DAILY JTITS Monday, Kotembtr JkQt SEC 4, "OVER SEVEN POUNDS? I'LL HAVE TO REDUCE "My. what a big girl you're ge ting to be. sail-- Bo. .-Bo.', ;h: Lcr.aon Zoo .:.:.v.pu::.-. a.s she weighs her baby daughter. Jutilee. The newcomer now tips the team at seven pounds and two ounces. She has put on two pcunds and eight ounces in three months, and she seems overcome with happiness at her own success in life a weighty matter with her. You might notice that Boo-Boo puts her own heavy hand of th-e scale and the recording vu made when he lifted it. V 'Remembrance Day, Novem ber 11th. Give a little more for your poppy this year,' v..-. - t Another Totem To Be Erected Soon Renovated Pole To Be Placed In Palice Gardens On Bluff Alone side Fulton Street In the course of the next wee!: or so, another of the totem poles which were presented to the city some time ago by native chiefs of the Queen Charlotte Islands will be erected In the police gardens on the side of Fulton Street bluff. It Is stated by City Commissioner Alder. This will be the second- of the - poles to be renovated and erected, the first having been put up near the City Hall some time ago. The placing of the remainder of the ten poles has not yet been definitely decided upon. One of the ten poles was damaged and Is being, replaced by another which is due to arrive from the Islands ont he Prince John this week. The Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.' Is understood to be negotiating 'for a pole to be erected near the company's plant at Seal Cove which Is always a centre of attraction for tourists. ' Pg - jjj' In distributing tobacco to the retail trade, every manufacturer finds it necessary to use the jobber. Even with 127 full-time salesmen in its employ, the Imperial Tobacco Company is unable to call upon the average retailer oftener than once in five weeks. Yet thousands of retailers, because they prefer to buy in small quantities .and often, have to be seen and given delivery two or three times 'a week. , That is where the jobber comes in. Carrying the lines of all tobacco manufacturers, confining himself to a limited territory, covering it thoroughly and frequently, and assuming full responsibility for delivery and collections, the jobber renders a service that for efficiency and economy cannot be equalled. Because the jobber is a proven necessity, the Imperial Tobacco Company feels itself under an obligation to give him its full support in the maintenance of conditions and practices that ensure him a reasonable profit. That support is given in two ways. First, the Company protects the jobber against excessive competition in his own particular territory. A certain amount of competition is always desirable, to stimulate sales effort and to ensure thorough coverage. But once competition in any given territory has reached a point where it serves such ends, the Company endeavors to maintain it in this healthful condition. In addition, the Company makes it known to all its jobbers that it expects each and everyone of them not only to refrain from price-cutting himself, but to discourage price-cutting by his 'retail customers. The Company is just as anxious to protect its jobbers against unfair competition, as it is to protect them against excessive competition, Tobacco jobbers are organized into associations on a territorial basis. Each association has its own committee for determining codes of practice and for disciplining members who offend. Jobbers play so important a part in the distribution of tobacco, and play it so well, that the Imperial Tobaccd Company is always glad to do everything in its power to conserve, and promote their best interests. t, , . .. ' IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANYiOF CANADA, LIMITED ' ' .... -.'iff . ' ' - .' DRAMA AND THRILLER "Break Of Hearts" With Kather- ine Hepburn, and "Arizonlan," With Richard Dix At Capitol A 'saga of the settling of the American West comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here at1 he first of this week in "The Arlzonlan," starring that virile favorite. Richard Dlx, In the title role. Dlx is seen as the hard-fighting quick-thlnklng marshal which Job he assumed so that he might protect his brother and sweetheart There Is gunplay and action, typical of the period, but thrills depend less upon the shooting than they do upon suspense and twists of plot History has been Interwoven with a story ot resourcefulness and conflict. Mar-' got Graham, popular English actress, Is leading lady and dis-, piays a vocal talent In slnghrj "Roll Along. Covered Wagon, Roll' Along." Preston Foster and Loulsl while Willie Bsst and Etta Mc-1 Daniels, noted colored comedians, are teamed up. The other end of a double bill is a modern romance. "Break of Hearts." starring Katharine Hep- bum and Charles Boyer. Thp story Is that of the great love of a premising young composer, play ed oy Miss Hepburn, for an idol- -ed orchestra conductor, the ir of which is Uken by Boyer- he handsomj French actor. Trag-sdics of the romance ' between "lie temperamental musicians art-developed into a very dramatfc -V.ay a great symphony orchestra appears as a contributing factor. John Bcal. Jean Ilersholt and Sam Hardy arc also In the cast. Twenty -Five Years Ago Novemr- 1 1010 At a con'erence with the city ".ouncll yterday. Premier Richard McBrlde broi-hed the question of-Grand Trunk Pacific assesmen nd urtscd tha the council glv. he commv as liberal treatment .s passible. Various matters of mutual Interest brtwren.thn no-vinc'il govcrnmert and city wcr- HKr'SMd. at tho porfrrtrce. Th lues' Ion of rn'iwav taxntlon Is m absorbing topVr of discussion hv fie c!tv 'ust now aud miny opposing opinions are heard, President Sir Cha-ks M Hays bl th irUyiv rm-'-Tiv has offerel to pav the city S5.000 annually fc" twenty years. In- Franco ixncrirrjents have sue-- cceded In sendlni ,a balloon ten mite arb7P the earth. A r'c'Dtbn wnj hsld afternoon at the Prince Club In honor of Mrs. Mc- nrld?. vifa of the Premier. Th 'o-ia'.-iort of the city was out h full fo-T". 1-d hv Mrs. William Mamon and Mrs. Fred Stork. Halibut Arrivals Atl. 13 000, 12c and Gc. CoH Rtoraae. i, Fresh Slilk and Cream always on hand and kept fresh In Frigidaire Cooler. v Fresh Fruits Tobaccos . SODA FOUNTAIN MUSSALLEM'S Romance of the Eighties the blood of 1935! IMI E3E1 TONIGHT and TUESDAY A Romance of Gallant Women and Iron Men! A roaring Mf FL Hear u. LiirtL kin ma aivn BBJH III At 7:00 & 9:49) - PLUS - mm $v4 ot ims irn. Binin irll:r f. A Drama as Vivid as the Gorgeous Clothes She W With JOHN BEAL. JEAN IIERS1IOLT 'At 8 31. Shows Onrte Only WORLD'S NEWS EVENTS At 8: 15 Once Oni'i Covered Wagon" New Books To Read DREAM WITHOUT ENDING Pam't LANCES DOWN Bolesiawk, BANQUET FOR FURIES Wcstor ADAM AND EVE Erskimj THE DARK GLASS Cos i THE DAYS DIVIDING Bell 1 SECRETS OF THE WHITE LADY Latvlai IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE ...; Lewis EVENSONG Nichols THE HOUSE OF EXILE Wain ' ASYLUM ScabrooK SPRING CAME ON FOREVER Aldrich A SPY OF NAPOLEON Orozy DEATHBLOW HILL Taylor MURDER ON THE APHRODITE . . Sanbco 12:30 FROM CROYDON Wills Cro The latest and best books are leing coiitinual'y ad- clecl to the hundreds of recent ones m our perpetual library. For 75c you can read as many as you like for one month. Two books to one home for $1.25 a month. No charge to join. Read for pleasure and profit. Congoleum The Modern Rug for Modern Homes. Canada's Favorite Floor Covering. For sale by GORDON'S HARDWARE Box Chocolates A fresh shipment or Box Chocolates Just In at reasonable prices. We guarantee them fresh. Make our store vour hcadauarters for them. ; Our wide range of variety will make it easy for you to find what . you are .looking for., The health protection of COD LIVER OIL PI 1IC ADDITIONAL BONE. MmJ & BUILDING MINERALS Vitamins A and D, concentrated in Cod Liver Oil, bu""d up reserves of health-protecting strength ind vitality-Quick, easily digestible SCOTTS EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil is rich in these vitamins PLUS additional bone-building Hypophosphitcs of Lime and Sodi. PLUS a pleasan taste, SCOTT'S EMULSION THE DIGESTJBIX COD UVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUES ro SALC Y VOUR DftUOMT j. II The Daily News is a member of the Canadian Motifononoi. Aconninfi'nn rf tVio Pnnnfli'in PrPSS allCl 01 V. rnWcCrT jfiWcn v i a .. i-i n' i'i... . i.i i.. ,-.mprnoru tUHFLt iiVlMLU I iv"urlt Dureau oi oircuiauons. ti is uie uinjr mbersWP IIO TV.Ir.1 l,i.n,,. I OUV.UUVC1 aiiU HCOV Ul XJUlltUillUll llUlU"', in inese organizations.