1 paoe roim i i 1 1 1 1 i i i i i iiwhi imi iii i i 1 1 l I i I SCHICK DRY SHA VER Is a wonderful new advance in shaving science. A new principle : . of shearing the hairs rather than cutting. Improves the conditio,! I of the skin. Drop in and let us demonstrate this wonderful DRY SHAVER. NO BLADES, NO SOAP, NO POWDER. Impossible to cut your face. A n Ideal Christmas Gift BiitAve advise you placing your or.derirnme(Hateljb-aS;hottp be disappointed.; v -' . : .-. .: . : ' ' V'--" : ' - X i. Yr'-'y-' OufStore Has Become a Gift Shop V 5 At Christmas Time l v " Prices are a surprise. They arc reasonable. FgrcH-qry member of thn family. Gifts of beauty and practical worth. There " is, a holiday m- spirit in our store. ' - i IT IS CHRISTMAS GIFT TIME. MAX HEILBRONER - Diamond Special Weight Guessing Competition Prize--1 Hind-quarter of the Famous BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF on display all this week at BULKLEY MARKET 1 guess to each customer with every purchase of 50c or more. Winner will be announced Saturday eveninf, Nov, 21 at 6 o'clock. ATTENTION! We arc placing a Special representative in Prince Rupert to demonstrate the economic adranta;cs in usinp BULKLEY VALLEY COAL For All Domestic Purposes Place an order with your dealer now and request a demonstration. BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES When Winter Comes Let, us condition your car for carefree winter motoring. Proper lubricants as recommended by the manufacturers, batteries checked up, radiator and all connections checked, and a high grade antifreeze installed will lessen your transportation worries this winter. Ask about our improved accessories of car heaters,1 windshield defrosters and auto radios, etc. We wish also to, announce that Mr. Walter Wright has taken charge of ouf mechanical department and your service problems however large or small Will ie elffciently alleiM to. KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet - Pontiac - Oldsmobilc - IJuick Dealers l'honc 52 LOCAL NEWS i trip to Vancouver. ilfcRRINC8-In Tomato Sausc, l's, 2 tins SHOE POLISH-2 In 1 Black, per tin SANI-t1 LUSH Reg. tin per tin t George fckerman left on last evening's train for a trip to Mrs. O. Havcland will sail to-niyht on. the Prince Ocorce foi Seattle. O. A. Dirom of Premier was a pas?nzcr aboard Uie Prince Oeorgr yesterday rcturnlnz north after Frank Dorkrill Jr.. or Telkwa, ar rived. In the city from the Interior i on Tuesday nlsht's train. He Is to M located here as local representative, of Bulkley Valley Coal. A. C." Gardiner, travelling auditor of tho Canadian National Railways who has been here for the past week or so on official business, will sail by the Prince George tonight on his return to Vancouver. LET US HELP YOU Cut Down Your Grocery Bills. We tan Do It! Try Our Courteous Service 25c 10c 25c B.C. BROWN BEANS No. 1 OCn 3 lbs. Aitl CHRISTIE S ROYAL SODAS OC. 2 1-lb. pkgs. fwl' PRUNES Fresh Stock 3 lbs. UO This Is real value 25.1b. box . . QUICK QUAKER OATS qQn Chinaware. per Dkz. avV QUICK QUAKER OATS QAn Non-Premium, ner nke. MUFFETS-t t)rn 2 nkas. &d PUFFED RICE 2 pkgs. 2 pkgs. TOILET ROLLS 4 -oz. 0 for S1.95 PUFFED WHEAT OCr SWEDISH HEALTH BREAD 31c 23c MUSSALLEM'S EG0N0MY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Hit Phone 18 THE DAST HHW8 - Thursday, Notmtf m 1)n IDENTIFIED AS MAMMAL Kr mains of Sea .Moiutcr Drought to City and Beinjr Reassembled Today Red Flesh Found Further examination Leads to Belief That Extreme Length Was About Thirty Feet Having brought in from. Henry j Island late last night aboard a fisheries patrol boat which had been 'placed at their disposal the head. plnal column, two flapper-like ap-.xndages. joints of tissues, some cartllagcnous body material, quills, hair and skin of a strantc marine .nonster which they had spent yesterday in dissecting, Dr. Neal Carter, director of Uie Prince Rupert fisheries Experimental Station, nd members of his staff were en-aged today in reassembling the dy at the government wharf for uibllc exhibit. The object Is to rc-onstruct the remains as nearly as tosslble to the shape In which they Tre found a few days .ago on Icnry Island. Much Interest Is be-taken in the find and the.lden-ity of the creature, which in jlfe U sieved to have been Drobablv ibout thirty feet In length. Is still i mystery.. On further inspection of the renins vesterdav. the Internctlm? scovery was made of large quan-ies of red flesh around the back-me. This would appear to put the eature definitely out of the fish lass and it is now believed that It as some wrt of warm-blooded lammal. Before minute inspection u made, it was thought the crea-irc might have been a species of ant ray or skate but the disco v-ry of Uie red flesh eliminates this :vory. The best known of the nammals Is the whale but this, of )ursc, is no whale as previous dc-ription makw quite evident. Twenty-Three Feet Long Dr. Carter announced last night hat the Intact portion of the vertebrae measured twenty-three feet from the top of the- snout. Odd bits of bone found nearby were nlaced as nearly as possible In position udglng by the taper of the spinal olumn. leading to the belief that .he creature Hn life was probably bout thirty feet In length. After taking minute mcasurc- ncnts and making all possible cxa- llnatloni of the remains, which were rather badly decomposed, Dr. arter had the spinal column cut jp in five sections. The material was loaded Into a rowboat and towed Into Prince Rupert last night the fisheries patrol cruiser. Work of reassembling started this morning. Further study Is being proceeded vlth today in the effort to deter mine the Identity of the creature GOOD WORK ON ROADS Visitor From Queen Charlotte City Comments .on Way Money is Being Expended MINK CHANGES HANDS Good work Is being done on the oads on Queen Charlotte Islands ccordlng to R. O. McKenzic. nro- prictor of the Premier Hotel at Queen Charlotte City, who is In the city today. The sum of $5,000 was lpproprlatcd for putting the roads in shape and, under the suncrlntcn- dencc of A. R. Mallory with Alfred uook as loreman, excellent result ire being obtained. Mr. McKenzic says he Is a Conservative but he Is bound to lecognlzc good work when he sees It. Mentioning the mining progress on tho Islands, Mr. McKenzic says It Is understood that a been put through for the transfer of the Skldegate Sunrise mine to new owners who have taken It oter -for the purpose of further developing The Halda o'&Id Mine at Koote- nay Harbor has- beeh temporarily ciosca aown but'pTalis HaVc' Btt'il laid for starting up again in the near future. When the tunnel faiinrt to drive through pay ore last summer much disappointment was felt but by drlftlngjpn the vein they came Into good gold ore which carried good values. Further exploration In the mlhc'ls planned. Mr. McKenzle-whThc returning tn i lne Wands on the Prince John on i Friday evening, having arrived yesterday to receive eye treatment. w, mi i win mmcui, wtimi tu ' m. Doctor I K midi vusf "nm wi W'KH 0K M t Ml Of B WWM TNt VtAT cuwov. 'wnnwxMu xr-jki (OUT SC AMO. Ml SL( on ut m( ui V MAM lc worth of Qu.tker Oau contain more of the yeast viumin thin 3 rakes of fresh yeast. Quick Quaker Oats H. L H.it.en. w ll known Vanrou- j min.n unBinerr. who has been, n one of h:s pt nodical visit of In-; spoctlon to the Columarto mine at' ' Usk. will arrive in the elty from the interior on tonight's train and anil i aboard the steamer Prince Oeorae for the :outh i Tlionc D33 Phone 933 De Jong's Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday Specials .Icinz Tomato Ketchup 2 bottles Jlncddoii Wheat 2 pkgs. Fig Bars -Fresh Stock per lb. 45c 22c 23c Malkln's Best SLICED PINEAPPLE per tin 22c Swansdown BISCUIT MIX Pt pkg. 29c Australian Pastry Flour per 10-lb. sack McCormick's Toasted Sodas 4 Hp n r nrtr Ensign Mincemeat 2 lbs. Ready Cut Macaroni 3 lbs. Malkln's Best PEARS per tin 21c Llbbys Pineapple Juice 2 tins .23c OrapesV 2 lbs. Australian Oranges- - 3 doz. Orpefruit Medium size 5 for 38ci 25c! 21c! 29c 75c 25c soap di:al 2 Cakes Witch Hazel Toilet Soap 4 . Cakes Pearl White Soap V .P.kg, Royal .Crown Washing Powder; 1 Aluminum QQp Sauce Pan. all for O JL- FKBSH MILK AND CKKAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Pilot Jaf k MacConiiachlc of An-yox arrived hercr at 2 o'clock -yesterday Afternoon froni the smelter town with his, Eastman flying boat Later In the afternoon he returned to Anyox with William Stone of this city as a passenger. T. C. Iluband. manager of tin Rote Harbor whaling station, ar rived in the city on the ss. Prince Jchn yesterday from the Queen Charlotte Islands and will sail on the Prince George tonight for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. It is Mr. HubatKi'i first trip south In a year and a-half. Rose Harbo- had a more active season this year than for a number of years. Although It had been expected that there might be some export of wheat from the Alberta Wheat! Pools local elevator thU fall, time paws without nny wqrd of any; movement being received at the' l local offices of the Pool The expec -1 I tat ion now appears to be that there will be nothing moving now before', the end of tlie year. C. N. R. Trains ' For the Fat- j Mondayk. Wednesdays and Fridays 6:30 pm. From the Fat -jnjes pub fupwrnu, 'iXBrKf-int dtys 10 IS rim MSTTIMHSTONIiiilT An-KWillng Combiiullm, 0f iuic - .Mystery "MURDER ATTIIK VANITIES" VICTOR Mr.Aa.i;N KITTY CAItLISU: JACK OAKIK and Duke IllUntton and j, Orrhrtra At 7:40 M 0 r). ADDFD Andy Clyde in "Suixr Stupid' "Cllmpve of r.Hn" m:ws COMINfi FltlDAV .MARION DAVIKS In "OPKItATOIt ir M ntnrc ,,,"'T ,,u,, ULUlO Truck MoIom Suitable for fish boati also speed bot motori m up ChrMIe Truck k (ar rrl I63U W 1st Ave. Vancouver Try a Dally New ru . i j a i Christmas Cards Our lock in now complete. Never IkToi c have e LA such an cxtoniivq runne of beautiful cards ai In., prices. Kxcollcnt cards f rani 5c, Cards in CtUuplianc package 10 for .. Mr. 3.V U ' Boxed amurtineiiU-10, 12 an.Ml In n bin; a variety of uiv all dogs, general ChrMmM. Scotch card, romlrs. Vreneh U,i-etc.. wonderful values at . .. .... . sor it . European Floral Cards, each '. 1 , Individually Boxed wlth glfti at ,1., 20c, 25 it 8 Christmas Calendars Puree Calendars . . L l'H. Fancy Dotr Calendars .. . . ,15c & 25c Scenic and Moral Calendars f. 20c Marines (round) ; 2."c A variety of larger sized ...J5c to $1 H) j Make your eholre NOW. Nothing to be gained -by ileUy al 0 lest ones alwa)s Ro first. Come In and see our fine aortmrnt, mmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmomtmma BILLM0R SHINGLES Manufactured by a local mill, by local labor, from local produce. Sold at prices lower than ever before offered in Prince Rupert AH No. 1 Cedar Shingles 30C, per thousand '...$3.00 5-X, per thousand $1.00 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Pioprletor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates fl.BO u 50 Rooms, Hot St Cold Water Prlncr Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 Phone G 18 SPECIALS On New Comuleun) TI.MVrrk Size 0x9 Price Size T j-0 Price Size 0x9 -- Prico Size OxlO'i Price D.EL10 $6.95 $8.25 $9.50 .-urn1turr Exrlun(