4 PITHY PARAGRAPHS FROM ALD. NEWTON’S SPEECHES | Outspoken Member of Council Did Not Mince Words in Telling His Colleagues What He Thought of the Way They Have Conducted the License Affairs of the Town Back to the Fray “I am going to renew this at- tack tonight and I am not going to be induced to forego it.” Very Simple “The object of amending this by-law is simply in order to bring into effect an issue of bettle licentes,”’ Helpful Council “Tt means that the Licence Commissioners have made up their minds to issue bottle licences in this city, but they have not been smart enough to get these doc- uments framed up in the legal sense, and now have to go to the council to pass a by-law to enable them to have this done.”’ Good Samaritans “They say that this by-law is to help Prudhomme. I think this is just as flimsy as the contention that it is to save the hotel keepers from losing their licences. I do not think there is anything in it.” Crocodile Tears “It is rather curious to hear at this board, at this date, ex- piessions of sympathy with Alex Prudhomme. It seems like the shedding of crocodile tears. Still it is a mighty good thing to see repentance even if repentance comes late.’”’ What About Mr. Brown? “But why has not some of that contrite spirit shown in dealing with the bottle applications of Mr. Brown, Mr. Sutherland, and Mr. Levi? These men wanted bottle licences, and they did not get them. If the move is sincere why were not these other people treated with sorhe consideration?” Might be an Extra “The idea of giving these men some show is not on. the program- me. Not ‘‘Pro Bono”’ “The whole frame up of this bottle licence proposition is done for self interest... It is not done for the good of the city.”’ A Legal Monopoly “I take still further objection to the issue of bottle. licences under present conditions, because in is- suing them we are creating a legal monopoly,’ One and One and One “It is true that two bottle licences have been issued, but is there one of us here who believes that two have been issued? In practice there is only one bottle licences in this city today.. The Commissioners have taken. good care to issue a bottlé Wéence, and to see that that bottle licence secures monopoly, of all the trade in the city. That is what makes the thing so contemptible.” Pretty Raw Deal “To go ahead and issue bottle licences, and then see that those c a WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF BEERS WINES AND --LIQUORS, ALWAYS IN STOCK— Budweiser Beer, We are Double OO Whiskey ” Guaranteed to be 12 years in HERE ARE THREE OF OUR SPECIAL LINES. sole agents for Plorpagr B.O. ny the wood meee being bottled Sole agents for Northern B.C Victoria Phoenix Beer Northern. B.C. Liquor Company, Phon, No. P.O. Box 577 The Working Man and The Salary Earner The working man, or the man earning a salary should insure the continuation of his income by put- ting aside each month a stated sum. A Savings Account would, independent of all other investments, proyide him with an income in his old age ao to his present salary. Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent 4 Per Cent. Allowed on Deposits The Continental Trust Company, Limited SECOND AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ‘Style, Fit . and Comfort This represents a combination very seldom found: in ‘‘Men’s. Wear,’’ but a standard, by which Dr, Jaeg- er’s All Wool Garments have won for themselves a national reputation. Having just received a complete stock of these goods consisting of the following lines, we shall be glad for you to call and inspect them: Pure Flannel Shirts, Medium weight United garments, suit...... 6 Pure Flannel Pyjamas, Binks cho 53% SO He Light Weight Vader: wear, suit. 4.75 Light Weight “United garments;.. Wool Takete Shirts, ORE» 0.5. oc caw hans x 400 Won Tei Taffeta Pyjamas, . 8,00 Plain grey and white Coat Sweaters $3.00, 4.50 Plain grey Coat Sweat- ers, navy and red trimmings. . 4.50 Plain grey and white Polo Sweaters, coke ona ced 50, 3.00, 5.00 dae ed Ru ae, e Ee eree6.00 Up teem wew arnt Medium weight Under- wear, suit....... 4 Sloan & Sole agents for Dr, Jueger Thned ‘ak Black Wool Sox, 45c, f0c, 65e, Tbe pr. Sixth mm }ing Licence Commissioner Hilditch | | | THE DAILY NEWS ee Ha Hg Hd Ht “The News” Classified Ads. te Ps ts Pt vt =-(ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKIN ht eh sO OT pa a ht es Pe ks PE ~~ et PN G OVER— The Insurance People EVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE. GET OUR RATES The Mack Reaity and Insurance Co. Phone 150 Third Avenue and Fulton St licences are absolutely in the hands of one of citizens abso- lutely unfair. It is unfair to the other applicants. It is unfair to the citizens.” In the Beginning “T would like to start with the commencement when Alderman Hilditch became contractor for the building which now houses one of these bottle licences, and also made the repairs necessary set is for the second. Though these licences are two in number they are one.” Step by Step “T will go a step further to the time when your Worship had occasion to go to Victoria. In your absence instead of the senior member of the council (I allude to Alderman Smith) being moved | to be Acting Mayor during your absence, he himself moved that | Alderman Hilditch become Acting | Mayor. Later on I thipk it we is | Alderman Smith who moved that! Alderman Hilditch become | acting licence commissioner. Why | was Alderman Hilditch particularly | chosen for licence commissioner? Star Chamber Work also “Things seemed to go very well | until all the business was disposed | of ecxept the bottle licences. Act- |seemed very anxious to stop there. | was to | rE ee —— | licence commissioners, | other members of the | strolled in here. |He peremptorily stated that the Board was adjourned not even| waiting for the others to move} the adjournment. | ening the committee to investi-| | gate the engineering departme nt] have met here. I we committee | I saw the three} City Solici- That same ev-| ‘tor Peters, and Magistrate Carss, | | who | solicitor in the J. A. Smith applica- | is of course interested as | |tion. They all into ar | Mayor’s private office, and there | did their private business. Wel did ours in the Assessor's office.”’ The Real Issue went “I say, Mr. Mayor, that the| |whole issue is not the matter of | | the issuing of bottle licences. The | | |real issue before us is the question | |are we as a council going to stand | | by and condone work which looks | a i a el ee | mighty suspicious to say the le ast | of it? e' | Does It Look Right? “We see Alderman Hilditch do- ing the work of a building which! |is supposed to be going to get the | bottle licence. We see him in his chair as Acting Mayor. We| as chairman the Li- | Does it look right? | see him of censing Board. Does it look square to the other | applicants?” Hilditch’'s Reply ‘I do not intend to reply to such | i talk, Mr. Mayor.” —Ald. Hilditch, Oh You Sniff Yacht! _ Captain Babington’s tender of| $19.75 per trip for towing the| civic sniff yacht out to sea, and | back to port will be accepted) without any specified period of} time being mentioned. F. M. Davis bid $25 a trip. It is under- stood that the city is to provide} a man to take command of the sniff yacht and dump. the cargo in deep water. The Jaunch men want to keep well to windward and tow with a very long rope. Hydro-Electric By-law After some discussion of various clauses in the Hydro-electric By- | law with the city solicitor last night the by-law was left in Mr. Peters’ hands for the adjustment of one or two clauses before it comes up for further consideration in committee of the whole under the chairmanship of Alderman Douglas. Scavenging By-law Leave was granted Alderman , eae or oa. mamemaimmat Reet NNNIRI I, oaiucnermerns ye] Wanted 20 Laborers. | Girl wanted, immediatel: , il | Position Wanted in real estate office. sr Lost and Found Aah ite a ed FOUND—Purse containing a sum of money. Ap- ply Prinee§Rupert General Hospital. 18-156 FOUND~—Eureka Cleaning and Pressing Com- pany. Men's suits cleaned and pressed $1.00. Ladies’ suits pressed and cleaned. Dry clean- ing a specialty. Room 18 Westenhaver hoa phone red 69. 121-147 LOST— 50 price coupons issued by the > erless Studio. These - aod a will be accepted | Beearnted before Juiy ard at the Peerles tudio, Alder Block. 141-147 For Rent McIntyre Hall, for concerts, entertainments, dances, ete. Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116. Furnished Cottage, modern conveniences, for summer months. Apply Mrs, Alder, at Ave. opposite News Office. Three-room flat in Westenhaver Block, $25 per month; flat in Clapp Building, $45; other flats and houses furnished and unfurnished ian | Westeniaver Bros., phone 100 4i-wi | Six-roomed House to rent; modern conveniences, Fraser St., Apply Director, Cohen & Co, 143- tf | Wanted—Small house, furnished or partly furn- ished, State terms te Box R, Daily News.140-tf | Commodious house, corner 6th Ave. and Thomp- | son St., furnished or unfurnished. Phone 296 | or P.O, Box 588. ' Apply Dr. McIntyre, 125-tf j Stores and offices for rent. Third Ave., phone green 59. Neatly Furnished Rooms; gentlemen preferred. | Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. 119-1m j Phone 296 if you want to rent a house, furnished | or unfurnished, corner 6th Ave. and Thompson Street. All modern conveniences. | Cosy furnished rooms. Mrs. Bower, Somerset Rooms, Third Avenue, between Seventh and Eighth. 117-tf Piva i svnpeneoninmanlte 4 ene i Teacher wanted for the Port Simpson Public School. Salary $80 per month Apply to John Deane, School Trustee, stating attainments and enclose testimonials. 154-160 Apply. Pac 7 Coast Con- struction Company, Digby Island 153-156 for light housework. Apply Mrs. D. Cohen, phone 32 1i-t Miners $3.50, Muckers $3.00, Creek Copper Co., Goose Bay. wanted at Hidden ; Take 8.8. Vadso or Venture. 148-tf Two good Joiners wanted Apply Pacific Con- struction Company, Digby Island. 147-150 | @nd Ave. | § Porter Wanted Apply Sg, Rooms, 14 Boarders Wanted mt me me erm eres - A few cosy homelike rooms cheap to steady | roomers. King George Hotel, 2nd Avenue. | 131-138 eee ern | Situations Wanted ee rs re es Ps Small - ary and commission. Fifteen year's experience travelling for a Chicago wholesale grocery con- cern. Best of reference. Address answer to J. L. Long, 726-15th street, Edmonton, Alberta. 147-143 es es a es Es rs For Sale Ai i ecieed eceacelteglow rea buying your Stove or tan see A. J. Galland, McBride and Fifth Ave Cook stoves from #14 129-1m First class Rooming Heuse, ten rooms, house- keeping and single, newly furnished Price $500. For terms apply owner on premises, Drexel Rooming House, 2nd Ave. 144-tf ome ps rosy somes Pens ommend Business Chances Good money in Moving Pictures. Wanted—A party to start moving picture show in Prince Rupert. Write me for particulars. H. Davis, Watertown, Wis 137-wi th ks Ok re Pt Ft Ot Fire Insurance eee eer treet | THE British Union and National Fire Insurance Company of London, England, with capital | of $2,500,000.00. See us for rates. The Mack Realty and Insurance Company. T0-tf me Real Estate j Fe tt re rs rs ts rts Ps Pt es Pay You can save We aday. We can sell you good lots for He aday. Phone 206 and let us join | forces. H, F. McRae & Co, 150-152 Sweder Bros. Beg to announce that they have bought ot the inter- est of Mr. Louis Rudnick held in the firm of Rudnick & Sweder, custom tailors, etc., and hope to be favor- ed with the patronage of former customers, $ .Helgerson oni a by-law to cover the city scaveng- ing arrangements. Meanwhile Contractor Weston is proceeding with the scavenging business under a provisional agreement. Do You Know This? Citizens of Prince Rupert will be pleased to learn that the Acme Clothing Store have secured the exclusive agency for thé celebrated Slater Shoes. A new consigninent has just been received some of which are being displayed in the windows of Hilditch last night to introduce Store, Second avenue. Help Wanted i | tiwack, B.C.,"’ will be received at this office until The Acme Clothing| Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. White labor only at ‘Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118} SAVOY HOTEL Fraser and Fifth St. The only hotel in town with hot and cold wat- erin rooms. Best fur- nished house north of Vancouver. Rooma We up. Phone 87, es ng Box 129. : Prudhomme & Fisher Proprietors You'll be Late eeeeee For the train, boat or that ap- pointment if you haven’t the cor- rect time. We are official watch inspectors for the G.T.P., there- fore we keep all the standard watches. We do repairs and have everything in jewellry. seeee R. W. Cameron & Co. Cor. 6th St, and Second Avenue. PHONE 82 Over 10,000 PRESCRIPTIONS Have been dispensed by us since we came to Prince Rupert. This is the best testimony that our... +. DRUGS ARE PURE and that we Specialists in Prescriptions are Everything that should be in an up-to-date aeons stuve we keep, : C. H. Orme ‘‘THE PIONEER DRUGGIST’’ Second Ave. Phone No. 82 ! | ! l ! l { l { ! { { { l l { l l es es ee ers, Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed “Tender for Public Building, Chil- | | 4.00 p.m, on Monday, July 24th, 1911, for the con- ateneson of a Public Building, Chilliwack, B.C. lans, » } one and | Mr, Wm. toria B.C. ification and form of contract can be orme of tender obtained at the office of Henderson, Resident Architect, Vie- at the Post Office, Chilliwack, B.C., | and at this Department. Persons tendering are notified that tend- ers will not be considered unless made on the | printed forms supplied, and signed with their | actual signatures, stating their occupations and places of residence, In the case of firms, the sore signature, the nature of the occupation, and place of residence of each member of the | firm must be given. | Bach tender must be accompanied by an ac- | cepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to | the order of the Honourable the Minister of Pub- | lic Works, equal to ten per cent. of the amount | f | the tender. which will be forfeited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do #0, or fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheane will be neearned. e Department does not bind itsel o | the lowest or any tender, # 90 Sena By order, R. C, ‘DESROCHERS, Sec. Department of Public Works, - Ottawa, June 29, 1911 Mewapspecs will not be paid for this advertise- ment if they insert it without authority from the Department. 1 A BARGAIN 2 cleared and level lots, with house, on 9th Ave., for sale as owner is leay- ing the city. Good terms, JOHN DYBHAVN P.O, Box 757 Pattullo Block ee ALD. NEWTON sie. clf, $0) Why S09 MNS PARTY Chief Vickers’ request ' CONDE thing be done 4% t that 5 ‘ CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 curtained off boxes ; abolish the then in a loud voice, ‘‘Mr. Mayor, and hotels came yor, : ery I am not going to let Alderman last night, and y \ a Cound Hilditch bull-doze me." (Cheers|@ week after some dice”. from a fairly large audience), ing which Aldery 1 “ON dp “Seurrilous Cur!” clared that gam| OUBlAS de Alderman Newton declared that|than the priya, ts : "as Wong Alderman Hilditch in the absence | lowed to go o, bs Was al. of the Mayor had been made first @8ked why? “Ys and Acting Mayor, and then after he had got his hand in, served as For Fire Dept, acting licence commissioner, loo, Fire Chief Mey Yee “I challenge that statement, proached the « | wk S 7 cried Alderman Smith. to having two , n 7 View “I deny it. It is a dirty, seur-| The fire com; Ps rilous charge, and he isa scurrilous| before them “a leur who would make it,"’ exclaimed Alderman Hilditch. More Water Wanter “Are you going to sit there in \ request e ext ti your chair and allow me to be the water pip aia « called a cur?’’ demanded Alderman | Hays Creek hay: Aldermat wal Newton of the Mayor who made} '?) an op res re |no move to call the alderman to| "ight to ask all order, “I will stand for fair} Carry the y fill criticism, but I will not stand for] residenci he a language like that\” (Cries of} Which ar Wi; * ‘*Hear! Hear!’ from the crowd). The incident y ake . q The Mayor ruled that Alderman |@tgument if fay 3 Hilditch ought to withdraw the| the Hydro-E Ss . term. He did so. “Il withdraw the word cur,” he said, “but | City Weigh Scales Site do it with a very bad grace.” City Engineer Davis has sy. (Loud laughter greeted this self|8® sted that since it j impossible evident fact). yet to find out where the G TP Studied Inaction Company intend placing their d Alderman. Smith was charged|P0t ete., the city weight say by Alderman Newton with having should be placed at a poig 4 taken part the night before the|the G. T. P. reserve near fiij last sitting of the licensing com-| Steet Phi proved mission, in a frame up by which} Meantime by the G. T. P. offic though he himself took no action Left to the d publ in the matter at the open sitting} Works of the board, still ensured the granting of the bottle licence to J. Arthur Smith, his brother. None Too Soon Alderman Smith in denying this A by-law cally declared that he had endeavored|With the « tig to persuade his brother not to] diseases in the « auc apply for the licence at all. Ald-|#* last night's « \ldermag erman Newton further declared] Newton. W ‘a that the whole city is well aware] C4s¢s Of ink nts i that Alderman Smith really con-| Prince Rupe: Medial trols the other bottle licence grant-| Health Offy ge ed, that is, the “1. 2. 3." store.| W@S again a This was not specifically denied. | precautions pr \lderma Mayor Voted for By-law Newton cot a8 Owing to the absence from the | the light of the fa we city of Alderman Kirkpatrick and] of prevention aa Alderman Morrissey the council] of cure wit! consisted of but six members and the Mayor. Three members, Al- Exclusive Here derman Kerr, Alderman Smith, You cas Slater am and Alderman Hilditch were forjat The Aci 7 the passing of the By-law. The Second ave other three Alderman Newton, Alderman Douglas, and Alderman Inlander for Upriver Clayton were against it The Phis mor 3S. | 7; Mayor's casting vote was there- left fully 7 fore required if the by-law was to] W@y MN ult eas pass. When the motion for the the river ‘ 7” passing of the by-law through Rupert now , Committee of the Whole was put [Still kept: bu the Mayor voted for the passing i Alderman Newton's amendment For rent 7 that the by-law “‘be given a hoist}ment in Hi Block 5 for six months and killed deader | occupied by \ Ape than a door-nail,"’ was lost. The]Q, M. Helge: Ltd. By-law has now passed its third reading, and after a_ period of At the Fountain twenty-four hours has’ to be re- Ice Cream Cones 5¢, lee Crea considered before its final adop- Sodas 10c, Sundaes I5e and! tion. On Wednesday night the Ice Cream 25c pint, 50¢ quart council will meet again for this C. H. Orme, Pioneer Drugei eee ae ; Phone 82. Question of Fairplay a Alderman Kerr protested very strongly at last night s meeting Card of Thanks that his sole purpose in intro- rc up thank tee ducing the By-law was in order We wish : ind atte to give Alex Prudhomme a square friends for , a ‘shea P. A deal. At this statement Alderman to our beloved © in our fhe Newton sneered, remarking that Scott, and a " it wes a strange thing that such tion. ROSE scort, a sudden fit of contrition had LILLIE sc befallen the council even while . it was yet in the midst of Appeal ee Court proceedings against the de- cision granting Prudhomme the|@www licence. He wondered why they ALL KINDS OF were not as desperately anxious , to be strictly fair with Austin F d Ska Brown, Sutherland, and even Julius ur all Levi. He mistrusted this contrite repentance on the part of the Tanned, Monat ‘ Licence Board and its supporters Lined for Mul on the council. EXPERT WORKMEN cules | Charged by Alderman Kerr with WORK GUARANTEE having himself supported the yot- Vancouver Fur Dressing at ing of $50 towards the costs of 1843 Granville 5! the appeal against Prudhomme, Alderman Newton declared that he a ————_ had made his position quite clear yore} at the time, He condemned the LAND PURCHASE oe Licence Commissioners, but de-|— cuss By fended the principal that muni-] skeens Land Distr! . Di a f cipal authorities should not be| pure Bees cccups! ae over-ruled by the powers without. | (end — is eae Z| After the storm had subsided for commen t, ure es, i al a spell, it broke put afresh just Oe nee from Enchant oe before midnight, and an adjourn- | Sim ts thence 4c ae A ment had to be called to end the fess Pont mache Mt Sy : wrangling for the night. hod .