tvMaV. Kotember 29. 1935 it i DAILY NEWS PAOE FIV2 .- I am at the REGAL SHOP Ukinj orders uliolr family. for (lifts for the Also Cards, Toys, Hooks, Etc. Our Rear Store Hazaar is now open In -pert ion cordially Invited Goods xladly reserved. 1 11 II XI mat. H BlB.lf B NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor A HOMK AWAY FKO.M HOME Kates 91.00 up 50 Rooms Hot ii Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. RuwMl P.O. Box 198 Want Ads FOR SALE rOR SALE Dining suite, chairs, bed A)t, electric fireplaces and ' :ve etc. Jellies, Jams, jars, girl's K'i'cle Oulick. Phone 778. 278v TOR SALE Two-room house on two lots fairly cfoselo dry dock. Jpply Dally News. 277 IDS SALE Office safe, extra thick wall;,, giving perfect protection ijainst fire. Dally News. (tf ) LOST LOST Small parcel containing sock:,, tie. Return Box 250, Dally New,"! PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. Wp start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. (tf) i the srnii'.MK fofkt of HKlTlSll COM MUIA In Prolnitf . And tkr Miller of tlir "AilmliiWrnlUiu Art" hU Matter of tlie Estate of Samuel "fhi.ii,m Muurc. Ilrrpased. -."KX NtmrK that bv order of IH- "own Jud2 FUhtr the 6th day ol "OVonU. Kn, t M,nAlnlnl Arlmln """tor a the Eitale of Samuel Steph- Moore, late of Anvox. B. C. U "f nd all parties luvplng claims gainst toirf eatate are hereby required "'urnish name properly verified to me J brtore December 15th 1935 and " Ir9o:is Indebted to the estate are U&ki to tuv the amoimt of their "wbtettne, to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT .. Official Administrator Prince Kupert, B. C the 7th day of November 1035. LAN II ' ACT Nfl" nf Inlrntlon to apply to lease l,n ml hiLn..P.RINCE RUPERT Land Recording ihSr!' ot Ilan 5 Coast. uW situate ShT? "omesltef Lease, on BlOakl Bay. ' ' Stephens Island. sri,., noUce that William Aftthony eceuniti 1 Sktakl Stephens Isl. tpn .tUa Fisherman and Trapper In-. nas to apply tot a lea of the follow-Licrib,.: ' orrhore lands :- mf"ncng at a oost Dlantcd on a ik telanl within an Inlet of Ski koathT,?' a,bout 20 Feet west of my W 1' whlcn 18 located approxtaj-Brown mllefl south of tn W. A. 1 aoo iri!?mefilte tt i thence West thenL : thne North 000 Feet 900 bJt 1'800 F: thence South Point tnenc Went 600 Feet to Thlrtv "."Wiwwmmit and containing "fey acres, more or less. Dat.rf WILUAM ANTHONY BROWN iiovemner 4th, 1035. TIMIlKIl S.M.K Xir,807 DtoL rv" wln reived by the Cu,' RPrt. B.C. not nw on the 13Ul ot De- X15807' tZ:'lor Pachas of Licence 3 to cn??n? Bent" Arm, C. R, Heiniock- Two io vLT" -th ChlK - For-Prbi, WlrrBnV DJatrl( tester. I IN PUCK LEAD Playrrt One All Draw With Caljary Last Night in Portland PORTLAND, Nov. 29: CP Portland Buekaroos took over exclusive leadership of the Northwestern Hockey League as a result of playing a one-all draw last night with Calgary at Portland. The league standing: W. D. L. F. A. P. Portland 3 3 0 13 7 9 Vancouver 3 2 1 21 11 8 Calgary 2 1 3 15 22 5 Seattle 2 0 4 11 15 4 Edmonton 1 2 3 12 17 4 Cribbage League Sons of Norway Defeated Odd' fellows in Postponed flame last Evening; Sons of Norway defeated Oddfellows 20 to 7 last night In a postponed Prince Rupert Cribbage League game. The utanding to date 1 as follows: For Ag'st Grotto ..83 Canadian Legion 86 Elevator ? 82 Sons of Norway 82 C. N. R. A. 82 Moose 80 Meat Packers 79 Oddfellows 69 First Quarter Of Ladies5 Bowling League Concludes j The first quarter of the Ladies' 'Bawling League closed last night with Aiwtte holding a substantial lead In the standing. The cod quarter will start next Doodad defeated Prince Rupert Gratis 1421 to 1299 last night and Ranger won over Brunettes 1223 10 n a. mgn average scorer was Mrs. McKeown with 158. Individual scoring: , Prince Rupert Grads Alexander, 314;' Woodside, 243; Nelson, 231; McFadden, 272; Ballinger, 239. j Doodads McKeown, 317; Ingram, 284; E. Smith, 293; Ciccone, ;206; Parent. 261. j Rangers Montgomery, 260; Armour, 300; Letcliford, 201; Jonas- ison, 202; Raybone, 260. Brunettes Berg, 256; Garner, ; 191; Dominato, 22G; Colussl, 242; ! Montesano, 257. BASKETBALL TliE TABLE '4 i December 2 Lamble & Stone vs. 76 j Moose, High School vs. Legion, 80 1 Grotto , vs. Annettes, Scythians vs. 80 j Scouts. 80. December 5 Grotto vs. Moose. 82 83 93 Cuutrul Hoard, 1147 Dcalty Street. Vancouver. 13 If Aged Mellowness and Rich Highland Malt Confirm lit Cood frume! NEW LOW PRICE 1 mm 4Mm m i I . r I m BKT PROCURABU "TILLIE THE TOILER" I Tilts advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. CLOTHIERS WIN AGAIN Lambie & Stone in Running For Hoop Honors Intermediates Are Fast The Grotto lost to Lamble it Stone in last night's Senior League basketball game by a score of 36-25. The Clothiers, playing a different arand of bait and the Cigar Stoic j ?ang enjoying a night off and also without the services of their cnach, were two of the reasons why the Northern British Columbia champs lost. .The Clothiers got a big lead in the first half at one time it was 17-3. The first period was last with the Grotto lacking the ser vices at a' guard "' of Murray who same. f Intermediate League ' The Scythians-trimmedKlng Ed !ward High School to the tune of ,22-17 in the Intermediate League. : It was a fast game from start to finish- with the Scythians playing ! real ball all tltfi-" way: ' The large crowd, of fans jyereon liieHr feet the whole grfrW- and exercising their throats. Half -time .score was 12-T In favor of the Scythians. The Students (Started to score In the second half but the Scythians kept their lead-, The one big feature of the game was Curris's shot from centre. Scythians well deserved their win.' Ladies' League ' . Annstta's stepped out and defeated the King Edward Co-Eds by a 19-10 score in the Ladies' League. The score does.- not give any in dication of the play as th Student girls were fighting all the way but could not convert their shots, of which they had plenty. Half time score was 13-6. Wilson- turned In a great game for the Students while Stamp-Vincent and Morris starred for Annettes. . , ! Junior League i High School and Scythians raised the curtain aid alsn the roof In the opener with the Student win Cing 18-5. 'Hall time score was 6-1 in favor LEAGUE STANDINGS Senior League Moose :.5 ., Lambie & Stone ...4' Grotto ,.;.3 - Intermediate League High School 5 Scythians ,.....4 -' Canadian Legion 3 Ladies' League Grottettes .: 7 , Annette's 3 High School :2 Junior League Moose ' .5 Boy Scouts -....4 High School '.. 2 Scythians 1 The Wrong Party! L. 3 4 5 3 4 5 1 5 6 1 2 4 5 BOWLING r of the Brain Trust. Shrubsall and T 1 TT70 CO ID fiulfck-nlaved eood ball for the , I ,F,f4 if!TlViin B 1 r.l.,il.ul,. r i '.' Five Pins November 23 Pioneer Sundry, vs. Old Empress; Lambie & Stone; vs. Post Office. j December 6 Pioneer Laundry vs. ' Post Office; Old Empress vs. Lam- !e & Stone. i RANGERS IN ' Musketeers Lead Individual scpring: ; Woii Keenly Contested Game to ' Senior League , Displace Hawks Canadiens ' Lamble & Stone-Johnson (10),, Arl Detroit Draw in Arney, Calderonl ill), Lamble 6, Morrison, Lindsay (9); total, 36. j, YORK. Nov. 29: CP) Grotto-E. Smith 1). Ratchford paying on New York Ice last night, I (2), Morgan 8, wcrnee uiuis, the Rangers defeated Chicago Gurvich, Glllls, Stalker (5); total, Biack Hawks In a keenly contested 25.; j"game1ahd displaced them from the Intermeciiate xea5uern5?hlp, a hp National Hockeyjc583 1 Montesan0' Montesano; Grotto Swl fs, glon, vs. battle started with the Smokers starting on the short end of a 22-8 count. Soon, however, they started to sink th-3 od dbasket and, with four minutes to go, they had 23 points whil? Lamble & Stone had 29. The latter called time out and, on the resuming of play, proceeded to stal land also ran in a few more points. The Tobacconists sank one more before full time to make the score 36 to 25. The Clothiers,, by winning this High School vs. Grotto, Scythians same, got in the running for first vs. Legion, High School vs. Junior lf honors. , Moose. Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sole at Ytuilor or direct from "Mail Order Dept." Liuuur ac total, 5. Sons of kactierts Aged, blended and bottled in Scotland. . . Popular the world over, because it is ALWAYS reliable. (Norway vs. Rex Bowling Alley. I Everybody reads the Dally News There's a reason P.!, 10;' 8 ! i i 10, 8! G A 10; ! 2; Wholly Dl r.tille,! ER ' WWsky V - . iv,ilirJ I AlC7l i I'll RET'Vul a t l5MrM I'l. i Pi v.Milf.DE'i AlHO 1 1 3000 .1 I 7 . SO YOO VJOULDMT KWia '" A r ZZTl - -ruArr . K .his? SMACK- IjSRIEF: A i i ii ' -- ' WtLLJ SUPPOSE fiJV ME THE LUNCH VoO LOST j .W !i;s urn Strictly According To Circumstances smack, a i y shack :- Brid T or a I. pa oil A i3 s Ramblers in Second Place Grotto in Third Hign bcnooi uampuen u- League. The score was two to one. Musketeers 7335, Grotto 5075. vies (6, Naylor, Lindsay (6). Mc-, . At Detroit, the Montreal Cana- Leajue Table Meesin ui.uncm wMiuanu, w- dle), and Detroit Red wings, , For tal, 17. battled Into overtime with neither . Musketeers 37325, Scythians Murray, Currie 2)vteam belng abte to scort jRamhlers 36850 Letourneau, Montesano, Beynon kague standings: jGrotto . . 3C422 (8), uommaio iwiuuii wuc, American Section !C; N. R. A. ......... 56173 total, 22. ; W. D. L. F.A. P. Swift's 30081 Ladies' League ' Rangers .4 2 3 11 12 10 can. Legion 33G73 Annettes-Stone (2), E. Morris CnIcag0 4 1 2 14 11 9 Rex Bowling Alley 30677 iv), Turgeon, siamp-vinreni ui,iDetrolt 1 4 16 7 Ratchford 6); total, 19. Boston 1 0 3 2 4 High School Blaine, McLeod (4), j' Canadian Seetion Wilson, Mussallem, Llewellyn (Ol.'yoroo 4 l 3 24 21 E. Davis, T. Davis; total, 10. icanadlehs 3 1 2 13 U Junior League j Montreal 3 0 2 12 7 High School Hlrano (9), Kelsey, Amerlcans x x 5 10 19 , Houston (3), Fitch (1). O'Neill, Ya- might have slowed down the Lam- T . ' . .... Lfn1' naka 3)' Lundclulst' i2' totaM . BRIDGE LEAGUE. bie & Stone forwards while Stat ker was late In getting into the; e ,1 J . .T7" . . i ojriiiiauj munojr, niiiujiv... uccemDer a MusKeteers vis. u ! Shrubsall ' (4), Gullck. Roma, v. r. a.. Ramblers vs. Canadian Le- 6 Sons of Norway 2 30073 X, conns 6 warts Kcdiov dry ikin. Dab a Muucd't 3 limet daily, Li ii dry Aiwr oLiU Cscw and Warta lift right oH And Prince Ru-jert Bridge League requite lata n.ght weis as follows: Ttrr P.nullrn Allmr MO" Him.1. dian L-'glon 57C2. Swift's 5538..C. N. R. A. 5870. Sons of Norway 3563, Ramblers Ag'st 35204 32077 35334 32950 31734 34336 3S520 37121 jKIKG OF PAlNj lilTFTrrtfii Ij "r . . a-cnaorBW .00... : ru i u i,ma j sa m. - "4voi. z-" I I'roducl. 95 Q2. nn. I 12 ot. 7WC. I MADE By IHE WORLD'S LilST DISTILLER . . . FROM A FORMULA OVER 100 YEARS OLD. is This advertisement is not publishea or displayed by the Uquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia W9m 1 Thisadvertismeni is not ' published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by th Government of British Columbu Bv Wstover ( VaJAVT "TILL. I GET j HERE'S THAT OfcDER ( YOU'RE TDOll THOUGHT VME AJH VMEfaH UMTIU CL.O gi 9.: .v SVGM THS ,-SMPMSj 7 AL-ENTTIME TriERlTZTN lA 0IDEP Sfii; 7J&I - "f 'is i