4 i i' The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. FKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 Women of Fashion WE ARE HAPPY TO PRESENT A RANGE OF SUMMER FOOTWEAR THAT HAS A "CHIC" which even in the highest priced shoes is scarcely to be surpassed. Be sure and see them. Featured in Pumps, Sandals and Ties in Blue, Grey, Black Brown and White. Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rnpert bally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance ui 'i i:iiuua, pam m aavance, per week By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and umiea tuaies, paid In advance, per year . By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per incn per insertion , Local readers, per insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion .. Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member ot Audit Bureau o! Circulations THE SERVING ALL CANADA Foreitond farm land, waterfall and mine, thee hold Canoda'i baic wealth. The Royal Bank bclievet in the proper development of these reioorcei. Its tervicei are available to encourage loond induitriol enterprise In every part of the Dominion. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 88 .10 3.00 9.00 1.40 .25 m Thursday, April 26, 1934 LABOR WINS AGAIN 1 The National Government candidate was beaten in Hammersmith this week by a member of the Labor Party, another indication of the probable dissolution of the present administration after the next general election, unless something occurs to stop the present swing to the left. The present government seems to have done excellent work but the people of Britain are the judges, not we. This is a difficult time for any administration that has to face the electors. While conditions are improving thev have not improved enough to satisfy the mass of the people. JAPAN STANDS FIRM A despatch from Tokyo indicates that Japan is standing firm by her policy of allowing no interference by outsiders m the affairs of Eastern Asia. She is sitting there with a strong navy, daring anyone to come and stir up China. Her action may be looked upon as more or less of a bluff but no country today wants to meet Japan on her own ground War is abhorrent to the mass of the people in most civilized countries. NEWS OF THE MINES Mining Activity For Season Commencing in Omin-eca Four Planes Based at Fort St. James Smithers Property to be Developed A new season of activity in the Omineca mineral district is about to commence. Robert C. McCorkell, who arrived in Vanderhoof last week from Vancouver, is most enthusiastic as to the prospects for that area this year. He states chat preparations are under way for the reopening of operations on both the Germansen Mines Ltd. properties on iJermansen Creek. The crews left Vanderhoof last week enrout'e to twill be ready for Installation when the camps and it is expected hy-:the men arrve. fred Castell ol draullc operations will be com-1 Evelyn Is the principal cvner of the menced by next week. Mining op- call group' which lies In close eratlons will be carried on for 24 proximity to the Glacier Gulch hours a day until freete-up. It is j property. proposed tc increase the capacity ; of the ditch and flumes which extend for nine miles along German-sen Creek. A crew also left Vanderhoof last Saturday to get operations started on the properties of the Omineca Placers Limited on the little Wolverine close to Manson ; Creek. This Is a steam slack line plant which renched production last fall The large mining interests are said to be closely watching the . outcome of present operations diamond drill of the Call group of mineral claims on Hudson Bay Mountain near Lake Kathlyn,.a crew of men being expected from Vancouver within the next few days to get the work under way. The dia mond drilling machinery has been The early tulips are now looking very gay In different parts of the city. The gardens at the Court House are a blaze of color with tulips and hyacinths and are well worth a visit of inspection. The lawns and gardens there have never looked as well as they do today. Have you ever noticed that Nature seems to know better than we where to plant things. I have pan-sies growing out of a wall that were self seeded and In the middle of the rockery a strong plant of "Hon-1 csty" Is Just showing its purple flowers. I should never have dreamed of planting such a flower in that place and yet It seems Just right to relieve the monotony of the low growing plants. The same is true of trees. We seem to have lost the artistic touch by planting them in rows or in symmetrical groups. Nature stakes a small 'phial of seeds and throws It to the winds and It comes up Just right. Last evening I was looking at a fine bed of tulips In Dr. Mandy's garden. They, are , the single early variety Vermillion Brilliant and Yellow Prince. The Vermillions are a little earlier than the others, They are large yet only a few Inches high, Jjst suited to our windy climate. There are about two hundred flowers In the bed. I think we go too strongly on Darwin and should concentrate more on the low-growing varieties. Now that the small birds have gone north It will be safe to sow the Questions About Local Elevator Return on . Negotiations .Made Particulars Not Shown in Hansard But Hon. H. A. Stewart, minister of started by several companies In the public works, has presenUd In the Omineca field. Large outlays of House of Commons at Ottawa a re- money have been spent during re- turn to an order of the House for cent years to bring these extensive a copy of all correspondence. tele properties to the productive stage, i grams, tenders, contracts and other many hundreds of thousands of documents relating to the leasing dollars having been expended. It Is of the Prince Rupert elevator to expected that the, road Into the the Alberta Wheat Pool. Partlcu-field will be completed with a ml-' lars of the terms under which the nlmum of delay. ' Pool continues in possession of the - local elevator have never yet been Four airplanes have been based , publicly announced nor does Han- at Stuart Lake recently flying min- i sard disclose them, merely stating Ing supplies Into the northern that the return, as requested, has fields of operation. Two of the been madeX planes belonged to the Canadian 1 Airways Limited and had been transporting freight into the Man-i son Creek country. The other two. nachlnes were hauling supplies! Into the Consolidated Mining & 11 recfent shipment of eigh-Smelting Co.'s Slate Creek property. 1 teen car,oa of aspen :ogs made ;j . m. jouneuy oi eraser Lake Thomas and James Embley and'Tj upert 10 Ch,na- where Arthur Peck have left Vanderhoof t,mber U 10 Uied ,n manu" by-motor car for the Bridge River Snt.Tf '"'f district where they will engage in ?ulmcn.ts- J eJ?ected niining increased orders will be receiveo. Meantime the recent experimental A deal has been completed ft"' fM w,fc.ta: whereby a complete test for a Van-, "Tf?". COllVPr tvnHlf. nrflt K orf. .,. " ' "- vwui.m,. - - J v Vt 1UHUC UT VANDERHOOF A. M. Manson. M1..A. for Omineca, has seht word that tne government looks with favor ujrjn a policy of permitting settlers to work out payment of arrears in taxes on the rdiads and that such a polisy will likely be put into et- already shipped from the south and feet in the near future. vegetable and other seeds, Doubtless the spel) ot fine warm weather Induced the sparrows and finches to move northward a little earlier than usual this year. W. H. Sherman Is doing his bit toward beautifying the city by raising a quantity of seedlings for Prince Rupert gardens. He has a large variety raised mostly from English seeds H. F. P. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 31.00 up M Rooms, Hot 6t Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 19fl INSURED TAXI When you ride In Slaggard's Taxi You are fully Insured, BE SAFE, Ride In an insured taxi. Phone 653 A latingt satuut in tbt lU yar tU Bank Mn-trml, tignktlj mainUinid 4hJ aJJtd It aniUtnllj, if sjft, prtftuili uuj t$ ah' mUu mtntyvranjfiirfvn, Loggers to Cut Road For French j Party in North ' EDMONTON. April 26: (CP' Charles E. Bedaux. wealthy French j sportsman, scientist and traveller.' will attempt a journey through Northern British Columbia mountains by tractor. Only horses have, been used in the area for transportation, but Bedaux believes his novel five-tractor brigade will successfully past through the wilds. A band of lumberjacks will accompany the five tractors from 1 ere. Mr. Bedaux says, to cut a road, six feet wide, for a distance of !M) miles. The expedition will start tnls summer, according to the sportsman. To supervise the cutting of a trail over which Bedaux will travel through the wilderness northwest of Fort 8t. John. John B. Bocock and three Vancouver woodsmen arrived at Dawson Creek on Tuesday Daily New Wanf-AdS satisfy Tennis Shoes Latest Design In Straps, Sandals and Sandalettes In very attractive colors. Women's Tennis Oxfords and Lace to toe style. M Ivies' and fiQf Children's, up from ...."'' A WORD 'TO , HUSBANDS and BATHERS 7 ' - Constantly beforcvou on your desk, pedupS, or at least in your imagination is a picture of your wife'and children. You are working for them. TheirVuture comfort and success is your ever present anxiety and the inspiration for your best efforts. ' Are you saving all you can now to provide them with the means for comfort, independence and success in .the years to come? BANK OF MONTREAL Eiuititfctd iBlT FRENCH MUSIC WAS SUBJECT Ladles' Mutlc Club Enjoys Splendid Prosram at Japanrve .Million On Wednesday Afternoon Meeting at the Japanese Mission esterday afternoon with the pre sident. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. In the chair, the Ladles' Musk Club en- Invrd an lnterettlnor nmomm nn I clsco Symphony Orchestra Headquarters For Great Lower Saving Prices Everythinjr to Outfit the Entire Family We Save You Money Wrc accept city scrip nntl relief orders Women's smart, stylish, attractive Shoes. Men's high class Dress Ox fords and Roots. MONTI I AL TOTAL" ASSETS IN EXCESS Or" 7JO.OOO,p00 Prince Rupert Branch: P. A. MacCALI.UM, Man" Stewart Branch: R. E. IIAACK, Manairr Terrace Branch: G.W.nEVKRIIXiE. Manairr 4 u THE DAILY tt2dr Apru 26. li Hill Fat Away'.. C F Otar.od Mrs. P. C. Miller. Violin soloi Intern,, a frc' j L'Arlesienne 0 Blzc M! jK jlie Lawrence. . Vocal duet. Barcarole (no (Talcs- 6f Hoffman J Offer-I bash i. Mrs, Robert x.d Ut Shclfora- Darton Orchestra recording Uosu Carnival". J. MaMtn-1 Mr w Cruickihank, P!an6 sold, ZaU acte from 'V0f non", lAmbrolsc Tnum Mr U SUmford and Mj Ribf "French Composes." Mls E. 0!iI,artlett-Unox Mi), was In the chair and i Vocal Io, "FlorUn i 6c j B. ahe read a splendid paper. WUhjOodardj. Mrs. Ernest Andf.sc Mrs. W. L. SUmford and Mrs. C. E. ! Orchestra recording 8rte ' ' Cullln as aaompanlitj, the pro-H Harp, etc, 'M. Ravei Rrr unr eram was as follows: 'Eau. A. Debussy. Debussy. 'C ; ::: Piano tio. "Valsc Caprice." Ce-rlle Chamlnadet, Miss Margaret McCaffery. Vocal blo. -My Heart at Thy Eweet Voiee'. from "Simson et Dcllah". tCamllle 8alntSaens. Mr J A, Hlnton. Recording Ballet Music from Sylvia" Leo Delibes). San Fran-' reduction to Act I O BL:f" ids Checked By modern vaporixuic ointment-Just rub on V VapoRui Vocal solo. -There Is a Orcen iM 'l WXi Hf A iDiiMwiMr eunreti BY ALL Ttlli LEADING CANADIAN MAKERS. LATEST STYLES! LOW EST I'KICKS! ALL ISW STOCK! MEN'S! HOYS'! YOUTHS'! Kitra Heavy Hard Wearinr Hun-nm. We sell 35 Im than anywhere In the city. nd Youths' 85c up from S f i i 6 g i i i I CUT-RATE SHOE STORE j