tonltht't irate to THE DAILY NEWS. A Little Brojvn Bird tfretj tMeramm. txupt ftgrfiy. ty Prince s-rrt if n iv mm h. r nua y tuJ. r rmn yearly fM Official Was putf as ad-rasce, mt Mt aaf a paru rf BMCbiS O.IH i. the Speaker Before ! f Church WomW - Wat laea! rwn Sn M Blasters, per per J ;,. " At Uf,l aad Cm depbtme aapaaw mm mm wm e . LA ROE BtrIN POWBR Actvtd'mg v figures jim. made pubiic k afans tisat the buying power of the peopk- af PrjaeBjbrt is VBayJagh eomparwi with that of other sections of the entintry At-cording to the authority qwtti the tatal isles in Print Rupert for the year of 128 store if 3W4dO. Witha po-Bawwiui of fifO the avnap .Tiai exaeaded by each person is 1561. The average amount spent by each jeraan in -Britiaaro-Junbk $; in the prairie prtrrhxes, l;jn Ontario, n QiMfce. $332, and in fwe forward 1asd, oahr J3D1. These figures would seen to indicate that the standard of bring in British C hnrim is higher than in any other prorinee of Canada and in Prince Rapat the standard far above the average of British Coluaihiu and twice as high as that of most of the people of theDomiuioa. Tliemignmseem to indicate that noivauagr rirtwla-lion in Prince Rupert is worth twice as momver capita to the advcrtJcer as that of most of the cities cCasMma. INTEIWATiOXALJIOXES' The time is bound to come when the nation of the world will agree upon a stabiKzsd currency system under which money issued by any nation will fee gd m any other, subject only to the dfflerence in the cost of nioTinjthe moner from one country to the other. A few years ago France dahaspd-her eurrwacy to a point where she wa refieved of a lorae part of ha- debt. Other eoontries hate taken aimimr aetion bat Britain aad the United States held their currency firm or nearly so. Now lb Britain and t asted States have adopted a sojicy of anBi snflatioa, there m proteat from Foiice aad WaBk aad an eflort w being made tavatap B do not know. So oat Imew. Some day atajimy aaast be cared but whether it can be dontjst the prent tan or not remain to he seea. JBrohabiy Jt frill oat be achieved untB world exmdhions are more rettled then they are today. , (if iXSTLX BLUKOER OF WAR f eiAMU fJB CETKIASIOX: EAZLt KUIVKS Or TKOSrEB- .rr 33 jsr frtAKER. iCaniiaaed torn Pae 11 orkad atrfeetHr ill n iti 1 ii 11 mn 11 to the pr wan t Maa laabel Melnlaab of Toronto. The aaeaker oatltaed tb ea. aatartary o( Ute Wootea'a atiirto bad led oa to 'Cnabuta a. aoeatty of the Uanrt -bendkar barttarki aota rirh mm af Caaada. vbo baa ban aaiaawita. ranada hul later mm days In the abanar fai aaal tmm hmiii. an taartai Vidtafl mitea bad faoaaad auit Maaaaary work at a paBtte aNt- Thav bOferer. net aacaa a a tt to Fm United own bm bx of pKote tfeaaCBt. ttatt theae aaat mtbt. there being a fair auaa- egaatrfe had tbaaaoaed the fold dan at the cathennt Mba We- Wak Oafcf aai &. the baaw al-Orttor. lecal daaraneam. waa at xbe (be-jgn the yarojUrk bad bten elaa- atv has been Ttm ii k 1 1 . Mat JhJSAy teaes by aeBs fe od. OtHt Britain had on bar retain east saetaaBt henMttad tn tK ItfriHed flute eaajd jet a poond'i U 11 1 i 1 twarUi of goads ta rVftbusd for Stl 'tlailDUt ArnValS OaaawrnUy they ' yaiaajnnj to bay ta Enrtand the SKpDTW of which eoantry (artd to hereat, makhH aiore emptorment p W Man. racmc IBsm; Tnr tfrm-atalas twd snaoed .... taSd paymrau In the elfort to ran MMtwy. IBB). Atttn Tar and 4e.,'b prksa of eatpawdttle, apd tho. Trtsao. laaM. Pasiflr Y.lcaad4e. nriapr ,anemptoyaer)t PolSe of Osaadlsfl !tnfkaVm sorh as had recently been RaMff. S00. and Cape Spsar lsadptrd by the President of the SJOsW Storage. c and e itatea had proven danger- Trasap MSN) Booth, iic and Se.'easMUie pst bat condition' today R W nab). AUin S V and V ! Pare Afferent than they had been Mies THeirherr J the pat United State today The toUoaing ale at other nor- Ba5 k to) tu power to snapend the them poinu tar reported iShcy tr,ntlon w riowed Ketchikan Mttkof Arrow and WnS f threaten inc eronomlr Hoarart .a . ac and Ir 'oahlr IVtegparg Ignore. Qoa and . MrholU was doubtful u to tfdhnsi. ar and le me efficacy of a sysun of bi-saet- BatedaJe Bijrnai. JOjMtt; j'affJlsoi whtrh was now betnc er-apt 2tjM and Oony. 11.090 SAc "T contdtfrd Expert had spd V foond that there was arapk ta lelrmlatlor. to svoport the world's m - . 0rrency Bllver eoald be enhanced bM on a bnvf trip sooth, arrived be a sr4 thlm inlae ctty on the Prinae Bapert A, tn onrlaston of hi. adtfrea. thbsaorning from V.ocouver en- col TrVhSl. waa thanked n 'be- mute bsok k, her home at Pari Ea- half of the chfb bv the artlne pre-slngma She was met here by Mr tMMit Ooesta t the lunrhemi were WKb (Me rear hrbar- A tu X laai 7ea fh jam T i wtoi ha ni to earA The prUar af the Dr.v O Btde &rr fc-d wt t Home so aaar tfcadei won tav say glad bnn tmr jag Mr stte J in i. Hccxj Agate k awa tv -izwn i ri Mcar jmi mrjsjefy: Fur warn eaacUKe fjadceas .9 r aJ dovey piogayls Wither 1artac-anv calm. S3 Mjaaat-CWa oj. cafe it Aapsar SsSt aaswdy eabx 5C BMsMH Oail eaaady dire ST Baartnei fliir calm at flhsaha i Our eahn nn Bam Lan-Oear caka 44 Jtaad Taw Potri--FV- -Umkt Han aaattmat wtat taarAavtw 3Ji HMliSBUi M hfi 'Lap tMsfe aaaaav-pirt ?jr, jtab wtertj alart an zaasst Issri - Clew UtriK flotel Arrivals F. C. Old' Ryat Mn. C Savycr a. cxa S J arfakae ear riMe Kmpnt Mn. a B BeaaW sad etOi. Toraaxa. Mas W. A. Klac Tanac: A. CtaiWUaAwm ear: Be and Jan. W fiaary. San Baaatiai: J B. Morgaa. Crcaecnt Ialet: B C Haata, Vaataam. One U tarn Mar- aea. rart aaaaaaB Barald A A. Ftaraae aad W aer. Tianiii; B O Urmneafl: Murray Say and Acta. Been Ckarbdar: Fbid KaX Dr Baw mcl Bhineood a d W I Tenau . Charasi H B torn. Mr. wd Mrs F W on. Toronto B. L. Mr itH MrY i A Bwn Mrs Mrs Paw. Vle- mihi. cttv: ! fciaartor. Oraacr C Me. Laran aad RVrtarc W MeLaran. WtopeaU. ni W E Coafee and A J D Cook fean Falls. Mra. F moome and children. Wraslmil Sav? Man Mane Baaauicr, anaaa L. J. North. Terrace C Olsen aad 1 Back, city; Jjhn M CfHtfl: aad P. I. Oaraoady. Anyoa Mr. arid Mn i Onriak. cBy. Mrs J Taompten Cadanrale. Central H 8 Waahoarn. r , Caaibrldae. Rflpert H Bates. Phuadal. Phis. Pa Wilier C Emeu. Ar-tlnron Mas Ktrriard P Onid-tr.wait Han re: K h W r'r-ra CWR Whatsweetertime couldtherebe for VYRICIEY'S ? Tbil dtlicioa dxwlag iwret it " frtilint. Good for ttVtntMt-Mt... and impforrj yor difrtnoo when ad r ry aui STZTTB . J7T1 Soccer Champions of North America srvBaaaaBBBBaaa . Ha h" ssl'sasaasam Taroete frnraa recarard aoaa Jv .1 arv-L-. a:..-; Oi'a :.V 1--" -rrraii oeer ei tftip Tte ScuU ceTe iVtv: - . oj ; S Lru. &at S-I anx at CbicaC' -! A6r' l" r.rr. xar u. u-n ; it Xfntm It. taaai a m--tmec ark t7 1 . c of la - M-nr Iwr; rxtrr. a tta? pfeyta a Je rrv r.ii 'a N r."; A-ii-nrar. rha.upi- and oiflaai frm lefl to Saai May 1 1, aeti'f-ary R Brr rvaur- Trainer iok Laiia aiid piarrrs J Oav. B Mfprwain. J Bcrr Dotu H Ki Utf R MrArtiai. J Pttroci J Orahaa W ateveca. D Weir W Scaaen and W Grau 2 Jaaaay OraLam. !x arord tbe '1' Andy Strwec. arfaoae pUrmaAiac paved Use a a; tot both tae 800U eoantera 4 no acorcd Uw tajaallsrs lawdn i BiB aaaam. castata of Uat rtrtylow Beau, vl REGIMENT WON GAME 1 Mnid C. L. B. L. Laat Mans In DnaiatB Day Caa Seeha The DomaBion Day Cap foot bat Canadian Labor Baisix Leagae Mat night resaBed hi a sin for far by tam foala to one Both played ten awn afl throagh the ankswar drftnttsty th lurking down ho. the attacked and Chnsttson pot past Beribsjtuii van difkMroos bat Mde and then Qsarvteh eaaaht Osskeri and Bye aaad t BUke daarad. Thur- ber was m good farm aad. wtui Winghaai aad Hi... mirte a fast halfback line G ear saved weU trass. Cheimakl Tnen Vance centred well bat Wtr.tbajn shot past. OuWUson hM n bar Oomea wade a stroag ck aranee Deions pot the Wiglaimt goal up from dose an and then Norrmgton 1 tar-rifle drive )ast muasd the upright The Regbnent ronttnoed to have the better of the eond half Bye. Chenoskl and Mar aire were rarely able to develop a langeroas attack Blake was ahrayt tare Korrtagior. made a fine ran bat Mee cleared Ourrlch waa lucky to clear From a corner well Ukan by Vance Christteon headed a second oal for the Regiment The anaae stock -ned qp aomewhat Daales cleared well and Oreer put a grand sho over the bar a nne aave Following some loose play C'anadtna srored for the c L D L fl time eomlnr shortly after with the Begiment winning deservedly Referee J 8 Wilaon Linesmen T Buatanirh and J N. KtUy C. L D. L a. GarvVh: Mae P Ooavw: Vaecher. McKay. Coma-dkM: H Dtekens. Bye Chenrjkl. Ma gal re Regiment Oreer Dav)e Hin. Thurber. Wirrham: Vance Deioag. rhriitiaon Itorrlnrtori The Dominkm r,y cap standliir to date n f F A P Legloa : 0 0 3 0 ? Rttosnt 1 -a 1 t .4 C L. D L. i........ 0 0 1 12 0 iac bia team as Baseball Scores AMCfliCtK LT-tCtl Be Vara . Oewatt. S WajhbwtOB. CteveUnd 1 Bnstaw i. 8L laaav. A FhaUdetphbx S. CbJeaao. a at Faut A Indianapolis i. X. BfaatdTB- II Loala S. BoatoB. 1 Leaaae Toronto S. Mnadiaal a Bar tale . tirbaalw 3-Aftay A FrrarrCXir S. I Be&rk 7 BalUsaore 1 Minn ,0011 7 Kansas City 1 Columbus S. Toledo 4 I 1 SPORT CHAT Bteve Bright of the Baas Brvar. who meeta Bksa Oarakn an 9ory l in the main event of the fight eatdJ at the Empress Club, looked UBe the champion that be at aa be want sat fast rounds with three spar partners last night He Fen Borvan aad beat Jack Johnson via the knockout route to wfta 4he4 championship ha now halds. PAaa rOarvlch. the weU known loaal wel- tervekjht. b also hi the peak af con dition He is the daaaar tam Chat likes to mix it When he aweta Bright he win have an opnaikmt of stmllar dbposttlon so there Is to be plenty of action. The letnl-wtnd-up has aO aarmark of a grudge fkcht. known a "Banana" while viewing Biwkpwi Jtant (he One ! ring with Oarrhrh. made a remark natit A A :FRED PERRY IS BEATEN .Vat Faraabawe. Swith African .U. Swtu I'ptet la Ynn- Jan X 'Canadian Press -fat Fara-ahai-ssn. aoaUi African ace. defeated Fred Ferry of England fait member of U-e Bflttah team. 7-5 0-1 t. 4-4 tM in WtaMaedon tenn.-yestaraay A K QvUt aad D F Tamball -r aaatraba defeated BUsworth Virw. aad KaBh OkashlQ. United Bute, tn the f;rt of mens dsabln pisy today 4-4 5-7. a-I 4-4 j GROTTO WINS ' JN SOFTBALL .Xasy Ilsrmted by Scare sf 9 to 2 1jS4 Cveedac The Orotto defeated the Royal' Canadmn Naval Volunteer Rearrvr laat Bight I The Orotto team waa to fine form while Ote Navy Players pisved rasped ball, with be 1 ksapiain of i Aram rang, atchtac and B Pttchar. pttchbig. -who paved wen J Uadeay pttched, . good game for the Oratto The. Emprcsa and Eflu will play toobrht . The standing to data: W 1. 3 C K R A a a J Orotto a a Kalona $ Empress j . . R C W V R 8 Pet . -M7 i M0 - &; J75 213, that he eoald take the sJoramen- Uoned Mr Hunt Whan this news V was transmitted to Mr Runt b The Daisy News can be pur nsturslly took objection to same.f ehed it 4 Th-y were immediately matched ' pft "Office News 8und. 323 jfor Saturday night These middle. OranvBle 8i Vsneoover. '4 ;welgh will pot on a real shpw Karl Anderson. Prince Johnny Method will mix it with 0WKe. BC. a Wowfold and there will be fere) R w RT. Terrace. B.C. other interesting botiU which wnjt Otnen fltare. Any ox. A round out the card BmHheri Drug 8tore, amlth- WTnW. Jane a Tommy Sherman Doing Stunts rffaT LiU lWy "KUrs Xt On TrxS Srr4 Tummy Sbtmom at Pr. -prr. a ik jrtae Id Tr:; atjrrr. xt HB kavwa OVr , -. t Aboat lsaa Oa Tr,; purvr xm U fala rnay taagaatf D, !oa-am Onsnnr - i.. tt f ia I: m auaaaty rr TtiMtwt r lathar aatr- o-Area j SaOOraly atuhir-. a f ttnar atom p -lint ftvppetf. can tu.--.-t ti Udj taaslMa. T-xaaij Saaawaa aa - WnV a baft trratk v .rt-. ht rtirlai jaar:.;-. ' : Titfuar aaj tr:., M .. "-iS bc)rjf .. v a.-wi rat ai s t'.'.ttnrn- tfAii laat itri . t -v r. .- -wkJ k Ar--; -BaS a agu ran of K ,3I0lTNTAURRRI(; iVYUTY IJBKE Tf)fi W fLVHOdlf! TO ALASKA 8 B Waabkara f C. C. .6 fMtr o a party of tfarrard Corrntty what?. My to aeaie Meap: riu.--' lafty Alaakaa pak. arrtr-etty aa am atabt uatr 1 eaat aad wtfi aiauaS Uu -oa Uw nee airr Mw R Jaceaa abaute at aad r. m Dy la u - . it frnftracaUktr to - - cast Mr Waabbarn la art by Baa art Balaa dk FtUL Wamv C Xaatatt of a - f Maaarar. Jiat Xber tr ibe party bjar av-. - uu aajywarai'toasalcr p- -ary sraj n ftar ssr ar Bh- - Mi a c - ho wit fay s Stat here v Her bjaasBjt aatthhsr liti -the itHaTWii Of J Pnd Bit. or Vsaaiani ta tc . adB) Bkab- gaadbiuinit M Mrs i Ftcd BBahsr .- lda tbapk OkattBam oasfot e asaSSMd wBh Baau C Bryan Owan Nstke. Rapture Saffrnm All Raptures Yield To the lnfUUMe Air Pre are Treatment by BeaU"-tbe Famous British npr; Complete ComfertiMe Cec trl nra nt red That exeat British tmT.-has the spprovaJ of the sr dlcal procawlon evenwoare It hi accepted as stands: - leasing hoaptuU Once Csed Always Ayprarrd Write "EeiUey IC-ansA 544 B rtr 8r Var r ;::t" Bt Just A'ou Nwj For (he Boat, &mp or Home COLEMAN TWO - BURNER HOT JLAT Lights instantly ju like any city gas sto I'riccti Qnly at $1190 Kaien Hardware f -rs. uxj. 9 Smith Dlock rhon3 Meek and C W Dawwn Oct ouick resu with a want ad