mm i. ; THE DAILY NEWS. KiNCE uEKtfi BRITJSII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince gupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue r" H. r. PUIEN - r p. V Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cjy delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid. In advance. $5.00 r or lesserperioas, paia in aavance, per ween " ' ' 'Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ..LOCAL 1)Zm NPTES Mrs, C. ekon Is leaving on this lyenTTng's train' qr a trip to Edmonton. - "T Smurthwalte, after a S'obert r vHlf '16' the; city, sailed by hi 'Cafitli SundaV ititiU bri his rurh, t rfihler. He w?s here to vrtirtl High Senool Father A. Oodftey O-MJ. of Smi-thers arrived In the city from the Interior on laift night's train, and alls this afterr obn on the Prince George for k f rtt 'to Ahybx on ec-clesMtisal dlitle. ' Miss Ltlltan Perry was a pas-iehf aboard tfie Qatil Monday mOttjlDg' rettjnilng to her school Jea&lhg duUl a.t Pjprt Slmpsoi aJKr T$3!nd!b the sifinrnti vaca-fM' vliltih Ih Anttbha'tth her paints. Mr", did Mrs. C. pi Perry, tTOcriy bf thts; dly! Mr. and Mr. O'unnar Anderson, Hf It.-... i iu Ip were marrjea recriiwy iu urc ' W hrWfl hflvlntt formerly been lis liabeth nbs, ret timed on s Print nnroo m i morninz 10 take up residence here following a noneymoon irip 10 vijncyuyci, -ftjhd els'ere' in the south. AJex Murray a.hfl MaJolm MLeod flfth AlbefU Whettr PoqJ staff a vkJte6uferi-oftlVW IrtHhe M on me Prince OWrie . this morning tftjnf the south,' being here In con- ri?tloh' with ' shtpmehU of grain which art being 'rtilde Into the local elevator from the prairies. -It. O. Cutler of Atiyox arrived in thl' city bn the Cataa yesterday af-(ffnoon from' the smelter town to ffitet Mrs. Cutler,' who hss been re-fetving rhedlcal'treatinelit in Van-Jouver and Tnho arrjved (rom the ibufh on the Prince George this mornJrig.The'y are bbth returning to 'Ariyox'bn the latter- esiel this aN ternobn. rr,.-- .R. W. Wilson, welj known Vancouver mining map, arrWed In the mornln'K'fAm'the' Wh and will proceed by tonight'! train to 8mN iBefs hi Mich flUtrlct Utr lt'lnteN istd In thetieveloprnent of -a mim-beVof'propirties.'Mr'i Wilson U'fiead 8t'til'eweH ktfowi) mthlnij'concerri lb Wednesday, Sept. 1933 . Some interesting Statistics in ' regard ,Jo climate have J'uftJ'beln published bytheprovinciarg'overnnient tovenng inv year xuo. vuiinir uiui veai uie cutest, laiiuan ic- coKfed was St HencImoTi' LaKe'oh' Tlricv-e'r IslSKcT,4 tTie with rtrffl fljinll.inn fin some 'p'oints where the rainYall was' not large, the sno'wf all Was particularly heavy. At Premier, f orlnstance, the rainfall was only 49.65 inches but the snowfall during the same periocj was 62." inches. Stewart had 64.42 inches of rairi and. 239.2 inches of snow. ' ' In the south at Coquitlam Lake there was 166.11 inches orrain and 74.3 inches of snow. Alouette Lake, alsp on the lferlFrasei had 130.38 inches of rairi and 85.3 inches of 'snow. ,, t-The. largest precipitation near Prince Rupert was at Falli'RiVei4 where the1 rainfall was 148.77 and the snowfall 193.5 inches. Prince Rupert precipitation that year was higher than usual, the rainfall being 115.54 and snow-fall 22.7. 'On the Que,en Charlottes the rainfall at Massett was only 60.32 and snowfall 21.5 inches and Queen Charlotte. City 76.13 inches of rain with no snow. ASKS BALANCE OF ROWER Jn an address delivered at Alice Arni recently T. J; Shen-1gn, candidate for the Atlin riding, is reported in the Alice Arm Herald to have said: "In sending men to Parliament, you should choose those who are fair and honest and have the intelligence necessary to Uphold he banner of the people. It will be my desire so tabe, and I am only one of the many. We have 17 men in the field with the same object that I have. I am under the impression that we are going to get at least ten .of these men in. If we get those ten men in we shall have the balanc'e 6f power in tne nekt government" ' 1 ' ' -jf1-? zr.r. : -. James gervlce of Tlell was brought to "the city last week from the Queen Charlotte Islands to eater the prince Rupert Generaf Hospital for surgical, treatment. William Millar uhn hoc hwn nn a im'catfbn'lH to VancouVir'and victoria, returned to tne city on tne Prince' George thta morning. Mra. Millar Is remaining In the south for a while longer. Vtlui Juli Rntffar!! vhfl has been speeding the summer Vacation in Vancouver nd various parte of lp fnterWr, retbrnei to the city from llie south on the Prince George this morning. f - - r ; Mrs. B. Walker of Booth Memor-jtal School "teaming staff, wtiu has 'ben ren4fng he summer vacji-!t!dn 1- the south, returned to the from Vanaouver on the Catala I Monday morning. Shpwpr For Miss Mary Robertson Ulide-Elect Honored at Delightful Affair Last Evening at Home Of '.Miss .Mary McDonald In honor of MIm Mary Robertson, whose marirage to John Pierce is to take place at the end of this week, 'X delightful miscellaneous shower was held'last evening by Miss Mary McDonald at her home, 433 Elev- jenth Avenue Bast. The rooms were prettify decorated for the occasion with sweet peas in pastel shades. ,Mahy beautiful and useful gifts were pre&hled to the bride-elect In a daintily decorated basket. Card ( playing was'enjoyed during the evening and was followed by the serving of delirious buffet refresh- ments. Pflie winners at' cards were Mrs. Thomas Christoff and Miss Rose Wesch. The" guests were Misses Mary Robertson. Rdse Wesch. Dorothy Bal-linger. Annie McLeod, Chrissle Mc-Lttod, Alice' Strachan, Winnie Mc-arelsh. Nora Rudderham, Lillian and Elsie Franks and Mesdames ,WniIaW'Rg1hwell, Sam Haudens-' child, Alex McDonald, Rod Morrison, N. 8. K; nrewer; Thomas Christoff, Joe Ratchfbrd; ifelge -Oden and Thomas Harvey. ' Ik rnmrmm mm Health and enerey lirinc new fun of liv- iat Thing td Jo.' piaeWO to! Kiep 6tT pit wtiririd vM'y. ' 1CelIog5'sPPPpranFakes are energy food. Tne'notrti ifhmerit of be. Delidbuli; Crip. FreA'. flu' enough bran to le uiiMly Jiiativi. Wftnderiut with milk cream aniffreuli frtiit. CHfEP from Vouir gro-err. fa(e if 3 on, Ontario. ISLAND LAD Impressive NEW SPEED MARK TOP Jimmy Weldel prives Hape Qver SOS. ".Mifei Per Hour Over Special Course at Chicago CHICAQO, Sept. 6:-James R. Weldel -Setfe new record speed of 305 33-1&5 miles per$ojTr fWjarid airplanes here on Monday', 'tower-1 Ins hls'own former mark of 298 miles per hour. The speed was U i talned ovgra specially measured " ' two-'kilometer' course. WEATHER REPORT 44 Terrace, Clear, nortiea wlnd' Anyox Clear, ealm. 42. VafiCl-ar. almf 2. Alyarun Clear, calm, 42. AnVbiicrelP.'calrrir48f Stew-art Clear, calm. 29. u Old Empress- W. He,rmSW hVWt; Mr. and Mrl. dndcit: J.'UnMi'nd H. Royal R. D. Harveyd J. C. HnU.In-soh'. aisr?H!"Oi' Cu-tler.' C.HMcOre-t. W. lrfvtooile1 'a1 M. J. 8heen.n AnVBf 3a?k May and F. tobb, ViicoSvef; Wr. 1emp city: A: 'EiaVson anS Mk W. 'Etrachan.KeanorAl: tt. 'IVanka. vV60d-f6ck; PW!" Bmltk 'F. E. 6lbbs afcd AgnS Oartnd, Tex-tice'.' Alblh bnfcftstrb'rh and Thomas Oeiiter. ; Port CTeirients. ; ' Mr.'fcntf itrfc'itn,ehani''and chll- in latvyerlsWndrM.'K. LSnstad. IS nnnirriil"ii Kl IKIKI I rkv kW'skeen jncf Bod Ellis. ?rJ5fntJ7 ikeUhiiam d-blsen. J! 8fttlnUhl Rite Conducted at' and ". mpeaK. euy. j. iiuzro. Queen Ch'atfotte Fdf Willie Christens n rwwiniiaa; J. onnuc. iuxsicw, r. iLorvioc. Buikley Ca'fiyori: Li Bon-,duk ihd 6:'L'Imb.t;.K.R.: li'M. SKIDEOATE, Sept. 6:-The fu-' Elder. Terrace; Mr. and Mfk. James neral of the late Wfflle Christesen.isVe'n'dseh',' 'Petersbui'g: E Cum-aged 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. P.imlngs. Lowe Inlet; Mr. and Mrs Christensen of Queen Charlotte Axel Spangberg. Bishop Bay; A. C. City, whose death occurred last Balch. North Pacific Cannery; Ar week In the Prince Rupert General j thur F. Dries, Hi A. Dries and LioVd Hospital, tooK place last Saturday afternoon from the family home to Queen Charlotte City cemetery with Rev. William McKenzle, United "church clergyman!' officiating. There was a large attendance at the service which was very Impres sive. Pallbearers, all boy chums 'of the dead lad, were Harry Beaven, Arnold Pallant, George Turner, Clark Moses. Edmund Stevens and bemmey Stevens. Therje were numerous floral tributes IrieJuiJlnjf pieces from tne following: From Queen Charlotte City. Mrs. Frost. Mrs. E. Moore and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. Roberts. Capt: and Mrs. J. Hash. Mr. and Kfrs. Jack Haan. Mr. and Mrs. A. CoOke. Mr. and Mra. G. II. Jolliff, Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Charter. Mr. and Mrs. H. Revln, Harry and Edna Be-vin, Q. Miller. W. Rudge. Mr. and Mrs. Newberry. Mr. and Mrs. H. FaUbalrn. Miss E. Falrbairn. Miss V. Ftrbairn. Mrs. 3. Cobeyhachle. Mr. arkl Mrs. Ochewa, Mrs. 'A. Karklf Claude Duval, Sigmund family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKenzle, Mr. and Mrs. O. Carmlchael. Mrs. C. Nelson. Mrs. A. Christensen and family. Rev. and Mrs. McKenzle. Mr. and Mrs. Hlgglns. Mr. arid M s. P. Dewire. Mr. and Mrs. G. Skoi e. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mathers and fari-lly. Mr. and Mrs. o. Hill. Mrs. AnS-ano. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Atkins. r. and Mrs. P. Cristenson, E. Cristeh-son, Mr. and Mrs. ColIUon. M(m Olive Falrbairn, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stevens.' Mrs. C. M. Melntyre and, family, Arnold Pallant, Edmund Stevens. O. D. Seattle, Demmey Stevens, Margaret Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. O. Chastney. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce and family, Mr. and Mrs. B A. Munro, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gordon. Mrs. A Jones, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moses; Prince Rupert, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvls McLeod, Miss May Schubert, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Schu hert, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lund, tyr. and Mrs. G. Anderson. Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Rhone 57 H. Bauer, Chicago; Olof Olsen and Bverre peaersen, Juneau. Savoy ! Mrs. T. Johansen, Wales Island J. O. Peterson, McBrlde. M. Johnston and N. McCartney Porcher Island; C. Letnes, Port Es-slngton; A. Gregory. Shames; E. M Letnes and R. O. Cunningham, Port Esslngton; Mr. ahd Mrs. R. C. Garner, Balmoral; E. Henrlksen and C SWadson, ON Jt.'; Mrs. W. Bears ahd daughter, 'Port Edward; Bertha fl Fawcett. VlctorU: WUUam Jonei Victorfa; ' Mr. and Mrs. Jo'hnhy Brentzen, Port Simpson; Diyld RuUen. Massett. ' Central W. J. McDonald; Alloe Arm; W C. 'Everett, Arlington, Mass.; C t Houston, New York; Robert H Yates. Philadelphia. H. Wosh-bur.i, Jr.; Camoildge. Mass.; 'R. TP Goldwait. Hanover. N, II.: W. 11. Oalbralth. Sunnyslcle; ' Thelms Jfthnsen. Perow; Joe WeU, CN.R.; A. King, Vancouver. ' J. A. McDonald and S. Sunfer city; G. E. Beaty, Vancouver; K. iverson, r. wingnam, uscar wing ham and Erie pahl. city; J. Boldan, Port Esslngton; II. McLeod and L. Garfln, fc.N,R. Prince Rupert Clayton L. Scott? Settle; C. Gillespie, Oceanic; Mft. F. Watson and daughter, Smlthers; J. While. Ka.mloops; Mr and Mr, C. A. Moses. Dead Tree Point; Fred If. Nass, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. Doti-glas Edehshaw. New Massettj Mr. khd Mrs. M. Martin and son, SnJi-theb; Miss Iieatrl'ce Haah, ojieep Charlotte; Mrs. Effle M. Schmeelk, Virtbrla. ' i H. W. Chambers. Inverness; V. C. H.' podson ahd D. Carter, Victoria; 1. fc. Hunt. Port Esslngtofi; Mr. and Mrs. a. P. WalkeK Toronto-; O. Bergseth. Seattle; If.'p. Kunan. Ketchikan: A.' O, Scott snd R. B. Wallace, Varlcduve'r! G. Pragnell. Kamloops; O. Woodall, CNR.1; C. Gillespie; OceanlcJ'B'. T. Biggs, Mtddleton, Del; D. J. Bredley, West Vanebuver; M. Simpson'! Vic-tbrli; A'.'d. Thorpe" and O. 0. Wei-terstrand, Vancouver; Mr. and Mr. Von Hee1 and Miss tielrdre ton iftei, Premrer; Mrs. M. V. rJuh!arf, VU Idrlar Richard Duncan. Wabaniun, Alta.; R. "Noble, 'fcds'patbi ;!Ef. $. Wttdswdrth, Montreal; W. 'Mactel-lari arid H. P. JohriS.c Vlctbr llVLf)V. Schoel, Seattle: A. Sutherland, Poacher Isldhd CanneJyj'rtl'aidhiV. ' ' " ston, InverhVli. E0UIPOSE IS WINNER Great American Horse Adds Sara "tbjaCup 1oHU AceompHsh-' ' mentsUEamlns HfaV'y SARATOGA, N.Y.. 8 Equl-pole wophe1 Saratoga Cup at the classic race meet here today over a mtle' and three-quarter tourse. Increasing his gross earnings on the track to J2g.4t0. a nerfr -record, Sport Letter Box TO MEET THE CHILDREN Sports Editor, Dally News We UHe'Ellts-sotlDaii team' nere by accept the challenge of Messrs Mo.Tobey. MHa4y. etc 'Elkdbiri sli an order ever seek1- to assist Che etllfdren Ho enjoy life re member Elks flag day also the Red nrv'er Valleyi.' We will be oh der:k Irhsevyk ' ' ' ELKS' SOFTBALL TEAM CHALLENGE ACCEPTED - ; Sports Editor. Dally News - Replying to the Old Man of the Mountains: We tThe Elks' Softball Team' hereby accept the challenge of the Old Man of the Mountains to meet a team bf his on Thursday evening Wereby giving him a chance to deflate .some of our Supposed Inflated ego. We realize that t U poor business in our part in accepting the chat-enge. We as champions, have everything to low -and nothing to :ain While it U vice versa with the Old Man's unknown ball players. However. In the spirit of good sport we are willing to risk our horns In nortal combat wllh the unknown - ' adversary. On second thought we, beijeyc nai ours is a very-charitable gesture In allowing the unknowns to bask In the limelight aUo receive unlimited publicity by pjsytng Igalnst the champions. Quiet, ieae. As we have always Jeen Uught to wpect. age. we take this opportunity in 'warning the Old Man that he had better-start making tracks to the Mountain of his in the evefnt 'hat his. team do not live ub to his high estimate of then). Remember a true Elk ney.r for-tets. " ELKS' SOFTBALL TEAM. n S fin j ( "Wltor. Daily Ucvii:- In order to ston some uvuiM.k ball pjayets taking undue liberty with the1 press o' tratldg the ElkS1 softbajl tearn icily cham-niomt we' Woulcflike to make one I stipulation as follows: We will ac- cept'all challenges ff same wllj post ' a' monetary ''forfeit With the Ahjir df 'the Kews bmbunt to be" agreed' i Ak &-.s " - wre; uv iiuv defeat the chafrip'iorts the fnoney be dorfaied to "the hospital fund. Iflthi everit that they do defeat the champions the money will be re- lunueu. ELKS' SOFTBALL TEAM. Send Your Films Direct to PIJOTO' FINISlilNfi Jtpld Service Prince Uupert VRFWRITEBQ For Sale or Kent .IKS. HELEN WILLS .MOODY KEITH "1 SAN FRANCIf(XJ Sept --Mrs He4en Wills Moody was admitted to Stanford University Hospital at the week-end to undergo treatme t (or spin injuries sustained urUag the recent national women's , tennis etiam.-ptonship totnmsme't at Porest Hills. New York, tt was later announrrd trutt Mrs. Moody would have to remain flat on her b&k for stt leMt a tmtat. and that she would be unable to ptay tenU agalo for su months or more It doesn't seem possible. I can see htm as I saw aim but a few short weeks ago a I shall always see Him playing football the game he loved most. One of the smallest players on the field, he met his large opponent with ufifflnehini courage lib' skill was above the average: and how lovably boyish he wis. disappointed with his ml tsftes and Quietly pleased with his tuefhses. his whole heart In the game and hu mind on the sorcess' 6f the team 90 why should we grieve? He leaves a clean recordWat of 1 a good sportAtiiUh Ahd so Keith lives with us ever And r khow that the Oreat Umpire of aU wfil aay. WHI played. Keith " -AN OLD Hi FOOTBALLER. YACJiT TACOMTE The yacht TaeonMe of Vaneou- ver. having on board Its owner. W. Boeing, well known Seattle ilr and marine craft manufacturer, and party, arrived In port last evening after having spent the past several weeks cruising in northern i waters and Is leaving today on its return to Vancouver. A Boeing frying boat, piloted by Clayton L Scott, which has been used as a convoy in connection with the Ta-conKe for the ptirpose of taking members of the party on shdrt flight! for angling' and sight-teeing purposes, came ih at ? o'clock yesterday1 a(temon and was also to hop of(, for the south today. ' Mpllisqns to Hppr FrRm Mpntralat Middle of Month MONTREAL. Sent, fl: The expectation' Wre I that' capt. ahd Mrs. JaWes'A. Molllson will hop 6ff about September 19 for their traris-Attohtic flight' nttempt' Wan a r-pfihe to b presehled td' tMeWby tord Wakelldldrmllflona'lre'limish (in, Wednesday, SeptPi; g THE-DAILY NEWS ll RACE IS S rm piTTSnirnn TIGHTER v'"b:ilf ?,,r.aL-! Von rini of Fu ?' Ifr,, Set . Yorfi'Glaiits Yeiterj, Yeitefjij vnrir finnw nttr Ditr.t . . m . piniwu u i. , ui in iiiiii ' ,. . nlnir bv a dMUlv u, ... m J . . . , hi; liip LjuiiL inarvin fl' ii,.m . In the NrftlnnB! Tuam -, i. ' the Olante' burlinu arirrn irom in mont. ' v ,t , rage of heavy lilttliiw b , r , . Tltere were no other n , ;; Na t lonal Lesigbe yeir d .i v In the "American ! .. -. ,. Washington ' Senators their leadership to nlnr . , Rsmes by winning boih double-header from ih. c Boston while the Philiuii . , a i at tmm n nn nsmw v v v . spfiUInt a wable-bill i kee Stadium. Four t , helped the Yanks u i eap. Yesterday's Big Leagu National ltt New York 1. PttUbm American Lei cue PhMaaVtphlsV 6-6 N- t WahJntoO 5-. Bow 4 Baseball Standing BMfip tJU or NATIONAL I FAf.l t New York Chtea . A ?1 Eft ( mm" fi-Suis W L 77 15 ti M M j Si '1 Si ' LUGl? a v n t- 64 I ( 15 It M M 49 t4 Lawn Mowers Ground grille to Tut IKe Ncir Star Welding IMionp 5V RARE Opportunity qrFinc Tailqf-jWade We all are Unci ' clothes, now tmvs ' , ,; and depression ha -? ' the entf. We take tr tpdc tunity to offer to wr dressed public our English Worsted, Inin .i Sfrifc Ularney, HeatberblU JTw hound Tu'ecds, ;1J"i.l-. M At a bigger Savfli t- 'v-' was experienced m i wu pert. ueg. iia syii- $32 Special for filter, us suit $37 Special for , Keg. $18 SUIT $39 Special for Ii Iter. 150 8UIT- $4' Special for' (Extra TrouM i ',r This price good fi-r " w ,l '" dnly LING Taik The high daMi . ,Rd reliable dry n Second Ave-Nrsf r nuWii