K j, 20, 1034 ' Christmas Cards Better Cards Better Values 1CYY JLCdlg.U All Made in Camilla Vni 'houhl come and look tlem over. Prices from 5c lo $1.00 each Also aHsortiui'iits in boxes ti our C'hritma8 Stationery ha arrival. This l. a good time to pick out your gift Voting on Boys' and Girls' Prize Contest is Now on rmes Ltd. "Tii Pionrcr Druqrjists The K'xiU sun rhones; 11 81 Ihehsh which made rrince Kuperttamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C December 1 until Jan. 5 Farxnd-3-quar1r Round Trip rkkU to Important points la EasUrn Canada. Slopovera. Return limit Three Months. Also Low Faxes to seaboard when par! oj orersecs bookings. Return limit Fire Months. For particular ak your ncaret Ticket ifnt UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8team?rs leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver TJS. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 VAX Arriving Vancouver Thursday T8. OAKDENA KVKItY FKIIlAY MIONHSHT- Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. ullini to Port Blmnaoa. Alice Arm. Anyoi, Btetmt 1 Naaa Pi.iv. Rlv,r JlnU. Leave Prince Rupert Sunday. pm '"finer Information ri..rrtlnir nil salllnes and tickets at SliiCIAL KOUNn-TltlP FARES TO VANCOIIVI U ""urn limit mimi. it. turner, ui'pr.RT auencyi Third Auou, CANADIAN PACIFIC Ss- JWINCESS NORAII" for Kttphlkan. WrangeU, Juneau and BKanway. Nov. Uth, 35th, Dec. 10th, 30th. U VANCOUVKK direct, Nov. 2nd, 15th, 29th, Dec. 2t' ss- ''KiNCEss ADELAIUK for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and wuy iortSi evvy rr,ay ,0 VM SKF00 PQrcs t0 Vancouver 32.00 Tickets on solo Nov 1st, 1034 'to Feb. 28th, 1035. Final return limit March 31st. 1933. 1 1 -1. - , rl vanruntlrilia 1 COAT1.S. IJeneral Atfllt. Prince Ituperl, MU THE DAILY NEWS PAOB,THBJni J i MM U, -Jill i.. UA-AWHJ $32.00 riioot its 6. LOCAt NEWS NOTES Phone 48. fresh IilUted sole. 271 We are back to. our good taxi ser vice. Phone 32 day and nlahU tf. Tonight's train, due Irorn. the east at 10:15. was reported this morning to be on time. A meeting of, thf f.xitcu.MY'f at, the Canadian Legion was hejg nlglH In urenaration W the regular Our "Xirtas Cards are eyet nlc ana cheaper than eve? before. Those at 25c a dozen are particu larly good value at The Dollar Store. tf Dora Demptey, (or vagrancy, was fined $10, with qpUon pf. Xen days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont In city police court this morning She paid the fine Ana was released Rt Rev. Q. R. Rls p.p.. Bishop, pf. Caledunhv has received a letter from Vancouver stating that Arch bishop A. U. PePepeler, who wa,s. recently injured seriously In ap automobile accident at Vancouver, in now making progress toward re-( ovry He Is sttlL howem. In hos-plta! anci wtU be there 'or some :mp in addition to sustaining broken ribs and collarbone. Arch bishop DePencler Is suffering severely from shock Ills many : nerds here will be glad to learn (hat he is definitely Improving. Today's Weather Dead Tree Point Cloudy, fresh southeast wind; barometer. 2922; temperature. 44; heavy swell. Triple Island Cloudy, light northeast wind, smooth. Langara Wand Overcast, light easterly wind; sea moderate. Terrace Cloudy, north wind. 34. Anyox Clear, calm, 32: StowarC Clear, calm, 21 Hasclton Part cloudy, east wind, 30. Smithers Part cloudy, calm, eolder Burps Lake Cloudy, calm. 30. ! -1 Announcements i L. O. B. A. baiaar. Not. 22. 3 to 6. Dance 9 p m. Adm. free. Drawing for prises. "The Girl Who Forgot." United Church. Nov. 22 and 23. Anglican Baiaar. Nov 29. United Church Bazaar December ff i Oddfellows' Scotch Dance, December 31 Hogmanay Moose Hall 8:30 TonighV-BMge Pri'f Dance. Oood prises. Adm. J5c including refreshments. Everybody welcome- Friday-Basketball Dance under auspices Moose Basketball Team. OUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT TO THE HRIDE From now till Christmas with every wedding ring bought at our storo wo will pre sent a beautiful set of Bilvovplated teaspoons put up in a handsome case with suitably worded card. AH the newest styles in wedding rings. (Jewellers Hid STORE WITH THE C10CI Tect, Baptist Church tomorrow $20p or $300 wanted for one year. 111 pay 8 Interest. Good security. monthly g.eperl meeting to be held f Apply Box 228. News tomorrow evening. Mr. JarvU McLeod's tea for St. Peter's Church Thursday postponed. Cah waiting for old gold teeth, coins, chains, watches, etc. Bulge r'. (tf) 1! 12701. H, Munro. assayer at the United Empire mine at Stewart, was a pas senger aboard the Catala today go ing through for a trip to Vancouver. Major R. P. Castle, well known Victoria financial and mining man, was a passenger aboard the Catala today returning south after a visit to the Dun ell and Glacier Creek properties at Stewart In which he Is Interested. As a result of a fracas on the lo cal waterfront yesterday afternoon, Elnar Hopen and David Brown appeared in city police court this morning before Magistrate McClymont, a charge of assault against the former ijelng dismissed while the latter was fined $25, with op lion of seven days' Imprisonment, pn a drunkenness charge. L. W. Patmore acted In defence of Hopen. An entertaining debate was held at the regular weexiy luncheon of the Prince Rupert Qyro Club today on the subject "Has the Oxro Club of Prince Rupert Justified Its Existence?" Rev. W D- Grant Holllng- worth and S. J. Jabour were heard in the affirmative and Dr. R. Q. Large and H. N. Brocklesby in the negative. Past President Brown was in the chair and there wa. a good attendance of members with a few guests. Cut thl$ OTJQ HOW TO MAKE A MUSTARD PLASTER Gnndmother's Tesled Remedy Mile p.ittof q-jlparColmn't MutUrd and flour tad pread on cotton cloth. Cover with piece of flannel. Apply Jaater far from IS to 30 minwtta. For children or if akin i especially aen-eitive. add more flour. Mustard Plaateri are a splendid remedy for (best, cougbs and oolda and so easy to make. For all medicinal ues forhicli .Mustard ia recommended, ue COLMAiVS d.s.f.' MI STAim "If i ALL Part MutUrJ" JONES' Family Market Rump Roast of Beef per lb Round Steak 2 lbs Shoulder steak, 2 lbs. & 1 bunch Carrots Hamburger Steak, 3 lbs. & 9 lbs. Onions Pot Roast lbs polling neef, 3 lbs. & J bunch Carrots Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. Si 1 Cauliflower Leg of Veal 6 lbs shoulder of Lamb, 5 lbs. St i tin Pea Lamb Btcw, 3 lbs. Si 1 hunch, CarroU Leg of Lamb per lb, - Lamb Chops 2 lbs, Veal Chops 2 lbs Phone 957 Phone 957 Mi Lady 25c 25c 25c 35c HANSON IS VERY BUSY 25c 75c 75c Spent. Much Time in South in Connection With Hemlock ShipmentsStill Working 75c 25 c 20 c 35c 35c Reauty Shoppe November Specials Permanent Waves ggj gQ Finger Waves 50c First Class Work Guaranteed Phono G55 Evidently Olof Hanson MP. was a busf man while in the south. He Is a little reluctant to tell or wnai he dlo;jor what success attended his efforts' but h,e admits that he in.-. tervlewed the H. R. MacMAHan, com pany and the Capllano Timber Company at Vancouver in connect tion with the proposal to ship hemlock logs through Prince Rupert and also went into the whole question at length with the heads of the Dollar Line at Seattle. Speaking of the prospects before leaving tdf Smithers last evening. Mr. Hanson said they were making orogress. What they wanted was to out the log export on a business basis so that the producer could get the best possible price for his logs. Also the logs had to be shipped from prince Rupert, following out the regulations laid down by the government at Victoria. Op the whole the outlook was good al though there" was a great deal more to do before they could begin to cut logs. . Mr. Hanson will be here again this week and. in the meantime, he Is in constant communication with the south and Is hopeful that success will attend the efforts. fhildren's.CoIds W Checked without Of? "dosing." Rub on WICKS VapoRub OVEB n MlttlOW JARS USED YEARLY Want Ads FOR SALE DOORS, windows, lumber etc. from r nrrwlced house. Hart. tf .-1 FOR SALE A few old newspaper" at 0c. and 15o. a bundle. Daily News. it RYJR SALE 7i h.p. heavy duty Fairbanks. Morse gas engine, f ullv equipped. $200 cash. Apply Box 226 Daily "News. i273) j $25 Buys Westinghouse Table Radio j uses 6-2Q1B tubes with tubes.' also Westinghouse 100-B Cabinet loudspeaker. J. McCubbln. Pac- life. B. C. 2J0 V OK E NT HOUSES for rent. Hart. FOR" RENT Clean suite. Red 444. TRANSFERS tf. well-furnished 271' BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and room or table board wanted. Apply Box 227 Daily News, 274 CAMERON Transfer, Phone 177 for dry wood. PAINTERS PAINTINQ ana Paperhanging Moller, Phone Red 802. AVCTIOS SAI.K Tlpiber Sale Xt7IS6 There wlU be otrered tor aale at Pub Uc Auction, at noon on the Troty- flrst dav ot December. 1934. tn the or rice 01 lh uisirict xreier. rnnn Runert. B.C.. the Licence X17I86. to cut S.250.000 leet board measure, of 8pfur Cedar and Hemlock cn. an situated at the head ot Powrtwo Bay. Lyeii island, qieen Ch&rtjtt li4aud Und Tto yer 1H be aiiowea tor tne re Oioval ol timber. "Frovwefl iy one unaoie w auruu th auction in person maj aabmlt tender to be opened at the. hour ot auction nd treated is one bid " Further particulars mar be obtaJned from the Chief forester. Victoria, BC. or District Foreater. Prince Rupert. BC. OTVMVMqM III I , fit tiiK Supreme court op British COLUMBIA in rupnTF. IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT and IN THE MATTER OF THK ESTATE OF MICHAEL J OCONKOR. DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that by order vl HU Honor W. E. Fisher, the Sth day of vember. A.D.. 1934. I u kpitoted AdmlitUtrator of Hie estate of Michael j. O'Connor. dewt. and ali partlea havint clstms aaunst tne saw eit are herebv reaulred to furnuh same properly vexttled, to me on or before tr lDth day of December, A.D. 1934, and all DarUea Indebted to Ute esiUte are required to pI U amount ot their ' ' HERBERT F OLAfWEY Official Admlnbitrator Atltn, B.C Dated tha 9th day of November, i AD. 1934. ORANGE PEKOE BLEND aKS !- TEA "Fresh from the Gardens' Price Range Is Narrow in Market NEW YORK. Nov 20: Prices again ranged within a narrow margin in yesterday s trading on the 114 New York Stock Exchange. Influenced by proposed new legislation Utilities were weak but Industrials held firm. Closing averages wre as follows: industrials, 33.39, up .44; rails. 35.94. up .14: utilities. 1750, off 18. and bonds. 93 73. off .02. Try a Daily News classified ad. This Season's Clothing at Great Sacrifice The w inter season is here and we have just received a big stock of winter goods. We have suits, underwear and furnishings for men; dresses, coats and under-garments for women. All the big stock will be sacrificed. Come in and see the prices at which we are offering these goods, Ladies' Coats Great assortment of Ladies' Sample Fur-Trimmed Coats, this season's gft makes; up from V't Ladies' Dresses Ladies' Sample Dresses of the latest styles and best material, just arrived GO (IZ from Montreal: up from A fine assortment of Ladies' Wear Samples, silks and other choice materials. These arc being sold at Very Lqw Prjces. A good assortment of Men's, Ladies,' .Misses,' Youths' and Children's Leekie Boqts and Shoes a Greatly REDUCED. PRICES! Gift Slippers If you' are srndjn- a Christmas Gift home there is nothin- more acceptable than a pair of Slippers. We carry the finest line of Slippers la UC-rfcr Mfn. Ladies and the Youns Folk. At SPECIAL PRICES Men's Sample Suits of the best Men's Fancy Shirts, Socks, makes, all this season's raanu-. Ties, Belts, Saspenders, Etc, facture. CLEARING AT 50c AT REDUCED. PRICES! ON THE DOLLAR. A Full Line of Silk Hose made Our prices on rubber footwear by the famous Monarch Co, are low and we only handle Regular 75c; CI fift the best Goodrich. Miner's On sale, 3 pairs vAwU and Dominion. We Accept City Scrip Rupert Trading Co. Weight Guessing Competition Prize-l Hind-quarter of the Famous BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF on display all this week at BULKLEY MARKET 1 guess to each customer with every purchase of 50c or more. Winner will be announced Saturday evepinj, Nov. 21 at G o'clock. MACKENZIE FURNITURE CHKSTERFIELI) SUITES, from $96.50 "REDO" your floors with Linoleum. Bring your floor measurements, We will advise you price and amount required. Phone 775 327 Third Ave.