TWO The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, April 10: The price of wheat here today was CO Vic per buslieL 1 Phone 357 Shoe Styles that 'Click' with the Latest in Apparel One of the highlights of the season Low Heels They are so comfortable and go well with the new spring suits. See these In black, brown or grey. Priced from $3.95 t0 $7.50 Tennis Shoes! Our new stock of Tennis and Outing Shoes awaits your inspection. First quality only. Made by "Gutta Percha." "Every pair made to wear." Published Every Afternoon, Except 8unday. by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. T. PTJLUEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advance , For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncn, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations WHAT EFFECT HERE 98 88 $5.00 .10 3.00 9.00 1.40 Tuesday, April 10, 1934 5 D2 The Canada Steamship Lines has decided to boost its pram rates to six cents a bushel from three and a hal cents. It is presumed that the announcement means that all the steamship lines plying oh the Great Lakes have agreed to raise their prices. mi lit j i i nere nave Deen two reasons ior tne very low prices given on the. lakes. One was the keen competition for busi ness at a time when there has been- little doing. The other reason was that there had sprung up keen competition for the business of the prairie farmers from Vancouver. Churchill and possibly Prince Rupert. With the eastern rates up two and a half cents there should be d great deal more grain come west during the coming season and it is possible that some of the extra business may come to Prince Rupert. WELCOME VANCOUVER PEOPLE Prince Rupert people will extend to the Vancouver Board of Trade members a. hearty welcome when they arrive here two months from noV. It is hoped that arrangements will be made locally to give them a banquet. There is nothing so conducive to cordiality as for men to sit at the same table and to eat and drink together. If a banquet is found impracticable something else" will have to be done to show that Prince Rupert is hospitable. We have much to learn from the people of Vancouver. RESULTS EXPECTED Premier Pattullo and one or two members of his cabinet will meet Premier Bennett and his cabinet at Ottawa next week. They will discuss the financial position of the pro vince and the possibility of the Ottawa government ex tending a measure ofaid to the province. Mr. Pattullo will speak with authority because all authority has been given him by the Legislature. He will be in tne nappy position of being able to implement any agreement immediately, only the sanction of the Lieutenant-Governor being required to the decisions or acts of the British Columbia cabinet. While most people seem doubtful if anv irood will come from the conference, we are very hopeful. Mr. Bennett may seem unreasonable in many things but the present )osition of the province is one that will undoubtedly ap-eal to the federal premier as requiring action of some dnd. We think he will meet Premier Pattullo in the spirit of helpfulness. SILVER AND COPPER ON NEW YORK MART NEW YORK, April 10r Sliver was quoted here today at 4634C. Copper wlU for 8c. SESSION RESUMES Parliament at Work Apaln With Important Husiness Facing It OTTAWA, April 10: (CD-Parliament reassembled jester-day following the Easter recess with much important business awaiting its consideration. Unemployment relief legislation is receiving immediate attention, having been interrupted by the recess. New- banking legislation, now before the banking and currency committee, constitutes other important business. The budget is not expected to be presented before next week by Hon. E. X, Ilhodes, minister of finance. SPECIAL POWERS ASKED In re-introducing the unemployment relief legislation, Prime Minister R. B. Bennett especially urged the passage of a clause which would confer upon the government "extraordinary powers to be used in case of emergency." Rt, Hon. W. L. Mackenxie King, Leader of the Opposition, took objection to the clause, expressing his opposition to anything that savored of dictatorship. EQUIPMENT TO STEWART Machinery Formerly Used on Dolly Varden Being Moved to United Empire William Dann, managing direc tor of the United Empire Gold and Silver Mining Co. Ltd., arrived in the city on the Catala this mom Ing from Stewart and will proceed on the Prince George tomorrow af ternoon to Anyox enroute to Alice Arm where he will superintend the shipping of mining equipment from the Dolly Varden mine which Is to be used on the United Empire property where an aerial tramline Is now being put In. The equipment will be shipped from Alice Arm to Stewart on the Catala next week. Mr. Dann reports tramline con struction from the United Empire property to the Bear River road proceeding steadily. There was a fresh fall of snow at Stewart yes terday. he states. CONFERRING UPON WHEAT Canada, U. S. Australia and Argen Una Expected to Reach Basis For Minimum World Price ROME, April 10: (CP) Repre sentatives of Canada, United States, Australia and Argentina, the "Big Four" among the- wheat producing nations of the world, were In spe clal session here yesterday to for mulate plans for the reduction of acreage with a view to establishing a minimum world wheat price for consideration by the world wheat conference which is in session here The general conference has made no Important decisions as yet but the preliminary session yesterday, it was nopea, mignt reach some basis for action although It Is stated that no agreement has yet osen reached In the matter of minimum price. STRIKE IS CONCLUDED COURTENAY, Vancouver Island April 10: Two hundred men em ployed In the Comox Logging Co, camp, who had been out on strike are returning to work, the strike be ing over. Another 250 men In the camp had not been on strike. COPPER MARKET IN NEW YORK IS FIRM NEW YORK. April 10: The New York copper market continues firm In tone, yesterday's price for do mi'stlc copper on the local metal market being 834c per pound. COLD PRICE DOWN MONTREAL, April 10: The prlc of gold dropped here today to $34.70 down three cents since yesterday. Mrs. William Gilchrist sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a visit to, Vancouver and Victoria, THE DAILY NEWS TuejU.o A i: ! MONCTON HAWKS WIN' OVEK Di.TKOlT STARS TO EVEN UP SERIES TORONTO, April 10: (CPi- Moncton Hawks outclassed De- trolt White Stars, United States contenders for the North American amateur hoc- key championship, by a score of 4 to 1 here last night In the second game of the series, thus 1 securing revenge for the upset of the first game Saturday night when Detroit won 2 to 1. The third and deciding game will be played tomorrow iight. a PRESENTED TROPHIES Closing Season Dance Held Last Night by Prince Rupert Badminton Association The season's closing dance of the Prince Rupert Badminton Assocla-Uon was held last night In the Elks' Hall, the feature of the evening's proceedings being the presentation of season's trophies to their win-' ners by W. H. Tobey. Frank Rus-j sell, vice-president of the associa tion. In the absence from the city of the president, E, O. Aves, welcomed the guests, thanked all those who had assisted In making the season a success and introduced Mr. Tobey who then made the presentations There were about forty couples present and the hall was appropriately decorated for the occasion. Music was provided by Charlie Balagnos Orchestra and dancing was enjoyed from 9 pjn. until 2 a.m. At midnight delicious refreshments were served by the ladles. The committee In charge consis ted of Pete Peterson. Ian Murray. Albert Stiles, Mitchell Oay. Mrs. J. IL Horton, Miss Margaret McKay. Miss Margaret McCaffery and Miss Nellie Lawrence. The trophies were presented as follows: Challenge Cups to A League Ladies' singles, Hellbroner Cup. Miss C. Mitchell. Men's singles. Empire Cup, W. To bey. Ladies' doubles McCutcheon Cup, Misses C. Mitchell and F. Cross. Men's doubles. Bryant Cup, W. Bryant and W. Cross. Mixed doubles, Watt Cup, Mrs. Horton and W. Bryant. Individual Cups, B League Men's singles, J. Murdoch. Men's doubles, W. Murray and F. Bussanich. Mixed doubles, Miss M. McKay and T. Bussanich. BELANGER LOST OUT Canadian Welterweight Disqualified in Bout Last Nljht With Jack Casey of England LONDON, April 10: Charlie Be-langer, Winnipeg light heavyweight, was disqualified for holding in the seventh round of a scheduled 15-round bout with Jack Casey of Sunderland, England, last night. Casey was awarded the decision. George Howe Has Tidy Lead .Over May in Billiards In the first session last night of the city Individual intermediate billiard championship final, George Howe took a rather commanding lead of 253 to 201 over John May. The final block of 250 points will be played tonight. TRAIN FIVE HOURS LATF . Due to track trouble owing to wash-outs, sinkholes, etc. along the line, tonight's train, due from the east at 10 o'clock, was reported this morning to be five hour late which would bring It in at 3 a.m. HU ytur$H of CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION RHEUMATISM wiih IX CMOHt ROUP HMtPT OUT! KltO W CAWAOA ' " MUM II B.C. Clothiers Ltd. We carry a Large Stock for Fishermen's Needs Such Lines as'Stanfield's Underwear, Cold Fleece, TurnbulPs Rubber CIothinR and Rubber Hoots. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Motorshlp Belllngham, Capt. James Shelton, arrived In port at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Ketchikan with two carloads of fresh halibut for trans-shipment to the United States over Canadian National Railways. After discharg ing, the Belllngham sailed on her return to Ketchikan. On a regularly scheduled voyage from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, C. N. R, steamer Prince John, Capt. Edward Mabbs, gate Inlet. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned to port at 9:15 this morning from Anyox. Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts. Recent Arrival From Edmonton Charged Theft Robert McPherson, a young man wno recently arrived in the clt) from Edmonton, was placed under arrest by the city police last evening and appeared this morning in city police court before Magistrate McClymont on a charge of theft of money. The case was adjourned for eight days. McPherson is alleged lo have taken $10 from a woman on Comox Avenue. Garden Notes It Is understood that at the meet ing called for tonight an effort will be made to organize a new horticultural society or garden club for the mutual benefit of the members and possibly for the purpose of staging a rose show' this year. I am told that the roses which it Is planned to Import are regular catalogue roses and It Is thought there will be little difficulty In placing a thousand this year, the number necessary to secure the rate of eighteen cents a tree. The order would have to be placed at once as the trees should be planted' soon. The chief difficulty will be In arranging for distribution. C. OlllespU? manager of Oceanic cannery, sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a business trip to Vancouver. and Penman's Humphrey All Wool Trousers OA OfT Ladles Pumps and Ties- Cine per pair gle-nJ tQ cIcar J)er J)a,r Ol.JJ) Tumbull's Combinations $1,45 Penman's Underwear $1.90 tWVlflPjp Heavy Wool Combinations $195 J mf Men's All Wool Sox dfti 77, Z T! '. ' 1UU Ladles Classic Straps- In velour on n p calf per pair 00.1)0 Children's Shocs-In Straps and 5 35 udles puinpsBlont toes, spike TTZ Oxfords, per pair heels, per pair S3.45 Children's Classic Oxfords-Hamok CO OC Ladles' Brown Tie- on 1- welt. cushion soles v per, pair , .; ...,.. 00.15 Misses' Oxfords and Strap Shoes Ci QC Weldrest Silk Crepe Stockings- o am Ol.UD )1.25 per pair palr Fleet Foot Runners to Fit Everylody B. C. CLOTHIERS LTD. Phone Mack 321 Next door Prizzcll's Meat Shop Classified Ads for sale FOR SALE Chevrolet Car in good condition. Price $200. Dally News. tf FOR SALE $75, large oak dek. drawers both sides, price $25. H. O. Helgerson Ltd. FOR RENT ItOUSES to rent Hart. is expected to arrive In port to- rort RENT Furnlsned hou 83 Elevator, furnished, has Electric Range, electrically heated Water Tank, low rent to suitable tenant. Apply O. P Tinker. HELP WANTED MAID Wanted, McLennan SITjJATjONS WANTED THOROUGHLY experienced housekeeper wants employments -capable of taking charge of home. References. Phone Blur 217. 80 apply Mrs. WANTED i Ml HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Poster Curl; Latest Style NELSON'S BEAUTY 6H0PPI TRANSFERS GARDEN Son $2 50 a load Celeron's Transfer Phone 1T7 t! morrow mornrngrne vessel U in : keeping rooms. 835 Second Av-1 Massett Inlet today discharging j enu Wcit PAINTINO cargo, having arrived at Massett at - . . 9 o'clock this mornine from Slcide- ,FOR RENT small House near Oraln NOTHT. or tmumti: PAINTERS and Paperhanfini Moller. Phone Red 802 .trnirwiox n" ic:ij rntf No. 1 irwtUMwl : Claim. TflKld tllff Nil. ft Mineral fljlm. Mrcrtt Mineral Malm. CIUI tratllonal Mineral (Ulm. Situate ID the rortlarxl ''' ln" DlrUton. Whr hxt4 xi II vwi iKV nr River kvmt ihw mii 8Uwrt, nc Lawful pmr WiIIImi Dann Number of th holder in minffl tTtlfk -7TOO-D. ,, TAKE NOTICE tMt Willt JJ" Frw Mirr' OrtlftcM N Trw-D"; UntK t the end of i'V "J" th Hmtm kMM ti limit (n tttf KM"1' i Recorder for rerMflMrte Hn8"" menu for the purie of oMlC Crown Ornt of the iwf lk., I AND rUUTHIH TAKE NOTIft W . . Mxlon. under Section w camp bed. Phone Green wi At" mt n- mi"""" Ty" 86 iv rimiiATi: , in the supreme cocnT op rmmaii COLUMWA IN T1IE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" - Mid IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE Or ARNOLD NIKOLAI NIELSON. DECEASED. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that toy order of Ifla Honor W E Plher. the 20th day of March Ap. 1034, I wa appointed Administrator of the estate of Arnold Nikolai Nlelaon. deceased, and all parttea having claim apaln tt aald enUte are hereby required to furnUh aame. proper! verified, to me on or before the Ut day of May. A D. 1834. and all partle Indebted to the estate arc required to pay tha amount of their Indebted new to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rilfiert. DC. Dated the 20th day of March, A D. 1034, in Htoimr. IN Tin? SUPREME COURT OP DRITISII . COLUMBIA tN THE MATTER OP TUB "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ,,AM8AY' DECKA8ED. INTE3- TATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hi Honor W E. Flher, the 80th day of March. A D. 1931, I wn appointed AdmrnUtrator or the eaUte of Ida flanway, deceased, and aJI pmrtie having claim agalrutt the aald enUte are hereby required to furniah nome, proerly verl fled, to ma oir or l.for the lat day of May, A D. 1034, and all partle Indebted u the Mtate ar required to pay Ui amount of their Indebtednem to m forthwith, NORMAN A, WATT. Official AdmlnUibrator, . . Prince HuiM-rt, H O; DU4 the 29Ui day of March, AJ). 1034. (He NMitnoe of nwn err in" pmvrmenU. DATED thU 23rd d7 "nlw Jn 0 WII.MAM DAW in ritoimt: IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BWTIW COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THK ADM" TRATION ACT and IN THE MATTER OP THE jTATT CHARLES VESS. DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that by rtrrt'r, Cterrtv Honor W.E Planer, the th -1 'jf ol A.D. 10.14, I wa appntnled A',ml"7V Of th estate of ''r"" .W ceaed, and all partle. v'n . ajalnat the aald eMe re Vi. quired to furniah mm P1?'.. of fled, to m. on or fcefur.- tlx; J ' IXwd May. A D. 10J4. and all port'" ui the etat are require.! t" PJJ amount of their lndebiedne forthwith. . ,M,rr (ration nrltl&h MtUUAN ft, Official Admli""' 1. .! rrince Datut the 20th df of March. flOVEKNMKST I.UIl'O" rT 0 w Nnllre of Applkallnn ff "T". W NOTICE l hereby iwi l&th next h '.trol day of I rv. April 'i it tin " nuenaa to Board for apply to VofV a licence n reapejt mlMM, miwH. beln beln part part or tne " a the ItaySport ,a', tUhOulunuia, upon tl J11', wiW m lAu 03 and 84, inocr u tLi!-of Havmort. Prince Rupert i'lnrt, of Difltrlot., OoliunbU, fn tne for the rfS(ii- or u iiaaa or dj vy h. ci" aumntlon on the nremle" -bottle for coiwrnvVwon "flnn W PATF.D U.I. 10th day ',JWra , MARIE ANH 'piwlll