januafJ Ji: Night Sfehppl Classes wton of the new terrj will be held on Tuesday, Jan- atHaA CaUaaI trmiMiiv art 1 1 H m m a I a r. Ill IJlJrQwIl CTWiPV OVIJWI. tirapvwn wmvmw stav sv A iwii le.tti may enrqlafcany Une, they should do to the NrlaMkof term- Tnf' time-table will a, 1;i ( -rr Cadn W,BJiP TsjfAdays & Thursd) , ,, ,vn for Naty, i."k-kipiM, 7:00 p.mr Tuesdays & Thuiadays AjltJJf Pip- HWSlW. " , . English HJiV. Tuesdays & Thuradaya "' 8:00 p.m., Tuedsys only , ,. , .;ulun 7:00 pjn.. Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays tBoeth MwaorW School i ntOINNKKS IN I-NOI.I8II V new class I be In arranrxd FOR. J (t. new term, to be held on Thursday evenlnr,. Candidate ,re apl to redder by phone, or to be present Thursday. Jan- Mrr th l:M' Tor Information phone 37 or IHack 1C9 What you demand from your Drug Store 1 Aineria a iost lgg Alhcrta's Best Stove IVmbina Eci? Is .iccuracy, Cleanliness and Pure Drugs for your Prescriptions ThisishatyQU always get at Ormes Ltd. Ztfi Pioneer prufif tsts Ih lUsall Start fhones; SI & 2 Coal Prices Alberta's Rest Lump $12.50 FROM. PHINCE RUPERT 32,00 OETUHN 35.35 FI'.QM PORT 81MPSON I 11.50 11.00 11.50, Dry Jack and Cedar, per load 5.00 Local Wood, per cord 6.00 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE S80 UNION STEAMSHIPS Special Winter Excursion Rates TAVAXCOrVER AH Meals and Berth Included H Cured Ratpg to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. S(rchl TlrkrU on Sale Hrtwern November 10 ami J'y""a,ry S8' 19JI Inclusive (Joed to Iteturn Up to March 31. 1331. Children Half Fare STKAMEKS S S, CATAI.A ss. caui)i:na I.KAVi: I'ltlNCi: mwr.KT Tlll'.SDAV. 1:30 P.M. i;illl?AY, 12 MIT. AUK. VANCOUVrit TlllKSDAV, 1M. MONDAV. A-M. TlckeU and All Information From 'flnce Uupert Ant, It. M. SMITH. Third Ave. Phone or PunerA S.S. Cataia and S..S, Cardena CANADIAN PACIFIC i Slame,rs leave 1,'rlnce Rupert for Vancouver via Ocean I alls and Way Ports? Prlnrewi Adelaide, Fridays 10:00 p.m. nr VANTPIVEUS dlrert: Princess Norah. Dec. 1st, 17th, Jfln. 2nd. 10th. Nr KljTCHIKAN, WHANtiliLU JUNI'.All and SKAt.WAV. Princess Norah, Dec 13th, 29th, Jan. 1.4th. low Winter Kxrurslon 1,'ares tt Vamouvcr and I IS turn 'Tickets on- sale Nov. 10, 1033 to Feb, 28, 1034, Final return limit March 31, 1034 IV. I- COAYICS, (Scneral Auent, Prince Rupert. HC Scandinavian Workers Having been delayed by cold weather and storm conditions on the prairie, the' train qje ' here from the Bast at 10 o'clock Saturday ntaht, arrived at 1:16 Sunday ufurnooo. J E. Nlarks of San Francisco is a vUitor in Jhe city, being here, to pend the Cl:rlstmas and New! Y-ar season with his bmther-ln-!aw and" tfeter. Corn. E. II. Clarke R c M P and Mra. Clarke. it Tlie fire department had a 'Little, if any damage, was done. calli Ai:CTH)N S.l.i: SALVAGE CAItCO ex. steamer "I'lllNCE (JllOUC.ir. Owine to the prjt-. ent condition f ruails, the .Vue-Uon Sale advertised for today uill be pmlponert. and g(Md moved to store corner, of 1st SL and Srd Ave, onpofite Thrift Cash 4; Carry. Sale will be held at 1:30 p.m. THUU,SI)AY next. . with a fair-staed Ust of pajaen-, 'tart Union steamer Cataia. Cant AUCTION Salvage Sale OF CARCO- EX S.S. "PRINCE r.EORC.E" To be held in store formerly occupied by .lack SelviK, CORNER THIRD AVE. AND FIRST ST. Thursday, Jan. 4 liKU Commencing at 1 :00 p.m. sharp, consisting of: Groceries (canned foods, Hardware, Paints, Dry Goods, Overshoes, Glass and Chinaware, Trunk of Effects, Furniture, Etc. Cargo, consists largely of Christmas hampers of assorted merchandise. MVST Dtf SOU) TERMS CASH j J Dawes Tin: AUCTitiNn.u .THE DATLT NUTWB " LOCAL NEWS NOTES R. M. Wright returned or. the Ca- Mrs. J. H. Mair, who had been on tala thta afternon to Vancouver af-a visit to Edmonton, returned to ter a bjlej viait to the city. Scotch dance in aid of Boy Banfl ftvglet' IIall.9,pjn. Wednesday. Jan. 3, II f rehmenti, Aijmlaaton 25c. 2) the city from the Alberta Capita'. Sunday afternoon's traln. Tonight'a train, due frm tfceo East at 10 o'clock, was reported this rooming to be three hour Club!1 which would brlgg it In at i Qpp Hall UcX m. All wel- , 7 , . l oaje ' Miss Marjorie Blance. formerly in the service of the Royal Bank o' local or Canada here and now located a O, E- QuUck. manager; ih aariftCanilAn Co.. la aalilnr Smlthers, arrived in the city on 'Wuwiay afternoon's late train from thU afternoon nn the aa. Prince Norah for a buainc couver. trip to Van the Interior town to spend New Year's here with her parent, Mr and Mra. Robert Blance Cfe i est Colds TT l ft - rvuu wen over 1 tarnat and chest ViJ'-J. v VapoRub Ra II ways Su re, who Is relieving Ar chie Watt, .divisional master me- ' re. .pent New Yeai a at hU home Stor which had become tuw with smoke from a detnpered stove. In town, arriving fnon the interlo' on Sunday afternoon's trajn anrl returning to Prince Ocorge last Trior - were four chimney fires over the werk-rnd. no tama?e be-i r2 done by any of thjpn. The fli I was at 7 o'riock Sunday evening at I the residence of A. vlakte. 101 ! laird Avenue, the aedoad at 7:2'j ! Monday evening in a shack oi ! Sixth Avenue bac,k of the PrintM" j Rupert Hotel occupied by J. M i Donald and the fourth at 3:J this morning at te .residence of ..lames Flndlay, arrived in port at'o. Lovstatl. 1M9 Escond Avenue. 5 15 Sunday evening from the .south and sailed at DJn. tor An- yox. Stev art a:wl other norUistti Dolnu wuence she retavrned here at 10 15 this mornlrtf aexl He -chaiwd at at 1 30 this afternoon tor Vancouver and waypoints. The Dally News ran be pur Build II.C ravrolls Many Thank Landert '4 ' Post Office News Stand. 323 Granville St- Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Prinoe , Although 1991 lloenoa plates may j oconje, H C. be uaed unUl March 1. It Is neces-' R. W Riley. Terraen. B.C. sary that car ojvners obtain asj Oeneral Store, Anyor. from the first of the year stickers Smith? ra Drug Stnre. Smlt showing that they have paid one- tk B C sixth of their licence fees for tjhej 4 vear 1934. This year the provincial j 4 government is making a change I whereby "ars shall be licensed cov ering the flsal year commencing: l mm March 1 Instead of by the cal-' ndar year Siickers are being is-vipi to ever the period from January t to March 1 this year and all oars should now be equipped with these. IB 1 agree with what you said in print last Tuesday about Picifle Milk Miss Freda Landert '.ells us. vlt la eweUent. goes wrl! In everything and has a fine keeping quality." It was lovely of you. Mis Landert. to say this. To WrJpg imp unexpectedly in a chance convention Is a compllniai;t lo the Milk Many thanks. Pacific Milk IOC, It. r. Owned and Controlled PLANT AT AllKOTSrOKU Announcements Mra. Alex Uvlngstone, wife of Constable Livingstone of the city detachment of the provincial po lite. M4rfaV to Um city on the, databi ftiraly, CTsaftng ftpm a brief j F. 8. Walton, roadmaster for the Canadian National Hallways, returned to the city on Sunday afternoon's train from a trip op tfc line as far aa Pacific on official dotte. Sergeant Andrew Pairbalm, ahkl of the Smitten dislrM detsjot-ment of the. Irov1nflaj PJU$e. ' paying a brief visit to the citv. having arrived from be interior on Sunday afternobn'a train. i I (if' i f !.twnna. ! I Sens of Norway Masquerade Jan. 5, Oddfellows' Hall Burns' rbnnuet. Presbterlan Church Hall. January 25. MOOSE HALL Weil. Srd, Moose Lodge nomination of 1331 officers, Prl.. 5th. 8cotch and Canadian donees under auspices Mrs. J. 8. lllack's orchestra. 9:35 p in. Everybody welcome. 3ut., 6th, Exhibition basket-hall Rames. Kinrlith vs. Orot-to. also intermediate City Lenoue games. De 1 sure and sop these fnst nnd kkllful ames Adm 25c Starts 8 p.m. Boost rince Itupert sport HotelArijiyals Central L. J. Hindle. Vancouver; Roy Edmonton: Lee Muse and W. Hansen city. Uqyal Dr. O. E. Kvale, city; Mr. and Mrs. F Digj'es, Terrace; Oeorg? !!. Kefnton; uuis faner. Port Essinaton L. Bonduk, Phe- jlan: E. Caldwell. Vancouver. i. W. McAuiey. '.ocnioUvc fore- Vtime 'P"1 . . , E T Kenny. Terrace: J. And- for man the Canadian National; tullo Prince Rupert; S. F. M. Mno- die, Virtorta. ; Want Ads FOR SaI.E X)R SALE good offVc safe. Car-be seen at Dally News U LIVE Xnwi present. Roller Canaries. Guaranteed singers. Ship any distance. W. Hutson Rand Block. FOR RENT VOtNON Apartments housekeeping rooms, n?w!y renovated, 14! tad Avenue. Phone Red 421. PIANO price WANTED wanted, sta'e make Box 197 Dally News. FALNTERS and HAINTINO and Paperhanglng , vtoller. Phone Rea 802 TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Dry birch. cedar, iackpir.e Furniture raov ng HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVINOl Cluster Curl; Utest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE U V TIMIir.lt SALE XI.-.! Slt tond- 1 Of Ttvd byu M UM-r of LaiXl WjstOCla. BC no htv thin n nn (v thf Eighth ,? Jnury. 18-U for -he purche of Li SSrTxisW tn 24L00OH1 Horurr. CodiT. Ba! am and Hrraloo arl. K.umilo- OnmlUe Chn- .1 iw. 4. CWt Utfd DtaWtct. Two ymn wltt be allowed tor of tlmtotr . , TV. Furwer prueuar oi w.i, . cater. Ict.iri. Br Prtnrr Rupwt. B C or DUr-rt t Forwr. AH'TIOV SAI.K Vtllh.r ! Xt!WS nwrc will be offrd for t Ptt- .-:i!Wh dn oi Oeccrobrr. 1933 In tt ,rr:- of t! nutlet 'r?;J?l,,S aupert. B.C.. 'b XM6!W I U-. 1AS4.000 BM. ot 3pni. OrtM nrd Hemlr-1 on an ltjd OB ,.w i aY Darwin aouna M"'"- To yr w! tp allowed ,or rrmoT1 of timber. .,lMj Provlrted ny one unabV to thr ictlon in pwoo tay J1! 01 utd- to be opMd Hiict on nl iretl one bll Pnrthfr portlculMs my be obtoMK from tb Chid Forrtr. Vk-torto. O. or the Dtatrict Pointer, mnte Burrt. nc NOV1CK nna Mtrta lwrl ,ATtrr lIBBEnV DI1!I Ukat U pertw. hnvlng otaUM HT-nfrt th. estate S7Ia MatI U M Antt or Allow i vmber lata, m required ou or brfore or mwX by pro.W letter "'PclH .k... iZuna iiilv verified to THE HOY At TRUST COMPANY. ExecuUw of the HM'- of the mi Ann Ur U tvnder atrrot. ViuieouvOT. DC. AND TAKE NOTICE th4 fte the lM .iiealkMkrd tint Hie Executor wUI procewl to d!4trMnitc 'he ai "I toe rwewni entitle, thereto, bavins m..i the prtsm regard only to the ot whleA n hall then haw h.ut notice. DATS Van.- .u' or. 110. th .... IWnmlM 1033. ' rtonEBTSON DOUGLAS SYMEN niti Vv' rviwler Stn-e. Vancouver, BC s?ilidi..r. ii.r TlU' U. vii! Trn.st ContpnnT 1 (D. B, is. aa. 30 The Latest Books Our Rental Library plftn enables you to read continuously as many bool$ as you wish. The latest pQr pular and outofc?ding books selected by various book clubs and reeling guilds are .befog added every month. Oyer 200 Best Books of 1933 Are: Already Available Opposite McCutcheons imnd fi i:i i iioi v f r om now This is tiie tirne to read. Pay only 75c .arid you haye your choice U bi.oks for one month. Change your book as often as you wish ithout extra charge. For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rays Intra rd Kays. Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. A SPIN ALL D.C. . (Chiropractor) Green ill Phones Green 54 S Exchange Block LADIES' FUR COATS We received a shipment of Ladies' Fur Coats, in latest styles, at very attractive prices. We tuarantee these coats to be as represented. Your inspection is cordially invited. Buy or, order your Coat or Neckwear with confidence here; J. CLONES Third and Sixth St THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TKAH, KBIT1MI COI.I UU1A Wnnfeturr of tiivnviI'M PHOSPHATE ELEPHANT ;traHl 1 IIKMK AT rCUTILGCCC Prouc' r.- A RoMiw - of TAD AN AC SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TKIPLE SUrEUPHOSPIIAT IEAD-ZINU. CAnMlCM-BISMCTII The AUCTIONEER; Packing Crating Wrapping & Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone Black 121 GEO. J. DAWES W E L t i ajot -Cd&u YOU ran notice the tliffcrcnce riyhl away when you replace Macki'iicu" "larjaiii" bulbs villi EDISON MAZDA LAMPS. For real comfort niakt; lite change today. EDION 1 AM PS MAOl IN CANADA ; i- f til OVNADIAN GF.NFRAL H.KCTRIC Ca, I.1MITKD - :