14. 1935 QrzneslM. Z Pioneer Druqff iat. r(ir uriall SUr lbones: IL fc.it 0mii Oaily From 8 a.m. till 10' p.m. - mU ami llolllay from-18' noon till 2 p.m, p.m. Mill 9 p.m. r n Antacid' Powder, Bisma-Rex V, illy recommend this preparation, for Sour ;a i Acid Dyspepsia,, Heartburn, Etc, Try .mil' today. 4-oz. bot. 75c 16-o2r.bot. $1.50 Kcxall Nose and Throat Relief; with Ephedrine use n drops or spray. Recommended and , ti ly doctors everywhere. Price 50c exall Chest Rub Muic-k preventative from colds and equal in itial value to any preparation of it kind ". market today. Price 50c jiaratioiw are sold, under- the REXALL V"lEE. If you believe- Uie preparation has vuu satisfaction, we will refund' your There are no exceptions to this rule. A SATISFIED CUSTOMER Inourcoalvoull rlfi) find thehtat. 1'3 ! THaI WlIlMIAkU n J .your home Is the best advertise ment any firm can have; We du our best to supply you with the most suitable coal for your re-(iiiremcnts. When in. doubt play trump. Phone Us 651 - 652 iiii n rfiiriii w i iimTT ri naf" ' w niLruii, LViii at u. lil. ANY DEBTS OWING TO GOLDBLOOM rnt s will not be collected until after fishinp;. ' "ur furs to him. He guarantees top prices. fl kopt till wo hear from you. If price not satis-w.i return money and we will return goods. nr. 1 vwiii 111 Ti,'ii iiimivi: av k .1 . viunuiiMl lit' iTiim.iii vx. j, n. v. COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TKAII ItltlTISlII COI.lIMllIA M nufacturera of ELEPHANT ,lrnd ri,,.. Producer tt Refiners of TADANAC Brand KLECTItOLlTlC mi......-. - . M. i -...uin rnospiiates Suinruw onAinmonia ouiktii'- liaiais r . . . . . t lil...llt, - lompiftp Fertilizers Ixad-.ino uanmium-ini'uiu.ii- UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL ROUND. TRIP' Winter Excursion Fares TO VANCOUVER l'om Prince-Rupert 3200 Rolurn am. .Mi:.i.SiANi iu:rth lNCi.unr.n Cltllrltrti HnirvPftra n"'T(l rHiin. wl .1 r . 1.1.1 ..ll. ft-nm nil ini.u . 1,1 mh 111 laic aiiu iiur-iuiiii m.i. '' 1 n-imriH in vniifniivr. null ii-viiti nirwau ami -"M-.jj nn hnl - 1 . i . tftt imi nttn ;Lrt,3 Lv. PRINCE RUPERT" Ar. VANQQUVEll. S VVi1 Tuesday 1:30 KM. Thursday P.M. nuav iz- .tiiii, i.rii.ij I'M. TickpU!' 'Reservations and All Information from ,rp nltt lirt Agfiit o,... (it. m: amlUOi, ....... Thlrsh . Avr, Plinne-M 'twnrn, n,7t,, i.aiaia. anm jt.ni, uaniniu ft B;isketbU. tonight at 7I30j Bi wiiro, andkieinmriabie-by,Tid.. Ing in 3Vttlxi-ifc cert, the some; Fresh (flounder, and) Sole Wllllanr Guldbloom. returned! to the city on. the Catala. lat evening; from a fur buying trin to. MamuJ and ButedalB. 8 A. Vlneberg: of Mbntroal, son- ' In-law of the late J. Bi Mlllen an-l nved in the ohy on, the CataLtulasf evening fromi Vaneouven where- Mh Miller reoenUy pasaedi away. Miss Mynia Reeroi whoihasibeen payin? a visit! hern wlthi heir pan-eni Mj1 audi Mrs. Frank; Feero, sailed by the Princes Iforah. yevr terday morning; on. her return, to Skagway Mr and) Mm Av III WAddingtom who have bttsnispendlnai vooatloni visiting ln Vancouven andi on. Vanr couver Island; returned: to the oity, from the south.on.the Cardena. Fri day night. ' 0. W V It Malkln CO4, and) Mrs, Laidw ler. who have been. 0111 a. vacation trip as far south, as. California, re lumed to. the oity, on. the Catala last evening: . P the trip to SeatUe. Mrs. V. I. Haan. wife of the superintendent of the Yukon & White Pass Route at Skagway. was a passenger aboard the st. Princess Norah yesterday returning- north after a visit ln SeatUe. , Mrs. M. S. Whlttter, wife of: the assistant collector of. customs at Juneau, waa.a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday return ing to the Alaska Capital, after Visit in SeatUe and Port Townsend. Pleading guilty to- a. charge of. driving, to the common danger as an outcome of. an automobile coU llslbn on Wednesday afternoon at the corner of Fifth Avenue and'Mc-Brtde Street, Kenneth Nebltt was fined $1 0'by Magistrate -MCSlymonb in city police court at the Announcements ' Sons of Norway Masquerade January 17. Oddfellows' Hall. ; Presbyterian Burns' Tea Jan. 24: Normanna Male Chorus, of Ketchikan, concert Moose Hall, Saturday, Jan. 26, 8:30 p.m. ' "Nordkapp" Whist Drive and Dance, Mctropole Hall, Feb. 1st, at 8 p.m. Dance. Seal. Cove. Parish. Hall. February 1. Balacno's Orchestra. Presbyterian Anniversary Ban quet. February 4t Prince Rupert Badminton Club dance February 8: Moose Hall Basktliall Tonight , Moose Legion Novelty Dance J Jumiaty 25 rax. daux nzwe. PAOE,TJStiHb local news; notes; Bridge. Whist, Dana. Rooms. THibuiaty at 'A, SU. Hefp Kfdheys If KWnT TrottbU or BUMw Wwk. 9- raw mki ytm raffw fnun GMUna I'p Nlat)t NwrommM, DtutiMM, Mmumiuo, mitrtHM, Barntea. 0k) ftnartlac tlrblM or Aridity try lb Dhik'i traciiidloa nriut ink- Uil. Utwt mm fMU ithUn In t dar er nar. tMk. Oalr ?H as arunuu. I remanded for eight days. The "Build. B.C, Taj-rolls? Babies Got Well '1. Gold! llarixis Mine Wdi a. Mb- j chaniest IMen oeMoni foe wages 14 , , . ... . ... seU down, fon hrtng toaionsQw. in. 11 rr,btf' Ulttt Lf nRaoounsehfoathe.pnUffa, by the Catttlo. lftsu, evening omhls rrturn to,Prrmicn nomlnation. TT" oivicr elections, to-bahrtttthroaah , . ... V r Bvana lefu aU the- endl oii pmWnce ot Brittth. 9t1unr the week op ms. return. tu.VanMub on TOun5d ofI Wfi6kt ver after paying; a. WslU hem with, no elecUon, ln Prtnca. .... inert; of course, owing to the clt and Mrs George Ctlppst : being; under a oommisstonenship. John; Currie. who, has been on a-buctnessr Utff- to Vancouver, re. turned) to the altv from the south 'on. Uit- Gatala last evening. O4 Arneson and party, of so von men, who will be employed in mine ing operations for the Tlmmlnsj Corporation ln. Carmacks District In x-uiton. iernury were pastengenM ualdien local, managen oldabesrdi the Pmeesc Norah yester day, golng north from Vancouver. On. hareaa of violntinv nwin hv- itiw by, allowing soot to aeeumulatH 1 avi tni chimney thereby, musing; fires Jha. chimney. D. Lund, JtZabudr Page; ell known, official: oMney and; K. Wong, were Sch fined Yukon. U White- Pass Route! S5. and: one dollar ooste by Maa:s. at Skagway. was a passenger on board' the Princess- Norah yester. day returning- to Alaska after a trate MrClymont in -ity polio '. court this morning A simila! i charge against Charles Ellison wa, i Scores of letters tell of baby children who got well on Pacific Milk when no other food could help them. Mothers declare outright In some of these letters that Uie child was seriously sinking when Pacific Milk- was the only nourishment its feeble and distressed stomach could take And they say doctors recommended it. Pacific Milk 100 B.C. Owned and Controlled" PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD Want Ads FOR SALE FRESH Flounders and Sole for sale on Helen II.. Cow Bay. tf SNAPPY. Sale of Oldsmobllc Sedan In. first-class shape. No reason- able offer refused. Owner-leavlns town. Phone 176. tf. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms 1411 Soc- , ond Avenue. Phone Red' 421; tf FOUND1 FOUND Christian Science Quarter ly ln black leather case. Apply Dally News, tf PAINTERS' P'A.IN'TLN G, anni I'aiverhancJnu Muller, Phone Red 802. Korr Vanoouvei Banpln, Sal slltl cpa noom jpinu ihttoliutium on of. 4es tomorrow,. Tkieadayf au 3:21) bWitmjgi WtMI&g; brothers and; Miters Yoii oan, real a, a on Wftlkorf, A, Shmbs≪ who. ha been, on u W,stm tow a H.5U, & day, U Ht x. ftfl to' Vancouver, roiumoa. taitJ'' mile. from, the sonthj on Uie- Catala a - ,, ! rase evening board I'nomn. Hunt'.v PlimU (U);j MlsJfan McAfee saHed, Saturday,; i on. tilt (fardena- (op at holiday, visit;; WJlllami Gray, who. haa. been, on a James Parker, sailed: Stuntay,jto.Varieouveft month! trip, to, Vancouver re- mornlng on theCArdenai fDn ai trip. turned; to the aitft from, the- south to Vancouver DieeUn& oIj the Prfnoa impseti an. tha Catala, last evening: - Amateur P&yej Guild, will ba-held Tom Klsey, Saturday, on. im th m Rooms, on. Monday r the Cardtma. Ion a. holiday, trtpi to Januuy l4t fo oxgantertlen. nun. f jteaKS&lBSl IjSOTSS Vancouver. . pa. Alls lntrteU) please attend Tha case- ofi Jame Heaeosk. e al4 Tuesdajy-Catala ...1x3Gj pan. Thunw as. E; George- 10i30 p.m. Criday-ss, Prim Adelaide-lDipjn. Ss. Cardena. midnight Jan. 13"andi31t ss, Pi Ntjrah.5,pjn. I Prom: Vanoouvet j Sunday--se, Catala; .. 4ipjn.' Wed, ss. Pr. George 10ia;m.! Pridayr ss, Erin. Adelaide 4 pm. as. Cardena, pm Jan. 13 and 27 ss. P.: Norah. aun. Fon Anyob andi Stewart-Sunday si Catala- 8- p.m. ' Wednesday ss. P. George 4 pjn. i From Anyos and Stewart j Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 ajn. j Thursday ss. Pr. George 8 pan. 1 1 or Naas Klver ana fort mpson-Sunday- ss. Catala 8 pm rom Naa Klvrr & Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 ajn For Queen Charlotte Islands Jan. 4 and 18 ss. B; John 10'pjn. From Queen Charlotte Islands-Jan. 16 ss. Prince John ajn. for Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. P. George 10:30 pm. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 pm. from Ocean Falls Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 am. Friday -ss. Prin. Adelaide .. 4 pm. Ss. Cardena pm. For Alaska-Jan. 13 and 27 ss. P Norah am. From Alaska-Jan. 17 and 31 ss. P. Norah 4 p.m. From Skeena Uiver Friday ss Cardena YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS (EGGS- A' Large. Scott's or Solly's, per dor OVALTINE Medium Un BLUE RIBBON COFFEE Vacuum Packed, per lb. PINEAPPLE CUBES Black Label, large flat tin BRAND'S PASTE Meat or Oi Fish, per jar Grapefruit, Seedless; each Brussels' Sprouts; per -lb, California? Cauliflower, each Sweeti Potatoes; 3' lbs; Applos, Good Cookers. 6. lbs; per box Firm Cabbage, per lb. Watts V 29c 58c 42c 15d 1 COMBINATION SPECIAL I Pint bot Pure Maple Syrup II Pkg. Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, both for .38c PEANUT BUTTER 13-oz. tin 16c LUX TOILET SOAP per bar 6c CLUSTER RAISINS Spanish, 3 Crown, while stock lasts pkg. 12c PITTED' DATESi 97p 2 1-lb. waxedi pkgs. DRIED APRICOTS per lb. 23c Watch, for Your HEINZ. Special: Sale Sheetoffering many, values in. Heina-Poods. B. C. L. MALU per 2-'a-lb. tin. $1.20 YELLOW SUGAR M lbs. 23o BOTTLE CAPS pen lb. 25o SWIFT'S PREMIUM1BAC0N-4 -tfp. SWIFT'S LARD I -lb pkg. 15o PARAGON TOTLETTISSUE jQ UC. IUII EMPRESS) XAAL In 32ozi glas Jars, Logiinberry,. Plum Cherry, Blackcurrant, Apricot Qiv dlU per, jan BROOMS iReal Quality 5stringi each- Fruit SL Vegetables, 55d Lemons, largeandiiuloy, perdoz: 28o 5 c 10b 2tc 2Sa 25c 4t Grocery PHONE 55 PHONR 56 "THE. BEST. FORt LESS' Break the Tyranny of UNCONTROLLED COLDS When Colds. THREATEN: . . . VlCKS VA-TRO-NOl Af tbe Em sneeze or nasal irritation, quick! a few. drop of VIcks Vartro-noL Iu timely use helps, to prevent many colds, and; to, throw off colds in their early stages. 25 Watt, 40 Watt, & 60 Watt each 25C Per carton of six $1,40 J Vl.,!t Gordon's Hardware 1UUU T-dlUCO B n3" McBride St. If a Cold STRIKES A . ... VICKS- VAPO.HUB At bedtime, massage- throat snd f , chest with VapoRub. the mother'at. standby, in treating colds. Through : ' the night, its famous poultice vapor action gives soothing relief: BUIIO RESISTANCE TO COIDS - by following the simple health rules that aire part of Vicks Plan for Better Control of Colds. The Plan has been clinically tested by physicians and proved in home-use by million! ( Full tietaili of : this unique Plan in each Vicls package) Bulldey Valley Coal is the registered name of the product of Bulkley, Valley Coal Mine, operated by F. Mi Dockrill;. Telkwa, B.C. Accept Nf Substitute X The mine representative is at your service, free of charge. Have-your dealer send him to you. wi minx mimi hj au wins ki m.r mi ui P pm. !i IP Ml KJ araTtaTI Ml mUW.KBM ' Lessen Your Bulb Expense Buy them in cartons of. six and save. Besides, you have lamps for replacements when you need them. INSIDE' FROSTED HYDE TRANSFER Phone -580 -Phone Jasper Coal MORE HEAT ,2 LESS ASH TheFish which made Prince RiipertFamom "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepvured DtUr By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE. RUPERT, B.C. . t7nt wonderfuf jaldddressinqs m THE CANADA STARCH' COMPANY -LIMITED jm www m w m mmm m 7 s V V 3 Sm SS as e aa a 9 ? 2 ST S X 1 -HtJ III ' i 'J :'.) i i i 1 1 ji