njer 7, 1933 ran daily mm KrilogK Corn Flakes arc the (trig- LOCAL NEWS NOTES TESTED RECIPES OF GET Inal llie ttandurtl (if ijuuliiy everrv. TEMPTING INTEREST where. Always solil ltli thr ieronal guarantee of W. K. Krllupgt efaverside Brps. for Wallpaper, i Wra. Irvine MP, CXF. Speaker J ,APRLE CHUTNEY THE Olass, Palnf and Mtrresco. 1 In Moose Hall Friday, 8 p.m. 210 If you are not aatUfiril, rrturn the empty reil-anrf-grrrn package ! P"Pf wisWng to regjjter in pi-! C. P. Balagno has resumed his BEST un.l yie will refund your money. ano cteste in Borden Street School music classes. Phone Oreen 280 for MmFe liy KHIoge; In lmlon, Ont. i !may do to between 3 JO and 5.30 terms. sf n atv VA ylH:i!:'::i:llp g Tt! -cable and be.: and Mrs orf Jsi Pioneer Druooists E tall Store rhones: II ft t CANADIAN PACIFIC Skamn, t.,. ,lupfr fof v-ncouTrr ,, Ocean Pall and ft..,- ... wy forts: Fm ll ' . Ad','. rrldays1 10100 p.m. lr Ktr UmUm 8P 1 Wth.. Wih . Oct. ssfc. RET iilR AN, WltANClKLL, JVSVAV and SKAfiWAV. 1 -uise. Sept. 2nd.. 11th.. th . Oct 1st. 'o Itetenrailens and Inlormatlon I OATI r; i i Ituitrrt. H.C. - ..lif 4Vllt I NION STB.MSIUPS LIMITED v uer Thursday p,m. VftnX FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Monday a.m. ewt aimpao Alio Anm. Antes. ttuS uPf Attnevi K. j Phone SRI Friday, Sept. 8. Mystery Crake ss. Prince Rupert Saturday, 1:30 pm., returning 10 'pin. Orchestra, dancing. Adults ,$1.00. Children 50c. ; RfguUr monthly meetmga of the j Prince Ropert Ministerial Association, after harm? been suspended lor the summer mo-lhs, are to be resumed this month. It is expected there will be a meeting next Robert Marshal!, son of Mr. a ad , Get Your Requirements At thffte special prices. Some of thece items are adTanrini;. Ituy now. SPLIT PEAS 4 lbs. WHITE DEAIB- S lbs. TAPIOCA- . A lbs IC1NO 8UOAR J-lb. pkg. MACARONI RBADYCtrr- 1 1 Ibi- . SULTANA tAIfllNS . Australian. 2 erewn. 3 lbs. VEGETABLE SOUP Ajlmer per tin QUAKER KtTCliyP No. ZUrt.: Uns ..... PITTED DATES 3 lbs. REatO FREfill PEAS l IK. ., '. j, i aj si3. FIELD TOMATOES 3 lbs. CELBRY-rLarge ' 2 for I: CUCUMBERS each K 25c 25c 23c 20c 50c 35c 9c 25c 35c 25c 25c 25c 7c I'Iihw4, Peaw. tlrapes, Appier and Oranzes at Keduted Prices j Out of Town- Orders. Give Piompt, Attentlaa MUSSAUiM'S . Economy Store I7-W Third Atenut West P.O. Bar 75 Phone II !! IsssBBBBaaaawssassBBBSBBsslBssaaa- i Wood and Coal I One load of Wood and One Ton of Cil MM3 This erenlng's mixed train, duel from the East at 8 o clock, vras re ported this tnornlng to be on time. . Mm. W. D. Moxley and daughter, Mist Eleanor Moxley, will sail toy night on the Prince George for Victoria where the latter wilt take up studies at Provincial Normal SchooL ' ' Mr. w J Marshall. Eighth At- C. N. R. steamer Prrnee George L-. Wltb patafUl " " E N. ran a "peCM4 rideht Tueatfay when he fell from two-day excursion from Vancouver 1 a ep raHlnff and broke Ms lait U the end of fee week over the shooMer. Toe Mttte feBow wfll be Labor Day holiday. Over two hun- arand sfaln shortly, dred persons made the cruise on! I ' the veaae) to Powell River and Jer- . , C.!.R. steamer Prince George, rls and But IoJete. Weather was, H- E afrtfed la poit deikjhtful and the oatJng was? " " yexiefny rnxn van- thoroughly enjoyed, by an. r. rowen mm ami uee&n m!l and railed at 3 o'clock in the! Walter Service, an- engineer in t .trmoon tor KeteUlka and An- the serrtee of the Nat-tern Paciiu-'K Ijfox whence she will return here RaUwav at EUnhnrV. Wailn.-.' " thit evenfng. Itssn. writes to hls.mother. Mrs.! Peter Black of thlJeny, teHlng of.- - ; Mr pctt mark of ttas city has recent labor dktartn-crs in mat Frank, Vsckers of the Cits IU1I tred wtvrd that her son Peter town din rtrViM u,. no al 8ati- staff returnee to the city on the Ca- Blaefc. Jr . mm enatd In spec- use of tear gas in she streels.Some spendinf a tala Monday morninf after a vs- ial work at an Amerka- btolotiaal Innocent br atanrUn uiifrH m. ii Queen Cfcar- rattan in Vaacouver Oithe same station at Penaanee Patat. Wood , effects from the chemical, i tnm Uie Is- boat his dausjhter. MUs Bdna Vic- Hose, forty rnfles from Botni . vc John Tuesday ken. of the teaching stafr of Bor- Mamtfcasetts Later to tha fall Is? r.lri by last er- den 8U?et S-hool retur ed to the win resome- his scienttfh etadr-taf ir home In the etiy after spending the summer at MrOlD UoirenUy in MotreaL raration in the south Jasmine Cosmetic Table On Display in Our Window This beautiful Prize for "Know Your Actor's Voice" Contest A Dental Plate Brush Free With each purchase of Dental Plate Fix, 50c For holding plate . will be pleased to learn that we have the agencv for PAGE & SHAW CHOCOLATES V full assortment just arrived ataaHaMaawBaMaawMMMHaM Latest Razor Blade Prices Mime Hluc Wade, 5 for 35c ' -iltotc Blue llladc, 10 for oOc V to strop Blades, 5 for 35c uf strop Blades, 10 for 50c Ormes Ltd. . . . rewnen io me axy irom ttw w wrr rx uouue. north on me prfntMS Louise thU 1r fUt "ernoo lUrry Oodson of Vie-! at 315 this Sa,- i JiKernoon torta. h eouTer TMs Is the fteal voyafe on 'absence. wW sail by tte PrfneesV " Adelaide tomorrow, nhi on Mv Prhwsi Leetse wMeb wlB continue SrHam south J io oe operafea aarmt; mr tau on i ten-day schedule In the Alaska i route Mr. and Mrs. W. L Ooatea. who; have bceo on a' month's racdtn trip so Dawson, AtHiuano; Juneau J WUttam Inrine. UP. for Wetas-'klwln. Alberta, wlB, sirlte in the w m,C' , dty ? H-1 wne train from m intflor in the course of at tarn, rrtiw wensy matran of the taar dfOrMlah Columbia And wM fwTrir ttt tttm Ttmnttrm Ktar tint RH. ... . . ... . . omit- umu sunaay ntent. f. u,n "umwa. armeo mwcnj Irrlne will speak at a meeUag to mterday from the souUi. Tomor- be held tomorrow night here A row nfeilit she w411 pay an etffcial meetlnc of the hl fioefalw .rt rUlt to Belist Chapter of this city of canaa i ImU . iwu. oeswor wjai Tunon ons are io oe he; m her honor tnclodlne a re- aemkon Saturday after-oon at the homr of Mrs. Samuel Masney Mrs. Sehmeelk will proceed to Prince ;Oeors on Saturday ntfht train natllt Of th WW tn nwk ranaenents for the meeting- Announcements ar- 25th Anniversary Supper United Church September 11. I L.OB-A. ISeot. 14. Lutheran toeer IX Bridge. WList and dance OddfeUbws OMUme Dance, Sep- Itetnber 3t. Church Bazaar. Oc- Catholic Bazaar Octorxr 10 .RARE Opportunity For Finest Tailor-Made Suits We all are tired of cheap clothes, now times are better and depression has come to the end. We take this opportunity to offer to the better dressed public our finest Entllsh Worsted, Indlfo Serge. RIamcy. Heatherhin and Foxhound Tweeds, Flannels. Etc. At a bigger saving than ever was experienced in Prince Ru pert. Reg. $10 SUIT Special tor Keg; MS SUIT Speelaf for Reg. 141 SUIT Special for Reg. $54 SUIT Special for $32 $37 $39 $42 (Extra Trousers, J10) Thh price good for 30 days only LING Tailor The high class tailor and reliable dry cleaner Second Ave-Near Post OfTlee ! Phone 9S3 rv . . i rut tnem throuqh the Sauer KrautSize 21, Karo Syrup per 2-Ib. Un Oreenaage Phiaw Sate 7i Vr tin ITrtnr Tomato Juice 3 tins tor Marsh Orape Juice per pint bottle Phone 933 De Jong s Xash and Carry j Friday & Saturday Specials' 9c 22 c! lie , ' mm Malk in s Best SPICES per tin 7c Brunswick SARDINBS per tm 5c Blue Ribbon Baking Powdar 22C yvi Ull B C. Liquid Heney pfr jar Crlteo per 3-lb. tin Jloney Qraham Wafers Pfr pkg .... 8uhHght Sda pgr cation Outdoor Tomatoes pr basket Cahteloupes Ltrge size; 2 for small size 3- fox ... . Dills Cucumbers for pickling. 3 tor Red Phims per lb 39c 17c 73c 22c 19c 39c 25c 25c 10c 10c hopper ' , Soat -2 lb. c vife onions in brine oyemislit. Drain lhm end pt,. , ' through the food chopper. Pare 4 Ibi. of sour opplei and put thenv through the food chopper. Mix 2 lb, seedless raisins with the apples, poor 1 pint of cider vinegar over thent and let stand ovesmchf. Add the onions and 1 head of celery, A large red peppers, 1 H lbs. of sugar, 2 tablespoons Cofmon's Mustard, 2 teajpoons'iolf, 1 lea-' spoon tumeric and 3 pints cider vinegar. Cook until the vegetables are clear ond lender. Seal in sterilized bottles or jars. Now you Rive pieties fo defi'ghl the palate. And thor MrbfU, appetizing Ian) is traceable to the mustard you've used. Nothing I lie Colman's for giving pickles distinctive, cVlijhlM flavour. Don't forget to indede il whatever you do. Corrschon en INDIAN PICKLE REOPE 1 which spptsrtJ in recent iisue f tkh ptptr. In tUU aJrtrtiitmtnt the rtclpe clltJ for srounJ "whitt" spict. Tkit siood Asre its J eond "mixed" jpice. Tin correct reap for tkit very tempting pickle it given herewith: Select pine medium sized onions, peel them and tales 1 dozen ripe tomttoes, 6 Isrsc spplcs, H lb. around mlied spice, 1 qt. vinejsr, 1 lb. rtfsins and ult to tsstc. huvtny boiled them all together for Vl hours, strsin them and sdd 1 lb. brown sujr. cvp of Colmsn's Mastwd and 1 tetipoon of cayenne pepptr. Now boil th entire mixture for hour and your ladian Pickles arc' resdy for bottlioj. 131 Mlss Prgtr Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A dersn fof thts eny. wUJ sail tomorrow t night for Vsncourer where she will attend Prormeial Norma! School. mans DS E Mustard AIDS DIGESTION Classified Ads FOR SALE CHRYSLER Sedan, good condition. ! BOARD Walker's Music Store. FOR SALE Winchester 32 speatal price $20. Apply Dare Owens, Vanarsdol. B.C. 11 FOR RENT KOUSBS-F. W. Hart t FOR . RENT -sf FUTTsWied apartment. Phone Red 444.' 213 . . h III I I! .1 SMALL 6-room modarn house. ST-ug and warm for th winter. 147 Bsghth Avenue Bast. 214, PLEASANT furnished bed sitting room. Hot Water fire place, harbor Blue 187. First tnrtln g t 7, tasa. heat, electric Phone , , ,. . TUREE-Roomea pauaga for rent, furnished or unfurnished. 133 Fifth Avenue West. U FOR RENT fire-roam cottage on Third Avenue. Good location for anyone wishing to reside close In or tor a tea room, shoe repair shop, clothes pressing or other small business. Phone 9. PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng lloUer, Phone Re 802. Llt nUCI MIIIRAL CLAIM OrtUkatr ol tmronialt Tsxa Noncr ua t. w h Muom trm xainrft crMfWt No 4T87. tnttnd SO dajs from Ov rta rterrat t topi 7 to th snoinr Rvotrdrr tor a cnlfr-eate at liiHirinMuaat (or th purpoH of obtaining a crow f nnt ot tha tw-i rUlm. and rurtbvr ukt notica tait srtlaa adr 8cttoo SS ot Ui Mineral Act miMt b osmmeoord txfort lb Imanatt vt aueft rtrtltioata ot fenpraraotanta. DM Zlrt July, tU. of adTtrtlMiaaa Aa BOARD AND ROOM bouse. and Rooms tn private 1000 First Arenoe. 210 WANTED I SUBSTANTIAL. Oak Couth, solid WASTED English baby pram. leather, adjustable seat. Excel- Good condition . Apply Box 457. lent eondttioa. $1230. Apply 913 3U Seventh Ave. East . J3U 4 " ; HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVlXaf''), -OH -Rlhglette'Jial. ISJff. NfUon's Beauty Shoppe j! TRANSFERS CAMERON'S TRANSFER Furniture moving, wood, coat, chairs for rent : if llrrin mini l' TAXI KOTICi; tt tMe Lake Wn-mu ut- (UUMI waa a irMf u rM rmftaa zoaf. Ttark ac vai als tor a Ueaoca a kaka aaa um Tirn MB) rwe irrt prr trttmt tt attar out ot Summit Crrat. whasb Haw NctUifrtr im ik a into Tala Lake aaataVa&Ut IS antra Kerth ot Big Uu-aotm Uiftr , Tbc water vHi ba TrUd at a point atMHit 1800 itwHra buoctird) ttt fort enUftnc Tide Lake and wflt ba uaed tor motac aat power purpoact upon lh aila drMatbM aa Tlda Laka Syndlcata mratnr daiaia. Spring Jto. SS3 Mid rVm aalaSflf eiatma ast Sd-Jolntng ebttM. TM oaure waa puated orl tbf gieiaid on taa Sfh day of AugUat. 1MJ. A copy of thft aatk and an appliaa-ttoa puriUAiM tberato and to Xtm "f. ter A of wUl ba died la tba afflc ot tat Water Racomtr at rrlace Rupert, B.G. syyfi., PpMeatkw'jtti it fttr warn rt l wWr Rrtatr or fH Mia OomptroMvr of Watw IRiftta, Ptrtitmtait BuUdinai. Victoria, DU, wSSala UUH day aftar th Sim ap-paaraacr of ahu aaMc t a kwal Beat- fOTJ, LAKC 8TNDICATK Wm, Apflfcant. Per W J JMtaowtks, Aiat. Tba date of tba mat piibnfatfaa of thi notlte U Auput 38. ISM. '-gr l AdvstUs m tnr Ball Vcvn 1 'fit. 1 aklPeW 'A - 1 3- w '11 V- ft 1