lUl To 6r AN 'mvUscr m or I VOV9. KfuOAlfllA ArtWKWtUTfl M I ' t J -f ILIA c! The Kesail Store Almost Instant Relief . From Neuralgia 2- 2Q MINUTES LATER Vtj wonmhfvl hovv 'QUKKU MV NfUHALftIA I WCNT. THAT AtPlRlN 7 CCRTAINIV WORK TLs I I ISNT IT j jf Quick Relief Say ASPIRIN When You Buy a xiiinfy ewfWt rehVf . thwiaislwM. iMwri- Iir futt mfr rrlkf. - are due to a srien- iiv Mea Aiinii iliMoKe. or d-e ndA4( apar of r tuarkiag tmnmtiuT. on "tekiatf bold" of t- after Ukiac mi of tfcw glsaa, bers. v An .SsnWia TabM ' .,'f.iir ilmml intaol-t .tW Ikm u rrdy inetanik. iuv. ibMMW. be an I litule. To be Mm hUH. b M.ivpr ia I be tnrm f rv tubM o( Aftpinn. WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST TaMrt m a gtasi t Mr Nasi tlaM M- HSE it IouImM-Hm. H ka OarwS S JwMajrt W1ai Sm m ttm 4mm M Am mi ymi Kaawh Hint Mt Does Sot Harm thS Heart BE PREPARED FOR WINTER DRIVING tv u tinker around wtth a stalled car on a cold winter w k starting, easy ilding mid freedom from annoying " j re desired w than ever. And here's whore we KKi news for you, Ask for our speelal prlee -good till " I4th on tise following group ol operations. Grind ttlves. !(an atbon, Tlfan fuel lines and clean nl sdjust rarburrtor. . P'uts and adjust spark torus liradllihts. Prd Dealer 6 till and adJuM shock absorber. 7 Check and adjust steering 9 Adjust brakes. Ik-Adjust generator charcing rate. 10 Drain crankae and: lubricate clal. ll-Clierk and fill halterr 5. E. Parker Ltd. NEW ROYAL HOTEL 1 zarlll, Proprietur "A "OMK AWAY FROM IIOINlir Kales 11.00 up "ms. Hot & cold Water. Ru,nc: ... imj. inn mn Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms Wc Also Soli Coal That (Jives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 ,lff8e it doesn't pay. to, advertise poor products, It doet par to buy those athcrtlsictl. November 4 1M3 .THE" DAILY" 4 THE LAST DAY TODAY Bigger and Better Than Ever Offmes Ltd, Uftr. Pioneer Druggists, lhone: XI At 82 passenger aboard Use Prinaass Norab yesterday afternoon ot."f tttroagh to Vancoover where he 4 win apana we winter Want Ads for Sale. PIANO cheap . 8avoy Hotel. 2M 'kJR SAUt sjood afflftt safe. Co i PUU. atee Walnut Bed wtth Drea- sar. Spiral Sprtrg and Oefaar- meor Mattress, good condttian. Cheap. Phone M. Mi i I i l'honc S3 III t "1! FOR RENT FOR RENT 2-room modern apartment, furnished. Phone Rod t7 tf PURNKHRO Houekeeping Rooms! for rant. Win move yoa in free. Phone 10. 1m TOR RBNT New bunaalow. 1 bed rooms, close In. harbor view Furnace. T. McClymont tf PKUSONAL PRIVATE home Kindergartens pay We start you The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. HELP WANTED HOW to get a Government Job Free Booklet. The M.C.C. Ltd, Winnipeg, WANTBD middle-aged woman with some knowledge of general stors work. Must have good local references. Box 190 Daily New. PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Holler. Phone Rec 802. TRANSFERS CAMBRON'S Transfer. Dry birch, cedar. Jackplne Furniture mov ing, tf HAIRDRESSER PEIt.MANKNT WAVINOI Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NKLSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE LAST riWNCK MINKIML CLAIM1 Orlltlrstr or lmprornieiiU TAKE NOTICE thisn I. W. It. Mum, trrt miner' rrtloft.te No. 4T61. InUnd I to Ui Mining itMwrder tr s ceetltu ate f iMtjwwoiM for U purpoM cf obuinlnjc s crow-n gf" of th thtiy eUlm. AND. furthfr Uk notice tut action HIHlff 8ttftn SS ot Ui MUmtsI Act nuwH b eonvmencrd b4tm U laauanc or tuch crrtlfll ot Improwmcnu. Dt rd July. 1B3S, rirt liuHlon ox adrtUmnt AU tut 7, mi. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Dap tut Sale of Work. Dec 1. Sllversldes Bros, .for .Wallpaper,! Glass. Paint and. Muresco.. Olof Hanson, Mi;, lor Skrerta, returned to Ute ctty on ThursdayJ light's train from a brief trip -to Smlthers. The fire department had a. call tin- Queen Charlotte Islands be seostrod oa IdonUttsaUan eUber at the atont or at the newspaper of floe. 356 purser of toe Motor mnceas, is eUevtag as purser of the Princess Adelaide during Mr. Graves' "M. Tot MatkMsal ConstrcU Cou" MU ol Canada, had a omnmunica tlon before the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night acknowlodgj'g receipt of a com munication from th local Cham-j ber roouestlns the council to use I its Influence In bringing about the construction -of a suitable federal building hare. The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rttpert Chamber of Commerce was held kast night In the city council chamber. The session was a brief one and business was largely of a routine nature. Those present were John Dybhavn. vire-prasident. in the chair. W. II. Tobey. S. S. Parker. J. W. MeKtn-ley. W Jl. McAfee. T. N. LePage. ! Max Heilbroner. City Commissioner W J. Alder. J J. Little and Arthur Rrooksbank. secretary. Announcements Presbyterian BassAr Nov. 9. Nov. 9-10 Cathedral. Dramatt' Society presents 4-Aet Comedy -Oh Susan.'' Cathedral Hall. Moose Basftar, November S and 10. Oddfellows' old time da nee, November. 14. Anglican W. A. Baaaar. Nov.- 16 Philharmonic November 31. Srtttejy- soneert. P . Presbyterian Church Play "Con sequences" Nov. 34, Ragles' Dance December- !. W. A. Canadian Legion Bataar Kaales Hall, Dec. 5. Hogmanay Dance. Queen Man Chapter December 29. The AUCTIONEER PacklneCratlngWrapplng St General Furniture. Repairs, List your goods with me Phone Black 1ZI GEO. J. DAWES Sunday night dresses, afso new wood dream. hist la. Dem, 256 ' Electors Please accept my stn-j itere thanks for support given on! November 2nd, Gee Rudderhaim , 256; Canadian Legion,' IS. E. S. L I Church Parade, United Church, j Sunday, Nov. 5. Fajli In at- club ; on Thursday evaniiw to a. ahlm-4 rooms; 10j30. a.m. Medals to be , ney fire at the 'JffiBie of. Beat worn. ,Cromp, 401 Sevetuh, Avenue. Eastt I No damae was done. ' 1 Peter. Chuvette and Timothy O' Rourfce, tor drankenness, were each Joe Dunn, for years a resident oH fined $S, with option of fourteen Dltfby island, sailed last right hl days' imprisonment. In city police. the Prince John on his return ton court jeaterday. Massett after a brief visit to thai I'y. Mr. Dunn is locating now on Charted wtth o3treetm a, officer in the execution of his duties, James Jottnstone aepearedl Nws Boys and otners, between Uy potior omit yesterday and the a(?ps of 14-18. Me Invlttd tejWas remanded for eight days, met Toe II members at thein, . rutins. Pulton Street. 7:36 Monday- A copy of the annual retract of Evening. Nov. etfc. to discuss thjthe Dominion fisheries department formation of a News Boys' Club. was presented to the Pjinee Ro 257 pert Chamber of Commerce at Its raptto monthly meeting' last nhrh' -- capt Ames Obxson Wwal command ordered riled tor reference. W . : l v -wler -iwner of mln- jmanrtar.t of the SoJvatlon Army, in pr ne:'v in .he Atitn district who has been spending a stalk PriclUa Smith Indian, appeared and Mrv &!. -ler a d son wvf leave of several mea at Wrtn- be f era Stipendiary Magistrate Anr p.iengrs aboard the princess ieil. returned to Use-ctty from thay drew Thompson in provincial po- Norah yesterday afternoon gotns ' north on the PilntoM NoralU yea-; lice court yesterday afternoon on a souin. may wti: spend uie wrnte' tarday afternoon. ertrfe of vagrsjrcy and waj, Ben in Los Artele. i . 'tensed to ant nionsti' itaortt-n JasiM K. Oram, who has been twalnnc in ehargo of oparaolonW of the OonaotUUtsd Ml tag M asnattint Co, in tke Atitn dlatrtct dartnti the past amir, seas a A oonasaorsaMs awn oi nOfteav f was dropped by some person m.thoj i J""1 T. yTA M Wserae. general freight day and pished ). ay Mtas uwoyi aaaos ,. mm fTniii i nisn nm Miller. The hs been haad-f.. mo ay rnvlnf spmt a couple of day ad over to the Daisy Nowa and can.k ani in tim diBii-utt in u. ourse of one of his periodical aor-them mspeeUesi towrs. sailed by the Prince JoKn last night on hit ireturr to Vancouver via the Queer Arthur Grave, papular purser ofjowriotte Islands the staame Prtneeat AbelaMei. Is I now on his annual vacation and! i has left Vancouver for a motor rip to Portland and possibly fur-, har south. Datd Scott, regularly Baby's .e0wn It was reported to the Prince Ru pert Chamber of Commerce at it-regular monthly meeting last nigh that the taxation committee haf been unable as yet to go into Met of rscomnAendations which har been made by the taxation bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade in regard to lnoome taxation. How ever. It was hoped to ke the mat- tar up during the coming month and have a reoort for the next regular meetlrg. i W. R .McAfee, chairman of a special Committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. which was appointed so Investigate the possibilities of exporting matchwood from this district to the Orient, resorted to the Cham ber at rta meeting last night that the matter was blTg gone inor and further information being obtained. There appeared, however to be little llkelthoed of being ablr to do anything definite in the meantime Bring in your Old Gold We wilt pay you Cash in v t -Icvci I RDQ TMt MORE WITH THE CUKIV i uoiWma 9 iBii And what about THIS ONE?' VICTOR MODEL R-37 Ctmfliu wiik 4 . VICTOR Model R-31 Yo WAITED a. -YOU FOR THIS RADIO .OLTVE never hid to oppprtuniry to get ruch an all-round rsdio buj at such a price. Here's the set for, the mm who works hard for his money and uho Jotsn't?) sad wants value, for every cent. Thij beautiful' new. superheterodyne console his 3 double efflciencr tubes . . . tone control . . . vis oil volume-control indi cator (ntu). . . . and sa extended frequency rsnge that fdli! Eisy. terms. Cm MacRENZlE'S FURNITURE Leather Top CARD TABLES 2.50 nr"th $2.95 Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs A complete line of Furniture 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's Leading Family Hotel Hat & Cold Water In all Rooms A. J. PRl'DHOMME, Trop. SPECIAL WINTER RATES $12 Per Month and Up Developing and Printing Send Your Films Direct to WRATHALL'S pnoTO FiNisniNcr Rapid Service Prince Ruperk UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steunert V Prtzwo Rupert for Vmcourswr T5.S. OAT A LA EVERY TUESDAY. 1:30 i For Ocean Falls, due, Vancouver. Thursday PJiL Ti?.S. CARDENA- EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. W I Due Vancouver Monday am WUt saUlsgi to Port Blmpaon. Allw Am. Anyox. aunart aad Ifasa fMrthrr Information retarding all aaUinga and tkkou at Prince Rupert Arency: Second Avenue. Phone S6t CANADIAN PACIFIC Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and) Way. Ports: Princess Adelaide, Fridays 10:00 pjn. For VANCOUVER: direst: Princess Louise. Oct 18. 25: Princess Norah. Nov. 3 For KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL, JUNEAU and SKAGWAY, Princess Louise. Oct. 12. 21; Princes Norah. Oct. 30 Foi Reservations and Information W. L. CO.VTES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra. Violet Kays Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green 341 Exchange Block avsQssjansHj3M i! Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 I t ft r 1 r 4 n f f.i M