Monday February 12, 193 Ask for f" r7S . mmu iu I... n 1 1 Nestle STERILIZED EVAPORATED MILK lfItlS Ltd. ytf Ptotiecr Drtiqrists hr ttrtall Nlurr Khonm: M & HZ Wrapped VANILLA CARAMELS 15c Half Pound 5L mi mm i i r : mil iiii S WORLD'S STANDARD OF QUALITY HOSPITAL COTTON In Pound Rolls At Special Price of 35c Soli" Wc have on hand a laic of lhl rcilloti. a flnr absorbent lotion nude In l.'mland, This special price while it latU. Another Combination Deal Klenzo Shaving Cream And Klenzo After Shaving Talc Both for 50c .MILK OK .MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE 2oc in two sizes 50c Try tub thr net time UTILAC The original four hour enamel, still first In quality. IU rich saUn gloss finish lasts ahd lasts, continued washing has practically no effect on It. Easily applied and economical to use. 1 Quart $1.75 1 Pint fj()c h Tint 50c ' Pint .30c Gordons Hardware Mcllrldc Street MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE CONGOLEUM SPECIAL rhone 311 ont!oleum Ru G. ?"'.75 t onpoleum Rug 9x7, $7-,)() f-onRoleum Hup 9x10 $10-00 300 Square Yards Feltol Per squai-e yard fi()c Oood-Wearlm- Quality Will Ship to Any Address 327 3rd Av., Prince Rupert, Phone .775 i UNION STEAMSHIPS Special Winter Excursion Rates TO VANCOUVER pHOM PIUNCE RUPERT $32.00 RETURN jttHd FROM PORT SIMPSON $35.35 RETURN Included Kfduccil Rales to Vancouver alno apply from Intermediate polnta, SrrlfniTl,rkrU " K1e-clren November 10 and IVhrnary 28, 'II liMliiwive tlood In Return Hp to March 31, 1'AM. Oilldren Half Faro WKAMKIJS MLWH IMUNCK Rtiri'UT AUK. VANCOflVEK SS' C;ATAU THi:Sl)AY, 1:30 P.M. TIUUtSDAV, VM. S A VENTURE FRIDAY, 12 MOT. MONDAY, AM. , TlckeU and All Information From " Itupert Atent, R, M, SMITH, Third Ave 508 r PurserN S.S, Catala and S.S. Vcnluic I Having on board a party of Ket-,iiiikau Masons who arc paying a I fraternal visit here In connection : '.villi the annual ball of the craft to be held tonight and a meeting which will take place tomorrow j night, the wen known halibut schooner McKinley. Capt. Bernard ; Hanson, arrived in port last night 'and will return north with the juarty Wednesday morning. In addition to Capt. Hanson, the party .ncludes E L Sampson. George But-'tertield. B. E amlth. K MHler. Dr !n E Dickinson. W. R ! Clifford A Johnson est Colds Rub well over throat and chest VICKS VapoRub u.t:iuttsi oitki: An unusually Kood offer to s--u-e the Dally News and two hiph lass illustrated magaiincs for only fifty cents more than the regular price of the News. Call at the Daily News office and see copies of the magazines. Pictorial Review and National Home Monthly, tt Announcements Jlggs" Supper. February 13. United Church. Annual St. Valentine dance .cambrel Chapter. I.O.D.&. Feb. 14 ValcnUne Tea and Sale of Home Cooking in Presbyterian Church Hall. Thursday. February 22, 3 too. Elk' Radio dance Feb. 23. Pioneer's Banquet March 0. United St. Patrick's Tea, March 15. St. Patrick's Sup!fr and Ooncert March 17, CaOiollc Hall. St. David's Tea March 1 Rt Peter's- Church Sale April 10 Moose Hall Wednesday. Nth Valentine Dance. Good time guaranteed. 16th--Benefit entertainment. 23rd Farewell Dance for the Fishermen. Basketball Monday and Thursday. Scotch Dance Saturday eve. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Uulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try ton of No. 1 Dulkley Valley. Wf also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co 58 Phones 551 .tkb daily nwm PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES. Spring dresfte and suit Just in. Demer. 38 We buy anythlrirln cold. Pre mium prices. Max llrlllrroiifr. Mrs. W. E. Drake at home Thuirs day, Febrwary 15, from 4 until C, 435 Fourth Ave. West. 37 x W. II. Tobey, CNIt. dtrtolan?: Q)srinte)dfliii, returned to tn -ity on 8Uirabty night's train from t trip over the line as far as Prlcce i George on official duties. ; Mrs. Poimwoy. wife er Constat) A J Pamerey f the cny detach ment of the provincial jpuc. , M sicKiay aitcrnoon from a trip to 1 Vancouver. Ketchikan Masons Paying Visit Here Party Arrive Last Night Aboard Schooner McKlnley and Will lie Here CiMiple of Days Basketball tonight 7 o'clock. Tom Watts returned to the ct& on the Carde yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Peter LaMe. C. N. R district MAIL iiRtikK A Hi.tMJ UXlfOtMJ.fDISTINCTIOH 60 6-R.AN v ; u'.C vancouvc. e c WMII rofc IHCTtMll Mr -r-i Mrs. Nairn in Fraser. wl".o have been a - ia U Van-on ver and eirewhere in ihesouth, returned to the etty on the Car-dena yesterday aflec aaa. Porcher Island Cannery to Be canning this season by its owners but which it is planned to operate as a fishing camp. C. E. Salter. Dan iMcPherson and Capt.,, J. L. Higgs. Clarke and well known Vancouver cannery company officials, are In Prince Runert on their way south. The twrty came nortto from Vancouver! to Humpback Bay on the Venture i late last week, antring here from Pw her Island on the Cardena yes- j erday afternoon and will proceed! t omorrow as le moon on meir re-lurn to Vancouver. Today s Weather Dead Tree Point jClcar. light easterly wind; barometer. 3024; temperature, 45: heavy chop. Triple Island dear, moderate south wind; .light chop. Lan$ara Island Part cloudy, light southeast wind: sea moderate. Terrace Foggy, calm, 30. Aiyansh Cloudy, calm, 31. Anyox Part cloudy, calm, 35. Stewart Cloudy, calm. 32. Hazel Vou Clear, calm, 28. Smithers Part cloudy. calm.cooL Burns Lake Bright, calm, 27 Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs mounted in any style. Game heads a specialty. All work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE UP. Write For Trlcm K. Dlx, Taxidermist Terrace, ItC. SUMMIT CASH MEAT MARKET Sixth Avenue West and Fifth Avenue Fast Round Steak, per lb. Pot Roast, 4 lbs. Turnips, 5 lbs. Soup Meat 3 lbs. : Pork Chops per lb Veal Chops 2 lbs. Corned Beef, 4 lbs. Cabbage. 3 lbs. Bacon, 1 lb. Pork Liver. 1 lb. Welners per lb Liver Sausage per lb. Pay Cash and Pay Less Phone 666 PROMPT DELIVERY 15c 50c 25c 20c 35c 50c 25c 15c 20c WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Having been stormbound at Mas-sett during the gale at the weekend, the Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Salvage Princess, which had been away since Wednesday of ami passenger agent, reiurned lart weeIc retUrned Saturday night 4e elty on Saturday night's tram from a trip up the lino a far as Prince O'oitp rn offi :i! business from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Capt. W. P. Armour, head of the company, had been visiting Mas-sett on business. Despite the appearance of. the advance guard of the fish which was reported a few days ago, there has been no run In material numbers as yet of herring in local waters. A close watch is. however, ne- inv lrpnt. fnr r arrival nf thA fUh ' and the harvest will -commence once they put tn an appearance. It Is generally expected that they will show up following abatement of the present stormy weather With, a fair-sized list of passengers. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in port at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon from tbe south and sailed at 8 o'clock last evening for Anyos. Stewart and other northern points whence CAfi ( nmn and sail at 1:30 pjn foi bCU a WHlJ .Van0BUVer and wapX)mts I steamtr Cats la is due back nex Following an inspection of the : Sunday afUer having been out of Chatham Sound Fishing and Pack- j gen-Ice far two eks for annual ing Co. s cannery at i'orcner lsiana overhaul, the Cardena thereupon which will not be used for salmon reverting to her regular run on the Vancouver - Bella Coola - Ocean Falls Skeena River-Prince Rupert route. Minnesota Seeks To Have Income I Tax Sustained ST. PAUL. February 12. The.' government of the State is taking immediate steps to appeal to higher oaurt the ruli-g of tbe State Supreme Court at tne end u the week finding the state incomf tax to be invalid. Tbe upholding os 5uth a Judgment mntht have far-reaehieg effect throusneut tnr country- 01 mWl, rAit wtth "nfantaf' The lluild B.C. PajTolls" Best of Words U 1J 1 You couldn't want a better endorsement than a letter from a mother about her baby. We get a letter every once tn a while In which a' grateful mother tells us Pacific Milk has saved her baby's life. That stirs you up. You arc impressed for you know n&thing stronger about the Milk can be said. Pacific Milk 1-100 It. a Owned and Controlled ! PLANT AT AUBOTSFOKD For Your Health Chiropractic ' Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Raj Massage All Reasonable Prices W. C. A SPIN ALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green 541 Exchange Block The AUCTIONEER PacklngCraUng Wrapping & General Furniture Repairs List your goods wtth me rhone Blsek 121 GEO. J. DAWES f GREAT-WEST LIFE AGAIN INCREASES DIVIDENDS TO POLICYHOLDERS New Business Jstued Stows Gain Over Previous yer Compeny in Strong Potitlon orln mtril!y ino-eated fttr rirornly writing dBdobtful atf. EzpenMS reduced. Faror.blc MerUlity Rat continued. Insurance in Force . . . . $552,294,135 New Iluainem Iseued 54,230,719 Total Income ........ 26,550,844 Parents to Policyholders and lSenefidaries 21,867,679 Surplus Earned . . ... . 5,165,772 Asset 134,762,165 Polio' Reserves and Other Liabilities 128,527,215 Contingency Keserve, Surplus and Capital . 6,234,950 Durin- 1933 the Urr sum of M.144.3S3 was paid proati to policyholders sod the Company has announced An lucres in the profit scale for 1934. I). 31. HUNTER Ste. 4 Leeds Apt., Prince Rupert, B.C. Agent for Classified Ads FOR SALE ?OR SALE wicker baby carriage. Phone Green 280. 40 'FECIAL Roller Canaries. Singers and females, (4 and $5 pair. Ship any distance. W. Hutson. Rand Block. FOR SALE Launch "Awake," fine, roomy heavy-built fast launch. Registered tonnage 17. Apply Kergln & Fowler. Armour's Float. THREE-ROOMED furnished house in Terrace, clear from vermin, close to station, good waler.-cicar title, 6450 cash. Apply F. Dlggles. Vanarsdol. 39 FOR RENT I HAVE A OOOD GARDEN. Plenty of everything to eat fresh and for winter. McFayden's Seeds cost so little and grow so much 3c. to 4c. per packet. Big Oversize Packets. New Crop. Fresh. Tested Seeds. Over 150.000 satisfied customers last season. Investigate. CLIP THIS AD and get. Large Packet Beautiful Flowers FREE--or send 25c. for 10 Rig Packets regular vegetables with Splendid Coupon good for 25c. on first order. (Coin preferred: stamps accepted.) McFayden Seed Co, Princess and Market Sts.. Winnipeg, Man. 66 WANTED WANTED Youth to work on coun try place, milk cow, and do other chores, state wages expected, and age. Apply Box 200, Daily News. ' 38 HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVLN'G! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE TRANSFERS CARD tables, chairs for rent. Cameron's Transfer. tf MISCELLANEOUS VERNON Apartments housekeep REPAIR your ow.i shoes", Tubber ing rooms, newly renovated, 141 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. FOUND FOUND pair of ladles' gloves, lined kid with fur trimming. Daily News. GARDEN SEED boots, galoshes, etc., with, LAS-5TIK HALF-SOLE. 50c. pair; full Instructions attached, state size of footwear when, ordering. Agents wanted In district, send 50c. for sample and particulars. Address Y.B.Y. Specialists. 319 Cordova St West, Vancouver. B.C. , 37 PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Mnllp'r. Phone Rett WU riovfcUNMKNT t.iqtnit .CT NOTICE m bercbs glrm Jhat on tbe FMM Guy l ILtfob tMMEfc. the tmder tgrtt Intend to apply to the Uquor Control B6ard for a IWnct tn respect of pmnlMw beta part of tt bulKlng ktmwn u Marmot Hotel. aUuate at tbe ram tt Flftt. and Columbia Street, Village f Stewart upon tbe landa described as lot No. 13. Block No. 10, Map Na 906. Prince Ruprt Land Rs(Urrs-tlon Diatrlct. In the Province of Urttlth Columbia, (or Xhe tale ot beer by tbe gbv or bjr tbe bottle tor consumption ee the prentice or eluewhere. DiiVed thta 22nd day of January. .1934. MARMOT HOTEL COMPANY LIMITED lr Oeirxe I M.i-donald. Manager. Applicant TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, .C.