Today's Stocks !C--7 B O. Jotmioo (to.) W ' W II A All- TV Br K T w;. it Wi7f Gnr. l:'.rT Ms- :: RUt-., TV- Vancouver B:t M i-jurt. 31. it i.c 13.00. Tl River Con, .12. ft X .92 Rivera M. 36. 3 Biar .16. EUver. .Ofli ' F vi- D7 Iho. .08. r US, .W TTcst. 02V, laskl. Oold. .19. " Rrldge. 37. D7', 'wa'er .03, 3 Tangier. JDIS. Toronto Ce-'rai Patricia. 1.18. C".:b: Jjamau. .13. le O .1 10U. ...a. ,du. Nickel. 24.10. a 2.87. a 41.60. Oordon. .65. 273 pson Cadillac M. Ve: -rev l.oi " Lak? Maron. .07 V. ""f k Hushes. 6.40. C '.:r.ann 23, Er",r.r Ooldi 2Z Mulartle. .72. L:' '!c Long Lac. 6.90. Rouyn. .09. S'-aiarona. 36 Mapie Leaf, 21 ri kle crow. 151. Jfng Lac Lagoon. .41. eastern. 25, D("ne 43.80. B- B X 1.00. M'lnt.yre. 47.25. dorado, 2.50 Dell, Ma, nritf.ii. 10. c r n Ian 11 Walkers. 28. . Oils A p Con . ,10. alMmntPd. .07 il & E 76, Dalhousle 30. Fab,an .00' JJeehold. .07, Jon, .10, m Finds Suitable Point For Aerial Base Here unlor Chamber of Commerce to Follow Matter Up Fur ther Development of Athletic rield U rued May Celebrate City' Silver Jubilee Next Year Tie Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of A fi .-1 At l- A ? t A ! 1 A - '.r tt.ctc. ai lis regular mommy meeting iasi nigni, re- :r1 a report from the special committee of which T. N.i ? a. : 4 n n . 'Ii il1 W il Llitlll iliUll Uil L 1 L'LL-JiL 1 1 1 LIT 1 t 1C VI VMLII Ik. V j H I - - - - - ra i i- i, iii i :iiiriiiivii i iii mi ' iir iii i'ivii ;iv i:i iih iiir r 'i.,jv v i iiivvm 'VII a.-wwv a xs a a a a. lukivil vr a ( olumbia with respect to development of an air- 1 tport here It vu reported that Mr Carter Guest had selected a slt at Seal Cove ai being adaptable for airport purposes. The matter will be further pursued by the Junior Chamber. A number of other Important matters were discussed at the meet ing Including the proposal that a radio broadcasting station be established here A committee of the Junior chamber wlU interview the. fsernor chamber with & View tpde termlnlng Its views on this quesUon. A suggestion was made that, when the trail at present being built up Mount OWfleld Is com nteted. aarbaRe and ashes should be used by the city as a founda tton for a sporU field In the Hays Creek area west of McClymont Psrk This matter will be further fallowed up by the ports commit tee. Another matter on which theJ Junior chamber decided to work is In connection with a suggestion that some sort of special celebra tton be held here next year In observance of the twenty-filth anni versary of the incorporation of the dty. A committee Is being named to take up this proposition with other organizations in the city which it is felt may be interested 1 The desirability of Prince Rupert receiving more publicity in tne outside world was suggested and It was decided to have the publicity nmmlllM umrlr nn nrrnaraUon of TZwT0" Vancou iTakla Lake Indian An interim report on the recent t p Pmmwm Willi Carnival celebration was held. OllOt DV Ulin IT llll . , ..... it. -J-.,.l. (nn V-, O H I V snowing ma 1 me uiiuvihimus been quite a profitable one. Three new members were welcomed to the Junior chamber -O. W. Laldler. D. O. Borland and William Elktns. S. J. Jabour. president. t In Hya hfllr HMO SSS a-aaV Next month there will be a spe cial dinner meeting for the election and Installation of officers. Wheat Prices v a MPntTVEH. Sent. 5: (CP The nrlce of wheat on the local cx rhonDP vpstordav was 81'.bC as com pared with 7M4c Saturday and 811bc on Friday. Today's price was 80T'bC. Winnipeg October, .81. December, .82b, May, .86a. Chicago September. 1.02. December, 1.03V4. NEW YORK MARKET U. S. Steel, 33. American Can, 08. American Telephone, llHe-General Motors, 29B. Auburn Auto, 23B. New York Central, 21s4. Which Boy Played Louis Alexander. Indtan of the Takla Lake region. Is recovering in j hospital at Prince George from the fleets of a recent injury when he was shot through the leg by the accidental discharge of a shotgun with which a thirteen year old boy was playing. Alexander was rushed from Takla Lake by airplane to Vanderhoof whence he was taken by train to Prince Oeorge. Halibut Arrivals American Kanaga, 40.000, Cold Storage 12.4c and 6c Mlddleton. 15,000, Cold Storage 11c and Cc Sentinel, 23,000. Booth, 12.6c and 7c . Canadian h Cape Bcale, 40,000. Atlln, 9.6c and 6c IIAR SILVER NEW 'YORK. Sept. 5: (CP)-The price of bar silver was unchanged at'49itc per ounce on the local metal market yesterday, but dropped today to 49VjC VICTORIA. Sept. 5. CP Ten million dollars worth of silver bullion from the Orient was landed here yesterday by the liner President Grant. It J was transshipped aboard an Alexander steamer to San Francisco whence it will be taken by rail to New York. Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm, 52. Anyox Fog. calm, 56. Stewart Clear, calm, 52. Haaelton Clear, calm. 52. Smithers Clear, calm. warm. Burns Lake Fog. calm. 42. Today's Wed Tomorrow's Tides rilnce Ruperts-Cloudy. . f. High 10:56 ajn. 17.8 ft. tiu hcast. wind; barometer. 30.. V. 23:01 pm. 17,9 It. ..-.Mture. 60: sea smooth. . k Low .... 4:36 am. 6.9 ft. lLli 17:07 pjil 8.6 ft.n NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIV No. 206. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1934 PRICE; FIVE CENTS 0CAL AIRPORT SITE AT SEAL COVE UBUC WORKS PROGRAM STARTING WITHIN SIXTY DAYS mm m overnment inspector Two Killed When Train Derailed lilting an open swilrk near Manteca. Calif ., while travelhn? at abaut 60 miles an hour, a Southern Pacific passenger train is nothing bui twisted metal The engineer and an unidentified trans-lent were killed. Four otters we e in;ured. BUILDING IS LIGH1 Not Much Doing In August ftut Veai To Date U Far Ahead of 1931 Building permits for this city this August were light at only $1050 as compared with $6540 in the same month last year. The total for the year to date, however, tands at $57,280 as compared with $14,115 in the first eight months of 1933. The building list for August was as follows: James H. Thompson, repair to building on Third Avenue. Mitchell it Currle, contractors, wou. Rudolf Braun. new rwldenc. Section 7. $500. Roman Catholic Churcli. repairs, $150. O. P. Tinker, verandah, SecUon 6, $50. Mrs. William Beverldge, foundation repairs. 818 Third Avenue. $100 LARGE SHI PSI CCT. -OF. SILVER FROM ORIENT LAND LI) AT VICTORL j MANY SEINE BOATS OUT; One Hundred Craft Harvesting Salmon Off .Mouth of Fraser River Unification of Two Canadian Railway Lines is Advocated Strongly by C. P. R. Chieftain E W Beat ty K.C president of the Canadian Pacific Railway. VANCOUVER, Sept. 5:-Speaking at a dinner In his honor here last night. E. W. Beatiy K.C.. president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, who ts on an Inspection trip to the Pacific Coast, went on record as strongly recom-miT.dmi; the unification of -.he two great Canadian railway systems. If such were done, an annual saving of from $50,000,000 to $75,000,000 could be effected for the taxpayers of Canada. Mr Beatty gave assurance that his plan would not increase unemployment nor did he intend that the Canadian Pacific should absorb the Canadian National. It would be a simple partnership agreement In the Interests of eco- nomy. Under Mr. Bealty's proposed partnership agreement there would be no Interference with the ownership of either company. Net earnings of the properties Jointly operated would be divided In agreed proportions and both railways would apply these revenues to payment of Interest charges and other obligations. Mr. Beatty declared that.employees would find "regularity and security of employment which, under present conditions. Is denied them." Sum of $800,000 To Be Spent Shortly In B.C. On Roads and Building Will be Part of Million Dollars Recently Made Available f To Victoria by Ottawa Allocations Have Not j Yet Been Announced i VICTORIA, Sept 5: (CP) Eight hundred thousand 1 dollars will be spent on roads, bridges and public buildings within the next sixty days by the provincial government, . Hon. Frank M. McPherson, minister of public works, announced yesterday. The money will be part of the $1,000,-000 recently loaned the province by the Dominion. The al- locations have not yet been announced. RECEPTION DISCUSSED Local Radio Owners in' Session Last Night With Government. Inspector Power Line Tests Report to be Made to Ottawa Sug. gesting Possible Improvements B. Irvine, radio inspector from VANCOUVER. Sept. s: wn me. victoria, is at present In the city salmon run now approaching ltsjtn a specially equipped trouble pea in uic r rxi . "u""i finding car with which, among dred selneboats are reported to be 3ther things, a complete check-up fishing on me unusn loiumoia bemg made 0f the Northern Bri 1 side of the International boundary j Columbia's main high power between Puget Sound and the j transmission line to determine Its .Fraser. feffect UDon local radio recentlon. THANKSGIVING DAY OTTAWA, Sept. 5: It Is expected that Monday, October 8, will shortly be designated as Thanksgiving Day this year. I Mr. Irvine expects to send in his report on these tests by the end of this month. Pending the making o'. Continued on Page 2 PIER MUST BE CHANGED First Narrows Bridge Not to Inter fere With Harbor Enlargement Of Navigation Safety VANCOUVER, Sept. 5: CP The federal Department of Public Works has Instructed the promoters of First Narrows Bridge to construct the pier on the north side of the harbor 300 feet further inland than KILLER OF SEA LIONS SUCCUMBS .Vliliam E. Maiden, Who Mad Colorful Career, Passes Attay at New Westminster NEW WESTMINSTER, Sept. 5: CP (William E. Maiden, agd 59, soldier, newspaperman, adventurer ind poet during a colorful life, died nere yestejday. He was possibly jest known in British Columbia as machine gun operator aboard the government steamer Givenchy dur-ng cruises in northern waters for .he purpose of destroying sea lions. Traction Service I In Tokyo Tied Up : N Employees of Street Car and Bus Lines Strike In Protest at Cut In Wages --' TOKYO. Sept 5: Street car and bus services are completely tied up In this city as a result of the strike of employees In protest at a cut In wages. m Stolen Explosives T In Los Angeles " Not Yet FoundT had been originally planned In case LOS ANGELES, Sept. 5: Nine - that the harbor entrance might be tons of dynamite and blasting p-'w,. enlarged in future and also to re-1 der stolen from the Hercules Pcw-duce navigation hazards. This will ' der Co. magazine near Newhall was Increase the length of the central traced to an old booUeggers' cabin. span to 1800 feet. Thousands Take Part in Labor Day Procession but was spirited away from there and the authorities up to last night had not been able to locate it. Three suspects have been arretted. FIRST WHITE CHILD DIESy LOS ANOELES. Sept. 5: The Mrs. Emma Sayder Pusses Away In first Labor Day parade since 1911 Vancouver at Age of 82 Yean : was held here Monday, seven brass bands and thousands of union VANCOUVER, Sept. 5: Mrs. Em-workers participating. Women ma Snyder, first white child to be marched arm In arm with their husbands In the long procession. CANADIAN GOLD PRICE MONTREAL. Sept. 5: The price of gold closed here yesterday at $34.12. down 18c. The London price was $34.46, down 9c. born In British Columbia, died here yesterday at the age of 82. She was - the daughter of the late William. Cheeseman who was an official of . the Hudson Bay Co. at Royal Oak? Victoria. Mrs. Snyder was married1 at the age of sixteen but was pre deceased by her husband many;: years ago. j jt