Gigantic Clearing Sale! are overstocked in all li'nea of merchandise and are offering it to the public at very low prices. Everything in the store is marked down. As prices are advancing, this safo offers a great" opportunity to secure good clothes at unusually low prices. All our merchandise is new and up-to-date. It will pay you to come to this sale. Corduroy Pants ,n and Blue, wide SI .95 .. ttoms, Sale Price Coat Sweaters . lot of Men's Coat Sweaters, va- mesupto 81,95 Mens Hats .. . ... ii . i rwn in T Mil vurT auc : . . newest shades. Here is a ouy for the man who needs a hat. s 2.95 Price Mens Shirts . --,1 CTJrrnf. QnlVfa nil shades and colors. Attractive values up to $2.50. $1 55 Mens Hose . n m TT f- f en s lancy v.,ouuu nusc uvn Sale Price, 6 pairs ... rt r 1 en s rancy v,aMimei c Socks en'sFancv Cashmere Socks, in all shades and all sizes 9Qs Vat to 75c. Sale Price D. ELIO FURNITURE and EXCHANGE WE BUY and WE SELL USED FURNITURE eater, Kitchai Range, Beds, Buffet, Table, Etc. JX Ol) Pl,n, r mi 1AI Tfiinl AVC. ..unv; VII CUM l&X, XIU - MEN'S SUITS Only 27 Suits in this lot. Broken lines. Reg. values up 10 JJxiU.UU c Cl QC Sale Price tjl4.0 Come early for this special Men's Work Shirts" All sizes in assorted shades. Sale Price 89c Men's Work Shirts A good lot of fine Shirts, including buckskin and khaki drills. Sale Q4 OQ Price PJL07 Men's Pants A good assortment of blue serge and fancy stripe brown and grey. Values up to J Off $7.50. Sale Price . Men's Work Socks Men's Work Socks, made by Hanson. Sale Price Boys' Tweed Suits Boys' Tweed Suits, long pants. Sizes 33 to 3G. Sale Price WimVO A. E. Parlow, district forester, returned to the city on the Prin- w la o i nftornnnn' rharips this morning following a, tn day visit to Tlell, Queen Char lotte Islands. Rear Admiral F. D. Berrien, United States Navy, retired, and HAVo Tlorlon find dauchter,. Mis? M. E. Berrien, who make hnmp In Washington D.C., nassensers aboard the their were Princess tic vosfprHnv afternoon retur uuuigt. jvwvwrf nine south after a to Alaska. Louis D. Taylor, former mayor of Vancouver, was a ac6 aboard the Princess Louise yeswr day afternoon returning south after a ten day trip north. He spent the time In Whltehorse ana tKag MEN'S SUITS Men's Blue Serge Suits, guaranteed indigo blue. Will not fade. Silk lined, wide bottom, all COO Off sizes. Values to $37.50. Sale Price VAO.Otf These suits are guaranteed to be Botany Wool Boys' Sweaters With Zipper Front, in pure wool. All sizes, all shades. Sale Price Boys' & Girls' Golf Hose Boys' and Girls' Golf Hose, made in England zJQp pure wool. Sale Price No Reasonable Offer Refused on 5 only Fur Coats SILVER, BROWN AND YELLOW FOXES AND MINK CHOKERS S. T. Fraser, who has. been on; cei uc : the staff of the Doloml mine on from a trip w m mm. u ,n.,Mn(W, Prince of on official duties. proceed to Vancouver In a week or so. Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Pratt of Port Esslngton, after having spent a few days- visiting In the city, left by last evening's train on their return to the Skeena River. They were recently married at Port Esslngton, the bride havins visit ' formerly been Miss Polly Maybellu ten day William Anderson, for supplying liquor to Indians, was fined $300, with option of three months imprisonment, by Magistrate McCly-mont in city police court. He Is doing the time; William Russ; the way and found the weather cold jlndim whom he supplied, was nn YtlcnnrSPilh . There WMMIWIUi -"jra upnun, L urhitPhnr on Sunday, he re- for drunkenness, and is also doing ported. Retime. Shoes! K, Ishii, Japanese consul for British Columbia, after having made a trip to Juneau, disembarked here from the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon arid will be in the city until tomorrow night when1 he will sail by th? Princess Adelaide on his return to Vancouver. 1 (224) Notice Owing to objections from owners of public halls the use- of the" City Council Chamber by public or semi- public bodies is henceforth dlscon- Wales Island near Ketch-! tinued, except on special occasions jikan, which recently closed down. and this at a reasonable charge to Mr. anu u. " " mother, Mrs. J. D. Fraser, Brooks himcd to the city on tne fnnctji .'... . bank Apartments. He expects to W. J. ALDER, City Commissioner. Where there Is the slightest difficulty in seeing easily or where there is a tendency to headache, dullness of perception or lack of accuracy such a one. may quickly know the-cause by an eye-examl-natlon and as quickly correct it if necessary. Don't suffer needlessly. Shoes! All our Shoes at reduced prices. It will pay you to look them over. They are real saving prices 1 Men's Dress Rubbers Men's Dress Rubbers, all QQs sizes. Sale Price OU Men's Rubber Boots Men's Ankle Length Rubber Boots. All sizes. CO 09 Sale Price JM-OD Police Suspenders One lot of Police Suspenders. Values up to 75c. zlQo Sale Price Men's Dress Suspender Men's Dress Suspenders, values to $1.00. EJQn Cola Vnc, WWL 7. Announcements Mens Caps Silk Lined Rubber Visors, CtZp values to $2:50, Sale Price Mens Dress Shirts Made by Tookes, Tailor made. One lot, not all sizes in lot. QCh Sale Price Anglican Tea at Mrs. C. V. Evitt's Sept. 26. Terrace Concert September 28. Toe H Bridge, October 2. Catholic Church ber 2 and 3. Bazaar, Octo Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 3, United Annual Supper October 8, Lutheran Church Bazaar Oct. 10, Metropole Hall. Qyro mlnistrel show 11:15 October 14', Capitol Theatre. Men's Ties Men's Ties in assorted tshaBes and patterns. Sale Price or 3 for . . . . . . .. $1;Q0 Stanfield's Underwear Stanfield's. Heavy Ribbed Un derwear, Combinations', and two-piece. Qfy 7Ck Sale Price Stanfield's Underwear Stanfield's Fine Soft Underwear & MM Turnbull's Wool Underwear Turnbull's Wool Underwear,, natural color. -Reg. value- $4,601 Sale Q9"Q Price ' i w. .t,. i. ii oh r m. m ' am . am am m mm m at m m . mm ip raTrrc sit m r rmrir Tomorrow Morning jrVlvlJL-J lit XI 1 JLjXkJ Tomorrow Morning JUST ARRIVED a r? i ci C Riley's Mee - ALtlll U WMVfcV.J 5 ui" ouuuee tins i-lb. Offp bags A Tlnfn ft L t I .. . . U" 1 fill mvo rv ,tTT xr r-iir.rni.ATR lit us O imilVl ITIIIilV vjlivrw" Ormes Ltd. Tiip. Pioneer Druqpists the ReuU 8Ur Phones: 81 & 82 Onetl Illv Crnm 8 am 1111 10 O.W. - uu ii 111 in nvs utam i maami 1 1 ii . n m.. ---- - m LOCAL NEWS NOTES Be warm and comrortable by rid-' ing In 32 Taxllt costs the same. A charge In city police court against Mah Fen of assaulting Chung Jon, another Oriental, was dismissed. John AllLstone, son of Mp. and Mrs. E. S. Allistone. returned homo fon the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon after spending, the sum-: mer in the Yukon. Helps Prevent Many Colds Especially designed aid for nose and upper throat, where most colds start. just few oof$ UP UCH NOStlll VlCKS VATRO NOL You can rent car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a mile. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sinclair ol Inverness Cannery were visitors in the city yesterday. Meeting: of the Prince Rupert Badminton Club at the Elks Home; Friday 27th at 7:30 p.m. All members and those interested please attend. (224) G. E. Norrls, assistant collector of customs, was a passenger aboard the Princass Louise yester day afternoon returning to Vic toria after a visit to. Juneau on official business; F. L. Buckley, naving completed negotiations at Ottawa for the transfer of the dry dock site hen? to the Mutual Pulp &r Paper Mills Ltd. of Prince Rupert, is at pres- ent In Chicago, according to word received in the city. I Buckley Shannon, Usk mining man, left by last evening's train on his return to the interior after a brief business visit to town. Mr: and Mrs. Ed. Pongs of Mas- sett, who have been spending the past few days in the city, will sail by the Prince John Saturday night on their return to their home on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Capt. John S. McCann, well known as master of the Yukon River boat Yukon, was apassenger aboard the Princess Louise yester day afternoon going through to Vancouver to spend the winter. pjn Canadian Legion Baaaar Oct, 17. Hygga's- Bazaar,- October 25. Junior Chamber Hallowe'en dance Moose Hall October 30. Hush Martyn, vocal recital, Nov ember 1. Presbyterian Bazaar, November Daughters of Norway Nov. 8; Moose Hall. St. Andrew's Nov. 21. Bazaar, Cathedral Bazaai Orange Ladles' oazaar. Nov. 28: St. Peters Bazaar December 5. MOOSEl 'HALL- RENTAL. RATES- Concerts $23.00 Dances' . 20.00 Public Meetings . 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings is how available- on the ground floor, rental- rate. $4.00. For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. hi 4 Dance Friday, njght Sept. .7,-. Strollers Vancoiiwr" Orche.s' a,' Empress Hall; Admission, lad ;s 25c;, gents, 50c.. ; Want M AGENTS W&TED WANTED J; AGENTS :ii 'comiaissiop; Wilt work, for; less. Take4'6taerstor i lid "Art-Pqiivr Series Personal Xii as Greeting 'Cards. iPiiceW asrlow as' 18 for -$l.0&. 'Vktory' 6ox A, sortmerit- cont'alhirl20,Beauti f ui Cards lwlth caiftiftafc-.'Wlls for, $L00. Costs, as JbW as vSbc. 10 Sales (KH;,free. Wer'are. Jy .a- terested; Ui genulneiworkerti Art-" Point. Btlnting' qt$vt'i-B c-1 Wanted smalt upright -piano. Ap-. ply. .Prince 'R"upert Briitai.' m FOR RENTVSihgle' . room .or bedroom. - 5 444. .- si eep ntf, Phone l;.ei; -i:. (2:24)7 TWO Remodelled1 6-toome.d flits i and weli furnished apartm.nt' with chesterfield' etc. Phbne 5 FOltSAtE BICYCLE, in excellent .condition.; Phorie, 3a4 or call 315, Third Ay wuet- i FQR; SALR 7-room house, Fiftn Ave. Yf., phone- M4 or see' Dvh- havn ii- Hanson. (?J5? - . JUU-l1 TIMBER SALE Xi874; 8cUcl tender b MCelVfsl .the MlnUtei" ot land not later i noon on the 7th day ol Octooer, '3, for the purchase ot Lloene ;X1887 ' t cut a.24l,OOt cl'Spruoe. Cedar ana-IlenUock on an area actuated on ttl aouth aid, 04 Louise Narrowi, ' shewa Inlet, quetn CharlotU Isl nd. Land DlsUlbtV ... 1 i Two ye! Will b allowed, tor th. 'removal of; tlmoer, . f . Puiec poulr UC' OMtt FVj eter. Victoria, ft C or" UUttlet Por' MtBtei". Frttfe Rupwt, B. J,