t l w,-. M . 1. if September 2. 1933 Classified Ads I OK SALE Kngttah baby carriage. ! ,w Phone T7. 21 FOR KENT Boufis-r: w: mn r f isa vi fufniabed bod Water heat. eJedrie a p.rvT five-room eottMe oe Avmue. Oood kWMton for! i r.rrt AevtMie, 311 TRANSFERS ura i ns TRAssrat rumi--n viii. wood, coal, ehAirr Vf r-nl H Mil U K '"ontxa 4 V' -"HI UM -M Uk ftyn- itil whom aMrma Kd TMctia. BO U1 ta laka d um : tw am af nm Cmk, OAah Hu ir.u tnto TM tak J m ttafta o Bl Ula- ' 1 i iiiao at potnt huaortd) ta b. U MX im b na4 M TMW Uk '"I rlaiM, flf( NO . Mbiai taw awl :,, . ' ta atMt aa asoMMr- c "'oor., Vieiw Rupert. hj fOliaiw may l ,,TjT n,lrr or u arter Mm rmt T" : Ka BYKDIOATB LTD., ..J-.f"COkl. Ann .J.JrZL tQi&a of Fr Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY HELP WANTED fHRYS! v sedan, food condition. .HOW ta get a Ooyernmeru Jot, Wulk. Mutc Store Free Booklet. The M.c C Ltd HONEY NUTS tt tostlr nu' eonfeoilon on market DUirfbut! and coJUft store rout PntTted terrHorjr. Earn eaceUcn' wickiv Income. Berload Co. 8 pan personal U llUXCt JINf KVt Ct.UM I rn lfw(r ( lmfftmiit wMhtni u ntti ctaael take sonot umu w h umoo.' i tea room, ahoe repair mur mufmti No mri .f1,na thes preoMftf or other a ulnaaa. Pfae M. WANTED i r "srm Home or Htfet Work. ' U UMe Appr Doz IM. . . v Ml BOARD AND ROQM i Room' !r pritttei M Ujt hM tt hMOof to kpply is wm weurcwi lor a ocnin-ti mt luiyromuoii lar um purpaM o( iMlBlt crown (rant of tl AKO tlkrUf tL pw -.hat Mtiaa Wttar MsO M of Ibr WmhI Art i M W iaanmwii Mar tMtal f 10M r rrttiaM i ef improT.nnt. Du 2tra inly, m Clearance Auction Sale ' - - SATURDAY. RUT. 2. 1 50 p.m. ir "wi'ii0 '? w4t.t AT AUCTION ROOMS (Nest V oia Oph It4. Yr-1 BulkW Urkct B fl mi pcf moA. ru -rt Um Ml W 0i" 1n:4 TW Mot , m iiimomop! i. -. THU Mtt WM ptfc the UHWifth day ' A PH ot tftU ,'(l'Mo MMOUtlhm'-im IfeUt Apt" b ' 9t to wt rotof " n OkcMhaM M c t IOM who. Ifca Mt4 ' ut auk tXa flMBBlaaatr I smU Beetrtc Rangr 9tde Bailer; 3 Rani" Bevel Mirror. 3 Dretiera. Canary and Care: Sewtatf Maonl e Vtrtrola Ptc- tuna. BookcoM Wlcxer Chain DMea. D. R Table. Kitetrkc Wat feil Machine. American Ftjrr HWirtc Train, i Heaurs; DedJ. Chain, and other ulenalU. liat your goooa for thU sale uhlB MUTtr daft tttM m TTV J, b. Uawes wooowormr. Appllcaot THE AUCTIONEER Phone Black ISO For Your Health Chlrapratllc Ultra Violet Raya Intra Red Ray Mamie Al at Returnable Trlcea W. C. ASPINALL D.C (Chiropractor Grteatll rbenei Green III Eiehanfe Bleek It. 1 1 l THE DAILY NEWS aox mj. Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This lfe ' Daj RENT THAT JtOQ M, SECURE HELP,t,,SELl FURNflTJR E REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CUS;)flspENT Harbor rtow. Phone; xD l, ration lor am!! bwtneu .r r. rr of the nw burineoj tr.rt Tr.trd Avenoe. WW rrn-suir iult tenant Rent oiy . i. .iu nsnir lungrrnnrni pay THREF K Kned Cottage for rent, I w tUrt you Ttv OanadUn Kin .: or unfuniWHd, 131 roue Wctt. tl Kit h v. nt x-room home, tally T. rioae In, IM.00 moatk. A: - . ( -Hart At MeOatlerj Ud.. p r ;i 307 iiwuiuk. Winnipeg HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! -Oil" SL5K -Rlnrlftte" SIM. Ntlutn't Beauty Shoppy PAINTERS tr , i month MeCbFraont. tf.PAINTINO and Paperhangtnf , Holler, phone Red 303 ko Lsveru uTvvemsen. mm in yjcwwa The Most Responsive and richly concentrated markets of Canada are the cities where DAILY NEWSPAPERS are published They contain 35.25 per cent of the customers and (fo. 65.57 per cent, of the retail trade of the whole Dominippl The new census figures reveal that 53.71 per cent 01 'Canada's population is urban. These cities where daily newspersare published . axe. surrounded by supplementary and just as desirable ; markets, namely, suburban towns and country. ' , The Daily Newspapers have always given the advertiser a wonderful contact with the Canadian market from coast ' to coast During this autumn and winter, when th business tide will be slowly and steadily rising, the news; c papers will stand out pre-eminently from all otheii -'j adverusmg media. i 1 e The Daily Newspaper! , in Canada help you a$ no other medium can KTtt"iLV.-i- ThU oiwrtUtnrrit it ttoniotid Vy tlx Canadian Daily Nlwifaptu AlKtalWia "TILi iE THE TOILER" An Interrupted Romance mo 31 f 1- . V -ByWeltwir; i I J: V-' a .1 ' tf - jJ jf" f 5 w i I- t 5b 'fla I ? ... It I' . ,IHo. 1