PAOi BCC THE DAQJT Tuesday, y0Y?tnbtr a 1 23 m SCHICK DRY SHAVER When Winter C WANTED 100 Permanent Waves at $3.00 Nelson's Ifeauty Shop Phone 835 v ni,:ni omes i Let us condition your car for carefree winter motoring. Proper lubricants as recommended by the manufacturers, batteries checked up, radiatorand all connections checked, and a high grade antifreeze installed will lessen your transportation worries this winter. Ask about our improved accessories of car heaters, windshield defrosters and auto radios, etc. . .. We wish also to announce that Mr, Walter Wright has taken charge of our mechanical department' and your service problems however large or small will be efficiently attended to. KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet - Pontiac - Oldsmobile - Buick Dealers Phone 52 t Is a wonderful new advance in shaying science. A new principle of shearing the hairs rather than cutting. Improves the condition of the skin. Drop in and let us demonstrate this wonderful DHY SHAVER. NO BLADES, NO SOAP, NO POWDE1J. Impossible to cut your face. - An Ideal Christmas Gift But we advise you placing your order immediately soas not to be ' ' ' disappointed. y ': . . - ' '': ... Our Store Has Become a Gift Shop At Christmas Time v.vT Prices are a surprise. They are reasonable. For every member of the family. Gifts of beauty and practical-worth; there isja holiday spirit in our store. ,?. ;': ' :" . IT IS CHRISTMAS GIFT TOIE. MAX HE1LBR0NER - Diamond Specialist BILLMOR SHINGLES Manufactured by a local mill, by local labor, from 'Pyce. Sold at prices Jower than ever before offered 'in Prince 'Rupert; " ' All No. 1 Cedar Shingles 3-X, per thousand , 3:3.00 5-X, per thousand ..$1.00 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Buikley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. I Buikley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat,, . ... Pats and .Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 BAKING SPECIALS This is the time when everyone will be . , malting Christmas Cakes and .Mince Meat. We. offer a few aurrcs. lions for your baking and cooking requirements. glace Cherries Whole qq- pcr lb uu, GLACE PINEAPRLE RWOS IQ0 Red and Green, oer lb GLACE FRUITS 00 Vlb. Dkc. each BLEACHED SULTANA .RAI5INS. 2 lbs. AUSTRALIAN . SULTANA OCn RAISINS, 2 Crown. 3 lbs. VOX, CALIFORNIA 8EEDED A j-n RAISINS, Bulk, per lb. ADL CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS OQn RAISINS. Bulk. 2 lbs. SMYRNA NATURAL FIGS Offn Fresh Stock. 3 lbs. iJ, SMYRNA LAYER FIGS 4Q Fresh- 8tock. oer lh: XUl, SHELLED ALMONDS ftfln per lb. u7V SHELLED WALNUTS 's Qn 2 lbs. DESSICATED COCOANUT Qff 2 lbs. OtSls FRY'S UNSWEETENED JCn CHOCOLATE. ,'s. 2 nkmi"' FRY'S BULK COCOA AQn per lb. IOV 2 lbs ROYAL BRAND PURE EXTRACT botUe i-iti 35C MIXED PEEL Cut OC per lb GUI,, MIXED PEEL Whole or ,WXlO. . Ut)s CITRON PEEL Whole Qfin per lb. UVt BOILED CIDER Plnta per bottle 35c 23c feXTitA SPECIAL. 4 Bars PEARL WHITE. SOAP; 1 Pkg. NEW ROYAL CROWN SOAP POWDER; 2 bars WITCH HAZEL TOILET SOAP; 1 ALUMINUM SAUCEPAN Q Q o Value $1.25; Special ... OUL HOLLAND HERRINGS Q ft ff k Milkers, per keg V-kUSDi Quality tt Satisfaction Guaranteed Mall orders receive prompt attention 1 MUSSALLEM'S ECQN0MY STORE "JVlicre dollars Have More Cent?. P. O. Box 675 Phone IS WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront With two carloads of frozen halibut or trans-shipment 'east over the Canadian National Railways, Northland Transportation Co.'s moturshfp Norco, Capt. A. Ekholm, arrived In port at 8:30 this morning from Ketchikan and, after discharging, sailed In continuation of her voyage to Seattle. Uiilim. steamer Catala, . Capt. James Flndlay. returned to port bright and early at 8:30 this morning from her regular voyage to An-yox, Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:30. this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts. With a bag consisting of a few gecsij and 'about fifty ducks, a hunt- lng pjfty consisting of C. V. Evltt. 'Dr. J."H. Carson, Hubert Ward, Alex McRae, C. W. Dawson, J. A. Hlnton, Dr. W. T. Kergln and R. O. Vander-sluys returned with Capt W. P. Armour aboard the Salvage Princess I at 4:30 'this; morning from a weck-cndutrlp to Hartley Bay and Klldala Ann. The outing- proved a highly enjoyable one even If the weather was a little too fine for the best of hunting conditions. 1 The Ketchikan salmon troller Dawn I. Capt. sticher. Is receiving repajrs on the beach at Port Simpson" after having piled up on a reef off Port Simpson a few days ago, later filling with water and sus-itainlng considerable damage. The vessel was cproutc from Seattle to Ketchikan -when the mishap occurred!. Peter M. Wells of Port Simpson with his gasboat Norma W. salvaged the Dawn L. and towed her t to Port Simpson. It Is expected that jrpcairs will have been sufficiently "completed this week to permit of j the Dawn L. proceeding. The Indian Department cruiser Naskccna, with Dominion Constable A. J; Watkinson. has been on a visit to Port Simpson this wcc,k. Hotel Arrivals ' Trince Rupert J. O. Martin, Edmonton; Norman C Brown and A c Kni-h Vancouver. Royal William Davidson and M. Mc- Bhcc.jfClty. Central Angus Farrls. Calgary: J. Klce- son and J. Goodwin, city; H.Halng, Mcunae; 0. OLscn, Digby Island. Knox John Nord, Mrs. N. Dunphy. J. McFre H. Hausen and C. Johnson, city. S. BeKord, Atlln. ... . Knighthood For George Arliss Famous Actor May be Included In Kinjr's Honor List For New Year, it Is Reported LONDON. Nov. 20: The King's New Year honor list may include a knighthood for Ocorge Arliss, the noted actor, it Is reported. k 1 Ml FREE! apj I a) mr BOYS and girl hcrt's your chance to gt a iwtll Bikt FREEI The Ouikcr Oats Company is sivinj away 1000 beautiful bicyclci in Canada and the U.S.A. It's as easy as falling off a log. Just write 25 words or less in answer to the question "Mat Molbtr Tbmkt of Quaker Oati" and send It ith your grocer name and address and two trade-marks (orfacsimilcs)cut from Quaker Oats packages to The Oiukcr Oats Co., Saskatoon. EVERYONE has an equal chance to win, send your statement NOW I Jimmy Walker Is Not Guilty Grand Jury Reported to Have Thrown Out Income Tax Chartes Against Former Mayor WASHINGTON. D.C Nov. 20 - It Is rcjwrtcd here that a federal grand Jury Investigating income tax charges against Former Mayor James J. Walker of New York has found Walker not guilty and that the former mayor will be returning to the United State within the next two weeks after having spent some time in England. Takes Over His , Appointment As Relief Officer D. C. Stuart has taken over his appointment asxIflclat receiver for Skecna riding 'under the Farmers' Creditors Arrangement Act whtrcbv the federal govern fient may make loans 10 xarmers 10 us&ui tnem in meeting debts. Three forms of loan arc made available under this legis lation, a long term j mortgage, a fiiun icrm mortgage or a cnaltcl mortgage. The Iilrr ail lmj:rr 01 "rMaraVd Iij UW cm near! alwan I aroiriol tjr limj.lj takinc. after tneala, a littTe Bjmrotfd iln-neila (ISicmulb in Mi;nnia). . . .ThU prolro live allili iwlnly orrrmoifa "ael.l tlomarh", allowing di(etlM to prorerd emfortb!j iu) eoij.letely. , lIibll-foriDint Iji.llvra art quite unn-earjr. ... At any Vntt Htore, in ffffctlre peuier form.orrajuljr-carrled tablet 1. dtiwxfiied MAGNESIA ' ' j' BISMUTH IN MAGNESIA" It's a Protective Houtralizor- NOT a Laxative LAMP SHADES! Drop lit and. inspect our stock of lamp shades. Wc have a large variety In all the latest designs, both silk and parchment. Standard lamp shades, bridge lamp shades, table lamp shades and bed lamp shades at very reasonable prices, A smaU deposit will hold anyof these shades till Christmas. GORDON'S HARDWARE K2W CHINAMAN SUCCUMBS Found in His Ited at Kint Tal's I 1 Last Evening Jim Mar, 71 year old Chinese! ;'ook, who had been a resident of rlncc Rupert for twenty-five years, -as found dead in his bed at 'King j Ril's place on Fulton Street nt 7:30 ast night. He had been ill for some ime and death Is believed to liave ccn due to natural causes. Immediately after the body was found, Corp. Robert Gibson, chief of the city detachment of thr provin cial police, and Dr. C II. Hanklnson were called and the body was re moved to the B. C. Undertakers. Jim Mar has a widow and family in China. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Nov 20 CP Wheat was quoted at 78c on the1o oal exchange yesterday 1 rm MST TIMES TONKiiiT A Itillion I'eoplc jvtd T,,h Story ... A itillion More Will Live It Ajaiuj "THE WORLD MOVES ON" - With m.M)i:i.i:im; c akuoi.l, ikanciiot 1usk For proper enjoynunt it from its start f, -,urr at 7:30 & 0 40 i ADDKD LAtlltn. k IIMiDV In "Them Tliar 11111' I'itipattlrk Travel: "Africa" STARTS Wi:i)NSI).Y ".Murder at the Vanities "SHAKE HANDS with tho (?Tc 0 Crosa Oceans with tho nw VICTOR "Globo Trotter" RADIO Vietor 221 MaA tho wholfl world vonr ; radio nrigldior on a single dial. Von can lo it with tliee new Victor StMirr-W ute receiver. DmIjmicm dUapjtoar . , . hroadratst liolli thnrl and long-itare ...overM-as and JS'orlh American ahort-wavei xtrv. lion ly (ta)ligntl .s,it.H. Twi midU . . .twii i.i'l-w prices. l?ytrnnt. (Mk.nai 1 oMiaSmMd Coal Prices Jasper Kgg Coal ...SI2..)0 Jasper Lump Coal .t,,T... . . . .812.50 Pembina Egg Coal .... "v $f2.0Q Stove Coal . .311. SO Nut Coal . . '. .$11.00 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME Why send fuel money away when nature gave the Buikley Valley Highest Grade Coal mined in the west. If not satisfactory at first try again, it may not be the coal. Your dealer can supply you. Buy Buikley ValTeyCOAL