4, 1933 LADY DAINTY CLEANSING TISSUES s,z nf Paper Handkerchiefs, retr. fl SjHH ial, while they last XvK GILLETTE ARISTOCRAT "One Piece Razor" v Ji Gillette Blue Blades, Regular $1.00 Special al $3.25 REMEMBER ft. 1 a '' n hand a complete line of Gift Set in Y AKDLEY JASMINE (IARDENIA, A price for overy puree. A gift for exery occasion. Ormes Ltd. Jii Piontcr Druggists Ibr Retail BUM rhonet: II & M Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sunday and Holiday From 13 noon till 2 p.m. 7 pan. lilt 9 p.m. BAPC0 FLOOR ENAMEL .m 'mi or new flooi. ltri"iim or oi! cioth. Bapco . . i dally made It due- ,n loui lioms with u high yluss and wear like a pig's nose pi. i()c; pt. 85c; quart $1.15; wl S2J5 ; rqI. $1.85 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. "J Third Ave Phone 101 HYDE TRANSFER Office, 315 Second Ave., Phone 580 All Kinds of Cartage 5 Trucks For Quick Service Coal & Wood For Sale, Dry Sawdust Purth Our coal is delivemcrz. t&e minute - we Mint your vute.xnd Vft ftillwnitf RAPID-FIRE DELIVERIES """ .. . COAL! We have the best In Prince Rupert Its i dirty business but we treat you white. LUMBER & SHINGLES Why not do that repair Job now, so that you can paint In the summer. Phone us for prices. We will surprise you. BUILDING SUPPLIES f,n and Tile XVe have what you want at the richt price DL:Lh p.?,. on i.i m rci ?CO i uiiuuu eyiu & to. Lta. rnones odi-od lTNI0N STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steam.r. Imm Driven r.,nrt tnr Vnnrntiver-. Ts-S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 IVM. Aninj Vancouver Thursday TS S. CAHDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. ni in'! Vancouver Monday ajn. I r iling to Port oimpwu. 'Ailo Ann, Ajitoi, 1 ' poinu, ir mnc Rupm eundr, s B euw.rt wd pin. rr Information recardlnir all sailing! and tickets at- "HINfE Rl'rr.ST AflRNCT: Third Anof. PHo W ELIO "I 1 l'ltNiTl!KK dealer Kxchanrlnf and Auctioneer USED FURNITURE! M "ffssf M, Dinr nooltJ Sulff natlery IUdlo, nleyrle, Sewing t.... Rlaehlne. Etc. . corner Tnira Ave. rirav av. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Eagle (Usee tomorrow night. Admission 25c Refreshments. Be warm and comfortable by riding in 32 Taxi It costs the same. tl (J wrge Dtbb salted yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for 8twait. Tonight's train, due from the eat at 10.15, was reported this morning to be on time. Ladles' Silk Bloomers, 34c.; Old's 8horts, 39c ; at the Dollar Store's Big Anniversary Sale tomorrow. 61 You can rent a car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c a mile. T. W. Brown left on last eve-nine's train for a brief trip to Terrace on legal burimes. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. LePage and son will sail this afternoon on the Princess Koran for a. trip to Roger Wright, who has been spending a few wwks In the city, will sail by the Prnee Rupert tonight on his return to Vancouver. D. C Stuart left on last evening's tiain for a trip to Rndako on busl- 'iicu in connection with his duties 'as federal agricultural credits of-Iririr I i j Thomas Fraser. who has been ill I at the Prince Rupert General Hosr tuital for nearly two months, con-1 1 tinues now to make satisfactory progress towards recovery. Mr and Mrs. R. J. Manning and family, who have been resfden ot Anyox. were, passengers aboard the Catata Tuesday afternoon going through to Vancouver enowte to the Ymir district where Mr. Man- jning will Join the staff of the Re-J iiieiAriingirr mine. ! William R. Wellings. who has j been teller of the Stewart branch of the Banket jMoqttral. . was. a passenger aboard the Catala Tues day going through to Victoria to which city he has been transferred. T C Melville of Tort Haney arrived at Stewart last week to succeed him. i Announcements ', Presbyterian March 14. Anglican March 19. St. Patrick's Tes Basketball Ketchikan vs. Rupen March 15 and 16, dance March 15. Moose Hall. St. Patrick's supper and concert. Catholic Hall. March 18. Presbyterian Sunday BohoolCon- ert. March 22. Boys' Band Parents' AssoclaUon ridge, whist and dance. Eagle' Call. March 28. Daffodil March 27. Tea, Mrs. Arnold's, Tea, United Church Children's dancing display. Odd fellows' Hall. March 29. Salvation Army Sale of Work, Home Cooking. April 3. Presbyterian Church Choir Con-.rt, April 5. "Chloe," United Church; April 11 and 12. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. dance Easter Monday. Daffodil Anglican Spring Fale. April 25. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 9. Catholic spring sale. May lfl. Moose Hall RENTAL RATES Concerts .$25j00 Dances 20 00 PuWlc Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings Is now available on the ground floor, rental rat, $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. na dajlt mm PAGE THRU Opening dance, Tonight. Adm. 25c, SALAD DRESSINO- Emprpss 9f30 to 1. Nalley's, 12-oz. jars, each NAVEL OR ANG ES -Large, Juicy, Sweet, per doz 5? TiMiint hait. -i:xs; Hall, Mrs. XV. A. Patterson, wife of tha manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Whltetforse and a former resident of Prince Rupert, is a passenger aboard the Princess Norah this afternoon going through for a trip to Vancouver. Charles F. P. Faulkner, assistant district engineer for the federal dapartment of public works with headquarters In New -Westminster arrived In the city on he Prince Rupert yesterday from tlie south, being here to injpect work which has been farri&i on at various points in this district recenUy for the department. Quality Food LOWEST PRICES Always, At The Thrift Week-End Specials NABOB COFFEE-pcr lb. 2&c SLICED BACON Swift's 1 n Premium, 'j-lb. cello CLARK'S SOUP Julienne or Pea, per tin 7c SHREDDED WHEAT per pkg. 10c PEANUT BUTTER Squir- 4 r rel Brand, per small tin EGOS Scott's "A" Large, per dot ... LIFEBUOY SOAP 2 bars FELS NAPTHA SOAP Limit 5 per bar OVALTINE per 9-oz. tin ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS Rosedale. No. 2 tins, each LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF per tin 24c 15c 6c 51c 19c 11c ROYAL CITY CANNED FOOD SPECIAL 2 tins Peas, Sieve 4 2 tins White Corn 2 Uns Tomatoes, 2'i's The 6 tins for 67c 20c 36c MALKINS PRUNES 2-lb. pkg. 22c LIBBY TOMATO JUICE Q 14-ot tin vy' LYNN VALLEY PE.CHES i ft n per tin XOK RED ARROW SODAS per pkg 17c' PURE LARD per lb lCc SALT Plain or Iodized, per ctn. 10c 4 STRING BROOMS each 40c JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAX- 1-lb. tin ORANGE MARMALADE Nabob, 32-oz. Jars, each 68c 26c Thrift Cash & Carn Phone 171 201 Third Avi -CARRY AND SAVE" Mall Orders flave Our Frompt Attention AI'ITION AU: TIlllltK KlIK X!t Thw will be onrd for tale t Pob-lie Auction. t ucsa on he 25th April. tUU. tu the offlt of District Fortr K Prtivre Rupert. BjC.. the Uceuoe X8I81 to rut J.7JS.0O0 tert. bottrd mn- sure, or Spruce. Heinlock and Cedar on an arm altualed on ttw South chore of Diina liUet. vicinity of Porter Head. Queen Charlotte llnrts Laud District . Two rer wul be allowed for the re moval of Umber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction in person may submit tender to be opeard t the hour of auction and waled u one bjd.- Further particular may be obtained from the Chief Prirwter, Victoria, B.C. or District Porrster. Prince Rupert. B.C. Time will be otodd for sale by Pub lic AueUoa at the orftce of Um Dlatrict nrester at rrtnee Rupert. B.C. a noon ou the 39tb dny of Marrh, law, the Llceuoe X-17887 situated on Brrecford Ann, Q.C.t.. to cut 1.333 UBU of Spruce. Cedar and Hemlock. "ProvldMd any one unable to attend the auction la person may submit tfudcr to be opened at the hour of auction aiul treated as one bid.'' Tro 3 years wiU be ail owed for re-moral of this timber. Particulars of Chief Forester. Victoria. Dtrtrlct Forester. Prince Rupert, or i TUnger J. B. Soott, Prince. Rupert, B.C. I Annette's Birthday Clock Sale FRIDAY, MARCH 15th, FROM 2 TILL 4 DRESSES Prints and plain values to $7.95 Clock Sale Special S. S.. pair Annette Ladies' Wear Co. THE STORE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS Federal Block Prince Rupert, B.C. Want Ads Dally News. IX)ST LOST $5.00 bill between Thrift i Cash St Carry and Bulkley Mar-j Ket rcnaer please return to uaiiy News. FOUND FOUND Pair lined leather gloves. PERSONAL "MEN! Buy your. Sanitary Sup piles direct and save 75. Stan dard Lines. Send $1D0 for 15 assorted. Imperial Importers, 211 Lumberman's Bldg. 509 Richards Street, Vancouver. B.C.- tf MISCELLANEOUS. UP TO $50.00 EACH PAID FOR U. S. INDIAN HEAD CENTS. We buy all dates regardless of condition. Up to $1.00 each paid for VS. Lincoln Head cents. Up to $150.00 each paid for Canadian coins. We Buy Stamp Collections. Medals, Books. Paper Currency etP. Send 25c. tCoin for large Illustrated price list and instructions. Satisfaction guaranteed or 25c. refunded. HUB COIN SHOP, 113-10 North FORSYTHE, SAR-NIA. ONT. PAINTERS PAINTINO ana Paperhanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. (lOVr.KNMKNT I.UH OK ATT" Vetloe of AtUratlan for Beer Licence. NOTICE U hereby given that on tht Tenth day of April, next, ttie under-ned intends to apply to the Llquot control Board for a licence In respect f the Dremlcn. beJni part of tin building known as Queens Hotel, sltunt on Main Street. New UaMett. B C upos the lands desciibnl as Lot No. 5. is Block No. 14. Mp 846. Massett lot . - ite. to the Prince Rupert Land Rrjf.v tratlon District la the province oi cri-tlsh ColiunbVa. for the sale of beer by theglSM or the boUle for aoosumptlon cn the premises or elsewhere. DATED thU 1st day oi narcn. ajj. 1935. CARL KIRMIS. Applicant L.IMI Ur.ClsTUY ACT NOTICE . Re Certlflct of Title No. 8858-1, cov ering the Westerly Sixty (60) acrw, more or less, of Lot 43. Group One, Casslar District, m the Province of British Columbia, as rer plan, bnr dered orange, attached to deed de posited No. 9856-1. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of Iom f the above Certificate oi Title, issued In the name of Eroole Constantino hat h.n filed In this office, notice l hereby given that I shaU. at the expiration of one montn from tne oaie oi uie nubllcotlon hereof. Issue a ProvMomtl Certificate ot Title In lieu of the said lint Crrtlfk-stc. unless In the svean time valid objection U made to me in wrltlns. riATWl at the lATld Rertstxv Office, Prince Runcrt. B.C.. this SJUl dy of February, 1935. A THOMPSON. Deputy Kefitetrar of Titles SHORTE COLDS PROVED BY 2 GENERATION! crepes, regular $1.00 SHOES In Cuban and high heels, ties, straps, pumps, reg. values to $4.95 Q4 A A Clock Sale Special FULL FASHIONED HOSE Cortlcelll and Debutante in chiffon and semi-service CCra Reg. value to $1.00. C. 10 ONLY RAIN CAPES Reg. value to $1 95: Clock Sale Special I BRASSIERES In lace, rayon mesh. etc. regular values to $125 ZlQp 1Jo Clock Bale Special, each ELASTIC O I ROLES To clear RAYON VANTEES & BLOOMERS Clock Sale Special, pair 3 pairs $1.00 75c 35c i $1.00 No Strings To These rVERY hour, in At Royal City Kitchtni wonderful, modem grsder torts iufficitnt Sreen betns to fill 5,000 ctnj. By starting with tpecitl setd and htnti'jnj t the exact moment of maturity, Royil City Beeni ft itrinlen! And then the beint are tc. revolving in a great perforated bms drum. The ends drop naturally through the thousands of holes, to be quickly and neatly snipped. So sorting, snipping and washing are .accurately . accomplished, leaving the tender, delicately-flavored, uniformly-sired beans ready for filling into Royaf City cans. EXTRA SPECIALS AT SELVIG'S Granulated Sugar CQp 0i' 10 lbs Nabob Coffee S9C per lb arz, 84c Eggs Qrade A 24 vxv C In cartons, doz. Sunlight Soap 1 A Qp per carton Campbell's Tomato Soup Qp per tin Happjale Pears 1lp Ai per tin "Canada Pride" Maple UOK' CQp Syrup, 2Vs Nabob Orange dfip UV Marmalade. 4 Small White BMns 23 C Red Jacket Pineapple 4 (In AUU per tin Leg of Lamb 25C Leg of Veal A Qp X1' per lb Veal Chops 1 fir AOi' per lb Lamb Chops 20C Spare Ribs 2t)C 2 lbs. ---- Round Steak . 3C BoUing Beef 25C Pot Roast Beef O ff n 2 lbs. a Hamburger Steak 25C Rijmp Roast QaP OOX' 2 lbs. Lamb Stew I ftp AUl' per lb Also Fresh and Smoked Fish Phone :G5 FREE DELIVERY Housecleaning Time is Coming Done in less time by modern methods Prices Reasonable BRUCE STEVENS rilONE 18 Fruit and Vegetables 303 Third Ave. PERMANENT WAVES During the month of March the New Thermlque Guaranteed Permanent Waves OA complete, at La Parisicnne Beauty Parlor 210 Fourth St. Phone 947