July 7. 134 ORANGE PEKOE BLEND SALADA TEA "Frb from the Gardens Candy Specials St. Clair Kich Creamy Toffee per pound St. Clair Licorice Nougat per pound Dominion Dairy UNION STEAMSniPS LIMITED 40c 40c Jasmine Specials Jamine Face lotion and Skin Freshener and Jasmine Shaving Cream CCn both for v Jasmine Face Powder (large size) and Jasmine Face Cream both for Ormes Ltd. "Tim Pionter Dmq&ists The KcmII HUr rbones: II U For Marine Automotive Lighting Stl-KOX llATTtlltliJ will not hrd buckle sulphate or otherwise disintegrate but Improve with age If Kept In acthe use. , JAMES MARTIN MutcU, H.C. P.O. 7 Prince Rupert, B.C. PHONE: 636 FRESH MILK and CREAM Whipping Cream w Lipping Cream 1 pint 20c 35c Van's Bakery Opposite Boston Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Grocers Lalxlled on Bottom For Your Protection Phone 190 When in Need of Lumber and Shingles Phone (548 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Wc Carry a Stock of Spruce and Cedar Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.8. CATALA EVEHY TUESDAY, 1:30 VM Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.8. CAHDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. . Wy au7ni to Port Simpson. Alice Arm. Anyoi, Btewar and Has Uvr poinU. Leav Prince llupert flunday. S P- . ,urier lnlormatton regarding all sailings and tickets aw arrtar inrirn ti.u.i i.,nn. Pn w Wt arc still buying old cold, Bulger's. (ttJ Canadian Legion B.EJS.L. monln-ry executive meeting Monday at I pjn. General meeting Wednesday. Mrs. W. U. Blackstock and daughter, Sheila, have left to spend the summer vacation In Vancouver and Portland. We pay a premium on gold coins and old gold, teeth, chains, watct- ies, etc. Phone Black 324. B. C, Clothiers Limited. tf. Mrs, Nesbfti and son of Queen Charlotte City arrived In the city OD U.b Prince John Thursday ! Premier Pattullo write to lh",fiT7i3Tl Horticultural Society through sec tary Krltt thanking it lor the Ui mor of making him Honorary ! President of tbe-soeiety. aarepttn the nosrtlon and enclosing his check for $10 towards 1U general fund. Mr. F. A. Harrison of Madoc. OaL. alter spending the past week . in the city on business in connec-; tioo with her local interests, made the round trip this week aboard the Princess Louise to Skagway and is, again here this afternoon on her way to Vancouver enroute east Word received in the city privately from Fort William la to the J, effect that Rev. Dr. H R. Orant. formerly pastor w ram rresoy- terian Church here, after having been seriously iU tor -some time, js now greatly improved, being able to carry out certain light ecclesiastical duties. Mrs. Charlton of Vancouver, daughter of Rev. Dr. O. H. Raley. principal of Coqualeetza Instltutt. and Miss Dill, a member of the institute staff, were here a few days ago. They came north in company with a party of naUve children from the InsUtute who will spend the summer with their parents at Skeena River cannery points. Good News To every one of you. The depression Is over therefore get a new start in economy. In your home you have some furniture that is probably in your way. Somebody needs what you do not want and may be ready to buy it. Get In touch with the jEllo Furniture Exchange and Auc tion Mart, opposite Thrift Store and they will do the rest. Phone areen 421. ,160) Announcements Eagles' picnic. Grassy Bay, July 22. Moose Hall Saturday, July 14th. The Boxing Card Of ths. Seasou. Don't miss this. .Till DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE. LOCAL NEWS NOTES night fur a month's visit to town. Mrs. W. C. HJckey. who ha been on a trip south, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon Irotn Mlw Agnes Mathers of Sandspltl You can rent a Car at Walker's as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile. tf Mrs. H. R. Hamilton and family of Dlgby Island have left for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Capt. L. Sheppard of the Dominion Fisheries patrol service is on a brief trip to Vancouver. T. W. Hall, Inspector of schools, and Mrs. Hall have left for Victoria where they will spend the summer. -iiRM Enjoy all the comforts of home with the freedom of a hotel Rates most reasonable. The Knox Hotel tf Roger Powell, Indian, for drunkenness, was fined $10, with option of seven days' imprisonment, in dty police court yesterday. Mrs. William Dann was a pas senger aboard the Prince George arrived in the eity on the Prince J" " '4"UC1 John Thursday night from the tov to h" ihufG is the United who manager of Em- Islands to spend a holiday visit- lng here pire mine. r- nA famji i.f' O. E. MitcheH arrived in the W m e prlnc? yes-f -Adelaide on yesterday's way freight train tentajr afternoon from Vancouver, tom. i t.,w. ,.n r-irf.nr ln here in connection with the fr tt,. Mtan at lr xnmer of operation, at the home at Lakelse Lake. (Institution new cold storage plant of th am. rvv wt, Northern fishermen's Cold Storage ""' . 1 . lUl (been paying a visit at her homej'"- !at Watun River, returned to the ntv from the Oueen Charlotte, James mmunos. Kercnixan mer Island on the Prince John Thurs- i chant, and Mrs. Edmunds arrived dav ninht n the city on the Prtnress Aaei jalde yesterday afternoon following Master Anstalr BeM arrived tnU trtp to CoUfornfei. Mr Edmunds the dty on the Princess Adelaide , continued through to Ketchikan wri.M.v tfimmn fmm Van-1 while Mrs. Edmunds stopped off rouver to spend the summer hott- here to pay a virir with her days vWtng here with his uncle Mrs O A. Wyman, Fifth land aunt Mr and Mrs. T. N Le Avenue East Page Fourth Avenue Bast. - WATTS Money-Savers i For .Monday & Tuesday PASTRY FLOUR-Wlld Rose, per 10-lb. sack CORNED BEET Llbby's No. 1 Un. per tin 45c 12c EOOS Solly's Grade "A' 35C 3 doz CERTO per bottle JAR RINGS per doz SPINACH Roj-al City No. 2 tins, per tin PEAS Ensign. Sieve 4 2 Uns BUTTER Fine Alberta per lb. $1.00 32c 6c 13c 25c 25c COFFEE Malkln's Best 42C per 1-lb. vacuum jar MAYONNAISE Best Foods 2j(J ICINO SUGAR per 2-lb. pkg SWIFTS LARD per 3-lb. tin 5-lb. tin ' PORK Si BEANS Malkln's No. 2 squat tins, per tin 4u. una, jjr uu 19c 45c 74c 8c EMPRESS JAM Apricot or CM( Cherry, per 4-lb, tin CHICKEN C. Si B. 27C CAMPBELL'S TOMATO HOI OCp SOUP. 3 tins OLD DUTCH CLEANSER per tin LIFEBUOY SOAP 2 bars RICE KRISPIES per pkg TOILET TISSUE Paragon Large rolls, per roll 10c 15c Fruit & Vegetables 11c 10c Watts Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 "THE BEST FOR LESS" ff'B,T!B'TMW'Bllffgr1W!'";Ba:lJ"ryirl Look! Look! Look! We are Holding a Few Days of Genuine Bargain Giving Unsurpassed in the History of the City JUST A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS Men's Shoes Men's Brown Elk Boots, Uskide soles, reg. $4.00. A QO real working boot Men's Brown and Fawn Sports Oxfords, up to the minute in 8tyk v S3.25 reg. $450 FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished houseKeep- ing suite. Phone Red 444. 158 FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. 644 Taylor Street. Best view in clty. FOR RENT Four-room furnished modem, comfortable cottage iln Terrace. Write Box 3. Terrace, 157 WORK WANTED WOMAN wants work. Apply Box 213, Dally News. 159 TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177 niroh. Jackolne. Cedar. tf "nOVKItXMKNT LlQl'OK act NOTICE Or APPLICATION FOR A CLVB LICKNCK unnrr u hsrehr elren on the nimiinn nt thi &dvertlMiunt the Un- . i . iu m.'riimwrf nraair Hnr.lit Club Intends to UKanagan Apr.CO. .u .' UouT Control Board for per crate l0 a club lloenco in reapt of premises Lambert Cherries, per lb uiaC SUTl 5-lh. basket - "c 40. Blot s. Plan i jsi, eubdtvialoo Loganberries 3 baskets e of "f-arK uuncn uarrois ana urns, a utus. c i tK. pmvin, at British wium New Potatoes, 13 lbs. 25obia, to entitle each .i viuw iw m-. u r . .. . . mum i or nouor lor pn oonsuntptlon on the premises In ae-.na wtih th nrOTlalons of tht "Oovernment Liquor Act" and the re gulations promulgated inerruiiui. DATED at Hyder, British Columbia, this aatn day of Uay. 1814. FRASER SOCIAL CLUB, By A. A. Tracer, t 6eritry and Manager Running Shoes the Finest Makes Chilli's Sizes. 4 to 10' 6Se Misses,' 11 to 2 Me Youth's 11 to 13V2 85c Boys'. 1 to 5 95c Ladies.' 3 to 8 7c Men's, 6 to 11 We Accept City Scrip RELIABLE man to take care store route. Distribute and collect. New product. Protected territory. Earn HELP WANTED HOW to get a Government Job. Free Booklet. The M.C.C. Ltd, Winnipeg. HAffiDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING J Poster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhangln? Moller, Phone Red B02. MIXERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE River Praotional Utneral Claim, sit uate In the AUtn Mining Division ot 3aslar D.trMt Located on left bank 01 ths Tuise- rush River. TAKE NOTICE that H. McN. Praser doting as Agelt for Taku Mines Cora- toung as Ant lor Twuuowmiiii Limited. Free Ulner'a CarUf loate No. Ti- load. Intend. 60 days from datenereoi. xi apply to the Mining Recorder tor a Certificate of Improvements lor the purpone ot obtaining a Crown a rant ot the soove ciaim. And further take notice that aouon. trader section 83, must be commenced before the tiauance of such Certificate of Improvements. Dated this 20W day or Apru, ma. H. McN. Fraser. Agent. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lea Land In Prlnc Runert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, B.C. and sit uate In Qlawdiwet Bay located at ine N.W. end afvnrpbens Mana. nange a. Coast DIaU-lct. Take notice that John Clausen oi Print Rupert. EC. oecupauon PUh Packer, intend to apply for a lease of the Mbnlsf described foreshore: Commencing u a post .planted at the S. w. corner of a amaU island about 8 chains 8. K. of Avery Island thence S.W.I. Chain; theoce Westerly rhlTwr ktwtnre Kl. 8 chains more OI leas to high water mark on the NX point of the Island: thence 8. t. direction 9 chains more oc lew following high water mark to point of commencement. JOHN CLAUSEN, Dated Apia !.. 1M4. Ladies' Shoes We have just received a shipment of Ladies' White Kid Pumps and Ties with high Cuban heels, GO 4CJ snappy styles v Ladies' White Canvas Ties and Strap, Cuban heels latest styles C- HIZ upfrom ... OA I 3 CUT RATE SHOE STORE I T 11 I U&ssiriea as . FOR SALE FOR SALE Dlningroom set bed room set. stoves, chairs, etc. 616 Sixth Ave, near Fulton. tf. FOR SALE 5th Avenue W. pro perty consisUng of one six-room house, fully modern and fully furnished, including radio and piano: one 5-room house fully modern. This is a real bargain. Collart ii McCattsry Ltd. 162 FOR SALE On account of mov ing, furnished house and shack with three lots in the waterfront; 1 boat-shop; 2 boat-sheds: blacksmltfcshop, smoke-house, steam-hath, woodshed, tool-house, float for two boats, nets and net-lines, trolling-gears, etc. Walter Nlemi, Box 3, Port Es-sington, B.C. 159 PERSONAL UINI ACT Natlrv of Intention to apply to Purrlui Land In Prince Rupm Land Becordtng District of Range tour Coast District, and aituaie about five miles Irom Uie mouth of tbe Khvtce River on tbe But fort. Take notice that L Frederick Shellr. lot Vanctnrrer. B-C .occupation mine I operator. Intends to apply lor permls-I mitotan to purchase the following de-I scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted one foot distance tram the witness post oc PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. ! u,, wwt sUe Lot 172 tbencTwest- We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Dpt. 14, MALE HELP WANTED erly 60 chains; thence Southerly 20 chains: thence Easterly 00 chains; thence Northerly SO chains and containing 100 acrm, more or less. FREDERICK K. SHELLY. Dated 10th day of May. 1934. LAD ACT Not Ire ot Intention to apply to Leae Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording excellent weekly Income. Berland ; m, SHE Nut CO.. St. Paul, Minn. uate in Qlawdeet Bay located at the ttW.W. end of Stephens Island. Range S. Ooast District Take notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Pish Packer, lnteols to apply for a lease of the following described lands- Commencing at a pose planted ai the S. W comer of a small island about 8 chains 8. E. of Avery Island thence Ni- thence westerly, southerly and easterly, following high watermark to point of commencement, and containing 3 acres more or less, and Including the entire area of the said is land. Dated April 16. IBS.. JOHN CLAUSEN, TIMIIKK SALE X-1T110 There U1 be offered for sale by Public Auction at the office of the District Pcrester at Prince Rupert. B. C at noou on the seventeenth llTthl day of August. 1934, the Licence X-17110 -actuated at Powrlvco Bsy, Lyell Island. Q. CX. to cut 2.780 MBM of Spruce. Cedar and Hemleck. Provided anyone unable n attend the Auction in peraon, may leubmtt a sealed tender to be opened at tbe hour of Auction and treated as cue bid. Two years wtU be allowed for removal of this Umber. Particulars of Chief Forester. Victoria. District Foreter. Prince Rupert, or Ranger 3 B. Soott. Lockeport. Q.C.I TIM III: K KALE X-IIM9 There will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the otrice of the District VrwrfAer at Prince Rupert. B. C at noon on the seventeenth ( lTth) day of August t934. the Licence X-1710B situated cm LyeU Island. Q.CX. to cut 3.-6TT MBM of Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock. Provided anyone unable to at tend the Auction tn person, may uo-rrtlt a sealed tender to be opened at the hour of AucU?n and treated a one, bid Two years wilt be allowed for removal of this timber. Particulars ot Chfcrf Forester. Victoria, District Forester. Prince Rupert, or Rarsrer J. B. Scot. Loekeporti Q.CJ. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley, We also sell Timothy Hay, Wnsat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. rhiacs Ml