I A X 11 IS 1936 m dajlt mews iUOSTHRSl Cool and refreshing! 1 ALADA SPECIAL M Size Bottle Itnlian Balm, rep,. GOc Dispenser Special Price, 59 cents .C5c .$1.25 Mt 31' Tooth Powder and One Klorrao Tooth Brush, Value 00c Both for 39 cents CHILDREN'S SPECIAL , . i . ( - Tuth Brush and Sponge Ball Both or 19 cents Oniies Ltd. Jiit Pioneer Druqetsts Open Oallr Fmm I a.m. . till IB P-n. a 111 ft fti m. ada-rs and HoJwars From IX noon uu p-n-, ' a-- - r iOUTH Powell River aJ VANCOUVER MONDAYS - 3 P.M. SATURDAYS - 6 P.M. TS PRINCE GEORGE SS. PRINCE RUPERT r as Idesl lotion by rtU and lrr t' TH? rf BrlUio Columbia Viinwi' JP"T. rrDO For Information Onll or Writ CITY TICKET OFFICE 518 3rd Ave. rrlnre Itupe't, H-C S37.65 Canadian national steamships CANADIAN PACIFIC Vancoueer tU Ocean Falls and way porta Pn : T?H ADELAIDE. FRIDAYS. 10 P.M. Vancouvrr Direct P""NCE88 LOUI8E, Aug. 17U. 28th. Sept. 01.1. V: NCESS ALICE, Aug. 10th, 24th. Kftrhikan, Wranjrlt. Juneau and Skafway V- NC ESS LOUISE. Aug. 12th. 23rd. Sept. 1st P. ESS ALICE, Aug. 19th. F r Information and reservation? ca" YY L COATF.S. Oeneral Atcnt, rrince Rupert, UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bteamets leave Prince Rupert far CAT ALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 .M. Arriving Vancouver Thursday r&S.CAIUENA EVERY FRIDAY MipNlCHT. Arriving Vancouver Monday tun. pwklj aaUinga to Port olmpsou Antoi. 8tart ana na point. LY Frlnr Hupen ounasj, o toer information regarding all salllnfcs and UckeU at- faiNca Btirr.KT auiNCTt tbtrd . rb0M w" HOLIDAYS How Will You Spend Thorn This Year? Enjoy a period of relaxation with all the joys pf country life at "The Dunes" Tlell, Queen Charlotte Inlands SEABATHING TENNIS FISHING Rates fI2 a week, f it) a month and up. Modern Convrnlrnrei Write or wireless lot teservatlons to MADAME RAJAIJT " LOCAL NEWS NOTES (nrr8'''''''' We Buy for Less. Be warm and comfortable by rd-1 lliff In 3V Toy! H rnttj lh cam Jlw ChUlck. son of Mr. and Mrs Q E CNUck, left im yesterday afternoon ttmttt for a trip to liaon, went south Hat week. Mrs J. p. Dade returned to the city on yeatenter afteroeen'S train from Kltwaaga where ihe lias couver. Miss DoroUjy catse. who has been pfttfnt visit "here with "her , btother-rn-te-R and sister. Dr. and Mrs. H L. Altxandcr. fifth Avenue Baal. wlll ssUi by the Prince George Saturday xternoon on her return to VfcncotHr-er. Miss Bleanor Moxlev, who has been vlsltiBf tn Smithers. arrived I in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the Interior to spend ithe remainder of her vacation here I with her parents, Mr and Mrs. W D Moxley. before returning to her school teaching duties at Pacific. Recently Miss Moxley and her mother made a trip to Edmonton, Mrs. Moxley having returned previously. Mrs. L. Jeasen of Vancouver, who has been visiting on the prairies. arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train and will be the gueet for a few dys of Mrs. Samuel Massey. ipourh Avenue West, before proceeding south. Mrs. Jes-sen. who Is one of Vancouver's most popular vocalists, is the wife of L. Jessen. diamond drill operator, who Is well known In this Announcements Catholic August 29. bcr 3 and 3. tea, Mrs Burbank's, Catholic Church Bazaar Octo- Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 5. Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17. Presbvtcrlan Bazaar, November Orange Ladles' bazaar. Nov. 28. Moose Hall RENTAL RATES Concerts . $25.00 Dances 20.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetlnca Is now available on the ground floor, rents rate, $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Btewjud, 640 or Red 412. C. V. Evltt returned to the city on yesterday aliernooL s train from a week-end visit to Terrace. You can rent ' cat at Walker as low as $1.50 a day, plai 7c. a mile. i Mm W. E. OoBtoot) sailed JMter-1 Tonight's train, due from the day aitarnoao an the Prince east at 10:15, was reported this Oeorg tor Vmneemts. Her daugh-1 morning to be on time. i tn, iSimm Mortal ami Joyce PPl- O. II. Munro returned to the 'city Sort the Catala this afternoon after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart. been In residence for the sao at I Mrs. M. M. Stephens returned to her summer borne. ' tne city on yesterday afternoon's William Nelson Indian, for drunkenna, wsa ttm4 $16 and train from a trip to Calgary, ac oomparried by her Mrs. Stephens sr., mother-in-law. who has been com, with option of 21 days' im- viatttng for the past year in Cal- prtaonraent. by Stlpiacy Magls- ary district. trate Andrew Thompson In provincial police court yesterday. Nelson was another member of a drinking party about a week ago at Sunny-side cannery aboard the boat of Robert cooper, who lost hi life by falling overboard and drowning. HEALTH MEANS CHARM AND HAPPINESS Sparkling ere and uniting lip peak of health and titalirjr. Clear akin attracta. Tbe health itaai re girl iiboth happy and popular. Perhapa you arc not really ill ret when tbe day( work ia done yon are too tired to enter into the goo4 timet that other women enjoy. For extra energy, try Lydia E. PmVham'i Vegetable Compound. It tonea up yoor general health. Circa you more "pep more charm. Remember that 9 S oat of 100 women report benefit. Let it help you too. Dr and Mrs Stanlev Mills and ilauKhu-r arrived in the city from Tenure on ytsterdav Afternoon's tatn. Dr Mffls pwwwjtag aboard the steamer Prince Geoffce to Van D. D. Borland, Dr Harald John- sen and Jack Bulger have bwn ap pointed new attendance captains of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. Teams will be drawn at the regn lar weekly luncheor of the club to morrow which will be a business session. Sister St. Cletu.i. who has been principal of Annunciation School ihere. sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for Vancouver, 1 being transferred to St Patrick's Coi:vent there. Sister Mary Ger trude from Vancouver, who has been paying a visit here also sailed by the Prince George yesterday af- Jtcnoon on her return south. Miss Beryl Owen, who has been visiting at TJsk following her recent arrival from Anyox, arrived from tne interior on ynurruay aiicr-i noon's train and sailed this after-1 noon on the Catala for Vancouver j to join her parents Mr and Mrs. t Richard Owen, who recently moved! from Anyox. During her brief stay here. Miss Owen was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris. C.N.R. TRAINS ' For the East m Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pm rrom the East Mondays, Saturdays iT.!&:lS pjn. Tuesdays, Thursdays 10:20 pjn. Want Ads FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale. Radio, phonograph, rugs, electric washer, vacuum sweeper, Splc Span, bed couch, miscellaneous articles. Mrs. HAL Harper, 501 6th. Ave. West. Phone Blue 103. (190) BOARD AND ROOM BOARDING Home for children, school 'age $15.00 monthly. Apply P.O. Box 576, Prince Rupert. B.C. (186 WORK WANTED HIGH School girt will work for board and room or be companion. Phone Blue 319. (187 ' AGENTS WANTED AGENTS 45 Commission. Why work for less. Take orders for the '"Art-Point" Series Personal Xmas Greeting Cards. Priced as low as 18 for $1.00. "Victory" Box As sortment containing 20 Beautiful Cards with. Calendar sells for $1.00. Costs as low as 50c. $10 Sales Kit free. We are only Interested In genuine workers. Art- Point Printing Co., Victoria, B.C PAINTERS 1 (tf) PAINTING na Paperhangtnj Moller, Phone Red 803. LASp ACT Notice of 'intention to Apply to Lea Land I la Land Becoming DUtrtet of Prlaee Ruiwrt. Ranse 6. Coast nlatdot. and situate fcoout one-quarter of a mile south or Lot 8710, Un ft. Coast Di' trlct Pororter Island. Take notice ita uiarenoe sagar tee. ot HajrsRort, D.C.. occupation can-faeryrnan. Intehda tc- apply for a loaae of ahe lollowlng described land: Comniniclnt fct a punt "planted on a small island about three -quarters or a mile south pi Lot 8710. Range 8. Coast District, ttienoo' north-eaat U.8 chain! thenc west by north 33.4 chains, thence south south-vest 30.5 chains; thence aouth-ewat by south 17 J chains to the point of conimenoetuent. and confining 5S.1 acres more or less. CLARXMCK EDO AH SALTER, Dated June fth, 1985. " The RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. TO TH 1 1 1 We Sell tor Less. Mens Underwear Men's Merino Combinations 'TQp Extra Special 1 Men's TurnbuH's Medium Weight Combinations Men's Turnbull Combinations Men's TurnbuH's Combinations Men's TurnbuH's Supreme . . , Men's TurnbuH's Wool Mixed Men's .TurnbuH's Heavy Ribbed, Extra Special Natural English Wool Shirts Drawers C PRAIRIES CENT PER MILE Good In day coaches only CENT PER .MILE Good Jn tourist aleepers on payment regular tourliit berth rate. 1 CENT PER MILE Good In atandard aleep-Z era on payment regular atandard berth rate. il ON SALE: Aug. 22 to 30 j INCLUSIVE I 1 1-DAY LIMIT For Fares Ask Your Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAL Wood Furniture Moving 1.39 $1.49 31.59 1.69 $2.25 $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 A Complete line of Men's Trousers From 98C t0 55.95 a Red Label Underwear for $2.89 Green Label Underwear 2 59 Tiger Brand Underwear gQ for Tiger Brand, double breasts and seats $3.25 Penman's Heavy Ribbed Separate Shirts and Drawers for St. George's Underwear for Natural English Wool for And GET YOUR'S FROM THE PEOPLES AND SAVE $1.49 81.49 Aristocrat Combinations, the finest of Pure WooX ong and short sleeve equal to any $7.50 suit 95 $2.95 $3.25 XraiMlimT,StSlltmM51Zm THE PALM COFFEE SHOPPE f Offers You WHITE HELP COURTEOUS SERVICE SUPERIOR MEALS LOWER PRICES And a clean, convenient place to dine Call around and let us prove it Hours: 7:30 a.m. tq 1 a.m. TIURD AVENUE PfllNCE RUPERT iaanaatiiwqiaxiaBM Do WN D-AU Reversible Dusting Mops Floor Brushes Tar box Handled Dusters Chamois Leather with Dust! 65c. 90c fc 5J.2S $1.25. SJ,75 & $3 00 -70c 90c THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. SEE US FOR VOUK PRESERVING SUPPLIES .O .75c t 1 1 thk. A rv.wor Hm Perfect Seal Jars. Quarts, doz Perfect Seal Jars, Pints, doz '.Ti Economy Caps. doz. -,c Rubber Jar Rings, doz J Parowax, 2 packets for . - - g- Alumlnum Preserving "Kettles, each - Canning Racks, for 8 quart Jars, each auc GORDON'S HARDWARE SLf TheRsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C 1 5 i s 1 l"-,