n ti a .a FAQE POTO ti m hi P i u A B E n ORANGE PEKOE BLEND "SALADA TEA "Fresh from the Gardens" X HOES We have a Large Stock for I Men, Ladies, Misses, Children I bought" iii" liiii " FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and llulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley W alo wll" Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co, 18 Phones 158 Wit una mswt i si rnri km : xu i tm i: - r ki i u tm xm Here are a few of the lines we arc offering today: Women's Patent One-Strap Shoes Q4 QC Retrular $2.95 at 0 Women's Black Kid One-Strap House Shoes, solid leather soles, rubber heels, regular $1.95 at S1.39 Women's High Grade Dress Oxfords, regular $4.50 QO HE Selling today at - ?U I U Snappy styles in Short Round Toe, Spike Heels, Black Kid Patent Leather Pumps and T Straps CO AST Regular $3.95 at QAttO Don't say you have an expensive foot. We now have Shoes In A WIDTH in Smart Attractive Black Kid CQ 1-Strap and Dress Oxfords, reg. $5.95; special vO.tJU HISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Misses' and Children's Patent 1-Strap Slippers Regular $1.95, today, up from Infant's Shoes for the little toddler Regular 95c; Special 99c 49c Very High Grade Misses' and Children's Oxfords in high grade baby calf at very special reduced prices We have bought in advance a large quantity of Men's, Roys,' Women's, Misses' and Children's Running Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Reach Sandals, in fact everything in Spring and Summer Footwear for thc entire family. AJ1 at SPECIAL CUT RATE PRICES. COMPARE OUR PRICES. LET US SAVE YOU MONEY. Fishermen's Rubber Boots Special Goodrich Fishermen's Rubber Boots -length, regular $650 at S4.49 1 MEN'S SHOES Lcckle's Shoes for men, regular $4.95 (IJO QC vVrv snprial tJJO.tU Men's Solid Leather Work Boots Regular $4.95, up from S2.75 LECKIE'S DRESS SHOES Men's Dress Oxfords and Boots with built-in steel arch supports. We have a large stock of these at extremely low prices. Have you seen our high grade hard wearing School Roots for Roys? City Scrip and Relief Tickets Taken I Cut Rate Shoe Store endorse Plan to Curb Chain Store Development George Hill Elected President The Prince Rupert Retail Mcr-:hants' Association, at a general meeting yesterday afternoon, endorsed a resolution, proposed by the Fravcr Valley Retail" Exchange and approved by the Union of Urltish Columbia Municipalities and the Fraser Valley Reeves' Association, urging the provincial government to enact legislation to provide a sliding scale of taxes which would riite the effect of curbing the development of the chain store sys--n Under the proposal these taxes .v'i :ld range from $2.50 per year for ingle store up to $1000 per store i retail organizations having 21 ir more branches. One half of the revenue so derived, it is proposed, would go for the benefit of hospi : H1 tals and the other half to the municipalities with one-half of this to be earmarked for school purposes. The meeting, which also discussed hours of store closing on Saturday evenings, deciding to de J' I Daily News Want Ads Bring Results C. N. R. TRAINS 'or the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl days S:3Q p.n, From the Eat LOOK HERE! We Can Save You Money by Dealing With Us. A Trial Order is Solicited. BRUNSWICK SARDINES Oft B. C. CRABMEAT 2's 2 tins STRAWBERRY JAM per quart Jar SMALL WHITE BEANS 4 lbs. BANANAS 2 lbs. COOKING APPLES 6 lbs CAULIFLOWER each 20c and Celery, Lettuce, Rrussclls Sprouts, Tomatoes, Leek, Parsley, Cabbage, Etc. in Stock MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents' M7-19 Third Avenue West P.O. Box 575 rhone H "T1LLIE THE TOILER" .TBS DAILT 7JTTWB Friday. Februny u MERCHANTS I: -' - -: "LADY FOR ' CillKATIST Mill CATCH ! , HAVE MEET - .r : ';:',v :j DAY" HERE l Warren William ami .May Kobson WINNIPEG, Feb. 1G: Fur 1 traders coming down from i the north report the greatest Lir if.rh in vears. affecting 1 the whole north from Labrador to the raciflc Ocean and on up to the Arctic Circle. GONE CRAZY WITH HEAT Steam Just That ami Ice in Water Gone Craiy With Cold Interesting Lecture Hy J. K. Iloddic Is u-dlpr. frnnn mtii with thi 'mid " Starred In Farce at Capitol Theatre Headed by Warren William and" May Robson, a splendid cast Including Guy Klbtkc. Olcnda Far-, roll. Ned Sparks, Walter Connelly, j Uarry Norton, Nat Pendleton a'id Uobart Rosworth la assembled In . the much-heralded Uilklng picture1 "Lady for a Day." which Is billed as the feature ottering at the Capitol Theatre this week-end. The story deals wfth an old apple woman May Robson I who. unknown to her associates. Is supporting a daughter In school In Spain. the child being under the lmpres fer action until the next meeting, f rigeraUon" at its weekly luncheon and the daughter eiccica onicers ior me year as ioi-lows: President, George Hill. Secretary - Treasurer, Douglas Frlzzell. Executive C. H. Ormc. W. M. Watts and C. G. Minns. yesterday. "This heat may be taken Spain for a magnificent wedding from water to make Ice. from air to make It more comfortable to UMTIID STATLS RAILWAYS breathe, from meat, fish, fruit or CUT WAG IS 15 I'LIMXNT , vegetables to slow up the rale of CHICAGO. Feb. I Principals decay, and last, but not least, lo ot me ran roans oi me unura aiawi remove heat that will filter through yesterday served notice of a fifteen the walls, floor, celling or roof of icrcmt reduction In pay to all any refrigerating plant." Mr. Buddie explained that head flowed from a warm substance to a cooler one but never In the oppo- ti!n Hlrnrtirm tlv Ijiklnir !irtvmil:it'r Puesdays. Thursdays and 8atui-0, thb natura, ,aw u wa8 I lo what u rcf rlgemtion plant C.P.R. steamer Process Acciaicc. j wouid du bcforc construction was 'apt. S. K. Gray. Is due m port at commenced. The heat to be rc-15 this afternoon from the south !njovcd U.M measured in tons oi rt- md will sail at 10 pjn. on nei re- i frjKeration ,urn to Vancouver and way pomuj Thc rc',rlgCratlon cycle, the classes of unln railway labor WEEK-END Specials ispcakcr explained, was the oppo- We still hae a few Dcrry Sets which site to thc steam cycle. A candl- we give away Free with 53.00 date at an oral examination oncc,' Cash Order ...... t i , ., , i .. nm ...i.nV tvjiivu w u iuvwuii a wuui., Flyc . Roses ..,., vi.mr Flour O 4 11- steam was, "Steam Is water t?onc crazy ,wjth thc heat." he said. "Ice 49-lb. sack Purity China UaU- ' r Mr. Bpddic explained how It was Suiar Crtep Corn Flakes that, through the difficulties of maintaining a steady supply of Ice ' , f; 6 tin5 in summer, engineers had manu- FANCY RED SALMON l's 97o facturcd tnc household refrlgcra-per un ilj tors, thus doing away with the nc- BAGDAD COFFEE Q4 7Qccsslly r keeping the Ice box full. 5-lb. tin v'j iicmiii-iuiiuii whs uscu cxien EGGS Fresh Pullets 3 doz KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN per pkg CANADIAN CHEESE per lb. MINCE MEAT per quart Jar qq 'slvely In the making of dynamite, O i7 C in the making of beer, in condltlon- . ling thc air in large public build-ZXCl'nss. in thc manufacture of ten 19c 47c uis balls and the sneaker told also 4-lb. tin Swift's Bacon -Sliced per lb Lynn Valley Peaches- -2 s per tin II rook field Cheese -2-lb. box Braid's Teal-lb. pkg. if a frog farm where refrigeration Cut Grecn Um-2' had been used to keep thc supply I lln equal at all times to the demand. Frcsh Oround Colfcc- Secing that refrigeration was Per ,D- 25c 25c 59c 25c 19c HtlllAV &. SATURDAY TWO SHOWS 7 4: 9 Ailmlulun-ISc & 60r SATURDAY MATINLK al 2:30 15c & 35c 49c r 39c 14c 29c r"BU. uuiir.iv-noveuy iyC;Just lhe rcvcrsc proccsg to that Crestwood Creamery Butter nftp Tumbler, each used In the steam loAmotlve. Mr 3-iD. bricK . " v " Phone 10 Quality MOVJ ANSvica Me, MM 30WES 43C!Boddle explained the steam engine Helmet Corned Beef process. He showed why ammonia Regular un 39C was a Bood refrigerant to use and Wagner Apples Only also carbnn-rilnxlrtp nvfriircratnr. few boxes left at . . . win yQ had four main parts, the liquid re- Good 4-Strlng Broom- cclver. thc compressor, thc con- cac'1 25Cidcnsor and evaporator. With these Classic Cleanser j properly connected and with a suit- 2 tins 25c able P0" to dr,vc the compressor Oranges Sweet it Juicy mc piani was ready for business. I aoz. 25C ' Rosedale Toilet Soap TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latin rhone 231 Get quick rrstiltH with nwnntnd 1 a caxes Fresh Dates j 3 lbs. iiimprcw Crabapple Jelly ! 2-lb. tin Fresh Roasted Peanuts 1 2 lbs. I Free Delivery A Surprise Party 12c S1.35 35c 15c 95c 12c 25c 40c 25c j Alberta Market liflh Street Phone 208 i - 1 r i i z : : t - f ..." 1 i . . i . m... , . AVI, AtV??: 0O6t,: L a' LHi'IXoVM .VZo??r U I if's okay rri I I I Wm I Kl i i 1 p mm VI VV 1 17 I VI t f mm If I1M Ill j 1 . I I Ll " " I - M III J"" '-Jil I -' - -vg n JA v u-0 scAiecw MAC'S ZOl T MAC; of- V 'yif-ri I Jm 1 LOUsa i'ci i a , i wwwr-- . . . I t. m u i i . .- I I I I HIM vol VEAB: Service MONDAY M mJ "Bombshell The Grandest Treat in Years Liberty Gives it TOUR Star Lady For a Da Hellv I'ork. Pork Cbow. No. 1 Steer Beef Rib Roast Reef. II). . ,20c Pot Roast Reef, lb. ..10c llrhket R'. f. I )l Ruiiii 1H Ktcr. II Extra Specials Cftmhrfclf 8a usage. R. UUc, Ayrshire lUron. sliced, lb, 25c IlamburKcr. lb. 0-Uoilmg Fowl Iladdk FllleU. lb TJvr Hausagr. II) R'ustim: C'lih ki i,'- :i lb. 23c i nun n ss m Warren William, May Robson, Guy Kibbee, Glenda Farrell, Ned Sparks A Columbia Picture A Parade of Thrills, Tears and Dramatic StispenJ cartoon Will u lil a bTKKI'L EC HASl-v slon that her mother U wealthy and SCREEN SOl'VKN IKS socially prom lent, suddenly inc old lady learns that the daughter " is on the way to America with a j All the elaborate machinery you young count she want to marry I see in a modern reirigcruung uianij Friends rally w me oia woman s Is mainly for one purpose, tliat Is, 1 rescue and Instal her In a rich the removal of heat," stated J. E. man's apartment. After a scries of Uoddie, chief engineer for the Ua- hilarious happening, the maamicr-nadtan Fish St Cold Storage Co. In lade works out perfectly. The Span-addrosslng the Rotary Club on "Re-1 lsh noble accept the pretensions goes back to Pure Lard, lb. Fresh Killed Veal Lva Koast VVal, lb. ..21c Loin Roast Veal, lb. 22c HreaKt Veal, lb 12c Rump Roast Veal, lb. 18c Shld. Roast Veal, lb. IGc 13c Iunb I'Ks. lr MKTKO ND Saturday's DIAMOND T SPECIALS! PORK Iait Koast Pork. IK Unix Roaxt I'ork, Id l!oton llutt UsK, I!, 2 .. 15 MTU Vjrft? IS r Hutchm KM. 1910 MACKENZIE'S FURN1TUR1 RUGS - Priced to Clear Axmiiwter Rugs, 27x51, Sale Price $3.9: Axminster Rugs, 27x18, Sale Price $3.2: Tecumsah Rugs, Reversible, 25X-18, Sale Price $3.i: Tccumsah Rugs, Reversible, tfOxliO, Sale Prico $5.9 Axminster Carpets, 11x101 Feet, Sale Price $32.0 Axminster Carpets, .l!x7. Feet, Sale Price $12.0 Mail Otdrrs I lllrd at ThU I'rire 327 3rd Av., Prince Rupert, Phone 7i Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms We Also Sell Coal That (Jives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 'M eatu' TrAlMOS. OrPICBB. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarellL ITrleWf -A IIOMi: AWAYIBfl" 1100 op SO Rooms. Hot i Cold W Prince Rupert B Phone 281 PO L OcDoy i -By WcstoV' OH . MO u VOU DOM'TH I'M iS1VM