':bcr 9. 1935 ntDlAX KXWf Oc i a -I RYAt ClTV PURE Loganberry JAM Baciute Roy Cl Jam r all abtolwtaty put without added pectin or othtt adwIWianb -04 um IKm iaiaony, e) yow bcW ttcipW Raya- City tojnBaY Jam it tmolh yahta walen, UyF uli-(id linwltrttM. Dr. Carson's Liver Oil Capsules HIGHEST POTENCY t Price per box of 50 Capsules $ 1 A Product ot Prince Rupert rm -s VtHteuii htm ' . rain B & K iioli tvim l am. till 10'D.ni. w T-T-l - - Wptll. UMJ , fH Md Holidays From 12 npon till S p.m.,.7 p m. till 9 p m. UNION STKA1NISHIPS LIMITED fiteamew leave PrhicH .Rupert .fdr.'Vncbuvel'-r. . rST.lt i.itn..n M.iiraltV: 1.VlA.0.i . I ivr.Kx autiaurt, a I lrivlng Vancouver Thursday f ' "JWENA EVERY FltipAr MlbNlQUT. i Vancouver Monaay aon taUings to Port BUnpeou Attyoitr Bart nj; . . rvM-n n anm r". uTei rrmoe rtUe?n ouuu, tr taformaHnr, is.t7rHin. .IV anilines and tickets at '"CB Pfc0M M KtiPERT AOCNCTt TWtfl Avaosn. CANADIAN PACIFIC Van ..M WIIBH k'aiia I1U " mJ yvmv PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS, 10 P.M. LVanco mver nirp PRINCESS LOUISE, Oct. 4th, 16th! PRINCESS NORAH, Oct. 25th. Nov. 3rd. 21st.- jKttchlkan, WranjtU, Juneau and Skaway- ppxvn LOUISE, Oct. tilth. ; ,v"a norah, Oct. 21st, 30th. Nov. nth. vi! r,teae.Uon aQt reservations call, or write JY' u CMTES, General At;ent, Prliic?. Rupert, B.C .sua nrrr- lou lose anything, try a classified ad. I 1 LOCAL NEWS B vinn anAcomiottabl by rld-t&t 1a 32 Taxit It costs, t& same. j Canadian Legion B. E, a. L- half-; yearly meeting fprilght. Eecilon of officers. (234) You can rem pjtr at Wallr' ! it low as $1.50. a day, plus Tc. H. V. Gravston of the llifhthous Under Birnle sailed yesterday a'f-' Wrnoon on. the Catala for a trip' to Vancouter. I General meeting hod and Oun Club. City Hall, Thursday 8 pro. All Interested cordially invited. j and Porcher Island points. St. Andrew's Nov. 21. (214) Lutheran Bazaar, Thursday, Oct. 10", Metropole Hall, Z to 10. Program at 8. Everybody welcome. j (234) j C. H. Orme and P. Maitland will address a public' meeting "in Moose Hall on Friday evening at' 8 'p-jn. ! . . ' (236)! C. Jensen, foreman ot Claxton -cannery, sailed yesterday atler- fnoon on the Catala for Vancou-j i vcr where he will spend the win-; ter. i , WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WitW CjWtJ-Jbd TnI Jnm Out f tti fa tke Marnet Rva U C Thm rirtr ihottl4 xiom nt two wnw4 ot liquid UU int. youttawala. daily. U thla til U not flowing (i!r. youi food doMn't ((Mt. It Jut det-ajl to th bowels. Gu fcloata up iw wonuch. Ton tt wnatiftaUd. Yooi w tel. jt tov It poMonoa and too J cur, aank and tt world looks prole . LaaaUv ax. on maknblfts. X Jr. bowol movement donn'l trl at the mum. It UkM tboM rood, old Carter". UtUe lAm mil to rt thee, two poaads ol oil flowies frexly and mailt yoo feel', up and a". Ilarav. lata, foatla. yet amaalac la naklat bil flow (realy. Aak for Carter's IitUo Uwt Pill by Bam, gtabbocmly raf OM anjthio alo. Site. 0 nil. a. m.co, Announcements if I Lutheran Church Bazaar Oct. 10, Vletropole HaU. T Gyro mlnlstrtl $h- U15' pjn October 14, Capitol Theatre, Canadian Legion Baiaar Oct T Hygga's Bazaar, 0?tober 25. Junior Chamber Hallowe'en dance Moose Hall October 30 Hill 60 Hallowe'en. Tea, October ' 31. Hugh Martyn. vocil recital,, Nov ember L ' .' " - 1 Presbvterran Bazaar. N'ovembet Daughters of Norway Baaaar, Nov. 8, Moose Kail. Cathedral Bazaai Orange Ladles' oazaar. Noy. 23 St. Peters Bazaar December 5. United Bazaar, December 5. Moose Hall MOOSE LODGE FOR TONIGUT POSTPONED V' ALWAYS PRAISES MY LIGHT FLUFFY OMELETTES , . , AND HERE'S HOW I MAKE THEM" tan Mary Simkins, cook at the Winnipeg residence of iaclytTupber, wife of Sir Charier Stewart Tttpber, Bart., V K.C.; and managing director of the j' ' Winnipeg Players' Guild. H"f FIND," says Mary Simkins, "that by using -fa Creamy Omeette I NestU'l Evaporated Milk in this recipe my omelettes, are lighter, have a more uniform textile an4 do not faU. Nestle's Milk also imparts a delicious, rich, creamy flavour." You'll find Nestle's Evaporated Milk ideal for your cooking needs too. Remember, it's simply the finest cow's, milk with more than half of the -water rtraovetL Sathhg is added 'and because its generous bttttej-fat content never varies, Nestle's always gives uniform cooking results. Add the extra goodness and richness pf Nestle's Evaporated Milk to your cooking. Try it in soups; sauces, creamed dishes, desserts, cakes, etc, and see for yourself how much better it makes them and how economical it. is to use. Try Nestle's for cooking try it in your coffee. 25r NktlesMILk IRRADIATED . . . tVAPORATED Dr. J. F. Magulre, well known dentist; returned to the city on the Prince George this morning ; 'from a trip' to Cleveland; Ohio, and '.ejsewhere- In the east. j Mr. and Mrs. George Crippa, who , , ihave been on a trip to Vancouver : .Isabel .Stamford, who ar 1 returned to the city irom uie souia rivo hp ..f v the pnd at an the Prince George. this motulng. week from Tort Yukon. Al- II I III LaJ.h I n . nM . ft T .1 flimniTl IT P Ricr Marv Henrietta of thfi SlS- wwvv - J 1 btltl lUi UUaUUItWit VV aaw ' ters of St. Joseph returned to the j pay a visit befdre proceeding to" city on the Prince George this Seattle. morning from a trip to Vancouver. , I Mrs. Rajaut' pf "Ttie Dunes,-' C. H. Orme., Conservative candl-TJeHi who hag Keen visiting for a date for Skeena in the forthoom-, f w days at BUlmor, returned tc lng federal election, returned to;p,.jnce puperf last nlghj;.a.nd will lnef.. nloht' train after 1 V " o " . 71341 WillX IVi-i., tlU " spending the past couple oX weeks jjea urxtu the isalling of the Prince He left today for Port Esalngton; ., Following regular meetings last night ol the Women of. trie Moos3 and of the Moose. Legion ladies and men got together for a social Hour and enjoyed playing 'of cards, rwresnmenis, oeuig. acrvcu. 1. Morgan) Great' North Moose, pre-j sided ovfr the Lpion meeting and I Mrs. D. C. .Schubert, senior regent, oyer the gathering of M6ose Women. Business- at both meetings was of . a routine nature. H cup NeitM'i Eupotted Milk 1 cibletpoon conuurch 1 tablespoon melted butter M teaspoon white pepper 4 egit i teaspoon lalt Secret four peooaa Beat egg yolks and whites sepi-rately. Addtbecorasutdi mixed with the milk to the yolks, also the salt and pepper. Stir in the melted butter. Last fold in the stiffly beaten whites. Have a heaping tablespoon of oil, battet substitute ot butter heated hot in an iron skillet. Turn in omelette mixture. Cook over a moderate fire. When fitra fold one-half over the other and serve at once on a heated platter. Jelly, minced ham, parsley or onions may be added to this omelette before folding. Arthur v RmitW irpil known dls-. Miss Sue Urauhart R. N., who trlct mining man, is a passenger has been on the staff of the Sml aboard the Prlnee George ; from Vancouver to Ahyox. bound thsrs Hospital for the past year, arrived In the city on last night's train and Is visiting at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Dimn, Fifth Avenue East. From here she win proceed to her home In Rossland. Dr. G. F. Klncade of the provln- cltl travelling chest clinic and Miss J. B. Peters R.N., clinic nurse, ar rived on the Prince George last nlsht at Ocean Falls and are hold in ga two-day clinic at the paper town before coming here Friday aboard the Princess Adelaide Jo held a similar clinic in this city. Dr. Klncade has been assigned to this clinic owing to the illness of Dr. A. S. Lamb, travelling provincial health officar, who was to have hild it here some time ago. Al triON SALE TIMBER SALE X180S8 There will be offered for sale at Pub-He Auction, at noon on the Twenty-fifth day of October. 183S, tn the office of the District Forester, Prince Eupert, B.C. .the Ucence X18988 to cut 2,574,-000 feet, board measure, of Spruoe Cedar and Hemlock on an area adjoin In? Lots 652 and 653. Lyell Island, Qufen Charlotte Island Land District, j One year will be allowed for removal of Umber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further narUculars may be obtained j from the Chief Forester, Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C STOVES & RANGES HEATERS, from $3.00 up Tees, Hods, Pipes, Elbows, Screens, Collars, Shovels The time has arrived to check over your requirements tor winter. We can supply your needs. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - i Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ...Z?T . UH&aHBaaaaatL. ...vifi tf Sit CiatUt Stnemrl TuPltf. Bark K.C, Vinmpn, and dautltn f Ohu Mtru, K.C, tin timt katttrmr tbt txtbtqutr Cmri,. Ottawa. Lady Tupprr btldt a, frcmu'mnt plait in Vhniptt Satltty and it intwn Ibrtuthmt Canada fir ter vtrk in aniuclif with tin TCinnipn Plajtrt' Guild. HIGHL1TES ! MONDAY, OCT. 7 Short Wave 6, 140 KC 8:30 p.m. Radio Nile Club, W8XK, 9:30 p.m. uzzie weison s urcnes- tra, W8XK. Standard 9:30 pjn.Muslcal Mannequins, KOMO. 10:30 p.m. Musical Reflectkms rnnv 11:00 p.m! Pop Concert, KJR. TUESDAY, OCT I Short Wave 8 a.m. 15,210 KC, Honeyftiooners, VVOAIV. 3:15 p.m. 15,210 KC, Comedy Stars or Hoiiywooa, p.m. 6,140 KC. Shandor Violin 1st. Wojirt. . 9 p.m. 9,510 KC, Chamber Music, GSB. 4 p.m. 9.510 KC, Mixed Pickles, UStl. Standard 9:30 p.m. Army Band Concert, KOMO. 9:00 p.m. Crazy Water Program, CFCN- 9:15 p.m, Damski's Alabama Stars, KJR 9:45 p.m. Dude Ranch, KNX. 10:45 p.m. fiano rersuuuuwc, CRCV. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9 Short Wave 8:30 a.m. 15,210 KC, Army Band, W8XK. . . 3:3Q pjn. 9,510 KC, Music Oieo- grapns, uau. 4:20 p.m9,510 KC, B3.C. Dance Orchestra, GSB. Standard o.nn r,rn Wnnrfvulnd Duo. CRCV. 8 :15 pm. Musical Moment, KOMO. 8:15 p.m. Album of Music, CFCN. 9:15 p.m. aympnony, rum 10;30 p.m. Popular concert, k.jk. SUPERIOR RADIO ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 atwB:Ea:BiBi!!a;ii:n:KnixBu RUPERT DELICATESSEN Your Catering Needs Skilfully Fulfilled We cater to socials, clubs, banquets, luncheons, dances dinners and bridge parties. Made to Your Order Nothing too large or too small. LUNCHES PUT UP TO TAKE OUT Phone us any time. Give Us a Trial Phone Black 62S cin:ii:n;n:i:3i;ta:aiinii:!iinx!i:iii:Bf;ii If you wish to swap something- Try a classified. 'MILK I II , fi-' aaaaaaaw lew - ' v tvaCHATtt s JtMm Want Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE 2-Bumer oil stove. Apply Linzey and Davies. 'OR SALE Office safe, eytra thick walls, giving pertect protection against fire. Dally News. ' (tt) FOR SALE 5 y2 h.p. gas engine, -Governor," $120 cash, Apply, Sel-ylg's Market. (234) FOR RENT i FOR RENT Six-room modern house with furnace. Apply 1851 Graham Aye. Phone Red 104. (234) MODERN House Atlin Averiue..for rent, excellent harbor view.' good basement, glassed in porcbJ Phone Blue 812. tf ) FOUND FOUND CUP and saucer In, paper ' parcw. Owner apply at uaiiy iseyrs tnd pay for aaverusemenx., TIMBER SALK S18874, ,. tenders will be receded. Vy the Minister of Land not later tnan nm on the 7th day. ot OcbeV. J93.i, for the purchase of Licence", X18874; Jo cut 2,241,000 feet of Spruce CedarJ.and Hemlock on an area aituatea pn.in SOUth Side Ol Louise- nariuwo,. yw.- shem-a Inlet, Queen pharlptt.3laids Land Dlrtrlot. ' i'-, Pfiil Two years will be allowed tor S,Vh, remowat ot timber. . i. j'f'i "L Jirther DartieulArs or tne uniei rw, ester", "Victoria, B. C ot DUtrtet' Por- estex. Prince Bupert, a. u. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF' BRITISH COLUMBIA . IN PROBATE : i: IN THE MATTER OF THE ,?ADMINHV TRATION AUT"- .; and . . . v ,vjr IN THE MATTER OF THE. ESTATE .O? , QEOROE BROWNEli. .W1UB, DECEASED. rTESTATJE. - : ; TARE NOTICE that by order1 of Hi Honcc. W. E. Flalier the 2nd .day 01 October. A.D. 1935. I I'M, .'appointed Administrator of the estate ot ueorge BrowneU White, dieceased. ati4v l parties having claims against me -saia estate are hereby required to furnlsiV same properly verified to me on. ot w fore th 3h day ot November,,. AD. 1935. and all parties incteawa to ina estate axe required to pay th amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NOHMAN A. WAIT . Official Admlniatrattr, '' Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 2nd day of October, A D. 1935. IN THE- SUPREME" COUTtT QP BRITISH COLUVIBEIA. IN .PRO IN THE MATlBitt ur TllJIii' TRATION ACT" Ann BATH ATH. . i 'ADMINti- IN THE MATTER OF TOR E3TATB Of VHAiUXO AJktuluo. uvx-wm. , TAtrir NOTICE that tr" ftrdai of Hll Honour Judge W. B. Fisher tn 10th day of Beptetntxir ajj, taas i was appomvcia Administrator of the Estat of Cnarle Karskls late of AUln, British ColtuubU, deoeased. and aU turtles hftvltir cjalrnt against uw sid Ksuoe ar nni.r-quared to fumlah same properly: twitted to me on or oeior ui ivw a&r v w-art mis anil J1 naracna. indflb ted to the Eutate. are required to pay th amount ot tiieir iuQoieau w ui Official Administrator) . Atlin. a.o. Dated the.llth- day at $iptaiSr,;lrt. it