It Pays "to Shop at the Family HDSXBXBSIt 821111 KI ! Ml MX TBI MS FK H . SHOES For EASTER! For the smarter . . . and more exclusive faster SHoes . . . you'll find an exciting: collection here to match your nev outfit. Styles for miss or matron. Come and see our array of new styles In quality footwear . . . and at prices to uit you. "EASTER HOSIERY" In all wanted shades. Justi arrived. You'll want to complete your Easier costume with Uie right Hose. Every pair new stock and first quality. "Penman's ' make in chiffon, semi-service and crepe. $1.00 Pr. LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA BAPC0 DAPL-ART Phone 357 Pubhshed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor . Renew the beauty of your floors and linoleum by dappling with Bapco Floor Enamel and Satin-Glo Enamel. The cost U small and the effect is excellent. In all kizes from pints up. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 5 IB Si 1 4 m r j 4 i The Family Shoe Store ! Third Avenue SUBSCRIPTION RATES I City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 , For lesser periods, paid in advancejer week .10 j By mau to all parts of British Colombia, the BriUsh Empire and , United States, paid In advance, per year 3.00 By mall to an other countries, per year . 9.00 Local readers, per Insertion, per line 25 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncn. per insertion , . 1.40 Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion 1 X2 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone g( Member of Audit Bnrrau of Circulations DAILY EDITION EASTER HERE AGAIN Saturday,' April 20. 1935 ' .T .n,,i.. i r? i : . u inuoc iciigiuusy intjiiieu easier is a irtai occasion,! possibly the greatest in all the church year. It is the season when the churches celebrate the great feast of the resurrection, the consummation of the ministration of the Savior. To many the resurrection is looked upon as the central doctrine of their religious faith, hence the great importance of the anniversary. To those not so religiously inclined Easter signifies the coming of spring with all its beauty and color. Women celebrate it by wearing their new spring clothes. It is the season of hope and joy. MR. ORME IN THE FIELD. . C. H. Orme, undoubtedly, will be the candidate in the Conservative interests for the riding of Skeena in opposition to Olof Hanson. He is well known throughout the district and should put up a good fight. If he wins he will make'a good representative and n any event will put up a Clean fight and will win or lose as a sportsman should.' It is a great thing to have good men in the field, men whom party supporters can vote for without sacrificing their self-respect. We are glad to welcome Mr. Orme into the contest even if we do not support him or his policy during uie campaign. I www m Nil 'i' I'i'rwii'ii CLEVELAND UNBEATEN Indians Are Reigning at Least For Short Time on Top Dodgers And Iteds Lead National NEW YORK, April 20: (CP) Cleveland Indians, having played only one game so far this season, is the only Major League baseball club so far unbeaten in the young 1935 season. The Boston Red Sox defeated the Washington Senators yesterday and are In second place in the American League. The Washington Senators and Chicago White-Sox are tied for. third place, having teach won two games and lost ond. Philadelphia Athletics and Detroit Tigers with one win and two losses. $ach, are tied for leadership of the second division. New York Yankees, having so far been able to Win but one game while losing thrjee, are in seventh position while the St. Louis Browns, having lost the only game so far played, are in the cellar. In the National League, Brooklyn Dodgers won both ends of a double- header : yesterday over the Boston Braves at Boston, and are in a tie with Cincinnati Reds for the top of the league. The Phillies are in third place, (the Pittsburg Pirates In fourth the Bostdh Braves Chlcaeo Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals tied for the" top of the second division and New York Giants, having yet to win a game while having been defeated twice, are In the cellar. Thursday and Friday scores were as follows; . THURSDAY SCORES f National League Brooklyn 9, Philadelphia 10. Cincinnati 9, Pittsburg 4. St. Louis 1, Chicago 0. One game postponed. American League Boston 0, New York 4. Philadelphia 5, Washington 0. Chicago 4, Detroit 5. One game postponed. FRIDAY SCORES National League Cincinnati 4, Chicago 0. New York 7, Phllndelphla 18. Brooklyn 4-4, Boston 2-2. St. Louis 0, Pittsburg 3-American League Philadelphia 6, New York 5. Boston 10, Washington 4. Chicago 3, Detroit 2. Charged with being Intoxicated. I James Sim appeared before Magis- traie Mcuiymoni in city police court and was sentenced to fourteen days' Imprisonment. He refused to tell where he obtained the liquor. hest Colds mk 'Rub well over rV7 throat and chest OVtR WMIttlON JAPS USED YEARLY THE DAILY NEWS i.- . 1 i ... . i His Democratic Highness Disdaining the royal box at the Aintree course, his democratic highness, the Prince of Wales, mingles with the other railblrds during the running of the 1935 Grand National steeplechase. March 29. The prince appears to be biUng his nails in his tenseness as the race draws to a close with 'Reynoldstown,', fourth favorite, taking first money. Old Country Soccer TODAY'S SCORES ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Arsenal 1, Huddertfield 0. Birmingham 2, Sunderland 2. Blackburn 6, Everton 2. Leeds United 1. Aston Villa 1. Llveriiool 6, Chelsea 0. Manchester City 1, Preston 2. Middlesbrough 0, Grimsby Town 2. ' Portsmouth 0, Wolverhampton 1 Sheffield Wednesday 1, Leicester 1. Stoke 4, Tottenham 1. West Bromwlch Albion 4, Derby County 3. SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Division Alrdrieonlans 2, Dunfermline 3. Falkirk 5, Hibernians 2. Hearts 2. Aberdeen 1. Motherwell 2, Ayr United 3. Queen of South 1, Albion Hovers St. Mlrren 2, Partlck Thistle 1. GOOD FRIDAY'S SCORES ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Arsenal' 3, Middlesbrough 0. Aston Villa 1. Huddmfleld 1. Chelsea 4, Wolverhampton 2. Grimsby 3, Leicester 1. Leeds 1, Birmingham 1. Liverpool 5, Stoke 0. Manchester 2, Portsmouth 4. Sunderland 3, Preston 1. Tottenham 1. Blackburn 0. Annua! Softball Meet Postponed league in Satisfactory Financial Position and Good Season Anticipated A softball meeting wa held in the Canadian National RecreaUon As sociatlon Hall on Thursday night to discuss the formation of the 1935 league. The financial report for the past season was read and proved to be very satisfactory in deed, there being every Indication that this will be the most successful season to date. After a discussion, it was decided to call another meeting next Thursday night In the Elks Hall for the purpose of accepting entries from any teams wishing fb'play and to elect officers for the 1935 season, It Is hoped to get thtT league started as early as possible In May and, with the great Improvement shown by many of Uie participants, there should be a very fine brand of ball played. Mrs. A. E. Perkins left on last evening's train for St. Lambert's, Quebec, where she has a son who is a railway dlspatche- HOOP GAME WASDRAW Any ox ami Orotto Play to 21-AII Score in First of Championship Series i Rough Affair High School Defeats Canadian l.e-gioii in Intermediate Ihliibllkm held Uie Orotto down to a 21-all score last night In the opening game of tlie Northern Britten Co monst ration of dribbling passing,, checking and shooting which kept the local defence working overtime. The Orotto, however, held them and managed to make the 'odd play. The first ten minutes of the game was good to wateh but, from then on, everything went by the boards, and, when whistle sounded for the half, score stood 10-8 In fa- jvor of Rupert. In the seeend half the game be came rougher and. with fifteen seconds to go. Uie score stood 21-20 in favor of Anyox VThfn Skinner called a foul on Kulal for stalling. The shot was converted and the argument started. Smith was laid low with ten seconds to go but he missed and that ended the game Intermediate Opener The ojtening game between the High School and the Canadian Le gion was won by the Students, 44- 41. It was one of those thrillers. typical of what the Intermediate hoepsters have put up this past season. It was fast and furious from start to finish with the Le glun dishing out the better brand of ball. They mlh". have won had (hey not paased up a few golden ipportunltles In lb dying minutes of the game. Half time score was 22-17 for the High School but Uie Legion caught up in Uie econd iialf only to lose in the last three minutes of the game. J. Cornadlna liandled the whistle Individual scoring: Intermediate Game Legion 41 1 Armstrong 4. Mc- Phee (17. Suehlro 1 . Viereck f 19. Letourneau 3. Dominate jl? High School (44) -Campbell (8. Da vies 7. Lindsay 24. Monran 4. Tobey. Murray. McMeekln tit, Pulton. Northern B Anyox '21' C riiamplonvhip Currie 2. Oillis 25 IjSO OUNCE BQTTlt WICKERS (SUM riMEST LONDON DRY GIN btotiM a4 fcetU4 im4r rfc ti at rU IaiMtf, bp MMlttw Cmpmttt, 1ImIm4, Matrwi fSaSMWkMMWkWMMMMWMWkWm This advertisement Is mot published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government ot B. C, (10). T. Calderonl, F. Calderonl (5). Davis, Dodsworth. Shields 1, Ku- lal (3). Orotto 21i Rakhford 4. Stiles 9. Murray, Stalker. 01111s j Smith 5. Morrison, i Fouls called against Anyox, 10. Fouls called against Rupert, ,14. Penalties made by Ariyox. 9 out of 18. Penalties made by Rupert, 5 out' of 21. 1 Referee flklnne 'and Coma-dlna. J Cup Prernted j During the rest period B. D. Mac -' donald presented Uie league cups to Uie Grotto, of Uie Seniors; An-' Anyox. playing hi a strtmne halljnelte's, of the LadU' League;, High and without Uie aid of a coach. . School of the Intermediate, and Scythians of the Juniors. 4 As an added. attraction tonight the Mooe will play an all star In- lumbia championship series. Il was4termedlate squad. one of the roughest and moot hectic hoop battles mhii in this town for a tone, while. Anyox. wtth Kulal and Currie the leaders In the attar, wire a de-t Baseball Standings American League W, L. Pet. Cleveland ..,,! 0 11)00 Boston '.:f" 1 .150 Washington .2 1 Ml Chicago 2 1 .M7 Philadelphia t 2 J33 Detroit . . 1 1 J33 New York .1- 3 .250 St. LouU 0 1 XXX National League Brooklyn . 3 1 .750 Cincinnati 3 1 .750 Philadelphia 2 1 .007 Pittsburg 2,2 300 Boston ...... 1 2 .333 Chicago I 2 JJJ St. Louis 1 J J33 New York 0 2 X00 A Daily News Want-Ad. will get what you want Basketball TONIfiHT MOOSE HALL N. H. C, Championship ANYOX v. RUPERT MOOSE vs. AIX-STAR Intermediate Eihibition Game. 7 30 pm Saturday. Apru 20, By Your Leaves, Gentlemen there it a great diffetenct in cigarette toboccoi. And you'll note the dilfertnee when you "loll yow with Ooden's F'm Cut. own Choice ond mellow ore riv leaet choien (or Ogden t That's why it't uch a populcr cigarette tobocco why tmoLet a lot better and gives so much more satisfaction particularly if you're coref to choose the best papers "CKonteclerM or "Vogue SAVE THE POKER HANDS OGDEN'S FINE C U Veur Pipe Knout Ofilmi Cut Plut Eric Backston was lined option ot seven day' imn: tneni. by Magistrate Ml, Thursday, for drunkeiuir- Beautiful EASTER FLOWERS For the Joyous Season We are getting In several ship-menls of LHlles and a great variety of other choice cut flowers and pot plants from the greenhouses of Vancouver and Victoria. There Is no present so greatly appreciated as flowers, especla'ly at Easter Leave your order early bcrau: the demand Is expected to be hm-c Out of town orders receive special attention. I'LOKIHT AM) SIXIiSMAN D. Glennie Phone: MS Second Ave. TheRsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.