A 1M3 Good Chocolates arc always pmh Chocolates . deteriorate with age. That la why people litae ta n us. We handle the beat moke and Ml ferae u-s m wo are continually taming ever asrr ateefc. . can depend on aferaya getting fraah choentatee store. We Handle Neilson's Various Lines . ; some very nice gift boxes and also fiapps. , ; rhaeotatee la one of the most acceptable gifts a . in receive. They enn always be given without Orm.es IM. HF f tSOLII)ATEI) MINING & SMELTING cnMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED UMII-IIHITIMI CULI'Mllll """'J "V AMMONIUM rilOSI'MATK ELEPHANT SULPHATE OP AMMONIA k Titii'Li: superphosphate ; ,1, l II.Mtll.UKHH . it-'irir. of TADANAC ittD-wKc . nj CADMIUM-BISMUTH I H TIC DEPRESSION PRICES K,.s ( oak per ton SI 1.00 & 1U0 (Not Nut Coal) Ii.'iip i .l. per Ion $12j0 Iioose Coal, $1.00 per Ion less AH are in a dry shed. Don't buy water, buy coal HDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 mure course tutl. Tlirn liy pamlilc on cheap "namrlr-ss" lamp that tile young ami ate rlcclrlc current. Stick to K'plSOM MAZDA Ismpi nnl 1 ture of getting jour money's orlh. SoM by Iicttrr dealers nrrjxlir'rc; MADE IN EDI SON IAM :'WD1 GENERAL CANADA MAZDA PS ELECTRIC CO. LIMITED ALWAYS! For Chantctlcr Cigarette Papers sptcil up the rolling of cigarettes . . . make it quicker, easier, nleasanter 'Mmim job. Strong ... thin .. 'V. and once you hate tried them you'll use them LOCAL NEWS For day and night Taxi servile Phone 32. tf Seokonrd box-ends, J LOT tier load. Albert k McCftffcry. tf. i Canadian Legion BHS.L. monthly ; meeting Wednesday. March 8, a i pj. fUwraaea's Industrial Union mettine tvnsght at C.LD1 Hall, at 8. . Mm. C. MlLachsan and daughter, Mis Aqitfe MeUnbten. oaased thiwugh the city yesterday enreuie to their beta In Anyex. 8. Wellss ,of Terraee arrived in on Me trad) Saturday from the interior. The a. Cataaa arrived In port from the south yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock, saittac for Stewart and Anyox at 8 pin. I I The Chamber of Coauteree, the Oyro Cksb and friends wUl entertain llaroic Drown. Paat-Pressdent Vaneosreer Board of Trade and Miwaagor Union SOMsaships to luncheon at 13 W Tuesday In the Cdinamituit. Tickets S6e.. aeeomo-dation limited, phone Secretary Broofcctank for reservation. Announcements Rtyal Pur pte Bridfe BHia' II March 7. Admission 35c. Pioneers' banquet-dance, March 10. Rebekah Tea March IS. Catholic Ladles' Big Supper und Social aCarcn IT. . - Prince Rupert Badnlnton. Assn. Dance Warch It. Uooae Hall. Presbyterian Shamrock Tea. March It. OddfaUows- Old Tisae Dance, JMarctfitt. i r: Eagles' Dance. March 34. Adm. 50c and c. I ! Presbyterian Spring Sale Apr IS Catholle Spring Sale and Snetai April ISth , ! -Itulltl R. C. Payrolls- Good SB In Cold Weather tiiiMtna Pacific Milk within the Aietic Circle during a whole winter and in the mountains, taken in by prospectors, keepi fine in spite of the cold. And now It is better than ever In vacuum cans. Pacific Milk '100 It. C. Owned and Controlled" rLANT AT AIHIOTSFOR!) MUSSALLEM'S Tor Varlely Specials at Our I Confectionery & Delicatessen j (food Stuck of Fresh Candy and Chocolates and Soft Drinks j Jiffy "Maid" Cookie Dough Bakes in three mlnutee OHo per lb. roH Cooked Ham & Park QET per lb drape Fruit Medium slsc 7C Lettuce 25C bananas 25 C CONFECTIONERY & DELICATESSEN vat bkaft itrtwt rtaOli, A1 New Dresses From East ."Mrs. Johnson of Capitol Shoppe Wllh Exclusive Models Borne of the very nicest of the newest dresses made were brought i jhme from the east by Mrs. A.! (Johnson, of the Capitol Shoppe i and are on sale there today. They! are all exclusive models. While In j the East Mrs. Johnson got In touch iwith the trade in the various cen- tree and lound out what women' wre wearing and what was coming up She did enslderable buying but only the dresses have arrived so far. The coats and children's ctothes and. ether things will be eeming In soon. Among the goods beu-fht were a number of dresses for women of other than standard buttd so that now it will -be possible to fit almost anyone. taR or short. Another feature of her burins was a Quantity e-f goad 'for glrta and misses, a very nice nne of the newest things. Mrs. Johnson invites the ladies and girls of the elty to call ana took over these new goods. G. A. HUNTER IMPROVING Expects To Be hack In Prince Rupert Later in the Month After Holiday O. A. Hunter, hews editor of che Daily News, has so far Improved following an operation in Vancouver, that he is going on a visit early this week to .Stillwater following which he expeeta to return to Prince Rupert on March 19 or .M. Patvarfsi InIUMrA a.A V. I. 90Wim wry nfMiy and u keen "so be back at his desk here. SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF 1IU1T1SII COLUMBIA J. D. FRASER. Judgment Creditor i. and NATIONAL AIRPLANE LUMBER too. inc.. Judgment Debtor. By virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias :aseei m this action and Id me di rected. I have Seized the goods and Chattels of the above Judgment Debtor at Porpoise Harbour an Inventory of which can be viewed at the office of Messrs. Pat more Si Ful- ton or at the Sheriff's Office. Persons desiring to purchase can view the said goods and chattels at porpoise liar Dour by applying to the caretakft- on the premises. The goods and chattel! above mentioned wlH be sold by me at my office, on Wednesday the 15th day of March next, at 2 30 PM. TERMS CASH S A NICKERSON. Sheriff COUNTY OF PRINCE RUPERT. DATED at Prince Rupert this 22nd d.iv ot February. 1933 MACKENZIE FURNITURE 37 Third Ave. Phone 775 Chesterfield Suites- $90.00 per .suite Beds Complete-from $21.75 400 Yards Linoleum 90c oer square yard 200 Wtndow Blinds Oreen & Oftr Cream. 6xT2" each . EI4TK REAUTY PARLOR Mrs; Sutherland Operating the latest Shelton Croqulgnole Oil Steam Permanent Waving Machine For Appointment Phone 409 v-fc Everybody with T1?V Stomach trouble siiuuiu use lau from fruit Juices i in cooking. It makes the ordinary food tasty and appealing and Insures i-jiti a healthy stomach. Use Parity Brand Italian Olive Oil. Guaranteed pure and low priced. Phone-Red lift The Letter Box S I j CHALLENGES BASSO-BERT Editor, Dally News: I wdnld be cpliseti If you will find space for the following: V. Basso-Bert, Esq. Prince Rupert, B.C. As secretary of the Prince Rupert branch of the S. P. C. of Canada I hare been Instructed to write giving you the opportunity of presenting your case for "Fascism" through a debate with one of our members, the nature of the debate of eotuse would be Fascism versus Socialism. We feel sure you wUl aecept this courtesy extended to you from the party. Copy of thss letter baa been sent to V. Basso-Bert. Voters truly, J. S. BLACK. OwTttstry. Hotel Arrivals riMNCE KUPEKT H. A. Darby, W. G. ParneH. Van-eouver: Mrs. O. Keep. Prince Oeorge: Pra. O. Woodman and son, TVlkwa: E. Wellle. Terraee. Sleepy After Meals? Watch For Poisons A dopey, tired feeling Ls usually a sign of bowel poisons, that breed Kenns Oet rid of them with Adier-ika Acts on both upper and lower bowels without discomfort Ormes Ltd . Drugs JONES Family Meat Market Liter. 1 lb 25c Bacon. 1 lb. Loin Pork Chops 25c 2 lbs. Round Steak, 2 lbs. 50c ' Onions. 4 lbs.' Shoulder Pork, 4 lbs. 50c Apples. 4 lbs. Leg of Pork 12c per lb Oood Spore Ribs 25c 3 lbs. Pork sausage 25c 3 lbs. Sirloin steak 20c jwr lb TtBone Roast 15c per lb. ... Rump Roast 15c per lb. Sirloin lb. Tipper 18c fowl-each 65c n.17 Phone 937 FISH CASH & CARRY SHOP SPECIALS Fresh Large Crabs. 2 for 2-Sc Fresh Medium Crabs. 3 for 25c Sliced Halibut, per lb 10 Fillets of Halibut, per lb He Fresh Pilleted Sole, per lb. 10c Fresh Flllftea Red Cod. per lb. 10c I FreVh Smoked Kippers, per lb. 10c I Flounders. BrHie it Sole, 3 lbs 25c Isvron Street ' Phone 854 j C.p.D. Delivery The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black ISO COAL! COALJ Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. U Phones 658 ' Quality Has No Substitute "SALADA TEA "Ffejh from the Gardens" IF YOU WANT CASH at FOR YOUR FURS Ooldbloom. the Old Reliable, can arrange it. Ship in your fan to hhn and he will wire the money at once. Ho delays. We have a ready market for every kind of skin. GOLDBLOOM Classified Ads FOR RENT HOUSES for rent. Bottom prtcw. Phone Oreen 698. NEWLY Renovated modern flat. Rand Block. Max HeHbroner. t' EXCHANGE WILL exchange Cabinet Gramo phone with records for a small male puppy. Phone Blue 910. FOUND FOUND Seven keys on a ring. Ap- ply Dafly News Office. J! PERSONAL GENTLEMEN Purchase Persona: Drug Sundries by Mail Bargain Prices. Assortment of fifteen High Orade Burooean Importations sent postpaid in plain wrapper tor 31.00. Catalogue Free. Adults Only. National Die-! tributors. Box 44S. Regina. Bask. PIANO TUNING PIANOS Tuned 13.U0. Walker's M i tic Store. t TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Wood Coal j moving, chairs for rent. tt 1 Forjlerit - TYPEWRITERS Four-Room Apartment with Bath and all modern improve- pj SqJq nr Rent menta, newly decorated and SLtSSESS&S l Koso, Co,v & Utta everythincin first class order. Phone 231 Make me an offer. Phone Red 607 i - - r ,.- ,". . ' ; i For Your Health DEWT Chfrsbractle JLlJUll 1 Ultra Vislet Ifiys Intra Red Rays T I Massage AH KadlO AH at Renhle Prices I W. C. ASPINALL D.C. SewmgMachme, tttnzT?.n Typewriter E,chmc B,octe ' McRAE BROS., LTD. I Advertise in the Dally News --ii UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btestmr lr Ptuk Aupert for VsneauTr: 1 TJ?JI. aTAU m:RY TUESDAY. 1:30 lM. via Ootan Falls and Way Point, Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. T. S. S. MATURE EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Due Vancouver Monday ajn. Wetlly sUiacs to Port Slmptou. Alice Ann. Aayvx, 8twri nd Ktts rMrtbtr uUarmaUan nfvdlng all rRlMtf. tttTSKt iir.N V: once WANTED CASH for good grade wardrobe trunk. Apply Box 169. Dally News. IIAIHDRESSER PERMANENT WAVINO JUS & up Ladies'. Men's Hair Cutting. Nelson's Beauty Shoppe, CLEANING & PRESSING ZZ 1 PRICES reasonable Benkendort, Third Ave., next door to Dally News. PAINTERS PAINT1NO and PaperhangJng. MoUer. Phone Red 802. SH ELTON STEAM OIL Permanent Wave Mrs. Hickey's Reauty Parlor 131 Second Ave. Phone 301 Next Clapp Block Mtllsg and tkteti at ttntna A !. lHH4p eMI; 'st ur?j '.a yfft i. r -i Hi'il mi nil 3 ! Vr -.ifl nr. r!T itit i ) 1 W. M !!! ilT till to J Sf It ; :i(l 'H m 1 M HIT