r 17 1M4 WEEK END SPECIALS One KexaH Shaving Cream and One bottle li J Shaving Lotion, reg. 70c value OQn L for CHILDREN' SPECIAL 1 43v CO-sheet Scrap Hook and well made p rA -enient Pencil Rox, both for CANDY SPECIAL i. n a Jersey Milk Cubes, Cocoanut, 4 Of Fc.ir.ut and Ratein varieties, per lb. Ormes Ltd. Z7h Ptontcr Druqtists Hie hrull 8tr HOLIDAYS lor Adults r ChOdre n on the Fimous Graham Island North Heath i lUtblBf, lUJmlntMV f f -air lrt. Uit In lw w-mi. r ytt1:- j;r pp; MLS. VVSS .Matt, BC Phones; II A K NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Ptoprletor -A HOME AWAY KltO.M noME- Kates I1.M up 60 Rooms, Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, BC Phone 381 P O Box m UeHsh which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PIUNCE RUPERT. R.C. COAL! COALr Our lamoui Edson, Arbctu u tiulklty Valley Coals are Vultran t g1f saXUIactUm Try '"o of No. I Hulklcy VHwy elJ Timothy Hay. Wlv. Oats and Barley. lTlnce KupeTt Feed Cn it rbo in GET A REAL REST And Chame of Climate FURNISHED CABINS Also Room and Board Mrs. Hirnic's Camp Uke Kalhlrn n i Bargain EXCURSION Canadian Pacific SS. IVincess Adelaide To Vancouver and Return, $24.00 Leave Prince Rupert Friday, .Inly 20th. Returning leave Vancouver Wednesday, July 25 or Auiust 1st. For Reservations W. L. Ctcs, (Jen. Al'nt UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8teamers leave Prince Rupert for Vanconvrr .S.8. CATAIA EVtRT TTJKST1AT, 1:30 Ml Arriving Vancouver Tliursday T S.S. CAltDKNA tVEUT TRrDAV .TUDNICiIIT Arriving Vaneoutcr, Monday A M. nd NM Mtl)ng to Port eimi-oo, Alio Arm. Anjroi, , IUrr poJnU, ! rTrtnc Hupm Bundy. B p.m. further Information regarding all sailings and ticket! air-HUSCl HtYfHT AnrvCTi Tlilro Anoi. Von m i 11 77?entioa.in i - SUNBURN, SPRAINS BRUISES. I NSKCT B ITKS . Announcements Eagles picnic. Orassy Bay. July 22. I BIG DANCE Moose Hall FRIDAY NIGHT Strollers' Orchestra east S TiV i via the great lakes. For cm extra tsn dollars You can rid 543 miles oi your trip East on luxurious steamers (meals and berth Included). Canadian National trams make direct connections at Port ArtSur to shlpelde. 6 LOW SUMMER FARES to choose trom and a cool route ihrouah Jasper National Park. VJH Canadian national Write CITY TICKET OFF ICE 528 3rd Ave. rrlnce Rupert, B.C. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAftiY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 THE DAILY KTWB PAGZ-THRE2 LOCAL NEWS NOTES We are still buying old (old, Bulger's, (tfj We pay a premium on goid coins and old gow, U-elh, chains, watch-ex. etc. Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiers Limited. tf. J J Little, manager of the Nor thern DC. Power Company, has kindly donated the light for the flower show In order that the show may be Vept open In theer ntny t'.morrow. In spite of the e- irttnely bad weather a good ex hlblt i expected r 1 i-LijJ ujocv cop . us, joe , i havc 1 r&V S A rPESH JA OP I xSf MEHTHOLATUMy Tou can rent a Car at Walker's as low as 91 & day plus 7c. a mile, j tf t Enjoy all the comfort of home; with the freedom of a hotel. Rates most reasonable. The Knox Hotel. tf. Tony Christian returned to the :ity on yesterday afternoon's train from Lakelse Lake where -he had fpent a few days on business. Rt. Rev. O. A. RIx D. D. Bishop of Caledonia, left on Friday eve ning's train for Terrace where he pent the week-end on eedesJas-tleai duties, returning yesterday afternoon. Miss Betty Jack, daughter of Mr ant Mrs. P. 3. Jaek of Stewart. was a passenger aboard Xtx Prtnce I Rupert Ftlday returning to her home at the Portland Canal tamp trtra a trip to Vancouver. Want Ads for sale MODERN House, close in, $200, ' balance easy. Hart. tf. . 1 ,. ' ' -" I FXTRNTTURE for sale at F 8 Mr Nteholas mine scpertn-j Avenue near Fulton. 616 6th If itendar.t for the Oranby Co. at'MlTrKPVe (.w u.hif- t,. Anyox and Mrs McNWwias, who! w VMr,tatr. srtvt,. Phone were married recenwy in vrciona., jgji were Dateners aboard the Prince' Rwpert Ht Friday going through! FOR SALE-Crown Orant Umber to the amelter Urn where they wl Uke op r-ideree. after a honeyon trtp to Banff and Lake Louise. The bride was formerly! ; Miss Annie Agnw MacLean of Tor onto and the marriage look placH on June 30 land. Location Lakelse Valley, near Terrace. BC. For in forma-1 Uon write to Marctiie B. Boyn- ton Box 1S7, Juneau Alaska. 187 1 FOR SALE Lot on 5th Av. W . with one lx rooms and -one five r corns house, fatly modern. Price I t2.800.00. $600 JK) cash balance to I arrange. With complete furniture in the 6-rooms hsose. including piano and radio (3250.00. A snap. ', Apply, collart at McCaffery Ltd. 1 8 FOR RENT FOR RENT 2 or 4 roomed apartments, furnished, fully modem, newly decorated. Phone Red 607. tf. FOR RENT Log cottage near Ka-lum Lake, ttO a month, with use of large row boat. R: W. Rfley.i Terrace, B.C. t. WANTED WANTED Salesman young man preferred, erperience not necessary McRae Bros. Ltd. 170 PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanging j Mollcr. Phone Red 802. i TRANSFERS j CAMERON'S 'iTansfer. Phone ITI i j Direr.. jacKpine. oeaat. n HAIRDRESSER J rtHMANKNT WAVINOI Cluster Carl; Latest Styles NKl.SON'S BEAUTY SHOPPK ' ; UMi ACT I SMXcr ot Inlrntlon to spply to lurrhar I'nd . v.i Unnn I .and RtOOTdlngl 'DiMrtct ot nit rour cot Dutrict,i land tut tbout tiv n11i trom tie, j mouth ot th Khutw Blwr on the i &TkMnottc that I. Frederick 8hy, ,-ot Vinemiwt. B.C. occuptlon mn operfctw, intends to apply tor prmto-mlMton to purehme the following rrliwa lnd- , Commenrlng t P"t pUntl one foot duunre from the -wltneM Tot or. the Wefct aide of Lot 173, tbenoe WeU etlT 60 chma; Uwnce 8outherty 33 Phahw; thence Ewterly 80 ehni: trance SortherlT JO rhina nd eon Utnlug 100 mw, jnore or 1 Dated 10th dav of Mar. 13. MINERAL ACT 1 rnmiirTK or imitiot.mknts I NOTICE 1 Rlwr Frctiotial Mineral Claim, alt-1 uate In the Atltn Mining DtrlaWn of Caviar Diatrtnt. i bocaled on lt Dan ei tne miae- I TAKI NOTICE that It. McN. rraaet tottnt aa Aelt fw Tuku Mine Com-I acting aaAceiU for Taku Mlnea Company 1 Limited. FTe 7eri Ortinoat No. 73-UniLi i.f.vrf itA Mam frm flat hereof. . . I to epply to the Mining Iuord?f for M a nf tWTVVllW 1nt M fftl iTi Lri UIMIVV V " ' " purptne of obtaining a Crown Orant of Iht aoov ciaim. m,4Imi il mm tie efinuneiwrf tefore the liauanct of auch OerUfloate I improvemenia. Lata vnui ioui aj ui "fru, toi. U. ilia, Truu, Ag&t. Hi :n in a TIB W SufMi f . . II J' m mil, .v ose an Ladies Footwear Ladles' Dlack and White Canvas 1-Strap Slippers. Leather Soles, Cuhan Heels Cfl To Clear ijirties- White Pumos. Strops and Ties in very latest de- 9,95 v signs. Priced from Ladles' White. Blue. Yellow. Green St Awning Stripe Sandals. Cuban Heels. Rubber ? 75 Soles. Priced - - from ed Rice SHOT FROM GUNS Rich, nourishing wheat and rice grains sealed in guns. Kept under fiery temperatures then tbiit from gum. That's what explodes every tiny food cell makes every particle of Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice so .quickly nourishing. Tomorrow morning serve this crisp, crunchy, tempting cereal and watch the tamily call (or second helpings. VahtebU Coupom A in trtry pacunge m m m um. & m: 'assrs. .v vy;,faw : H S. Parker returned to the citv s Mary Nelson of Kincardine. Tonight's train, dae from th$ !on yesterday afternoons train Ontario, has arrived in the city .East a : pm.. w reported . 4. . from the Bast to pay a tw rwre .ira msromz to oe im,y nuaur. from one of w his periodica! trip to, Nelwn. Miss; 'it wWA wrtd brteg it In at' me interior pomia dwwbcd "c:jekon fe, a schoal iecter. !11:1B p.m. and Prince G conge on bun. Misses Vlarv Stewart, Vera Mc- Mr. M. T. Berger and children B Wooden returned Friday Knight and Evelyn Polio:, aiMi oi Victoria, wno ran ikku vy night on the Card! aa u Butedal-; teachers from New Liskeard in in a visit at Telkwa with Mrs. Where he is In the servire of the to Northern Ontario, were week- Berber's parents. Mr. and Mrs.-Canadian Fishing Co.' csmnery. 'nl visitors in the city. They ar- Ttacmas M?Dcnald, were In the alter a brief visit to his home ! riTed by train from tr.e East and cfy Saturday afvrrnoon from train nere left by steamer for Vancouver. laj boat retirrr.lng south. ti riower o Tomorrow, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Auspices of Prince Rupert Horticultural Society. Admission, 10c. Prizes given in the following classes: L Best rose of any "variety. 2. -Best three named rosea. 3. Best three unnaawd, rasa.. . . 4. Best rose display! six of indre"' " 5. Best bouquet of mixed flowera ki vase not tied. Running Shoes ft. Best bouquet of nowers. one variety only in vase- mot tied). BMt display If flowers, variety to be the " chief feature. 8. Best pot plant 9 Best bowl of pansies. No entry charge to exhibitors. Prizes: first, 51.50: second, 50c. Entries received Tuesday evening . to 10 or Wednesday morning 8 to 9. None later. Roses should be shown with foliage and small uncpen buds may be on the same spray. Buds should be at least half open. Pansies may be shown with or without foUae. Exhibitors must provide their own vases or containers Five dollar "wcrth of theatre tickets donated by the Capitol Theatre management will be awarded as spec :.u prtte a tn ;ucges at in. the Finest Makes from Child's SUes, 4 to 10V4 Misses,' 11 to 2 89c Youth's 11 to 13Mi 85c Bdys 1 to 5 Wc Ladies.' 3 to 8 ? Men's, 6 to II - We can "Shoe" the family at a savine; that will put S in your pocket. For a few days onlv. Take advantage of this real bargain treat. BUY NOW, WHILE OUR RANGE OF SIZES IS COMPLETE Men s Footwear New Shipment of Men's DRESS OXFORDS, latest .styles and large range to choose C9 QC Men's Romeo Slippers, flexible leather soles, best for the boats CJ()5 Real bargain j 1 New Shipment of Storm King Threc-Quartcr-Length Gum Roots in Ladies,' Misses' ,11111 V 1IIIU 3, JIWl li 1 1 v. gggggggggggBKHBUk We Accept City Scrip CUT RATE SHOE STORE u us t ill, I VI,