AOB TWO THE DAILY NEWS Excels in Quality and Flavour SALADA DAILY EDITION "Fresh from the Gardens THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE .RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Piibltshwl Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rnpert . Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. T. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advance For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week Uy mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and w United States, paid in advance, per year By mail to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch per Insertion Local readers, per insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per insertion . Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising; and Circulation Telephone Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations nnrptiici i 1 -m t vrm 98 $5.00 .10 3.00 9.00 1.40 .25 .02 Thursday, Jan. 18, 1934 -.renewed business activity. Add to that the renewed mining activity and we have pretty nearly the whole picture. .It" is" a very pleasing picture for Prince Rupert people after several years of the doldrums, REVIVAL. IN TIMBER INDUSTRY 'SPORT' RESULTS IN MOOSE PLAY BADMINTON BASKETBALL ViX 1 15-10. The news columns of this paper yesterday seemed to be Darton and Norrington beat Hor-a good example of optimism rampant. Olier Besner told ton and Moxiey 10-15, 15-0. 15-9. of improved prospects for a greatly -desired pulp mill. M, division P." McCaffery announced in Vancouver that the scheme cn. n4; united, 2 for erecting a new cold storage plant had been completed miss a. Morganand Miss a. wra-and work would commence very soon. The manager of the thaii beat Mrs. cicconne and Mrs reduction plant arrived to reopen the meal and oil factory KriKevsicy on Prince Rupert Harbor. John Dybhavn announced that ImHtidual l'iay in This Week's Inter-Club Competition Among Various Organizations Peterson and Partner Jackson and Gordon 6-15, 7-15: Skeena, 6; Rnpert No. 1, Z Mrs. Greggor and "Miss M. Law rence beat Miss J. Cross and Miss J. Edgcumbe 10-15, 15-9, 15-9. It was" the action of Prince Vic- Rupert m returning o Mrs. Dejong and Miss McDonald toria the same member over a period of about seventeen '15-4, 15-3. years that resulted eventually in all the premiers of Can- Jurmain and Redpath beat De-ada being called together at Ottawa for the conference ions and Staines 15-4, 15-9. tt-n-tl ISllJICft No. 1, 4j (Jnltcd 3 ic ntt nlririnr- nlnnn nitt of itVkintt mnmflnf Ally icscjivo 'election, will hope that he succeeds in getting at least a fair proportion of the things he went after. i "From Potlatch to Pulpit" By William Henry Pierce The new book which has been creating such great Interest, and the edition of which is strictly limited. Price, $1.50 ; Down Many Trails. Old Tribal Customs. The Coming of the White Man. The Old Medicine Men, The Work and Influence of the Missionary Among the Coast Indians. For Sale Only At C$.osef (Qowtm & oOalla otmiled PRINTERS AND STATIONERS Down Stairs Resner Kluck f - Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. Postpaid, beat Mrs. Rogers and Miss E. Wilkinson 15-8, 15-8. Rupert No. 2, 2; Rupert East, 5 , J. Naylor and Lindsay lost to (while Bussanlch and M. Gay 5-15, 17-18. Miss D. McDonald and Dpherty 'ost td Mrs. Barclay and T. Bussanlch 16-18, 12-15. Miss D. McDonald 2 the employ of the Pacific Mills. II f i i i ti M Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs mounted in any style. Game heads a specialty. All work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE UP Write For Prices K. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, B.C. Hectic Contest Between Lodge Men But Scoring: Was Light Last night after the lodge meet-Results of Individual play this ing a basketball game was player week in the lnter-club competition between the Moose Lodge ana of the Pflnce Rupert Badminton Moose Legion members resulting Association were as, follows: In a well deserved win for the latter by a score or t0 l- Aimisio.N mviiifw flr$t ha,f was cIean lhe LpgIon Rupert, C; Skeena, 1 showing, although they were an Miss Moffatt and Mis McCaffery bare-footed on top of their heads, beat Miss M. Lawrence and Mrs. .superiority when the score stooa Darton 15-2, 15-8. 2 to nil in their .favor. In the sec- Miss Thompson and H. Ward beat ond half the play 'got a bit rough. Miss Astoria and Mr. Stamford 15-3, several of the Moose players being 3-15, 15-7. cautioned by the referee especially W. Cross and W. Bryant beat R. Tommy Morgan who thought that Bartlett and Cornish 15-1, 15-8. h was playing rugby. He was ert-C. N. R 2: Rupert, 3 cused as his opponent was Casey W. Tobey and B. Tobey beat W. Vink who is a good 100 pounds Lamble and F. Russell 15-11, 17-18, heavier. Towards the end of the 15-5, game the Moose team had all their Mrs. Horton and' Miss E. Davis Pares in. which meant 14 of them lost to Miss C. Mitchell and Miss F. t0 5 f the Legion, determined to Cross 9-15, -15. fCore a 8al- Two men of the Skeena. 6; C.N. R., 1 Moose held one of the Legion and Mrs. Norrlneton and Mrs. Parlow Charles Lemon, after ten tries. beat Mrs. Brass and Mrs. Teng 15-6, Jast managed to score a point. j5j At the return match a specta "Potln will be cm hand to give Miss N. Lawrence and I. Murray Mr. Mrlnd and St Hp 15-3. "jrr a wiutr-up The cup, which Is a handsome trophy, was donated by Fred scan-den and was handed over to 3 or Shggard who replied with suitable thanks and promised to dlspfjy same In his store window. . Referee was Bill Oray. Legion L. Blain (Capt.i; J. RatchforG (1; Casey Vink; R. lost to lons "orviK; j. aiaggara; P. Cameron. a healthy halibut situation was being created by the clear- fl Y Terri nd n Frank Moose t. Morgan, (Capt i; d. ing OUt Of Old Stocks. This Was not a bad list for one day. beat Mrs. Clavrlng and Mr. Sutton man '!: A. Macdonild, B. Rus-Tt ia in lino 'itn tno tvonrl nf f no frirrma vehioh ic tmvnrrl 17-lf, 1S-7 fdl: W McCallum; K. Olske; H. punehlns Mrs. Blance and Parlow beat Miss , B. Allen and Wilding 17-14, 15-4. j H. T. Cross and W. H. Murray beat , J. W. Nichoils and P. Edgcumbe There is a distinct revival in the timber industry, due 16-17, 15-2. -15-3 to some extent,at least, to the policy of the federal govern- Rupert East, c; Rupert No. 2. 0 ment at the Imperial Conference at Ottawa. Yesterday Mrs' Ldghton and Murray beat; TIT.. Pncn,. fl,l ,.f H,,,,,! V, Miss Cameron and Wardrope 15-10, i lru d j. xr i 11 i 1 a - Olske; P. DeJong; E. Peterson; D. Schubert: P. Brewef ; J. Morrison. Capt. Jack, Morrison gave an interesting exhibition of fancy bag SPORT CHAT cuiiipaiiuni vanuuuvei aim uius neipmg lu iciieve ine un- Dunn and Anderson beat Finnlflxture between Canadian Legion employment situation. On the Queen Charlotte Islands and orme 15-10, 15-5. land Grotto: alone a thousand men will be busy getting OUt logs for the Miss McFee and Mrs. McLean; O. P. Tinker (Canadian Leglonr mills. Veiy SOOn we shall be hearing of activity along the bt Miss White and Miss Palmcre n Brown lino nf tno Ptinnrlifln Mn'rinnnl T7niTu'fiv wTiiVVi will vmlnrl 5-6, 15-13. I J"Ke Vi vs. out the list of activities for Northern and Central B.C. IT'ZVth Mrs. beat ' Miss Comadlna and W. Lyons 15-4, PRINCE RUPERT'S INFLUENCE l5:!; ' u u. iGrotloi. Earl Batt. Alex Murray vs. George Howe. Charlie Baptie vs. John May. Alex Harvey vs. Bert Morgan. M. M. Lamb vs. W. E. Hutsori. Man in the Moon are being discussed. This city will take a personal interest anj fS 5 2 5 15 is 2 ! In h,s speech at Vaonver the fn the outcome because of the local member being the lead- Mrs'. Douglas and wilding'iost to' tZ 'Tth. mSXS'SS ing factor in filing the conference together Mr. Pattullo ml, p. Astoria and j. Murray 3-i.;l;J,pSl2,re undoubtedly is the leading figure there and local people, Why should he? He's a minion- irresnective ot whether thev sunnorted him or not at the . ana Mn. uryanv alre Why worry about the derelicts Victims of a sad fate. we hate money to spend and spare. Let them go tcr Peter's Gate. Jake says it seems to him that and Miss R. Mr, Bennett has not heard the last Glllls beat Miss M. MacKay and of the little "derelict" Joke. Miss II. Beale 15-8, 10-15, 18-16. Reg. Kelly, son ot Rev. Peter Kelly, well known missionary of the United Church of Canada, who Is onw' located at Ocean Falls In marine mission work, arrived in the city on the Prince John thisi morning following a visit to Sklde A correspondent takes a slap at its true The Doyll was aiming to take me. .But mayte His Worship. lust as a joke, Spoke of the terrible way out, And mirthfully look at me that is of the Ottawa layout. ; Mis Joan West, who has been visiting here for the past two o three weeks as the guest of rr. and Mrt. W. E. Collison. will sail by the Prince Itupert tonight on her return to Vancouver. She Is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John j A, West, formerly of this city. CHURCH IS ' IN SESSION Annual Congregational .Meeting vf Bapthts Held Last Niglit At the -annual congregational meeting of First Baptist Church last night, officers were elected as follows: Church Clerk. V. O. Houston. Treasurer, P. It. Linzey. Deacons- -P. H. Limey, J. C. Qll-ker and Reg Oreen. Mission Treasurer, Mrs. R. H. Smith. Deaconesses, Mrs. J. Armstrong and Mrs. R. H. Smith. Envelope Steward, Mis Catherine Watson. Ushers Board. H. M. Dnggett. V. O. Houston, P. H. Linzey. M. H. Da-foe. C. Oilker and F. Glass. Organist, W. Vaughan Davles. Progress and development in all phases of the church work were reported for the past year which had been most successful. A vote of confidence and thanks was ten-tiered to Rev. and Mrs. Dr. F W Dafoe to whose work all speakers paid tribute. The following police court convictions in various parts of fur district have been reported to divisional headquarters af the provincial police here: Ancy Sunrir Indian, Queen Charlotte City, drunkenness. $25 and costs or two months' imprisonment: Loo Taku. Indian, Telegraph Creek, drunkenness, ten days' imprisonment with hard labor: Andrew Clark Telegraph Creek, supplying llquo: to Indians. $50 and costs or thirty days' Imprisonment; Oscar Fof-bcrg, Atlln, drunkenness. :& or thirty days' Imprisonment; Ale ander McPhee and A. J. Marion, Telegraph Creek, hunting gams without licences, each fined $10 and costs; Frank Charles, Massott assaulting Sam Winter-, fined $10 and costs. WEEK-END FOOD VALUES AT WATTS' B.C. FRESH EXTRAS- Q9p Scott's or Solly's, per doz." Line-ups as follows are annoxm- BISCUIT MIX-Swansdown ODpi for tonight's BUllard League large pkg.. per pkg. hv' RED ARROW SODAS- per pkg. ROMAN MEAL COOKIES per doz. ORANOE MARMALADE Australian per 40-oz. Jar QUAKER PEACHES per No, 2 squat tin WHITE ASPARAOUS TIPS Hillsdale, per Mb. tin CUT OREEN BEANS Royal City, per tin SPANISH TABLE RAISINS to clear, per pkg. 20c 8c Malkin's 35c 15c 23c 14c 11c CROSSE A BLACKWELL'S SOUP-Vegetable Q Chicken (n per tin per tin PALMOLIVE SOAP IQo' 3 bars ' 1 trial size Princess Flakes free: with each purchase. LHJHY'S SWEET RELISH - A4p ner 12-oz. iar CRI8CO per 1-Ib. tin 24c Swift's Soap Deal 2 pkg. Quick Arrow Soap Flakes 2 tin Classic Cleanser 1 Rubber Bridge Cloth (iC0 (Choice of colorsi all for""' the Federal premier being a Knight DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE- of Jerusalem, He pots his thoughts in verse. Bartfclf. No. 2'2 tins, ea, rfc, ttnthf nf T., Mv . '."J v - QUAKER OATS- a clue His speech about "talent" fined rate and will sail tonight on the . , , ,me, ... Prince Runert for Ocean Falls t With sinful thoughts that maybe where he will resume his work In Sliced. No. 1 fist fins, enrh -i-W ROYAL CITY PEARS 0-l per pk. SPICES AH 2 tins Varieties Oranges "Pure Gold" Navels. Full Juice. Nice Family Size. cloz. doz. EAGLE BlfAND BLUE-DO per tin 1 ntyrg COCOA per 'i-lb. tin 20c 15c Of 84c 14c 25c Watts Grocery I'llONft 55 PIIONR 5.J "THE BEST FOR LESS" Thursday, January 18. i FURS WANTED Trappers, Ranchers and Collectors Wc want join Mink Muru n Ottri .tin! all v'tr oi In (ui prices inn not be Ocu'.ni A FUiui!. Wolvey Lynx AJt F tu lill in our uutei .v '.".p tjial shipment will uin.i John Clones - Prince Rupert, B.C. P. O. Box 307 Third Ave & Slsth St I'lione WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS wo -ell It '5 sure to please you verv wfii- REPLENISHING PHONE US We havo coals KuHahle for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purges. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Plume-- 018 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCK RUPERT, B.C. Coal Prices Minehead KggCoal S12.o0 Mini-head Lump Coal ..... . , . . .,. . tf $1150 Pembina Kgg Coal ; . '. SI 2.00 Stove Coal Sll.;10 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 SUMMIT MEAT MARKET Moved from 6th. Ave. Near Fulton St. tolhe Premises Formerly Used lly .Mussallem's (Jroeery Fifth Ave. East Full Line' nf Meats and Vegetables Lit Pork i Q per lb. 1. 01 Leg of Veal IQo per lb lOl Rump Roast of Beef -j en per lb. lOL Pot Roasts-' per lb. A.UI Pork Sausage OC 2 lbs. OC Liver, 1 lb. and QA Bacon, 1 lb, uUC tJMi wm rwMsmwm cbxishu 1934 It's Time to Replace the Hard Worked TUBES In Your Radio Don't Take Our Word For It See Them Tested At No Cost to You Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Plare to SMP PHONE: 3