g I I i i I I ! I 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 J I i j 1 1 , a g m 1 a j B b lIlKill I Get It At Wallace's ! Helpful Suggestions for Christmas Shoppers' ! 111 Silk Underwear and Pajamas 811k Underwear, an abundance of dainty dance set, lace or embroidered trim per set. from 81.95 Famy Pajamas It NltthUes. a wunderful variety at very reasonable prices' Fancy Unen Cloths, hand embroidered from Ireland. Muderia and (ar China per set. from- $1.25 $10.50 Robe and Klmona. in flannel, eiderdown , . printed .Ilk. to g2.95 $7.50 f .. Host- the popular Merrury line in crepe.. iff-in and service grades at 79c, $1.00 $1.50 E; Panctrlcs. In a wonderful assortment of m and rarlely of park 9(J 10 25 Starve, in plaids, (heck. and ..nry weaves, from CHRISTMAS CARDS Phone 9 $1.00 Fancy Silk Cushions, assorted colors from Handkerchiefs, boxed variety priced from Ormes Ltd. Jjifi Piontcr DruqgisU Thone.: SI & M The He sail Stow hFsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. $1.25 or singles in a pleasing 5c10 $1.50 GLOVES Cape Skin Full Fur Lining QQ CA per pair Wool Lined Cape Pull-on Olove per pair $1.75 For the man of the house we have Lined Gloves, Tien, Initial Linen Handkerchiefs in boxes. Garters, Armbands, Suspenders, Etc. We have a large assortment of fancy gift articles at very reasonable price, which must be seen. We cannot begin to describe their variety and attractiveness. Purses and Handbags, bossed style, from Manicure SeU. both large and small, from in silk leather and em- 75c to $7.50 75c1" S7.50 in package lots from 2oc per pack of ten; individual cards, seals, wrapping'tissue and ribbon for tying parcels. Open Saturday to 10 P.M. Third & Fulton aiaiiaiaiiiiiHiiiGiri(aii'iiiii.ir.iiaiiiBiaiBirriiiiiB ' Suggestions For Christmas Gifts Ynrdlcy's Lavender Perfume Jasmine and Gardenia Sets Fancy Playing Cards , Stationery, Christmas Crackers Waterman's Fountain Pens and Pencils Page & Shaw and Sapps Chocolates Riley's Toffee Christmas Cards, Tags, Seals and Paper Fnglish Toys Dogs, Hunnics, Dolls, Ktc. Microscopes, 7ac to $2.25 Fancy Cups and Saucers, 75c Perfume Dottles and Atomizers in Colors Fancy Powder Jars with Mirror Rolls and Wilkinson Razors New Folding Gillette Razor Kodaks, Cine Kodaks, Rrownies Pipes, Cigars and Cigarettes ( ome in and see our stock. Good quality & fair prices Do not forget to help your choice in the Hoys' and girls' Rexall Contest. Fewer School Days Lost Due to Colds Test among 5.118 children show an average of 50.20". fewer school days lost due to cold.! through use of Vick. Plan for better Control of Cold.. How to follow the Plan is explained in each package of Vick. VapoHub the modern way of treating colds and of Vick. Va- tro-nol, the new aid in preventing colds. Mrs. O. II. Soles, wife of Consta ble Sole, of toe city detachment the city on ing from a trip to Vancouver. Argument 1. proceeding in County Court this afternoon before W. E. Fisher in the appeal of William Ilayner against a police court conviction for operaUng a motorvehicle 'Voice of The Swamp." Cathe dral Hail. Dec. 17 and 18. Amateur Players" Quild. Canadian Legion Xmas Tree De cember 22. Nordkap Xmas Tree and Dance. December. 23. Salvation Army Concert, Decem ber 27. Sons of Norway Xmas Tree, De cember 23. Moose Hall. Oddfellows' Scotch Dance. December 31. Hogmanay Moose Hall Moose Legion New Year's Eve DANCE Everybody welcome LOCAL NEWS Basketball tonight Moose Hall. lie warm aiiafcomrortublebyrld ing In 32 Taxi It costs the same. tl Fresh Flounders and Soles a board Unome, Hunt'. Float. (tf) You can rent a car at Walkcr'f as low as J 1.50 a day, plus 7c. a mile. Richard Long sailed lost night on' the Catala for a brief business trip to Vancouver. Slippers are gifts that are al ways appreciated. Select yours from the wonderful display at "Fashion Footwear." (tf) Frank M. Davie., accountant for the Atlln Fisheries here, returned to the city on the Catala last evening from a vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Miss Linnea Hanson, ,who has been on a two-weeks' trip', to Van couver, arrived in the city from the south on the Catala last ev il J ening and will proceed thlVB House known as Hyde Transfer for sale or rent, 171 Third Avenue i East, six rooms and bath, warehouse I beneath. Also one piano for sale. In j 5 first class shape, two wardrobes!" 3 and one roll-lop desk. Phone 176. Zi tf:S Dick Wynne, who is attending IS school in Vancouver, was a pas- .senger aboard the Catala last ev- Mr5 enlng going through to Anyox Z where he will spend the Christmas '. and New Year holiday season with" his parents, Air. ana Airs, jacs "Wynne arnveo. in uie cuy irom mesoum on the Catala last evening and will proceed to the interior on this afternoon, train. The widespread Interest taken in; Vancouver", mayoralty election last 1 week was indicated by a group of! resident, of the Queen Charlotte' Islands wirelessing the Vancouver Daily Province for the final re-turn, in the McGeer-Taylor Kipper Notice I will not be responsible for any of the provincial police, returned to J?"- " ...T, 'than myself. .v. o,- the n.i Catala i..t last even v 295 while under the Influence of liquor. : J. T. Harvey, counsel for Hayner, Is 1 (QIIIC rp 1 0 seeKing to nave xne conviction i quashed on technical grounds. L. q W Patmore Ic acting for the crown. Faulty deposition papers are Annomicements NELSON. BREW. Haysport, B.C. -nuiid B.c. payroiu- A young chap we know was invited home to supper by his chum and he got, he says, one of the nicest desserts he ever tasted, and his chum's mother said she had used Pacific Milk in making It Pacific Milk always has been par ticularly good, but placing it In vacuum cans has greatly Improved it. Pacific Milk "100 B.C. Owned and Controlled' PLANT AT ABBOTS FOKD mLU uz nuzm: mm., mm mtrr Just Received Complete new stock Hudson's Hay Blankets, Tens, Coffees and Genuine Satsuma Vases containing one pound of Fort Garry Tea You cannot purchase a nicer Christmas gift than a pair of Hudson's Ba.V Blankets or a Satsuma Vase Come In and look them over HUDSON'S HAY COMPANY CLOSING XMAS SUGGESTIONS Only six shopping days left for om selection of seasonable goods. We cordially invite you to visit our Grocery and Confectionery Stores. Open all week at night for your convenience. ALL THESE PRICES GOOD TILL CHRISTMAS EVE , CANADA DRY GINGER ALE Qts., Xmas-wrapped 1 $1.75 Empty bottles worth 5c each SAHARA DRY GINGER ALE Pints Local product v SI 35 per doz Empty bottles worth lc each SPANISH TABLE RAISINS OOn 1-lb. pkg MIXED NUTS No Peanuts gQ J IDS PEANUTS Good and fresh QCTp O IU WHOLE MIXED PEEL per lb OLACE CHERRIES per lb BLEACHED SULTANA RAISINS, per lb. 3 lbs. AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAISINS 3 lbs CURRANTS Recleaned 3 lbs. BOILED CIDER Pints per bottle WINE Cherry, Oinger Old Port, per quart. 25c 39c! 17c 50c 35c 40c 25c 50c TURKEYS FRESH KILLED All sizes, per lb 20c, 23c, 25c Leave your order EARLY! OLIVES Stuffed or plain per jar 15c to LIBBY'S RIPE OLIVES l's OCp tl.. Fruit Juice Punch 13-oz. Reg. 50c. try It: to clear 50c 35c MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE -Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 Flowers For Large Variety of Pot Plants Just the Thing For Christmas Presents CUT FLOWERS OF ALL KINDS Order Early as the Demand is likely to be large GLENNIE'S Second Ave. Phone 635 OUT) m Montreal Importers S We have decided to Close Out our store and are Christmas - M H y i Selling the Stock . i I at Prices that will astonish you I Complete Stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Wear, including 'Xmas Gifts EVERYTHING MUST GO! Sam Kirkaldy. Mrs. Georg? Doer and Miss Vehna Grieg, after spending a few day. in the city, returned on Friday evening's train to Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy Don Sutherland, district agricul- j .ho bcen on a vacation trip to turalist for Smithers. who has been Vancouver, ' returned to the city on a two weeks' trip to Vancouver lnm the ,oUlh on the Princes? to attend the provincial seed show. ! Norah yesterday afternoon. H n t Bi mm .-ii ki 1 1 is mim ft s ft! xuju im mmxunvixz s mi wi :i im rs raui imisvi 9 THE CONSOLIDxVTED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Producers it Refiners of ELEPHANT TADANAG Brand CHEMICAL FERTILIZER Brand ELECTROLYTIC Ammonium Phosphates Sulphate of Ammonia Superphosphates Complete Fertilizers Lead-Zinc Cadmium-Bismuth UNION STEAMSHIPS- SPECIAL ROUND TRIP Winter Excursion Fares TO VANCOUVER From Prince Rupert $32.00 Kcturn ALL MEALS AND BERTH INCLUDED Children Half-Fare Keduccd return rate of fare and one-third also applies from all other northern ports to Vancouver, and from Stewart and Anyox to Prince Rupert and return. Tickets on sale continuously between November 1st, 1931 and February 28th, 1935 good to return up to March 31st. 1935. S.S. Catala leaves Prince Rupert Tuesday, 1:30 p.m, arrives Vancouver Thursday p.m. S.S. Cardena Special Xmas sailing Friday, Dec 21, 6 p.m.. arrives Vancouver Sunday afternoon Tickets. Reservations and All Information from Prince Rupert Agent R. M. Smith). Third Ave, Phone 5C8 or Pursers S.S. Catala and S.S. Cardena CANADIAN PACIFIC SS. -PRINCESS NORAH" for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway. Dec 16th, 30th, Jan. 13th, 27th. FOR VANCOUVER direct, Dec. 20th, Jan. 3rd, 17th, 31st. SS. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports, every Friday 10 PAI. Winter Excursion Fares to Vancouver Q59t 00 ?04.VU ROUND TRIP Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1934 to Feb. 28th, 1935. Final return limit March 31st, 1935. it W, I. COATES. Jfieneral Agent. PqUyc Rup!fr ft.C- J ij ft '