the screen r Capitol Theatre. Could you identify eighteen famous I mount film stars if you only heard their voices ami . a part of them on the screen? This. In brief. Is the query pre sented to entrants In the competi tion, which was devised to help celebrate Paramount Week, to be ob served at Capitol Theatres begin ning September 4 to 9. Three special reels, each of which contains views of six different Stars, with their backs or shoulders facing the camera, have been prepared in Paramount i Hollywood studios. In the three reels there are eigh teen stars. Intrants to the compe- Utlon will be required to identify them correctly and write an Inter os ting twenty-five-word description of each. The first reel In the aeries of three will be shown on the screen of the Capitol Theatre the week beginning Monday. September 4. Second and third reels will follow on successive weeks. Contestant will be supplied with i official entry forms at premises of merchants co-operating. The blank ! contains spaces on which names of : the mystery stars are to be written. I When the form has been completed : contestants are requested to mall or deliver them to Uie manager of i the Capitol Theatre. A complete list of Uie numerous' valuable prises being offered may be found in the same column of this page and on the screen of the Capitol Theatre. Rules For Contestants 1. No employee, or member of an employee's family of the Capitol Theatre may participate In this "Know Your Star's Voice" contest. 2. All entries will be nassed on by a committee of Judges appointed i by the Capitol Theatre. Thflr deci sions wui be final. ; 3. Ifcch contestant must submit their list of identified Paramount , stars on official entry blanks to be i obtained from the advertisers on hls page. I It U understood that all identifications will be submitted at one time. In all, eighteen players are to be Identified and a 25-word description of each player is to be iubmit-td in each rise All final entries w to be mailed or brought to the Capitol Theatre manager n than September 39, No person may submi than one complete set or i t -aUone. C N. R. TRAINS l or the Bat Mondays. Wednesdays anf s days n From the lUit Sundays. Tuesdays and T days . RARE Opportunity For Finest Tailor-Made ' Suits We all are tired of ' a clothes, now times ars and depression hit r n ' the end. We take this r ' ; tunlty to offer to the be" ' dressed public our fines! KnglUh Wonted, Indigo Serf hlarney, lleatherhlll and Fo hound Tweeds, Flannrli, M At a bigger saving than " was experienced In Prim ') 1 pert. RX $10 SUIT $32 Special for Rrr, Si5 SlTlT- $37 Bpeclalfor Reg. $18 SUIT- $39 Special for X in Reg. $50 SUIT $42 Special for (Extra Trousers. $10) This price good for JO dT only LING Tailor The high class tall"- A reliable dry cleaner Second Ave. Near Post Offif