Ldnesdar. November 20, 1933 ; DAILY NEWS' PAGE FIVE Want Ads' New British Car Seats Four in the Front FOR BALE OR RENT -Cottage. Ninth Avenue, orflclal Wclrnirii.s-tratoi- W j?OH SALE -Office sate, extra thick walls, giving perfect protection against fire. Dally New. itn POSITION WANT CLASlFIfJE POSITION WANTED ' BOOKKEEPER, Five years banking experience, requires' position, fc0 anywhere, do anything. Married. Apply flalter, 108 Eighth Aventrc VYr-st. . ' '268; is Tiif. mtkkmk roniT or itui tihii i'oi.r.MiiiA i In I'ruli.iiF i And i In III Mali" ' "ArtinlnMrallwi ' Art" (I, Mallff ' Ktn(e of Snimirl Stflili'ii""" Mimre. Di-ieawil. TAKE NOTICE that by order of 111 Honor Judge Flaher the dli day t Novembw IMG I Va appoints Admin I itlor of the Ha of Samuel Stpli-' flj50n Moore, imr w niiyoi. i;.. l' cnsHl and parties hoping claim agiWW said estate, ar hereby reaulred in furnWh "Ofn JVperly verified to nt" on ' brfore Dfrerriber l.Hh 1!HJ ahel U permi IftiJeWt-d to Hie ratal are reaulrrd K Vl the amount of their lndbtedneiw to me -forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT .. Offleltn Administrator PrlJK Rupert. B. c Dated the 7th day of Novemlx-r 1939. I.AMI ACT tAkr (if Intention lo apply In l.er Ijiml In PRINCE RUPERT Land ttecordlns 0.-ri't of Range 5 Ox int. and altutle mow Ul mile aouth of the W. A Brown HomeSite tjwxc on Sktnki Bay. R'.ephH Island. Titt noufe that William Anthony Erawr. at 6ktakl Bay. 8tepherui Il t upation fisherman and Trapper 11-tenda u appty for n lease of the follow-ug dfflffiw foreolvrire lands: CWnwndn at pott planted on a ibhU Utai within an Inlet of 8kl-ill Bty. about 20 Feet west of my toUioi, which la located approxlm-iWy J-4 miles south of the W. A. Brotn Hoiiieslte Ieaae thence West 200 fm: thence North 900 Feet "n East 1,800 Feet: thence South 800 fret: thence Wee COO Feet tj i: of rommencemeiu and containing Thirty r res. more or leas. WILLIAM ANTHONY BROWN DaW November 4th. 1935. LUMBER We have a fairly complete stock of lumber at Mile 21, near Haysport, ready for rail and water shipments. If building or repairing, it will pay you to examine our stock and receive prices. SHAMES RIVER LUMBER COMPANY Haysport, B.C. G0LDBLOOM The Old Reliable, Wants 5,000 Martin Pelts 10,000 Minks & Other Furs H6 Is In a position tc pay the high-Mt price going. Debts trappers owe BU'ill not be collected until after next fishing season. Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue jasper Coal Dry Wood Special Attention Ilelnp Paid To Weight Of London Children LONDON, Nov. 20: (CP) Spe clal attention la being devoted by NEW ROYAL HOTEL j. Zarelll. Proprietor -A IIOMi: AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 op 5ll Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 100 District News PORT ESSINGT0N ; The funeral of the late Miss! Helen Starr, aged 20, one of Portj Esslngton:s best known native! London Countv Council to the furls, whose deatn occurred a lew health of 500,000 children in Its t days ago at the home of her elementarv schools and recently the i brother. Howard Starr, took place council decided to introduce a scheme for the systematic weighing and measuring of all those under 12 years of age. The children's Jubilee festival was held recently 'fit the Royal Albert ilall and illustrated the leading achievements of the present generation of L. C C. children in music ahd dancing. There was a choir of 1600 children, an orchestra of 200 Instrumentalists and a brass band. Folk dancing and classical dancing were carried out by 200 scholars of all ages. from the United Church at the Skeena River village last Week with Rev. Prank Bushfleld offic- ljittriff There was a larce attend-' artce at the rites and many beautiful' floral of ferlrigs testified to Jhj esteem In whlchaeceased wa Jwu and the sorrow which was felt ar Ijpr passing. . The marriage took place at Port Esslngton recently, at the home of K Usiu, of Miss Utal Wakano and YJl Shlmasakl, both, of Balmorui Cannery. Rev. Frank Bushfleld, pastor of the United Church a-Port EssingtoW officiated, Mr. ard "Mrs. Shlmasakl will reside at Balmoral. , , COUPLE HIRES MAID AARHUS, Denmark, Nov. 20: (CP) "Family of two adults wants a young girl as parlor Waid," said an "ad" In a local newspaper. One of the' applicants, for the job received a reply revealing that the "two adults" were the King and Queen of f)enmark who wanted a maid for their summer residence. "TILLIE THE TOILER" HELLO, ButJBLES.Vl'MeOlUeTaSEE VMHlTHER. BOUMDl is' I i (ai.KiMrMi (.TV DE , ) TwR.VALErJmUB ABOOT BUYIM3 SlUKS.AMDHB'q AS A SRT;EK 3F1. J K H 50D .. ISi:' f r ' .,T -if THE PELUJVJ t SAVl BUBBLES ViXXW VESTEC- THEliES A-MB. VALEMT1NE OUT 1 ft 111 L&a. i I, i T. ..... r ...II CARB OF l-tM ;to mm r-i$' 1.. .nii The twenty-ninth annual BriUih Automobile Show opened at the Olympic Aurti'ovium lh London recently, aftd some novel models for 1930 were exhibited. Here Is a foui-abreast Lancefleld transcontinental model, with the chassis built over the wheels In such fashion as to permit four parsons to sit abreast in comfort in the front section of the cat How will this model conflict with most Canadian laws that no more than three persons may sit in the front of any car? Watch Weight Of Juvenile Austin McDonald Of Any ox Passes SUty-rW Year Old Grocery Clerk Died Last Night In Prince Ilu per t- Oeneral 1 Itwpi lal Austin McDonald, who arrlyedi In the city recently from AnyoxJ where he had been employed a$j a grocery cleric, passea away last night In the" Prince Rupert General Hospital" tie was a native of Prince Edward Island and wa3 sixty-four years of age. Surviving relatives Include a brother In the ! Blast. Funeral arrangements are! in the hands of the B. C. Under- ii a, v Widow of Former President Shows Improvement GLEN COVfe, N.Y.. Nov. 20: The aged widow of the late Former Pre-! sident Theodore Roosevelt was; showing much Improvement last tiloht. after hnvintr sufferer! a re-! f lapse following admission to hos-j J pltal with a broken hip. Her heart j action, whjch had caused anxiety, is much improved. Among many messages expressing best wishes was one from President Franklin, D. Roosevelt. I CANADIAN OOLI) PRICE I MONTREAL, Nov. 20: The Ca-! nadian gold price closed yesterday I at $35.22 per .fine ounce, up 4c. Better, oome ALOMdf thanks AND- AH CM - SET A. VjOME LOOK AT THE SMOOTH H "SMOOTH MEUl PATTFT2WS tM f t-OOKlMq L'tfV ' 1 . . j I I 1 f li J I II J& t At h- Ihl3 V A- f f r1 I VMiL,- I ? -1'c. SC fot?. VMM SESM HlMTlut.'.e" Ten Thousand Students At 4' Cairo, Egyptian body of l ' si fi ji m i art B a H U 1 Burial Rites NoV. 20: Ten thousand students followed the a fellow-student to the grave yesterday whert bUrlaltook place of the youth who was a victim of an officer's bullet ln the anti-British demonstrations here a tew days ago. Doubts If Sheba .,. Was in Ethiopia lORONTO, Nov. 20: (CP) A ring of beaten gold presented to him by the Emperor of Abyssinia himself, Is worn by Dr. S. A. Mercer, professor of Egyptology and Semitic Languages at the University of Toronto. ' Dr. Mercer did not believe that ithe ancient treasure troye of the Queen of Sheba was 'an object 6t ihs Italian invasion. , "The Queen of Sheba was never In Fthlnnin." he'- said. '"Ethionial 1 used to be called the land of Kush I i .... ...... t, ana it was tnre mat tgypt got all its gold there Is lots of gold lit Ethiopia still. The Italians may l have discovered the remains of llllfllMillilllBM She Still Prefers Silk! -TUtR it. Mv pr?iCAir Mia.vAUbN I ino- StMPKlMS AMOCO! Have You . . . ill- , THIS VS A V1EUU, "TH5W My EVES ABB TELUKiS ME UVES- -mis THIS euv SOY looks LOOKS UKC THE ALU-AMERICAN LAME FEE The foot has twenty-si delicately suspended small bones. Weak feet, fallen arches, flat feet, bunions and callosities are not natural to normal feet, and will disappear by. wearing correctly made arch supports and proper fitting Bhoes. . Many continue to suffer from foot difficulties through trying siich makeshifts - as ready-made supports or so-called corrective shoe.vwhich cannot fit properly the Vastly different shapes of feet; may as well wear ready-made eyeglasses or false teeth. Under this system supports are made to the individual impression of YOUR feet. It costs nothing to call and talk it over. Free advice upon the correct shoe for YOUR feet; often a smaller and more stylish shoe may be worn with these supports. PHILIP A. PALMER BRADFIELD Snitc 8, Exchange Block Phone 8G1 Hours: 10-12 a.m., 1-7 p.m, by the Egyptians." Dr. Mercer has Visited Ethiopia several times and has been very some of the old gold mines worked much impressed with all the gold Eft-TH1S IS A r mm in sight. Not only gold plates and othar utensils, but even the chairs and tables in the homes of the rich ire made of gold. miinBwaKimutife iisiiaiiAiitaWmaiiiaBi! m BUY IN PRINCE RUPERT Because: - 1. Local stores give good Value for the money, expended. You can inspect the goods before buying. Many stores allow returns if not satisfactory. Local stores have a reputation to maintain. Pictures are deceiving and mail order goods are seldom what they are expected to be. 0. By buying at home you are helping Prince Rupert. 7. By buying at home you are providing bread for .. . .local people. . . ... . J". ... 8. By buying at home every dollar circulates nn'dj' will return to you. .. '.'rj) J). Discourage the sweatshop labor that 7suppliea;,lhCf . mail order houses. . :& 10. By buying at home yoUr" purchases circulate. : Think what this means.to your own little family Alake Your Dollars Talk by Buying In Prince Rupert ; V It Is d Good Habit to Acquire 1 Be a Sport and Help Your Own Home Towri IDEA OF A GStSS. &OD TU fesTTea hams youaeEi tv- AMlMECi - Ha t-OOKS U6 A i ii' . . . , . ' -jfT it A Difference of Opinion iZJ:zbJ LiwLfer riaasiA.' rn DONtS TO ME M H i I I A - U H I E e 3 Bv WeiitoVer ' Hi . W ' . , t i ( ;