She Todays Weaf, Tomorrow's Tides High .11:12 a.m. 18 3 ft. Pflncc nupert-Part cloud 0 23:50 p.m. 18.S ft. nor'hwcst wind; barometer. V, 5:20 ain. 8.7 ft. temperature. 48; sea smooth. , 17:41 p.m. 5.4 ft x . NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMMA'S NEWSPAPER . Vol. XXIV No. 72. V PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTS r1 BENNETT MOVES TO NATIONS Canadian Government Forwards Endorsation to Washington Today Canada, Australia, United States, Mexico and Co-operating With a View to Holding Up Price of White Metal OTTAWA, March 26: (CP) The Dominion ; today forwarded to Washington formal ratification fie London silver agreement whereby Canada, in com mon with Australia, United States, Mexico aiuLPeru, will c c -aw -oiicrate r in Keeping a certain r.arket in an effort to maintain a reasonable price. Today's Stocks . r f a. O Johnon Oo.) Vancouver A. irAn... .06J4. 11. ' .rw S)2 B. t Nu-kel, .07. Di MUsourl, J8. 0; .arnr 1255. B. R Oons . .37 n n x is I! I X L . 21. ( Oold Quartz 2.31. L . i.u, 1.02. t .. ;, ,30. L ,u River. .0314, t. ;,da. .45. 1!; . -;rj Con, .05 w: I r. .02',. Ml 38. ' M; .d an 204. . M 3 8Ur. 44. tf. ;s Bon. M. K ral Silver. .04 V4. N.:b: Five. .13 V4. r Oreille. 1.12. v -'..! Idaho, .m;. rrn.:.T 1.42. H-;r 17. r. --. io. He.:?. 1.08, f -;rr Crest. .021i. T Oold, .29Vi-T .or Bridge. .76. w ,de ,39, w 'rwater. .07. Wjvrrly .02',. Um:cd Empire. .17. Toronto C.ilbougamau, .to-;. C tal Patricia, .70. Oi.,:,:ida. .77i. 1::' Nickel. 28.93. t;ke Maron. .1314. k Oold. 50. Ma(x a, 2.36. Ncranda, 38.00. Ehrr.-itt Gordon. 1.12. E " : Oold. 2.22. Sudbury Basin. 1.C5. Tk Hughes. 6.80. Thompson Cadillac. .53. Ventures, ,95, Columarlo. .89. Smelters Oold, .36, Cr.-dtan MalarUc. .00. "Wc Long Lac, 3.22. BEER SALE v,rCe May be IlUitenvrf Sl'l Train, and Tourist Hares in Ontario .iu, March 26: (CP) ItM J . W'ne mCalS 1,1 t' hiZ "ps a,ld "rtaln tourist . . may b0 Provided In Ontario lnuT "nd wln Icslslatlon, It 1. "UCU, MOVING Peru amount oi suver on me MATCHWOOD LOGS HERE Shipment of White Poplar From Interior to China Through Here Commencing Fire carloads of white poplar" logs cut by .M. M. Connelly of Fratcr Lake to fill an order from China for matchwood timber arrived here Saturday nl(ht on the regular mixed train from Tinta(el and are being unloaded today at the lumber assembly wharf whence the timber will be shipped later to the Orient. Twenty-five cars of the timber is expected to arrive here by early next month. The logs run In the vicinity of twenty feet In length with a minimum diameter of ten Inches. It was not known definitely up to this morning as to the arrangements for trans-shipping the logs from here. It was ori-glnalfy planned that they should be sent from here to Vancouver In scows and across the Pacific from the southern port. Later, however, it was reported that a freighter would come here to load them for the Orient direct. Of course, there are not enough here yet to warrant the latter being done. iVilliam Winram Of Vancouver Is Dead, Aged Sixty VANCOUVER, March 26: (CP)- Wllllam Winram, aged 60, promln ent Liberal supporter and VancoU' ver business man, died on Satur day. FASCIST OOVKKNMENT r.NI)OKSI.I IN ITALIAN I'OI.I.INn HELD SUNDAY ROME, March 26: (CP) . More than ten million voters rcalstcred approval of Premier Benito Mussolini and his Fas- cist regime In yesterday's elec- tlons. With all returns In, only fifteen thousand contrary votes were recorded in the bal- lotting on four hundred gov- crnment selected candidates for the twenty-ninth Cham- ber of Deputies. Nlnety-slx, percent of the voters went to the polls. TO RATIFY LONDON SILVER AGREEMENT Report Capital of Sheba's Realm The sclenUflc world Is agog over the report that two French aviators have nowTijpjcrJUiUraendarm nbicd 'capiraT of the reafrh of the famlraS Qbeen of Sift ba. character of the Bible and in the works of Koran. The map shows where the Frenchmen assertedly discovered the remains of the town in Arabia, saying that sonfe towers and temples are still standing At top Is an artist s conception of the meeting of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon In Solomon" court, as related in Hebrew history. ESSINGT0N HAS FIRE t New and Old Church and Minister's Itesidence Destroyed Yesterday The provincial police here were advised bv . telephone . . this after- ... noon 01 ine Wiai aesvrucnuH uj fire shortly after 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon of the Indian church, old United Church and minister's residence at Port Esstngton. The blare which consumed the three buildings Is believed to have been started by a spark from a chimney falling on the dry roof. Rev. J. T. Burchlll Is the minister at Port Esslngton. PASSES IN VICTORIA nnHerlrk F. Tolmle. Brother of Former Premier, DledjThis Morning VICTORIA, March 26: (CP) Roderick F. Tolmle. brother of Former Premier S. F. Tolmle, died here this morning. He was In the government service for more than forty years and at one time was deputy minister of mines. He retired from the service seven years ago. Son of the late Dr. William Fra- ser and Jane Tolmle, deceased was born in Victoria. He received his education here and Victoria was his life-long permanent home. Former Reeve Passes Suddenly WEST, VANCOUVER, March 26 (CP) W. W. Vinson, former reeve of West Vancouver, died suddenly , on Sunday. Another Increase At Any ox VANCOUVER, Mar. 26: (CP) Employees of the Granby Consolidated Mining & Smelt- ing Co. in the company's mines and other operations at Anyox have been given a five percent increase in wages, it being the second advance they have had within recent months. More than a thousand men are affected. The increase goes into effect on April' 1. Upward Trend In New York Market Leaders Showed Gains of One to Two Points in Saturday's Brief Session of Trading NEW YORK, March 26: The New York stock market showed a distinct upward trend during the brief session of trading on Satur - day. many of the leaders gaining from one to two points. Closing av- erages were: industrials, 100.92. up ,33: rails, 47.92. up .33; rails, 26.37. up .32, and bonds, 92.55. up .09. Funeral Notice The funeral of he late George B. White will take place tomorrow af- ternoon. Tuesday, at 2:30 from the Hayner Parlors. 30 MEET Located ' .o 4 NEW DEAL TO LABOR Automobile Strike in United States Settled Works Council Expected WASHINGTON, D.C March 26: (CP) President Franklin D. Roosevelt looks for a new order in relations between worklngmen .and employers as a result of his eleventh hour settlement of the controversy which threatened a general strike in the automobile industry. A new agreement reached between exeedtives of the automobile manufacturing companies and labor leaders last night established representation for all employees In dealing with the managements, extending fresh safeguards to all unions against intimidation or interference. "It is my hope that this system may develop into a kind of works council in industry in which all groups will participate," the President said. Edmund Lowe Is Deeply Grieved Well Known Moving Picture Sta Reported Near Collapse Following Wife's Death NEW YORK. March 26. Re- naming jn sedition following the id.,h of hls actress wife. Lllvan Tashman. on Wednesday. Edmund Lowe. the well known talking pe ;,, star was reported to be on the !verBe of coiiausc over his bereave- ment Lowe and Miss Tashman had jbeen married since 1925 and theirs i had often been pointed to as one of screendom's few Ideal matches, CANADIAN GOLD ritlCE MONTREAL. March 26: (CP) The Canadian gold pre advanced five cents today to $34.81 per ounce, DEMANDS Western Premiers Are Invited To Parley in Ottawa at Early Date Assistance Required by British Columbia and Prairie Provinces During Coming Fiscal Year io be Discussed Pattullo Must Leave Within Few Days OTTAWA, March 26: (CP) moved today towards meeting for assistance in meeting the general economic and ployment situation with the issuing of invitations to the premiers of the prairie provinces and British Columbia attend a conference on April 5 for the purpose of dis- .. . cussing financial assistance they niAirrrt uil1 require during the next fiscal rlliNrrK year VillJUll May Shorten Session . IC FV17 A TV vlcl0ltiA March 26: To be In IN I I r A. I I Ottawa In time for the opening of George B. White Succumbed ' to Sudden Heart Attack Saturday Death came suddemy on Satur- Jay afternoon to a pioneer resident of a quarter of a century's standing n Prince Rupert hi the person or George B. White who succumbed to a heart attack on the roof of his home on Fourth Avenue East near McBrlde Street while engaged In re pairing a chimney. Although he had been subject to heart trouble for ears. Jie had apparently been lr. normal health and spirits right tc he end. Only a few minutes before ) le collapsed and expired he had eturned from a trip downtown. It is believed possible that the extra xertion of climbing on to the roof night have brought on the final lttack. Dr. L. W. Kergln was at once ailed but, by the time the physi cian arrived, deceased was beyond nedlcal aid and life was pronoun- :ed extinct. The fire department jras called at 4 pjn. to assist In re moving the body from the roof. Born November 24, 1865, In Ke- wanee. III., of old American stock. .he late Mr. White was raised on a i'arm In Nebraska state and, when i young man. moved to Canada and took up farming at Ponoka. Alta. After a brief residence at Deer Park on the Lower Arrow Lake. Mr. White came to Prince Rupert for the ori ginal sale of town lots in May 1909 and bought into real estate here, making his home In the city since. In the early days he was engaged for a time In conducting an Iron works shop and of more recent i years had engaged In salmon fishing. A man of great physique, hr had been In his younger days In the mid-western states a professlona' baseball player for a time. In 1890 the late Mr. White wa: married to Mary A. Cerveny at Pittsburg Besides the widow h'' leaves to mourn his lass two sins, Julius George White In San I nnclsco and Isaac Cllne White In Lcs Angeles. Marjorle White of Lo? Angeles Is a granddaughter and Lyle White, also of Los Angeles, li a grandson. Other surviving rela- tlvs Include a sister. Mrs. Charlotte Blevcns of Los Angeles, and twe brothers. Charles White In Florida, and Isaac White of Yakima. Wash. To the bereaved the sympathy of many friends will be extended. The funeral will take place to-.norrow afternoon from the chapel of Hayner Bros., undertakers, with Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth, pastor of First Presbyterian Church.; officiating. The federal eovernmcnt the demand from the west the conference between the federal government and the premiers of western provinces on Thursday of. next week.. Premier Pattullo will iDtive iu leave iicic uic aw ui tWsSkTeknrmerreryrjrriwr"- . , a . i i t week. In the event of the session of the Legislature falling to prorogue by the time of his departure, the Easr recess will probably be ex- tended until after his return. KILLED IN CAR CRASH Miss Barbara Wood, Ba'ughter of Well Known Vancouver Barrister, Loses Her Life i WEST VANCOUVER, March 26: iCP Barbara Wood, 18-ycar old daughter of H. S. Wood K.C., well known Vancouver barrister, was Instantly killed yesterday when an automobile In which she was driving overturned In gravel on the highway between North and West Vancouver. Alex McArthur. aged 26, who was driving the car, suffered shock and bruises. Halibut Arrivals Summary American 14,000 pounds, 7.6c, and 5c. Canadian 117,600 pounds, s.ic" xnd 4c to 5.9c and 4c. Canadian Cape Beale. 39,000, Cold Storage, 5.4c and 4c. Toodle. 10.000, and Ingrld Ha 10,-00. Booth, 5.4c and 4c Vera Beatrice, 5,000, Atlln, 5.0c and 4c. White Hope, 20,500. Atlln, 5.9c and 4c. Prosperity A.. 20,000, Pacific, 5.fc and 4c. Rose Spit. 12.000, and K. Y.. 1,100. old Storage. 5.6c and 4c American Lituya. 14.000. Royal, 7.6c and 5c. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, March 26: (CP) . Wheat was quoted at 66 c on Uie local exchange Saturday. STERLING EXCHANGE NEW YORK. March 26: The British pound sterling closed at $5.1094 on the local foreign cx- change market Saturday. 1 1 la v: