lit' Atl IS fea v 4s PAGE FOUR -THE DAILY NEWS . I... . Prices Cut To Rock We Sell for Less Snappy Styles for the Snappy Special 1 Up from v. RUBBERS For the entire Family Lr klcs: Solid Leather CO QC Work Boots, Special VOVO CUT RATE SHOE STORE - WEEK-END SPECIALS Free Delivery Orders $2 or Over FRESH COMB HONEY 25c each ONTARIO HONEY f?Qn 5-lb. tin QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS POTATOES From reputed growers; guaranteed quality 52.09 CUT GREEN BEANS 38c 3 Mns - ECONOMY BRAND COFFEE 0"7 Frehly Ground, per lb. Ail 80c 3 lbs. BLUE RIBBON TEA 37c W. A (Stock up at this price) j GRATED PINEAPPLE 2 s OQn -2 tins GRANULATED SUOAR 7fp 10 lb ECONOMY BUTTER 74c 3 lbs. (Friday and Saturday only) MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 517-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Box 575 Phone II Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms Wc Also Sell Coal That Gives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 i COAL! COAL! bur Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed 10 give satisfaction. Try a ton ot No. l Dulkley Valley W also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. til Phones 558 s 95 Miss H Special $3.49 Black Smart, Serviceable Oxfords flJO ?0UO Q for Women; Brown SHOES E S Men's High Grade Oxfords, up from GRIT DANCE FINE EVENT : Liberal Party at Queen Charlotte Attracts Guests From All Island Points QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY. Nov. 18: One of the most enjoyable and successful affairs ever held on 1 the Queen Charlotte Islands, rival- i ling the event which took place two 'years ago when the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia was i A visitor here, "was the Liberal dance held last Saturday night In Miller's Hall. A seven-piece orchestra provided splendid music and the hall was crowded to capacity. Mrs. C. M. Macintyre and Miss 'm. Stevens had charge of the affair, the expenses of which were defrayed by some Liberal contributors. People of all political com- ' plexlons were in attendance and a fine feeling of goodfellowship and sportsmanship prevailed. Guests Included the following from Island points other than Queen Charlotte and Skldegate: Port Clements A. L. Mallory. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Ward, S. Piper, Mrs. ,E. S. Richardson', Mrs. Brown, M. Herman, J. Donroe, Mrs. J. R. Williams and L. Dyson. I Tlell Mr, and Mrs. F. R. Richard- !son, E. E. Wiggins, E. S. Richardson and James Denholnie. Lawn Hill Mr. and Mrs. O. Ross, Mr. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moses, Miss Molltor and B. Molitor. Sandspltr Mrs. A. Woods and Miss I. Woods. TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Kent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 231 RUBBERS CUT BELOW COST . $2.95 - 3rd Avenue f ANNIVERSARY IS OBSERVED Local Sons of Norway Lodge Celebrated Its Third Birthday Last Mint Lodge Vlnland, Sons of Norway, celebrated 1U third annlversay last night with a banquet, concert and dance In the Oddfellows' Hall, about ninety persons being present. The banquet tables were beautifully decorated. The evening's program Included an address by Oscar Haveroy, piano j solo by Miss T. Murvold, readings by ' Mrs. Gunnar Selvig, vocal quintette by Mrs. Anton Dybhavn, Mrs. G. Selvig. Mrs.01at Skog. John Stor-seth. and Gunnar Selvig, violin solo by Mr. Donald, accompanied by Peter Lien, reading by Ole Skog, vocal solos by Mrs. Chris Johnsen and Oscar Haveroy. Music for danoing, which was In progress until 3 ajn.. was provided by Julius Welle s orchestra. Oscar j Haveroy was master of ceremonies. : FURS I have a big order for raw furs and am prepared to buy at top prices. Before selling elsewhere let me see what you have. I am in a position to pay as much or more than others and you get your cash at once, either by return mail or by wire. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable "TILLIE THE TOILER" I UNbWR.STAAj'1 Bottom WATERFRONT WHIFFS Officers Elected and Resolutions Passed at Annual Meeting- of Fishermen New Director of Experimental Station Here Delegates to Seattle Resolutions on matters of interest to the various classes of fishermen were passed at the annual general meeting of the Northern British Columbia Fishermen's Association which was held. The meeting elected the following of ficers for the vear : chairman. S. Bjornsen : secretary, Jack Roberts; executive J. Knudsen, N. Serheniuk, J. Deane, J. Menara, S. Schjsvold. S. BJorn- sen and J. Roberts. Among the re- or two weeks' duration to Oardner solutions passed by the meeting Canal and eUewhere In that region, were the following: That the government be requested to place a telephone line from the lighthouse to Parry Pass, North Island. That the government be requested to erect a light with a red see-tor to clear the rocks on the west of the harbor at Seven Mile Point. That a vote of thanks be extended to Mrs. George Smith for her medical aid to the fishermen during the past season at North Island. That a free harbor be maintained at Seven Mile Point and that no leases be granted there. That the exorbitant price of gasoline be protected and that steps be taken to com but same. That the City of Prince Rupert be asked to complete the road to the fishermen's floats and also that a light be Installed on the railroad " " tracks approaching the The new launeh recently mir- chased In Prinee Rupert by Jens Larson of Alice Arm has been named Anna H. and has been placed In service as the mail carrier between Anyox and Alice Arm. It is a trim craft 34 feet In length with a beam of 94 feet and is equipped with a 15 hp. Flnnoy seml-dlesel engine. The Anna H. has two commodious cabins and is equipped with electric light. She was built recently in Prince Rupert. Capt. George Fritz and Capt. Dan Larten, representing the Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners' Association, and George Anderson, secretary of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, ! left Prince Rupert during a public week for Seattle to attend a public , hearing of the International Fish-1 eries Commission on Thursday of inext week at whiaii views of the Industry are to be heard in eonntc-' tton with proposed new conservation regulations. Capt. Frit and Capt. Laraen sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide. Mr. Anderson leaving Tuesday afternoon on the Catala. It Is understood, although not definitely announced. that a similar public hearing may be new by the Commission later In Prince Rupert. In spite of the rather turbulent weather conditions, a number of extended bird hunting trips to more ! remote point down the coast have I been undertaken by local nlmrods of late but no very marked success has attended any of their effort. Some of the parties have had a rather rough time of It from the weather standpoint but everyone J seems to have come through well and. If they did not get much game, they at least gained some ex- I perlence. With winter coming to the north, larger numbers of geese and 'ducks are nowito be seen winging their way southwards. The exceptionally wet wither has somewhat i dampened the spirits of the deer hunters and there have not been so many hunUmen in the woods of late. It has certainly been rather , unpleasant for that sort of thing. The Gammon St Watt seineboat Bertha O. left on Thursday morning for a hunting trip of ten days' No Match For a geese, ducks, mountain goat, deer. grhaly bear, or what-have-you, be-' In the objective of the party of huntsmen which include James Boyd, Cyril Orme, Jim Bacon, Martin Skog and Jack Boddte in add)-! lion to Skipper R. Oammon and Tom Watt. "Stonewall" Jackson moved his floating hone during the past week from Shawatlaiu Passage to Cow Bay. HI general idea is to spend the dark days of winter closer to the bright lights. He will probably go commuting again next spring, j Dr. Neal Carter, chemist from the staff of the Biological Station at Nanatmo. Vancouver Island, arrived In Prince Rupert on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from the south to assume his new duties a director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station In succession to D. B. Finn, who has been transferred to take charge of the Halifax station. Mr. Finn wilt be leaving Prince Rupert in December for Cambridge University. Eng. land, where he will spend three or four months engaged in special work before assuming his new duties on the Atlantic Coast. During hi term of employment at the Nanatmo Biological Station. Dr. Carter ha, through hi sincerity and sterling character, won the esteem of all of his associate He la an excellent chemist and research man and ha established a splendid reputation among the scientific men of the coast with whom he has come in eon tact. He enter upon his wider field of activities well qualified for the position. O. A. Woodland, local agent of the Imperial Oil Co., returned to the city on the Prince Adelaide yeeterday afternoon from a brlrf trip to Ocean Falls on company business. Hear the New DE FOREST CROSLEY All Wave RADIO Listen In on program from all over the world. The radio with the tone one never trows tired of hearing. Sold only at Kaien Hardware A satisfactory place to shop In PHONE: 3 We Test Radio Tubes Machine Friday and Saturday TWO SHOWS 7 & 8:15 Admission 15c Si 50c Saturday, November , (HIAND DOUBLE BILL HIE COMEDY-MYSTI ItY l)KAM "THE CROOKED CIRCLE" W (7:10 Si 9:50) With BEN LYON, ZASU PITTS. JAMES fi LEAS ON and 111 I' NT ptr " 1 An Empire Release "CEll, Glorious Fun In a .Miraculous Frolic of Mirth and Myilfry ZANE GREY'S ROOTI.V TOOTI.V WESTERN With a Great Cast. "Clancy of the .Mounted' KEEP YOUR Here is an opportunity to help a local industry and at the same time benefit yourself. BUY-- Bulkley Valley COAL The Better Coal TOOMBS' RADIO SERVICE Reliable and economical repairing of all makes of radio "guaranteed" i ' ruaiBBBSMssoBvsnBfta ntin(SHasaasimBaft9iKsssa' For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Kays Intra Red Kays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Phones Green Sit Eirhince Hlock Coal Prices Alberta's Best Lump 312.50 Alberta's Beet Egg H-50 Alberta's Best Stove H-00 Pembina Egg 1L50 Dry Jack and Cedar, per load 5-JJ Local Wood, per cord 60 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 If your naner does not Monday & Tuesday "HOLD YOUR MAN" "SUNSET PASS" ,SI A Paramount Picture Metro News CASH AT HOME Phone: Blue 901 Fresh Milk and Cream Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 arrive, telephone the office By Westover. ( Fli:?! I rx ("SV, BO 'M CE I I r TOUCH 7 av. i oxxvttJ Hoh. com om- J-i lAV, AT'S-. I mm wipsr mMpr 'Xpgnam W. SIK M