Today's Weather A Frincc Rupert Cloudy, modcra s 6outhcat wind: barometer. 2052; , ' temperature, 43. j 1 s & - EDITORIAL AN UNDESIRABLE CONDITION The Saltation Army ha derided that this year there will be no rfctn-.a Tire or dinner at the julrl but that after the neccs-un hamper have been provided x those In need, the remainder tt the iwMirr. If there Is any. trill tr rspendrd in clothing. In the course of her recent In-irrigations Adjutant Lajeock ha dhrovcrrd that many children are pint around half-clothed. They nrrd boots and shoes and under-ttar Their condition is appalling. An old lady who was tinted was almost wholly without tlie Demur undrrclotht to keep her de-rent and warm. If a cold nap hould come, a it may at any lime, there would be considerable suffering and dancer to health among oung and old. The Salvation Arniy official are hoping that they will set Mifflclrnt money to enable them to relieve thrv! condition. The children and Ihe old people and those who are In pmr health will receive flrt attention. Appeals for used clothing rereive little response because few People have any left. New things ill have to be purchased. It Is with regret and a sense of sbantf that the Dally New draws attention In these conditions. They ought not to be and the least that ran he done Is to use the means Uiat are In our power to relieve litem. Money donated to the Christmas Cheer fund will be expanded to a large extent In making the children and others happy bjr providing them with some of Ihe real necessaries of life. May we plead once more with those who can afford the money, to W"d In their donations to the Salvation Army at once. If more convenient they may leave them at the Dally News. The whole amount donated Is turned over to the Army( "Hirers to be used for the purpose f"r w,ic, It I designed. The News epls mi remuneration whatever 'or Its services In helping to raise the money. In the past Prince Hubert has responded nobly. We be-'!c she will on this occasion. Che I teased late today that she was run- nlng out of oil and asked nearby ships with oil to come to the assistance. The liner Alaunla reached Tilbury a today twenty-four hours late, the captain reporting the worst storm he had ever experienced. For three days passengers were kept below decks. Today's Stocks (CX'urUa j 8. O. Johcavio do.', Vancouver Alexandria. 01 4. Bayvlew. .01. B. C. Nickel. .40. Big MlttourL 32. II radian, 2j00. Hralorne. 12J00. D. R. Oootw -0GV4. I). R. X. GoW. .18. Cariboo. U0. Dcntonta. .40. DunwdL .19. Georgia Rlvtr. .01. Gotaonda. .28. Glacier Cretk. .03 Orange. .21. HtcuIc. .01 U. Mlnto. .151. Meridian. .12. Morntnf Star. .104. National Silver. .034. Noble Five. Mt-Tend Oreille. .43. porter Idaho. .08. Premier, IX. Reward. .03 H. Reno. 1.10. Silver Crect, .01 Vi-Salmon Gold, .08. Taylor Bridge. 36. WayaJde. .09. Whitewater. .04 Vfc. Waverly Tangier. .01. United Empire. .07. Toronto Central Patricia. 1.05. Chlbougamnu. .08 ti. Lec Oold. .03. Ornnnda. .1U4j. Inter. Nickel. 22.50. Macasaa, 2.52. Noranda. 33.50. Sherrltt. .46. Slsco, 2.53. 1 McMillan, .31. , Ventures, .86. Lake Maron, .041fe. Teck HuRhes. 3.92. Sudbury Basin, 1.20. Columarlo, .08V4. Smelter Oold, ,17Vk. Can. Malartlc. .55. Little Long Lnc, 6.80. Astoria Rouyil, .02. Stadacona, M6. 1 1 Maple Leaf. .07. Pickle Crow. 1.78. Long Lnc Lagoon, .15'i. Man. & Eastern, .iaj. Judge W. E. Fisher left on last nvpnino's train for Smithers whero he will conduct a session of County Court. Tomorrow's Tides High 0:20 a.m. 18.3 ft. 11:57 p.m. 21.7 ft; Low 5:58 a.m. 93 ft. KM 18:51 pan. 2.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIV NO. 293. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1931 PRIM; FIVE CENT FIERCE GALE IS SWEEPING ATLANTIC DESPONDENT WINNIPEG Small Norwegian Ship In Distress-Has Lost Her Bridge and Rudder Ilritih Tanker Standing by in Effort to Rescue Crew of Twenty Alaunia Lands at Tilbury, Reporting Worst Tempest in Years LONDON, Dec. 18: (CP) One of the worst storms in ars is sweeping the North Atlantic Ocean and a small N rvcgian freighter, with her bridge, rudder and life-ats carried away, is in a precarious condition in mid-an with the Briti.h tanker Mobiloil standing by and muling oil on the water in the attempt to rescue the crew of twenty. The tanker wire- GIRL GETS I TWO YEARS' Charged With .Murder of Bond Salesman, Lillian .Morel Convicted of .Manslaughter MONTREAL, Dec. 18: (CP Found guilty of manslaughter after being tried for the murder of William Owen of Montreal, a bond salesman. Lillian Morel, night club entertainer, was sentenced to two years' Imprisonment yesterday. Houston Settler Dies in Smithers Henry dushwa Had Bern Resident Of Bulkley Valley For Fifteen Years SMITH ERS, December 18: After lengthy Illness. Henry Oushwa, well known sctUer of Houston district, died In the Smithers Hospital. He had come fifteen years ago from the Peace River country and was unmarrieo. with no rela tives In this part of the world. He was seventy years of age and was born at Lafayette. Indiana, where booyv"haj rbcenGi forwarded .ior Interment Officers of Church Army Continue Work In Rupert District Cant. Hanncy and Capt. Hut- chiton. Church Army revivalists from England, who are on a tour of thts district, left yesterday for Port Esslngton where they will con duct a mission until Christmas night when they will return here enroutc to Metlakatla. Following the McUakatla visit, they will return to the city to conduct services In con nection with St. Andrew's Cathed ral. On Saturday and Sunday last. Capt. Hanney and Hutchison conducted enthusiastic services at St. Peter's Church. Seal Cove. Supreme Court Of United States In Recess of Month WASHINGTON, DC. Dec. 18: After rendering a number of Important Judgments, the United States Supreme Court yesterday adjourned until January 7. Memorial Unveiled ALICE ARM, Dec 18:-A party of Anyox Elks visited here to conduct the unveiling of a memorial stone at" the grave of the late Patrick Clune. who was a charter member of the Anyox lodge. 1 Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Dec. 18: (CP) Wheat closed at 783Bc on the local exchange yesterday. The Prospectors' Club of Stewart has been Incorporated under the Societies Act It is aunounccd in the B. C. Gazette. The objects of the organization arc enumerated as fol- lows: "To form a club for amuse- ,,, r,0 tr, rnvirin rest and recreation rooms and, up - on obtaining suitable quarters, irtcrs, to Include badminton, basketball and gymnastics for Its members." MOTHER AND Last of the "Starving Brides" LBssssfcBssssLW fjEyBT jBSiBS IHB The ,ar ' . . 'ar .: 3 of Blackpool England, shown ta her rablne? I;. ;ng aoep. as a po .or. of he p.. -a' :r:wd peers down on her puo ic Li sting place Blackpool showmen started the heA as - nublicilv Aur.t wherehv bridr lut in upt.tip rinom in ac- "V martial 'bUss'rauldelrnrthtmsele by publicly Stock Market , Is Stronger Advances, However, Confined to Narrow Range in Yesterday's t New York Trading NEW YORK. Dec. 18: Stocks were somewhat stronger In jester- day's session of trading on the New York Stock Exchange with advances In a narrow range In most of the standard Issues. Closing averages as follows: industrials. 100.84, up .15; rails. 36.34. off .02; utilities. 18.18 up .17, and bonds, 95.32, up 1 to .11. I Mississippi River Bridge Contract Let $2,000,000 MUSCATINE, Ohio. Dec. 18: Contract hai been let for the con struction of a new bridge across the Mississippi River here at a cost of $2,000,000. POUND AND DOLLAR IN N. YORK NEW YORK. Dec. 18: The T3ri- Ush pound sterlhiK closed at $t.95Tfe; up 4c on the lwal foreign ex- change market. The Canadian dol- lar closed at $1.01 1-10. up l-32c. 1 BAR SILVER NEW YORK. Dec. 18: CP Bar (silver closed at 51Uc per ounce on the local metal market yesterday, . BACK IN ALICE ARM ALICE ARM. Dec. 18:-MtaB Alma Evlndscn has returned to her home here after spending holidays at An- vox. Oamo Warden Ed. Martin sailed (this afternoon on the Catala for( Vancouver where ho Is lb be mar-, rled during the Christmas season to . Miss Margaret Ewart R.N. of Mer-' rltt. The brldc-to-bc was formerly a ,v,ir,pr nf the nnrslnu stnfr nf the Port Simpson General Hoipltal. The couple will return to the; city early In the New Year to take up red - dence. v. , yyijvy . i a -tubitantlal -sum 0 moner" starving. Illinois Woman Is Still Yawning .Mrs. Harold McKee Suffering From Strange Malady Only Oxygen Helps Her CHICAGO. Dec. 18: Mrs. Harold McKee of Morrison. 111., has been yawning for seven days straight and physicians report tliat her condition Is becoming weaker. Only by the use of oxygen has It been possible to stop her from yawning. Acute fatigue is believed have caused the strange malady. Her doctors are considering moving her to hospital at Sterling. 111. Kingfish' Friends To Be Looked Into United States income investigators To Probe Affairs of Senator fluey Long's Associates WASHINOTON. D.C., Dec. 18: The federal income tax department fat to investigate the incomes of J several friends of Senator Huey Long of Louisiana, It was announ Ccd yesterday. Assaulted Wife James McKay. Port Simpson In dlan. for assaulting his wife, was fined $15 and costs, with option of thirty days lntprisonment, at port Simpson yesterday. He was brought to the city last night to serve the time. SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN PUT TO WORK 1 in connection with the armed WASHINGTON. D.C., Dec. 18:' robbery of the Main and Prior Over seven hundicd thousand men have been put at work throughout', Montreal here yesterday when the United States on the aamini stratlon's home building program,' It is announced. CHILDREN DEAD Domestic Tragedy in Prairie City; Three Come to Tragic End Two Year Old Boy is Drowned in Bathtub rFive Year Old Girl Strangled and Woman is Victim of Drinking Poison ) WINNIPEG, Dec. 18: (CP) Mrs. William Hector Morris, aged 28, her daughter, Margaret Constance, aged five, j and son, William Edgar, two, were found dead in their J home here last night. The boy had been drowned in the bathtub and the girl strangled with a piece of rope. Mrs. Morris had died from drinking poison. The husband, who found the bodies, said his wife had been despondent lately. BANDIT IS CAPTURED I Police Trap Joseph Burns in Chi 1 cago Hide-Out Woman Taken With Him CHICAGO, Dec' 18: Joseph Burnwoneot thejasof tbeDrisonj srs wno mace tneir getaway witn lohn Dilllnger from the Illinois (State penitentiary, was arrested on Sunday after being trapped by officers in his own hide-out. With ?urn3 was taken a woman companion. Burns Is suspected by the police f having been Implicated In the recent $427,000 robbery In Brook-"yn. It is also believed he may be uble to give the authorities some 'nformatlon as to the whereabouts of John Hamilton, "Public Enemy No. 1" and last surviving member if the Dilllnger gang. Mackenzie King Sixty Years Old Leader of Opposition Celebrated His Birthday Quietly in Ottawa Yesterday OTTAWA. Dec. 15: (CPt Rt. Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King. Leader of the Opposition, celebrated his sixtieth birthday quietly here Yesterday. . WEATHER REPORT Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer. 29.54; temperature, 47; light swell. Triple Island Cloudy, strong southeast wind; heavy chop. Terrace Snowing, northeast vlnd. temperature, 30. Anyox Cloudy, calm. 35. Stewart Rain to snow, calm. 33. Hazelton Snowing, calm, 29. Smithers Cloudy, calm, mild. two inches hew snow. Burns Lake Snowing, windy, 20; three Inches new snow. 4 SIX ARRESTS IN VANCOUVER BANK , HOLD-UP MONDAY VAXfv-mvm rw.,. 10. inn 1 a Six arrests have been made Street branch of the Bank of - i' iour men e-apwi wuu iiuu. f STIFF BAIL IS GRANTED Four Bronfman Brothers Have to Pay $100,000 Each For Temporary Liberty MONTREAL, Dec. 18: (CPPCash tball of. ilM.OOajcUa.seJ.ycs iciuay iur me lour tsroniman Druthers when they appeared, in court on charges of being members of a liquor smuggling ring accused of defrauding the Dominion and Quebec governments of $5,000,000. Three other Montreal, men were released on ball of $15,000 each. Twelve others of the sixty-one accused came up later In the day. Clara Bow Has Become Mother Son Born to Mr, and Mrs. Rex Bell At Santa .Monica on Sunday SANTA MONtCA. Dec. 18: A son, weighing seven pounds and eight ounces, was born here on Sunday to Rex Bell, cowboy actor, and his wife, the former Clara Bow. Both mother and 'child are stated to be doing nicely. Kidnapper, Disguised As Woman, Reported Seen in Iowa City DAVENPORT, Iowa, Dec. 18: Thomas H. Robinson, hunted for note than two months as the alleged kidnapper of Mrs. Berry Stoll at Louisville, Ky is reported to have been seen here in the disguise of a woman. Mussolini Demands Redress Following Ethiopia Incident GENEVA, Dec 18: Premier Be nito Mussolini of Italy has deman-1ed through the League of Nation ipology and Indemnity from Ethlo-Dla for a recent attack by troops of he Litter country on Italian Soma-Uland. -. ., , 1 Dr. and Mrs. J. W. .Lang, who have been residents of Anyox for some years, were passengers aboard the Catala today going through to West Vancouver where Dr. Lan wm up praewt ui, u mi.. Lang were located at West Van- before going to Anyox. jCOuver