New Arrivals in Fall Shoes h "SENORITA" Correctly Styled For Autumn Wear . . . !: " :. :ih . There are new and different things about shoes this season . . . new materials, new colors, new cuts and trimmings. Whatever your preferences, you will find them embodied in the NEW SENORITA SHOES FOR FALL See these now on display in our window The Family Shoe Store Third Ave tine LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 557 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES J3ty delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance ror lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mail to all parte of British Columbia, the British Empire and umiea faiates, paid in advance, per year . - By mail to an other countries, per year : i ADVERTISING RATES - . Local readers, per insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion AdvertBine and Circulation Telephone 98 Xews Department Telephone . M Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations X DAILY EDITION $5.00 .10 i , 3.00 125 Thursday. October 11 1931 i 4 PKINCE RUPEItrS DIFFICULTIES ? mere nas Deen a 10c oi loose taiK about tne difficulties, of the city of Prince Rupert and the people who spent the money. As, a matter of fact the history of our financial difficulties goes back to the time when the city lots were auctioned off for the benefit of the Grand Trunk Develop ment Company and the Provincial Government At that time millions of dollars were realized frnm the ssle nnrl few thousands only were expended in building- streets. The,! iuuucj, icauiicu tiuui tne saie was tanen away ana never returned and the new city was left to finance its own public works. I Owintr to the fact that the muskeg, the cost of street grading was very great and; when the original plank roadwavs rotted, the city was faced with the problem of either rebuilding the plank' roads or carrying out very expensive grading. y-If the townsite promoters had been forced to grade the streets before marketing the lots, a very reasonable request considering the prices realized, there would have: been no financial difficulty to face when the depression , came. The city had to have roads and sidewalks, no matter. What the COSt. True some of the eYnenrKf i ires wara Vi5rV such as those on one of the main city sewers but, on the whnle ilia nuKKn ti'M.ln n t 4 ' r: r,-r y mui- nwiRswemiHiuy wen cameo out, com- jbm "'v" iii.utuci tines, ixuw mat tne city nas rolfds and sidewalks sufficient for present needs, it carf- ...... .vMsuiiauic cluuuiii buui as mat Deing useu today carry on and gradually rehabilitate itself. wm SILVO For cleaning and polishing gold, silver, irlass. etc. fil ff rX-?a per tin wt HKASSO For cleaning brass, con- SH SI'S tin 25o. per iii - FOR SALE BY - GORDON'S HARDWARE "SI" Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 LIBRARIAN ; IS LEAVING RfsirnaUon f Mls Cruitvhatvk Received With Regret By Library Bard Last Xlcht Miss Alice D. Cruikshank, for Din . years librarian of the Prince Ru-' pert Public Library, presented her resignation to the library board at Its regular monthly meeting last night The resignation, which was accepted with regret by the board, becomes effective November 30. Steps will be taken in the meantime by the board to secure a successor to Miss Crulkshank, All members of the board expressed appreciation of the splendid service which had been rendered by Miss Cruikshank. Her departure, it was agreed, would be regretted as much by the public as by the board. Miss Cruikshank plans to pay a visit with relatives in New York and wil Ithen remain in the east to take up future residence. The meeting also received a final report from Frank D&h, chairman of the board, on the renovation of the new building, the total cost of T 'h, i 1- yA. ' 3'' i' ''. ' 'tL. -St- '.f v Diparlmtnt of Finanet, Ottawa V THE DAILY which had teres $940. It VM to carry oat certain preeauttaaarr work at the nam eofttasce the building. Mr. Dibb further reported on having recently visited the public library in Vancouver and the library at the Univenttar of British Columbia. OJfteitto at bets libraries had evinced raatual latere in the local library work. Those present at the meeting were Frank Dibb. cnaiimua; T. B. Black, secretary. City Commissi oner W. J. Alder, Mrs. O. H. Arnold and R. L. McLennan, directors, and Miss A. D. Cruikataank. librarian. C. N. TWAINS Fr the East-Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri-. days 3:30 p xn. From the Fast Tuesdays, Thnradayt and Saturdays 10:15 pjn. Olof Hanson. M. P. for Skeena, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George to pay a visit to his constituents at Anyex. A bee Ana. Stewart and Premier. A local power boat wHI go north a brine him baek tothecHyatMKendofthe week. COALITION COLLAPSES: Vnitrd Aintralia and Country Parlies Unable to Get Tocetber CANBERRA. Australia. Oct 11: 'CP' Negotiations for the formation of a coalition government be-torrrn Premier J. A. Lyons' United Acrt.-alfca party and Dr. Earle Page's Country Party having collapsed, "r.ite: Ljroaa yesterday announced the formation of a new cabinet Isoaaoosed entirely of members of bis own party. IV U anticipated that I rha administration will receive the mj opart generally of Country members who are diametrically opposed to Labor Party policies. The most notable feature of the new cabinet i U the inclusion of Former Premier . William M. Hughe as vice-presi-j dent of the executive council. Negotiations for a coalition collapsed after the United Australia ; and Country parties disagreed over ! the tariff question and on the allot-j raent of cabinet seats. The Country ( party had demanded proportional representation according to num-Jber of seats won at the election Or.ILLIA IS WINNER OF DOMINION BOX LA CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE BAR1UE. Ont . Oct. II CP Ortllla Terriers last won' theTr third stralgrYt tory from New Westminster Salmon Belliea by a score of 13 to 6 to caDture the Dominion ! M brother o( Local M. SUtih. . - . box lacrosse championship, -rictived teletracftic 1 TheOrlllranshsdno difficult, jdealh . V yntty ' ' ,: 4 in outclassing the veteran New -r t hwne ,n Westminster team. Vi which would have given them one-1 third of the cabinet Premier Lyons,! however, would give only three seats. Following the recent general e!ec- ina. of his suur mu Ur i . . had been a sufferer lor,-' aimma. she was k itopertasa vlsj'x!- hi here about ten mr t!on in which Premier, Lrtm j and hit ism ih it. i. National Australian Party lost con- ( vlved. besides the widj iroi oi niiumrak biuiuukii icuiin- eons ana a (lauv: in the larvMt troun. nevotlattnnt ' r amrn .. . h ! Born in Ontario W y fhi I " ' ' -- ujj. tttix lltlon government. With this end in Prince Rupert nrtn- -Ll irw. fiTuiKi I.JUHJ biiq vi- rage, oi ne eievaUir :s : r leaaer oi tne tuniry iatiy. had, was killed three been In conference for some days. ;trutk by a ball tout The Labor Party was not Invited to at Courtenay be represented in lie admintstra-j The funeraJ i .k tlon. 'tcnay on 8unUuy ..N GREATER SERVICE lor Self and Coiuitiy D03IINIOX OF CANADA MM UEFUMIIXG LOAX l)KOMI.ATtoys $100 (in the 15-ycar Bonds only), $500 and $1,000. ' Maturities am prices 2 year 27o Ilonds at 98.90, yieldinj? 2.57 to maturity. v - 5 year VA Bonds at 98.15, yielding 2.90 to maturity. ; 8 year 3 Bonds at 97.00, yielding 3. 13 to maturity. i 15 year 3M Bonds at 96.50, yielding 3.81 lo maturity. ' IXTEREST IIO.US- On half-month's free interest to thte who exchange Victory Bond for the new Bonds of any maturity. WHERE TO APPLY Application forms and official prospectus frivin fu) detail of the Loan may be obtained from any bank or Ixjnd dealer. Si INVEST its CANADA Profit btj Her Pi ogress 99 THE success of the Refunding Loan of 1934 is a matter of vital importance to Canada! t Reduction of interest charges will be an important saving in the national budget. The high credit of Canada will be maintained, even enhanced, both at home and abroad. A new impetus will be given to the business betterment which is now being felt w" generally throughout the Dominion. For thee reasons it should be the concern of everj citizen ol Lanada to ensure the success of this Refunding Loan. If you are the owner of maturing Victory Bonds, you can combine sound iude ment with the exercise of good citizenship by exchanging them for bonds of thU issue. They are the best investment a Canadian can buy. If you do not own maturing Victory Bonds, you are given the opportunity of investing your money in this new issue. Your security, both as to principal and interest, is the entire Dominion and its resources. Behiiul that security, through good times and bad, is a record of performance that stands unexcelled. 3 i The Dominion of Canada 1931 Refunding Loan is an investment that meets every requirement: security, 9afe and regular income, marketability. It is offered in a choice of maturities, suitable for every class of investor. It carries an interest rate which the, ;.;V;Vyv;.;-'' inve8tpr, to whom security is important, will recognize, as eminently fair and attractive.. C '' ' " '- v'--5".' "';'v!k . ' '''' Tft lT'1n6iff','TA Canada's interest and for your own advantage .- for as, many of' these-new .' ? bonds as your resources will permit. ! , Dominion of Cannot I93i llefundihg hn 1 K