FREE THE POPULAR CAN Today's Weather Hazelton Clear, calm, 42. Bmlthcrs Clear, calm, mild. Hums Lake UrlRht, calm, 36. '! Terrace- -Part 'cloudy, calm, 31. AJs-iush Clear, calm, 37. AMJ-nowJn&Jsalm, .35, .. Stewart - Cloudy, calm. 34. , Dead Tnc l'oint -Part cloudy, callri; baruiiictcr. 30.14; temperature, 48; si-a KinofHIi. Ti'Tr)pl(r I)and Overcast. Ujht souUimst wind, light swell. 4 Qs W.,'Laldlor, local manager of W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd, returned to the city ojv the CaUla this morn-! lug after making the round trip to Auyux and Stewart on company I business. I Kaien Hardware i PAtja FOUR THE DAILY NWS -jiu -i. i-. umii" uwm I WL 1 I I N mm ABOB amc niiAHTV Wriu f Copy oftkNEW NABOB PREMIUM CATALOG rair, dougias co. tro. vancouvu caicaiy . The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK CO i Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Coal Prices Minehead Egg Coal $12.5.0 Mhiehead Lunip Coal .$12.50 Pembina Egg Coal .....-.$12.00 Stove Coal ..w,.... $11.50 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Ideal Cleaners OPEN In New Premises Cor. McHride & Fifth CLEANING, REPAIRING, DYEING, ETC. i COAL! COAL! Cur Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try t tod of No. 1 Bulkley Valley: Wf also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. M Phone ISt GOVERNOR HELD UP Wash-Outs on Kettle Valley Line Interfere With Time-Table Princeton Isolated I PRINCETON, April 10: This British Columbia town was cut off from, rail connection both cast and I west yesterday on account of washouts on the Kettle Valley line. The 'tic fun Interfered with the tlmc-j table of the special train of the Edrl of Bessborough, Oovcrnor-I General of Canada, who was on the line in the course of a trip to the Pacific Coast Newspapermen Are Received By Pope Pius VATTPAM PTTV A.-I1 in- Tnn I l(lliV4m 41J14 1V.-I UjJt I Jlus XIII shattered precedent tcrday bycccivlns newspaper cor respondents In a body. His Holiness issued a statement to the newspa permen. Wheat , VANCOUVER, April 10: (CP Vileat was quoted at C5V,c on the ! local exchange yesterday. Pound Sterling and Canadian Dollar , MONTREAL, April 10: The British, pound sterling closed at $5.16 11-16 on the local foreign exchange market yesterday. . NEW YORK, April 10: The British pound sterling closed at $5.18 on the local foreign exchange yes terday and the Canadian dollar at $1.00 3-16. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, April 10: (CP- Bar sUvcr closed at 46"2c per ounce on the local foreign exchange market yesterday. SPECIAL ON BLANKETS Let Us Wash Your Blankets Our prices this week is 50c for double blankets and 35c for single blankets. Our price on Dry Cleaning is $1.00 for Suits and $1.00 for Dresses We Guarantee Satisfaction PIONEER LAUNDRY LIMITED and Canadian Laundry Ltd. "TILLIE THE T0ILER,, A Satisfactory Place to Deal STTILES "TUP CAWT APPCAW HL.t-V'51 KUEA"ToJ BOT THE DECORATE BOSS' . SHH AXEL WICK ACQUITTED Jury Finds I'owell Kiver Man Not Guilty of Manslaughter VANCOUVER. April 10: Axel Wick, Powell River truck driver, was acquitted yesterday by a Jury In Supreme Court on a chares of manslaughter in connection with the deaths of two men who It was alleged had been killed when hit by a heavy truck driven by uccuscd. INCREASE IN WAGES Twenty-Five Percent Iliwst in Pay H (iiven Ohio Coal Miners ALL WtCJHT -TEUU. -TILL I E. TO PUT TUB CJCAAlkl OM AMQ I'LL H EJ CLEVELAND. Ohio, April 10: Fifteen thousand Ohio coal miners yesterday won a twcnty-flvc permit wnoA Inprnntn o n rncnlt nf Ulc fllm d,$P,ay an agreement reached between re-'1"8 presentatlves of the coal mine operators and the mine workers union. A seven-hour day was agreed upon. COAL FIND IN CARIBOO Relief Workers Discover Fair Seam In Front of General Store at I Cache Creek ti-uy ASHCROFT. April 10: Relief ' workers at Cache Creek, eleven miles from here, are reported to i reported to be a fair scam. Mail Your OLD GOLD 9 ,T TALU FOB time- Inside your home this year with the NEW PROCESS ALABASTINE $1.50 will huy enough for one room Out of town customers may .send in their old gold and we will make an offer by return mail and hold the parcel till advised if satisfactory. y cJewellers iTMC STORE WITH THE' CLOCK n n I V HEV, Tit-ue vjHerae vou l SOlW3 7 FILMS ARE ENJOYABLE Laree Attendance at Display of Old Country Scene In Moving Pictures As a feature of a congregational get-together In the church hall of First Presbyterian Church last eve ning several reels of new and Inter esting moving pictures depicting scenes in England. Ireland and Scotland were exhibited by Wil liam Crulckshank, city ticket agent for the Canadian National Railways. There were views of Lon don, Glasgow, Edinburgh, the Burns country, the Highlands of Scotland, the Thames Valley, Yorkshire, the Lakes District as well as other points of Interest. Some scenes of Bermuda and the West Indies also proved acceptable. Mr. Crulckshank, who was assisted by W. M. Blackstock. was extended a vote of thanks by Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth and, follow- refreshments were served by the Ladies' Aid during an enjoyable social hour. The attendance was large SPRING SPECIALS Huy at These Prices You! Can't Miss FELS NAPTHA SOAP- per carton have made a strike of coal In front "PALMOLIVE 80AP of Bert Collins' general store. It is I 4 for PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES per pkg.' . KLONDYKE SOAP Large bars, per bar CHLORIDE OF LIME 2 tins , WHIZ FLY FUME Reg. 60. to wear HANSLICK For cleaning harifjj. per tin GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs 3 pkgs. I RC. GRAHAM WAFERS-2 pkgs. The "Understudy" Tin yiw 6svn v I'M dUlTTlMQ mm aoss netx, me FOtt FK3KT- VJITM., STILfcS KAIEN HARDWARE See our 1934 Tennis Balls and Rackets 61 W'ENXAIELS.ancl VAKNISII ii Cover more surface 61 69c 25c 17c 25c 27c 35c 25c 69c Limit 20 lbs. wIUi orders $2 00 or oven SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 6 for CORN FLAKES All brands 3 for ORAPE NUTS FLAKES 25c 25c 35c 45c Fresh Fruits and Vetetablcs at Redurrd Trices MUSSALI.EM'S Economy Store 'Where Dollars Have More Cent' I7-1J Third P.O. Box 571 Avenue Weil fbone II D'VA Monday 4: Tuesday Two Show? & 9:10 Ad minion 15,77 WEDNESDAY Si THURSDAY "MOULIN IU)lcE? SOME YHUt6! 1MB BOSS "3"UST TOLD MB TO TM L ro Por nu TVIA.T You'll Laugh at These "Gold Diggers" "uavana wi nnwQ" ,1m - . linimm iiiuvhu ioio:() Starring Joan Blondell and Glenda Farrj They Leave Broadway "Flat" and Cuba "Hatter' Added Feature KAY FRANCIS in "THE HOUSE ON 56th STREEn The Lights and bhadows of Broadway (7 fi 0:10) A Warner llron, Picture BARGAINS IN Singer Sewing Machines I iaeVL-t-v7 S-PWi MAC TP- .IT' We have an several u some f Utile anrt We aro ;!;; some rr.ii h low as $2.00 Per Month to Pay Ltvs A st-wlm: mat uuv nw cr Irf Ls the best kind 'if a Brings iruny times nhe returns paid by the ( on approval Have a lock WILL M JHUf ' DLvy n TMK ArPE MICE Of MV MA'-"Tl ' PtWCH - VAjteLL, Ar V ALU, A (Vlua OH HHMlTv 15 A. TtV XI .:K:;i:B;r.itijKiiii:.i:i'lH'i GARDEN TIME IS HERE! See Us For Your (iarden Supplies BAMBOO LAWN RAKES, each 14-INCH OARDEN RAKES, each OARDEN HOES, each LONO HANDLED SHOVELS, earn SHORT HANDLED SPADES, earn SPADINO FORKS, earh GORDON'S HARDWARE The AUCTIONEER pAeklrirf Crating -Wrapping & Oeneral Furniture Repair LUt your oods with me Phone RUek 121 fJKO. J. DAWES Jk r jiu & si rhonf JH Chlreprsetie Ultra Vllt RH Intra Ri RJ Msiute All t Rea$onsb! Pnc i x. v ti it i i vzi- vn i If M M W 1.1 For Your Hcaltt W. C. ASPINALL DC (Chiropractor) r.n in rtionff Grwiw f trhintt Bll By Westover Kaien Hardware RADIOS We liave three in slock. They won't be (h ry r (fl here lone at the price we are asking. Up JhjOflV i i iiiiim