New PAG2 SIX LEGION IS 9 a a; "5 A -Zf: W-"! f z J GFIS - - - Hospital Project Endorsed WH1 Assist Cemetery Improvement expressed. The thanks of the Legion were also extended to all the For Everyonii There are so many different lines that it would be impossible to tell you about all of them. We Specially Invite You To Visit OurJsjoxe Courteous clerks will gladly show you our BASEMENT STORE Where we have added a Toy Department-at prices that will amaze" you. SHOP EARLY While our lines are all complete. A small deposit-will hold any article. See Our Beautiful Line of CHRISTMAS SAVE MONEY. Special ini-ntion was made of the Buys' Band which, under Its cap- CARDS VALUE AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND SPECIALIST RCA Victor CjUTfisttiK RADIO with METAL TUBES Thoutandi of Globe Trotter owners are now enjoyin; a new world of fascinating entertainment To them the striking of Big "Ben in London t . , an operatic gem from Rome . . . or an inftctioui exotic rhythm from South America . . . is no unusual experience. The thrills of radio travel await you, too. A demonstration at our store will quickly reveal what the new RCA Victor Globe Trotter Radio means in still finer world. Wide performance . . . higher" tone fidelity , . . beautiful cabine s. There's a wide choice of models to choose frem ... at prices to meet every purse. Easy terms. . h . n '' ' 4 TIKADE-IIV. allowance LOOK AT THISI flATUMtt t, CUUi4l.t 1. EiU mmU Wr T. tilt ntij inr feW MITAl TUIIS f Ti f. V and organization who so fully suppor- v.urk for the general improvemen' ted the reuuest for co-ODeraUon. Uw-cemclBry. All ex-service men are being invited to-be present at the Anniversary Celebration on Monday eve- able leader. Bandmaster Poibcrt nlng ken the tenth birthday of Greenfield, took such an important the Canadian Legion will be suit- and rffecUvc part in the day's ob- ab'y observed. rvance. Applications of J. A. Teng and ' Th- resolution of the Trince Ru- ienry rouy tor regular member- ; pert llvjspilai B'jard asking for sup- hip were approved. The regular monthly mveting of :orl in itr, request for con ideraUon The fine work of the Women's the Canadian Legion of the British of their plans for a' new building Auxiliary in connection with the Empire Service League took place received the whole-hearted endor- bazaar was highly commended, last evening at Irre clubrooms with nation of the branch. Their work among the needy faml- Presidcnt Jaik Preece In the chair Dircuj.sion took plae regarding lies is of very great value although and a good attendance of memr the deplorable state of the ceme- Uttle publicity Is given to it bers. tery. As far as the foldlers' plot Is Appreciation of the splendid concerned the branch has spent a Mrs. h. M. Hellawell of Tlell work of C. V. Evltt. who organized very considerable amount of money who has been puyrng a visit to thf. the Remembrance Day parade, was and expended much labor in keep- city, will sail by the Prince Johrf 'ng It worthy of their comrades, tomorrow night on her return The branch will whole-heartedly the Queen Charlotte Islands. EVER REALIZED ..We?H offer a generous on your present set MODEL CMS $146.00 to Take eliminate DAILY ZvETTS COMMUNISM AiWJESUS Her. C D. Clarke Makes Sursestlon Before Gyro Club to Cure ' ' lEco'nbnifc Itfs" ; the "Kxcd of commumsm. some of its undesirable features and infuse it with the spirit of Jesus Christ." suggested Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor of First United Church, In speaking before he Prince Rupert Gyro Club at its egular weekly luncheon yesterday, ts a means of meeting the economic ills of the world today. Mr. Clarke was speaking on the sub-ect of The Vacant Lot" on which he had discoursed a couple of veeks ago before the Rotary Club, shich address he' was asked to repeat ! It was easy, declared Mr. Clarke. jo criticize those who preached ommunlsm but did those who criticize have anything to offer to neet the Ills of the day? Had they ray real leadership to give? Those who advocated communism were it least trying to do something to improve the "vacant lot" of the economic system. The speaker ap-ealed to his listeners to study such alternatives as communism and socialism, between which the only difference was the method of approach. Mr. Clarke discussed the development of machinery and its replace- ment of man's labor. Where ninety-nine men out of one Jiundred were formerly required to do the world's work, today but fifty were needed and their prodiicUori was greater.1 rhe problem was ever increasing in j ntenslty and the "vacant lot" wasj becoming larger. He questioned the , efficacy of monetary reform or so-' cial credit under the present economic system. Reduction of the hours of work might help. Then would arise the problem of what to do with the leisure. There would have to be education for leisure in stead of for work. The whole eco nomic set-up would have to be changed. Present conditions con- Twenty -Five j Years Ago November 21, 1010 It Is reported here that the American Boy group of ten claims in the Hazelton district which was offered by Hugh Harris for $100,-000, 1 In a fair way to be bonded for a much larger amount In Vancouver. Mr. Harris has now given instructions that he will not sell for $100,000. Good progress is being made with the establishment of the new steam power plant at Cow Bay. Work of erecting the pole line is progressing fast along Third Ave nue and Fulton Street has been reached. BSCS now Soya Bean Bread . . Delicious for Toasting English Crumpets Meat Pies Finest Pastry & Cakes Vans Bakery KLlM IS LIGHT TO CARRY . . . when you go in by plane or pck over long tralli don t cut down on your milk supply, take KLIM. KLIM it pure whole milk ppw. der always fresh. It is light and compact in the dunnage unaffected by weather. One pound of KLIM makes over seven pounds of rich milk I Write for FREE Camp Cook Book Bttt rtcip. o( ftmooi woodinita. Eur to follow. Etrry prospector. trppf nd tinpn lhould fcit "ET Cip Cook in t Retip" Clip thlt coupon tad ntU lor yoor copr. B KLIM ts- from your iroctf or Th Berdrn Cornpti Yarduy Hovte ny Limit 15 Toronto. Out oi "Send me hook "Zaty C"p Cooking R'cioo" by fimou. woodua.a FREE. Stmt i - Strttt , - Cly . Ptr. - PULLED FAST TRICK; 1 DOING THIRTY DAYS . . j Edgar Wilcox pleaded guilty be-' fore Magistrate McClymont In city police court yesterday afternoon to a charge of false pretences and was fined $25 with option of thirty days' imprisonment. Wilcox, a southern Indian, having heard that Skide- stltuted a challenge to all people- 6 v "lu V , . . mcludlng the church and mmlsters.;rry ,a Tit ?X" Instruments, visited the store xTr nur-c i.(.n. ,, pur- wlthl ttlnl to the na" S not have agreed unanimously J?1 ol! V.O hoi tn rn.. V .1 Tr. liv. ICUUIIU HIV U1UCI 1UI III- A&au w m; ill, aw icaob, UJi- ened ground for anew and Interesting line of thought and his address was listened to with keen attention. President S. J. Jabour was In the chair and thanked Mr. Clarke on behalf of the club, expressing the hope that, through Intergovernmental action, some of the alms as outlined by the speaker, might soon be achieved. Dr. W. C. Aspinall was a guest and there was an almost full attendance of members. strum'ents and took the change amounting to $10, keeping the g money and selling the Instruments Jj ai a second nand store. The fraud J was later discovered and Wilcox was arrested- nought here. on the Islands and XMAS Green, per lb MIXED PEEL Cut and Whole, per lb WHOLE CITRON PEEL per lb. BOILED CIDER pint bottle DESSICATED COCOANUT per lb. ... v... ' 3 lbs. SHELLED WALNUTS Pieces, per' lb MINCE MEAT Bulk 2 lbs. , - WE DKLIVLR Museum Board Held Meeting More Active Work Being rianntd For Local Organization In . .; .Near Fufure4 A meeting of the museum board took place Tuesday evening with the president R. L. Mcintosh, In the chair.. Steps were taken to provide for the unification of local efforts toward providing a local museum which would be representative of the whole district and would help to illustrate the natives life, natural history, both, of sea and land, and forestry possibilities. The secretary reported at length on the work done since the last meeting. Another meeting will take place .In December with a view to more active work being carried on to try to bring to realization a scheme that has been before the organization for some time. n u " 'IS . m Suggestions! For your baking. AH these items are, fresh in and, the quality is.n ;ttaranlced. All package goods mapped in cellophane for your protection. JRYSTALLIZED FRUITS In fanjy basket, each .J1MEAPPLE RINGS 3-oz. pkg., 2 pkgs. PINEAPPLE RINGS per lb. PINtAPPLE RINGS Individual wrap, 6. for G LACED CHERRIES Red, per lb GLACED CHERRIES 43c'l 25c 50c; 37c 39c 23cjs 30cl 20c 17c 50c 29c 25c A shipment of FKKSII FIGS has Just arrived In all sizes at ' low prices. Also Holland Herring; In 'kegs. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cent' P. O. Bo 575 Phone 18 LAST SllOWtxns ANN " HARDING HERBERT MARSHALL - In 'The Flame Within -- with Maureen OSullivan 7:12 it 9 3: - PLUS LYLE TALBOT ANN DVORAK "MURDER IN 1 1 ... We Have the Famous ROLLS RAZOR in several styles THE CLOI DS" VANCOUVER BEEF MICK VANCOUVER. Nov it NEW YORK. Nov. 21: CP Bar, prices here yesterday w ;5 silver was unchanged at fJSHc per, lows: steers. 4'?e I, S: ,:r ounce on the local exchange mar- to 5'?: cows. 3c to 3 rv. i ket today. to 4',Jc. GIRLS WANTED TO LEARN HBAUTY CULtTRK Provides steady cmp! y-rr eaey hours, good pay. a w"-:. opportunity for (udcpcn ln.) b ooenlng vour own shnn For Illustrated '.nfnrma ; n t hairdresJng and beaut' 1'honc bey. t Wi or Write s. s trt n i i iimtitciii t'ftitnni S?1 o0;i West HastillffH St. Vancouver. BC For Men Who Shan We also have the best Blade Stropper vc ever saw for ordinary blades, priced at $1.50 STOP SHAVING! We Have The Schick Electric Dry Shaver No blades. No lather. Shaves the toughest beard and cannot cut the tenderest skin. So convenient you can shave with your collar on or in the office m a ft minutes because no la,ther is needed and no lotions s after. IllHrV IMIh.H'H" (Jewellers iTHt STORE WITH THE CLOCK No honing or changing blades. Women, great too, find it convenience. " I'l liiai win mane Lyour home 051 Phones 652 When Buying Coa Why Not Purchase The Best? Nanaimb Vancouver In ourcoAlyotill Jrt..L. find the.heat. .:i7 i Island Coal Foothills Alberta Sootless Coal Hulkley Valley Coal Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. 1