PAGE TWC mwza The Family Shoe Store Ltd. A rtlctf Saving on Every Pair. SALE Unequalled Values and still lots of steer, and fittings. Closes Thursday a.m. Special $1.00 Bargain Table Tomorrow Only ONLY 1 MORE DAY LEFT for those not having taken advantage of the Sale Event. We suggest your calling at once and judge for yourself the values we are offering. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. FRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H- F. PULLEN - - - Managlng-Edrior SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance "$5.ik For leswr periods, paid in advance, per jveek By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the BrlUsh Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year . By mall to all other countries. pe- year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inert, per insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per insertion , . Local readers, per Insertion, per line . Advertising and Circulation Telephone . J8 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION It 3.00 9.00 1.10 .02 .25 Wednesday, September 11 PURPOSE OF MOBILIZATION OKDEIt ; It Iooks as ii ,tne purpose 01 Premier Aiussouni's mobilization order was not only to give tne world an object lesson of what the country mignt do but also to test ms' own people and put them all on record. -Evidently there have been murmunng3 and a tendency to hang back, according to some of tne information re tty )oi iUa rtn..o.n ,1 i . .1. . i. .. I LphlCftgO jjyi klUll UJIU UUtO IlUb illlllltrUUtl' 1 X CS)UI1U lO'" i MAKING. REAL MEN . Early this summer the provincial government launched ;an important experiment in the salvaging of unemployed SPORT FLAG RACE TIGHT ONE Cardinals, Cubs and Giants Won Games in National League Yesterday . n . ... . rry 1TPI.U in the first division. Yesterday's Big League scores: ceived irom Italy. When every man: is ordcred to report';, Louls . American League Detroit 0, Washington 6. St. Louis g, Philadelphia 6. Cleveland" J, New York 4. Chicago 3, Boston 4. . r National League New York 4-4, Pittsburg 3-2. Brooklyn 4, Cincinnati 1. Boston 0, Chicago 4. Philadelphia 2, S.i. Louis 4. Baseball Standings American League W. L. Detroit 86 New York Cleveland ........ Boston Chicago Washington .... St. Louis Philadelphia .,. 85 ' ..: .86 "Maiii tin a-traitor to the country and will be regarded as such. It' Pittsburg .III. 77 is a daring test that may make Mussolini's position as a i Brooklyn ei dictator supreme. ' j Cincinnati 58 .-. We wonder what would happen in Canada if an orderl?h,,adrph,a ' 56 46 ,78 53 .65 66 .68 67 . .65 65 ...5 77 . ..56 77 . 51 77 National League W. L. 49 52 50 60 71 79 77 for general, mobilization were issued and every man or-i 33 98 dered to fall m line, help sing the national anthem and'n a 'fin i if' Vrt salute the Hag on penalty of being shot. It would cause; JiAHK Aft'! IS V.UHOH.1IIUUUII in. tci etui ijuurt-eiB. nuppuy uitau is no iear of such an order as long as we cling to our democracy. I Pet .652 .595 .507 .504 .500 .421 .421 .3935 Pet .634 .623 .615 .562 .455 .423 .421 .252 UNBEATEN DONCASTEK, Eng., Sept. II fCPT-lhe- Aga Khan's great mr beaten colt Bahram today won the youth, says the Victoria Times. It put several hundred 'st- stakes with solar Ray young men into camps to leam mining and forestry. j ' second and Buckfeigh third m a ; The first dividends on this modest investment a're now khl The tJkt "? "onh 'being paid. Already nearly half the boys in the forestry! ' - - - camp at Cowichan Lake, having learned to look after ;Du L 1W A .themselves in the woods, have found jobs in the timber i lttSuUrg MQtl industry, which is ready to absorb all the youngsters who l7vf l, V 1 , IJ :make good in the government's training course. J "aj 10 J0uiaK rt iu s irom tne mining camps comes the news that the boysf f Cnrn U.i ;are finding a" little gold but, more important, are find- ft,S Vrtine 1111111 ing a keen interest m their .work. Many of them will re-f main Permanently in mininf? and will frnrl ihmr wowtit; 0ri the'r way to. Kodlak Island Jtrainiril? neriod nf inpsfimnblp vahw In tViom Tafn ion &me huntfng expedition, : The lovemment's experiment a'ivhMbT nn ? 1 outstanding success. It is not only turning out the best ' arrived in the city from the east on type of men for our two most important industries, but is last night's train and mailed this rescuing boys from the insidious disease of Idleness arid ! arte'00n on the ptitC(!SS Lou'c despair whieh ia thP wncst nrA mnct 0r.,ln,'r.r, fnn,, e for Alaska. Mr. Matthews Is an HSj'f" ",uu"" "uc UAiarcher of s What a contrast there is between the active, happy young fellows irr the forestry and mining camns and thp unfortunate inmates of the federal government's road and tontlm,e no';h aboard a camps! The chief distinction is not that the bovs in fh0'gamtbdl Church barter boat. provincial camps are paid more, for their wages are small, but that they feel they are doing something worth while and pitfng somewhere. They are learning a trade, a way of life and a love of British Columbia's wilderness which is vital in the future development of this new country. They are .learning about our . forests and our minerals, which will always provide jobs f qr a' large part of our population, They are being made into useful and contented British Columbians where a large percentage of the young1 men in the4 road camps, as a result of official stupidity and lack of human understanding, are being made into listless malcontents, who may never find their feet in life. some me and plans' on laying low one. of the fiercer Kodlak bears by bow and arrow. The party will leave the sfeametf at Wrangell Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors Bert .Morgan & Bad Barrl? Don't forget the number 156 THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, September liil PR. ALBERT FINE PARK Gyro Club Hears Front II. S. Meadows About e Western City and Its Outstanding Tourist Attraction Central Avenue, the city's mam boslnness thoroughfare, there Is not one vacant storp There are no vacant houses or apartment suites and many new houses are being er- ected. It has ten completed railway lines. din Canada's' two' great rail transportation systems three of these Branch limes have beeri completed since 1929. All-weather gravel highways conne the city with an other fifties In thi province. It Is oue ef the finest mixd farming areas of the west and has never i i Kuuwii a crop IHUIU Thirty-filve miks north of the i An interesting talk descriptive of jetty Mes- Saskatchewan's new na-Prlnce Albert National Park which! tionri nfavWourM. Prince Albert Alii he recently visited, was oetlvered' National Park, a vatt region of lake before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club and "woodland, .corrfprising 1.869 at its regular weekly luncheon to- square mlJeS. Here are thousands of day by II. S. Meadows, local mana- erystar lakes from the tiny rock ger of the Canadian National Tel- basins only a - few hundred .- yards peeled logs where oae registers before entering the park. Thence one travels another thltty-five miles to Waskesleu Lake. Starting from TTi FINESTaG ARETTt PAPERS IN THE FINEST BOOK AUTOMATIC BLACK COVER O'lttMt iMf " " " " " "" Po mommctitd. BLUE COVER "EG YPTIEN" RolU a cigarttt lilt a Rady Mod. of the Hudson's Bay Company. Tftls. fished lakes. Beaeft" as It Is eaHed, forms one of post disappeared! but abont 1865 the-i Thft-frmrt nnw farming tho narki'he cWef attractions of ths part. leading Detroit Tigers were shut i Hudson's Bay Company built an-rwat'once.the hunting ground of the-Nearly one and one-half miles In out by the Washington Senators at'other fort on thepresent site of feree Indian a trite of wheni nowkln&th' j shoreline shelving the National &ipltal while the New1 Prine Albert, naming it "Fort.iive on a resetve immediately ad-adualiy into the rater In which York Yankees, playing at home, Albert". f joining the park to the" east. one I ior a omancs n a most 200 yard, while its clear sll Hor thV. wmi,rH inHionc t In 1866, Rev. James Nesbitt: ' Pktoresqnc Park ver sand provides an Ideal Child- roH k- f -n.,. n f oundfid the Mfeslrn of Prlnre Al-i seven and a1 half games which, atjbert for Indian. It was the Hud- The new park has an elevation of that," should be sufficient to carry , son's Bay post to which the Indian j 1300 feet above sea lavel. the south-them through to the pennant. The : hunters brought their catches of boundary of the park lie? about Boston,!' Red Sox. niavtrur at homo i fur. They came oh foot, in canoes. ! thirty-five miles nrtti by west of 1 P'lnce Albert and is reached "by a i hotels, several store and a dance had a close victory over the Chi- j by dog-slelgh, It was from this post cago White Sox and replaced them that the for cargoes swept down the I magnificent rlveT to Fort Garrv. on I over its continuing waters, the Nel-son River, to Hudson Bay, thence , to the markets of the world. . A Fine Modern City. Today Prince Aioert has a pop ulation of about twelve thousand. In the mile of business frontage on ren's payground. Comprising three blocks, the business section looks out over the lake, and the houses and summer well kept graveled road. At ine en-;""- oieis ana a nungaiow camp trance there is a lodge built of iprovwe good accommodation Located between the business section and the motor camp site h the Government headquarters building, the summer office of the there, the park headquarters. one;Parlc superintendent. may travel by water, with brief por- cages. literally for hundreds of Park Attractions The Government mntrvr funs miles, reaching on the west Ihefcif ls ldeanT situated on w lake Great Slave Lake and the MacKert- f fr0l,t, commanding an excellent r4 rrW.Tti J3T. lAJUiS, Sept. II- llD vyiui.o. - the world champion Cardinals de- jegraphs and secretary of the club, across to great bodies of water over score of lakes tifcd together by small featlng the Phillies here, Chicago s, rresiueni ioD?y was m iiny mnea long, ue-ween iyuiB one streams. Cubs blanking thp lowly Boston ichair and there was a good atten- to another Ilka crystal threads, run prospect Point forms the reslden-Braves at Wrigiey Field while the (dance of club members with one lnnumerabie little rivers and tial section of Waskesleu Beach, New York Giants tcck both ends of I guest; Alfred Large of Toronto. , streams wav!ng tho whole region and a number of summer cottages a double-header f-om the Pirates Mr. Meadows .tola now in the together into a network of waters, have been erected there by resl-at Pittsburg, the close race forvear 1783 on the high banks of the providing : continuous waterways for dents of Prince Albert. The Right pennant honors in the National i Saskatchewan River, a short dis- hundreds of miles Scores of white 'Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King has a League continued yesterday. Theltance above the present site of the sand beachte, she'tttg out .gently i :ottage there, the gift of the peo-Cards have a margin of one game! city c Prince Albert, Tcmison built and clean as a floor. Invite one to p!e of Prince Albert. East of" Pros-over the Cubs who, m turn, have a' Lower Hudson House", naming It Rriger and" bathe. Pickerel, pike, ;pect Point "Is found the business lead of two ea'mes over the' ai t' ' George- Hudson, an employee, and great trout swfcirfl in Its un-1 sub-settfen and the bmeh. "Hig Giants. In the American League, the helters. camp stovr .. ,t. benehes. There is a large eammu, ;? i duui, oi peeiea logs and a n open fireplace whrre. w :rn it wet, concerts and othn cc may be held. There Is also a Ian c-r - .; refrigerator for the use of ; rnere one may storo ths ouuer aria mtai. inei' a: form of amaFl lockers w( i numbried, the only cost be ippll their own padlock, r. J There Is a trumping staf:cn v' ltrlc Ugh't plant, waier t drawn from the centr- of As a holiday rssort whr :; sanset fishing, boating b:." and bsantiful scenery at a t.. mum cost: Prince Albert Nl a Park 1 hard to beat. dee.Iar Mi Meadows. William Cruicksh&nk, chlrc: of the entertainment eommJ'ter announced that Rev E. S. Ore -j ' St. Peter's Anglican Church, Se Cove, would be the speaker uf tb Gyro luncheon ntxt Wednrsi? and that on September 25 thru would be a dinner rfance wltii tit ladies a special guests. BAR SILVfcR "c nivcr ",c wariview of Waskesleu Uke to the Nar- NEW YORK, Sept 11 (CP' Bar uowmg mw riuasrn uay. ine en-r0ws, a distance of ten miles. The silver was unchanged at tipper tire circuit of the park may be made ; grounds are large and well laid ounce on the local mew aarttf by canoe passing through nearly a out, and are provided with kitchen1 yesterday. i 4 . COVERAGE Canadian daily newspapers by themselves can do your advertising work. No other medium, nor group of media, is needed to supplement newspapers in selling the Canadian market. Whether it be Canada as a whole or a certain sector of it, which the advertiser desires to reach at once or continu ously, daily newspapers do a thorough and complete sell' ing job. The trading centres of Canada from which business radates outward are marked and indicated by the very fact that one newspaper or more is published there every day. Practically eyry Canadian family reads a Canadian newspaper every day. This intensive coverage renders the use of other maor media wholly unnecessary; jp employ them is "carrying coals to Newcastle." i SPONSORED BY THE C anadian daily newspapers -association