teitT. December 22, 1934 Everything as Advertised Read on! Act Now! Men's Dress & Work Pants Values from $2.25 to $6.50, selling out prices 99c, $1.49, $1.95,. 82.50 .Men's Work Shirts All well known makes including Caribou, Pride of West. G. W. G. values 4 A A to $2.03 : to clear . . VX.VU Men's I'nderwear 100' . wool, heavy riblwd shirts, drawers and combinations including St George's, Atlantic, Penman's, cnir.ter soiled. Shirts and Drawers 69C JII III ( originations priced at S3 31.29 Fleece Lined Combs. Q4 OA Fresh stock, reg. $2.25 Suggestions For Christmas Gifts LAST MINOff GIFTS and tiii:y wiij. i-ast liesterfield Tables, Walnut Knd Tables, Walnut '-ml Tables, Walnut Finish Smoker Stands, from ..!).()( ...$3.00 ..$2.50 ..S1.70 u mules, ureen i op aby High Chair, from J-a MACKENZIE hUKlNHUKt, $2.50 CLOSING vim Men's Work Shirts Some slightly soueu, values to $1.5U Vtlr now wens uroadcloth Shirts Wp known makes, some slightly shop soiled, values to $2.50 Men's, Women's & Children's HandkerchiefsSuitable for Xmas An Gifts, to clear Men's Van Heusen and Arrow Hard and Soft Collars 9r Men's & Boys' Bow & Hook -j An Men's Dress and Work Socks Qp Men's Tweed Caps Values prices. 1 Getlt u i m Vr. n I B IS Ph I THE DAILY KZWfl POSITIVELY Women's & Children's Hose fl ! - CJ Women's & Children's Print Qp Christmas Gifts You could not choose a more suitable Xmas Gift than Travelling Trunks, Suit Cases, Valises, Pakrite Cases, Children's Trunks, which we are clos ing out at such sensationally low Correspondingly low prices on all the following goods suitable for Xmas gifts: Men's Belts and Fancy Braces, Men's Bath Robes, Cardigan Jackets, Men's Fancy Pajamas, Ladies' Silk Underwear, Ladies' Chiffon Service Weight Hose, Table Runners, Doilies. as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a mile. A J Downing left on last night's Numbers were played from radio train. leiurnnig u n:s home In Sea- rution CPCN of Calgary at the re-ton after spending a couple of days quet of Smlthers listeners Thurs-shopptng In the city. day night. ? " George DalU who has mining interests in the AUln district, wu a passenger aboard the Princess Nor&h Thursday afternoon going through to Vancouver. Hovse known &s Hyde Transfer for sale or rent, 171 Third Avenue East, modern six rooms and bathroom, warehouse beneaUi, furnace J heated. Also one piano for sale, in ; first class shape, household goods Mrs. John llaan of Queen Char- j roll-tot) desk, sedan ear, snap for lotte City, after spending a couple cash. Phone 176. (tfi of days in the city sailed by Ihe Prince John last night on her re- j George Brochu and J. W. Collier turn to the Islands. i utled Thursday niRht on the Prince J George for a vacation trip to Van-Frank L Smith, well known big j couver. It is Mr. Brochu's first game guide of the Atlin district, krip south since Gold Rush days was a passenger aboard the Prin- when he went Into the Yukon, hav-ress Norah Thursday afternoon go- lng come here from the Klondyke ing through to Vancouver I years ago. at Wallace's I i Our Stock is so Varied You are 5 Sure to Find Something Suitable ; For Your Gift Problems We are open every shopping day to 10 p.m. Commencing FRIDAY ione KO IBtB ii'BVB IB IB I'.BfS CB IB KB t'B IBIB i. I 'Third & Fulton Ml m B I'BrB FBI BIB i'B IBtB 3 IMf Women's & Children's Slickers Well known Towers brand reg. $2.95 Women's 1.25 Children's g9C Women's Wool Pullover and Coat Sweaters Reg. $3.95 QQp KJClililf VJUb pi lb Boys' Tweed Knickers Practical for school wear, reg. $1.2o SfP Tallin rr aiiI niina Men's & Boys' All Wool Windbreak- ers Reg. to S3.95 Q A p i yj ucai Men's Fancy Suspenders Wrapped m Cellophane, Ideal Xmas vQp Kixi, lie);, iu vov, aw Men's Excelda Finest quality hand kerchiefs, reg. 4oc. 2tP V I Cell Ckil. X X lVV iwi .... noon going through spend holidays. to Seattle to Miss E. P. Grassle. Miss Molly De-laney, Miss Mary Easthope, Mrs. 3 Walker. Miss Margaret Maguire and J. C. Hutchinson were among members of the local school teaching staff sailing on the Caroenu Announcements Canadian Legion Xmas Tree De- ccmber 22. Nordkap Xmas Tree and Dance. t December. 2$. , - , SalvaUon Army Concert, m ber27. Oddfellows Scotch Dance. December 31. UK Decern- 2 Sons of Norway Xmas Trot, Dc s cember 28, Mooe Hall p Hogmanay j; iAIOOSE HALL Christinas Eve DANCE Music by Carl Smith and Ills Boys Everybody welcome Admission1 25c tkQZ THREE OUT This Gigantic Stock to be Sold Out Regardless of Price in Less Than 30 Days! An Opportunity to Buy Your Christmas Gifts at Unheard of Prices! ., Nothing reserved. Everything must go. Fixtures and show cases for sale. One look at just a few of our store-full of sensational prices will convince you. It will pay you to stock up for a long time at these sensational prices. Men's Dress & Work Socks In great variety of colors and weights, all high grade makes. Excellent Xmas gifts, values to 75c OLn at Ladies' Silk Nightgowns Finest quality, large assortment of colors, excellent Xmas gifts 7?P Reg. $1.95, to clear s Ladies' Silk & Wool Hose Extra special, Monarch Make 9p Clearance price, pair mO Ladies' Non-Run Rayon Fancy Vests & Bloomers Reg. $1.50 7Ap Selling out price i U Ladies' Full Fashioned Chiffon Hose First quality; Just the gift AP for Xmas, reg. $1.00 T.O, ONTREAL IMPORTERS Vardlcy's Lavender Perfume x Jasmine and Gardenia Sets Fancy Playing Cards Stationery, Christinas Crackers Waterman's Fountain Pens and Pencils Page & Shaw and Sapps Chocolates Riley's Toffee Christmas Cards, Tags, Seals and Paper English Toys Dogs, Bunnies, Dolls, Etc. Microscopes, 75c to $2.23 Fancv Cups and Saucers, 75c Perfume Bottles and Atomizers m Colors Fancv Powder Jars with Mirror i r Rolls'and Wilkinson Razors . New Folding Gillette Razor Kodaks, Cine Kodaks, Brownies Pipes, Cigars and Cigarettes f omc in and see our stock. Good quality fi'fair prices Do not forget to help your choice in the Boys' and girls' Rexall Contest Ormes Ltd. JiA Pioneer Druqetsts I lie Kesall Store r boots: 81 & LOCAL NEWS NOTES lie warm and comfortable by in 32 Taxi It oosU the same. tf You can rent a car at Walker" ' princess Fresh Flounders and Soles a-board Unome, Hunt's Float. (tf it Miss Jean Wilson, who has been For the delivery of parcels and ' on a visit to Vancouver, returned to general mail the general delivery the city on the Princess Adelaide ' 1(.Vot ,,, ffi. tn Misses Myrna and Geraldlne yesterday afternoon. k . . . . . . Feero arrived in the xity on .the , 1 Pen from 3 to 4 0 clock tomo.?" Norah Thursday after-! mi. iiiiian jnn. nr.H tu.ttv!row afternoon. It was announced uosH from Skagway to pay a visit Inglis iast nlght on Prin. j today by Postmaster J. R. Morlson. here with their parents, Mr and ress Adelaidp fnr th snnth Thpv! . Mrs. Frank Feero. ! intend to spend the holidays in SeatUe. IHrbert Wheeler jr, son of Her-' bert Wheeler, president of the Yu-- . . . Rnfh Roth nnrr,nn Gordon of King kon Si White Pass Route and himself in the service of the company Edward High "School teaching staff sailed last night on the Prince John for 7u. ."wr."?. Queen Charlotte City where he will! holiday season. I , W. Jones, principal of the Port Esslngton school, and Miss B. Faw-cett,who also teaches at the Skcena River village, sailed last evening, on the Cardena for Vancouver to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. j School sailed last evtnlng on the In the case of Beale vs. Beale un- j Cardena for Vancouver enroute to der the Deserted Wives' Mainten- her home at Summerland where she ance Act, a setUement was reached ; will spend the Christmas and New yesterday in city police court before j Year holiday season. Magistrate McClymont W. O. Ful-1 ton acted as counsel for the wife! last evening for Vancouver enroute J and T- W. Brown for the husband. to their homes in the south to spend the Christmas and New Year holi day season. i It Hi liltl il! Till 1 ! Miss Jessie D. Moffatt of the teaching staff of Borden Street Try a Daily News classified ad. h :: !! i mi Mzmutnx mm tm:i mzmy,mimv ANNETTE'S Xmas Specials DRESSES! Just received a large shipment of Evening and Sunday-nite Dresses. Just what you are looking for to celebrate Christmas and New Year in. Come in and look them over. EVENING DRESSES-In Satins, Moires, Taffetas, Etc., elaborately trimmed with rhinestones, fur, etc., all wanted shades and sizes, reg. values to $22.50. sQ QV Extraordinary, value, $t i VvtU(. SUNDAY KITE I)KESSES-In heavy crepes, trim-med with rhinestones, Velvets, Moires, Metallics, Etc., sizes .14 to 20, values to $14.95 2C QC Extraordinary value at Novelty Hoxed Handkerchiefs "I per box XOC Annette Ladies' Wear Company "The Store of the Iletler Dressed For Less" Federal Hlock Third Ave. b rmimim im rrau imzm tm ixiizsu tmrmm tut n f ns- i - f- it m Ik hi 1 14 i 1 5 p a 'ill t M 6 t (I 4