jCVV In I i.t.i.i .Xa havA latt. no ODDortun Uty This Year Is 'ity to present my views to the dil-Lower Than In 1933'ferent associations and also Indl-. i vidiials who arc Interested, ,Jhe total amount belna levied, "It seems almost Inconceivable liviii... u.. . . ..... . . n.lth Imminent? b,,,, - vvn ay inc cny oi mai any - -..-..-.- " lll.SP Knimrt i. . .,.111-,. it..r.,hli onH nf rallarnv Olnn "" ww year is szuj, compared with J220.189.- location and CltvTT ycar- 11 a announced by consider for a moment that the. commissioner W. J. Alder. I (Qoitlnue on page five.) tween employers and 'workers. t' . . . , . (JETS TWO MONTHS Robert McPherson was sentenced 6 two months' Imprisonment by ; Magistrate McCiymont In city po- constructlon could i lice court yesterday afternoon for thejttor.'Sip from Nada Fowler or CotnoxT-Avenue. - 4c. Mr. Elstermann was over eighty .years of age and is survived by an aged widow living on Porchcr Isl-iand as well as a daughter, Mrs. Leonard Dewhurst of Seattle. The widow Is a member of one of the most prominent old families of the Naas Valley. Before coming to British Colum bia, deceased lived on the Columbia River and was a resident of Moore's before Funeral arrangements are In the hands of the B. C. Undertakers. Halibut Arrival Canadian Ingrld H, 10.500 pounds, 5c and Pripce Rupert's Strategic Location As Outlet To Peace River Country $RJS XJ' ! A'a jJb e:rta . Ui ' bi-ubi f y 1 ? e In the above map Route 3 is practically the same as that outlined by W. K. Owyec In his article on this page. It Is the most direct route from Finlay Forks to prince Rupert ' 'r an excellent grade and passes through a country rich In mineral and timber. Many people think It Is the route that will be adopted. Stewart is making a strong bid for f r ;nltion at the nearest port to the Peace country and It advances some ilroni arguments but Prince Rupert advocates say the route to Hazelton is much easier to build Am that to Stewart, that the port U ready for business and that the little' extra distance means little, especially when considering the relative nearness to the ocean and the pilotage difficulties. Mr. Owyer's accompanying article will be found particularly Interesting at this time. Feasibilitv of Prince mt Route to Great Wheat Lands Set Forth Construction of Railway Connecting Dawson Creek With Prince Rupert Via Hazelton Strongly Urged By (Jovcrnraent Public Works Engineer The question of a route straight west from Peace River to the Pacific has once more become a live issue through a recent address by Clive Planta, member for Peace River n the Legislature. Quiet work has been going on in connection with the matter and today a letter has been received from W. K. Gwyer, district engineer for Peace Rlver and formerly of Uils city, who Grain and Silver Recover in Stock Trading Yesterday strongly urges the construction ofi a railway connecting Dawson Creek with Prince Rupert by way of Hazelton. He encloses a map showing the route through the Peace Pass to Finlay Forks then through the Oermansen River mining dis irirl Wuchlna the north end of ::i:.:.:.rrWAs nurse JOHN DlLLINULR IS t Costly crisunal ' , i CHtCAOO, April 26: In a criminal career dating only V from (act June, John Dilllnger, elusive 31-year old Indiana terrorist bandit, has cost the United States an estimated $1,500,000 In law enforcement funds and $500,000 in loot from bank! He Is also held rcspon- slble for the killing of no less than thirteen persons. The United States government has mobilized 5,000 policemen, 300 Infantrymen, a fleet of air- planes and 100 crack sharp- shooters of the Department of Justice to hunt Dilllnger in the Elk River district. STRIKE IN CLEVELAND ITaltla Lake, up the Nllkltwa River, One-Elfhth of City's 1:0,000 Ilnem-NEW I YORK, April 28:-Smart re- iBablne River and down the Klsplox. ployed Refuse t Work v"-y In grains and silver steadied I The letter reads as follows: Authorities Busy J tk market late yesterday, -r am enclosing herewith a map j firmed up from their low showing my conception of the! CLEVELAND, Ohio, April 26: : narks but the vninmA nf imrtino nW,r raiia-nv outlet for the Peace i One-eighth of this city's unem-! TO KAISER "Bill" EUtermann, One of Colorful rioneers of This District, Passes Away Today nt.nued vry dull.' " r,v dlrfrict I may say I have ployed have gone on strike .Xmt Cove on the Skeena River siuaiea una Mtuauvu .v., . -ver Island TitvnK i Islveiy ever since cuuuu) inw mw;v bwuv ...... - William Frederick Elstermann von Elstcr, one of the most picturesque characters of this part of the coast, who had resided for yean on Porchcr Island following his retirement as lighthouse keeper at Lawyer Island, passed away at noon today In the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he had been a patient for only a tew days, His brother was a member of the Royal Ouard of Oermany In the old monarchist days and deceased him- , self, as a young man, once nursec' the former Kaiser Wllhelm II during an Illness. ro oppose HEGEMONY Signatories on Nine-Power Treaty Assure China of Their Support Against Jap Policy PEIPINO. China, April 26: A tovernment spokesman declared over a radio broadcast that signatories of the nine-power treaty have assured China that they will uphold the treaty and oppose Japanese hegemony In Asia. ' , BOY DEAD IN REGINA Thomas Arthur Ferris, Aged 13, Succumbs to Rare Malady .of Leukemia REOINA, Sask.. April 26 Tll03. Arthur Ferrlss. aged 13 died here of leukemia after having been ill for more than a rnomr.. No distinctive symptons were manifest at first. t RETURN OF HAPSBURGS TO THRONE FORESEEN 4 VIENNA, Austria, April 26: . Archduke Eugene. of the Haps- bums, it is nredlcted. may be the next president of Austria. This would be regarded as a step towards the restoration f of the Hapsburgs and ths en- thronement of Archduke Otto. Today's Stocks (Couttfsy s. O. Jodokod Co.l Toronto Inter. Nickel, 28.75. Dome, 37.15. Teck Hughes. 6.45. San Antonio, 3.81. Lakeshore, 51.50. MeKenzie, 112. Walkers. 4P4. Can. Industrial Alcohol, 13 Vi. Central Patricia, .70. Chiboughamau, .154. Lee Gold. .15. Oranada, .77. Macassa, 2.73. Noranda, 42.25. Sherritt Gordon, 1.15. Slsco. 2.27. Thompson Cadillac, .49. Ventures, .90. Lake Maron,' .09. Sudbury Basin," 1.70. Columario. .37. Smelters Gold, 31 1;. Can. Malartic, J&6. Little Longlac, 4.35. Bagamac. 25. ' South Tiblemont. 12 V2. Maple Leaf, .70. Pickle Crow-, .79. L. L. Lagoon. .20. Man. and Eastern. .25. New York U. S. SteeL 50i. General Motors, 38i-American Can. 103. Allied Chemical, 1484. r ' Airway. 34. American Telephone. 12Pi. Wheat Prices Winnipeg May, .64. July. jS5b. , October, .67., ' , Chicago May, .75i. July. .75?,. September, .764. CANADIAN GOLD PRICE Dawson Creek After Having Been Snowbound All Winter OAWSON CREEK, BC.. April 24 -Capt. c. A. Simmons. Mrs. Betty-Kossbach and Pilot John Bonncllj of Chicago have just reaches '."fcefa in a rebuilt machine, having been otaxocned Jmd-jowbounel north -of here aft winter after thefr'flfan me lunerai took place at Ter-,rad crashed, race on Saturday. J . BLAZE IN HOSPITAL ratients Removed Safely From Parry Sound Institution Yesterday --PARRY SOUND. Ont., April 26--: Twenty-four patients,' fifteen ot them bedridden, were removed safely by firemen, doctors and nurses yesterday afternoon when fire broke out In the basement of the Parry Sound Oeneral Hospital and threatened to destroy the three-storey structure. j Stevens Committee Is Still in Session Prof, Archibald Leitch Tells Invest tigators How Attempt Was Made to Create Panic OTTAWA. April 26:-Prof. Archl4 bald Leitch told the Stevens com 4 mittee on mass buying and price spreads yesterday that the Imperial Tobacco Co. did everything possible to create a panicky condition am-' ong growers of tobacco, decreasing , a price of 30c in 1931 to less than' 20c within 10 days. AUTHORITY SOUGHT FOR NAVY BUILDING 4 IN UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C.. April 26:-President Franklin D. Roosevelt Intends to ask auth- orlty In the forthcoming sup- plemcntary appropriation bill to start actual naval construe- lion to bring the United States umi I fleet up to treaty limit. The naval building program is de- signed as a national employ- ment measure as well as to 4 augment the defences of the country in the event of emer- MONTREAL,;Aprll 26: (CP) The Kncy. . Canadian gold price dropped three cents today at $34.79 per ounce. ' $ V1 Today's Weather wmln 1 omorrow s I ides prince nupert Overcast, light High southeast wind; barometer, 30.18; 12:03 pjn. 18.8 Itv temperature,; sea smooth. Low 5:59 a.m. It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 18:04 p.m. 55 ft. XXIV No. 87. 1; Vol, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTO VV Y. ?M UN IT ZD STATES " rfiTw. MAP BRITJSH COLUMBA, ACTERNATE ROUTES PEACE ftVER DISTRICT TO PRACE XUPERT flrifrsiV Columbia To Get Federal Loan It ' Is Indicated Today Extent and Terms, However, Are Not Settled as , Pending Further Discussions Between Premier Pattullo and Prime Minister Bennett Further particulars have been received at district headquarters of the provincial police here in regard I to the recent discovery in his cabin on Lalcelse road near Terrace on Friday of last week of the body of Johnston Pyne, 67-year old prospector, who had been a resident of that district since 1931. Heart trouble was diagnozed as the cause of Pyne's demise. He had been under attendance previously of Dr. Stanley Mills of Terrace. Born in Brighton, Ont., Pyne had been In British Columbia for forty years. He was a single man and had a brother at San Antonio, Texas, as - well as other relatives at Brighton, ' , "pnWHe. had. .iuclalnu nearby. toe I caom in wmch ne expired. Ye t -OTTAWA, April 26: (CP)-British Columbia will r ceive financial assistance from the Dominion treasury m the form of a loan, it was authoritatively learned todayj, How large the loan will be depends upon further discussions between the federal government and Premier Pat tullo and his colleagues. . 4 - - - PremierJPattullo has asked for at DEAD IN HIS CABIN Particulars Received of Death 6i Johnston Pyne Near Terrace i least 54.000,000 to enable him to finance existing oblljatlon? arty make a start towards balancing tht budget. , f Further Information will prob'-; ably be laid before Premier Bennett today with respect to the financial tate of the province and the extend md terms of the loan will then be decided. MAROONED PARTY OUT hicag;o Flying Expedition Reache "W Hi 1. 4f