fAGE rocx NOTICE By Public Demand we are Continuing Our ANNIVERSARY SALE This Week Lambie & Stone STYLE, QUALITY and SERVICE There Is a Difference in MILK Prove it to yourself. Try Prince Rupert Dairy Phone 287 For the best and get entire satisfaction or money back guarantee. Just Arrived A LARGE PURCHASE OF 100 Ladies' Fur Coats Air in the Latest designs, consisting of Bobtails. Mink, Beaver, Hudson Seal. AJaska Seal, Muskrat, Squirrel, and many others, to be sold for Half of the Regular Prices of these beautiful Fur Coats. These Coats were purchased for 50c. on the dollar from a Nflrm that required money, owing to backwardness of the fur industry. Come Early and Select Yours All prices from $15 to $1000. Good for this week only. GOLDBLOQM The Old Reliable Hyde I Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAX- Wood Furniture ! Moving taaDatauunaaMM If you lsh to swap aVclassffied: " . WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Making her filial voyage of the ', season on Alaska tourist route, C. IP.R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. (S. K. Gray, arrived in port at 9 o'- clack Sunday morring from the south and sailed at 11 a.m, for Skagway and ther northern points. The vessel had on board a total of j 156 passengers of whom thirty-two disembarked here including quite "a number of local cchcol teachers. Two person went north from here on the vessel which will be here again Friday afternoon south bound. Delayed by having had to call at Ocean Falls, Union ss. Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, did not arrive until 1 o'clock Monday morning from Ihe south, sailing a couple of hours hter for Anyox, ' Stewart and other northern points Whence she Is due to return here ;at 10 p.m. southbound, having ar-j rived at Stewart at 10 this morn-jing. The vessel brought north a 'good-sized list of passengers in-I eluding quite a number of city and j district teachers. I With a big list of over two hun-idred passengers which filled all her voyage of the season to Alaska, sailing at 3 p.m. for Ocean Falls, Powell River and Vancouver. About a dozen persons disembarked from the vessel here. C.N.R. bessels now go on fall schedule for the month of September with the ss. Prince George arriving Wednesday morn Ings from the south and the Prince Rupert Friday mornings, the formci sailing Thursday nights for Vancouver after calling at Anyox and the latter going routh Saturday nights after calling at Stewart. Effective from the middle of Sep tember,, an Important change will be made in the schedule of the ss Catala northward from here where by the vessel will call at Stewart be fore Anyox Instead of at Anyox first as she has heretofore done. The following Is the new schedule leave Prince Rupert Sunday 8 p.m.; Pt. Simpson, Sun. 11 pjn.;ar Stew art-Mori. 7 a:m.; leave Stewart Mon day 11 a.m.; arrive Naas River, Monday 6 p.m.; arrive Anyox Monday 10:15 p.m.; arrive Port Simpson, Tuesday, 5:30 a.m.; arrive Prince Rupert 8:15 a.m.; leave Prince Rupert, Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Calls may be made at Alice Arm by special arrangement. Northland 'Transportation Co.'r motorship Northland, Capt. Len Williams, arrived in port at 9 o'clock this morning from kctchikan and, after discharging one carload aopomodation to overflowing, C.N. of fish for transshipment East over R. steamer Prince Rupert Capt. Canadian National iNeil McLean, arrived In port at. 9 for -Seattle. j o'clock yesterday morning on her return passage south after her final We sell circulation. We have It. "TILLIE THE TOILER" 605H.THIS 3 THE I f AT eifEs CAt Pi-ACE . BUT IT ME THE U3o:s like rr'sj L2EFa5 VOO oAV a1E NEED CASH- 'ME A l3i5ESTlOM TO MAV. VZX'S WblB A SALJ' W 1 THJ D12LT KIWI Tueiday, District News Q. C. ISLANDS John R. Morgan sailed yesterday aboard the Prince Charles from his logging camp at Sedgewick Bay, Moresby Island, for Vancouver on business. Miss Kathleen Mathers, who has been spending the summer vacation at her home at. Sandsplt, sailed yesterday by the Prince Charles on her return to Vancouver. Numrous native children of Mas-sett, after having spent the summer at their homes, sailed on the Prince Charles this week to resume their studies at Coqualcetza Institute at Sardis. Sale right to limit quantities. j Milk, all brands, 11 tins 1 tin - Good Bulk Cocoa, 2 lbs. 1 lb 99 .01 40 .01 Brunswick Sardines, 6 tins 29, 1 tin .01 Roger's Syrup, 2's 2 tins .50 A 4 1 tin .VJfc A itlt .vlonogram Molasses, tins .50, 1 tin .99, 1 for 2's 2 Snowcap Pilchards, 2s 2 tins .29, 1 for Celery, 2 for .25, 1 for Fresh Lettuce, 2 for .14, 1 for mmonia, qt. bottles, 2 for .30, Ifor, Pineola, miracle clraner, 12 oz. tin, 2 for 1.00, 1 for .. .01 3hlpso Soap Flakes, large, ,UA AJ 2 pkgs. .50, 1 pgk Hotel Arrivals Savoy Miss Gunvor Persson, Mrs. A Johnston, Mrs. J. R. Brown and H. Deerlng, city; L. K. Requa, Arran-dale; Jack D, Bamett, Porcher Is land; E. Person, Bella Coola; C. F. Warner, Smlthers; Mrs. J. Thompson, Cedarvale; J. Harris- son, Burns Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Smlthers; C. B. Letnes, E. M. Letnes, Mrs. A. E. Thomas and daughter, and Mrs. Perkins, Port Essington; J. Mclnnls, Anyox: Otto A. Lindstrom. city: L. Wester. L. H. Evans and E. W. Moren, C. N.R.; Mr. and Mrs. Haldane, In verness; Miss Bertha Fawcett and William Jones, Victoria; J. Reld Wilson and D. G. MacDonald, Vancouver; Mrs. Caraven, Kit wanga; F. T. Patterson, Surf Tolnt; Norman Smith and Mrs. M. Smith Terrace. Royal R. Yoshimoto, T. Shikatanl and Mr. and Mrs. H. Reld and Wllma Port Essington; J. Carpenter, II Leach, D. Kerr, A. McLean P. Downey, K. Warner, M. O'Neill, W. Watson, B. Alda, H. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. C. Goodacre and F. Wa-zyk, Smlthers; F. G. Hassand, Vernon; T. Helle and C. R. Wheeler. C N. n. R.: k. , S. a. Johnson, jonnson, Stewart; tnewan; Mrs Mrs. Webber, Anyox, Vic Orant. Bal- I moral; S Mandruk, city; E. W. ! Vfnrpn MrRrldp- n T.nke Rpmn: This is our first 1c. Sale on Gro- g pederson, Gust Swanson, Capt cencs. Dont Jiiss n. uraer eariy Q winther and Herman Pederson. and avoid disappointment. These petersburg; P. Chorney, Pacific; specials are for CASH ONLY. I'ri-lj T McCabe. Mrs. Kinley and cesgood till Sept.-7. We reserve the boy and M weeks, Alyansh. Prince Rupert C. Gillespie, Oceanic; A. J. MacDonald, J. S. Talt and R. F. Fraser, Vancouver; F. A Boyd. Montreal; W. M. Campbell, John A. Barman, W. J. O'Neill and son and H. Ludgate and son, Smlthers; Charles W. Trlggs, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Campbell, Seminole. Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Page, Minneapolis; A. E Cood enough, Smlthers: J. Mclnnls antf I family, Anyox; Francis J. Orme Oceanic; F. G. Hassand, Vernon Mrs. A. '"-""""'"" Main, Sunnyside; A. D " Colgate's Soaps, reg. 10 for A1 -., . , ,U JLjMatheson, Carlisle Cannery; H. F. Old 'ti..u""v:r;r: Dutch A Joouiboum. victoria; c o. wren- Cleanser. 11 for A-f VJL .01 .01 .01 .01 Reckitt's Blue, 5 for .25, 1 A-i for VJL .01 You buy at the special price and ?et one more for only lc. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE all. London, England; N. O. Pratt Port Essington; E. Haugland, Ter race; William C. B, Wood, Car stairs, Alta; G. Crlpps, city. Central H. Bamett, Reglna; P. E. Cor coran, Vancouver; M. Johnston and T. Anderson, C.N.R.; Edith M. MacLean, Morlcetown; Mrs. Thistle, Woodcock; M. A. Ray mond and P. Berg, Smlthers; O M. Whitfield, Topley; Joe Oskey. CNJt.; E. F. Anderson, Anyox Mr. and Mrs. D R Johnson, II Gollem and J. Mlsuro. Oceanic There are no tricks to this sale. Cannery; D. McLeod and W. Mon sen, cltv; J. Ingram, Winnipeg Mr. and Mrs. C, Foster, Prlnc: George: A, C. Balch, North Pad fie Cannery; Stan Hand, city Col. F. Hire. Vancouver: T. H Swanson, D. Prevost and M, Cllf ton. Sqnadaree: J. Pedersen, city .. Phillips, Edmonton; D. Mc wt,. iimi,,. n. More r.-..!. Onl T rn n Tin. T-l 4 P. O. Box 575 Phone Phone 18 18 I"""" " f Knox D L. Campbell, Premier; S Freesum, II. Corbett, V. Palmer House Cleaning Ti me. V1EL, LET'S LOOK THE. PLACE OVER., VaIE'vJE SOT "TO GET SOME CASV QUICK- WE'RE" LOVM OKI FUNDS - f oi 1 1 ii ' i mi, in i 1 1 i that DEPEMDS OM.HOWTfcU oot AMD MHAT KIWOOF A BALE IT IS m.iiU HQ 'WAT VJOLOL J LET'S HAME Z1Z 'pFSbPi 1 (u ( A FIRE i - VMHAT SAJE. EECi S A QUCC Birthday Party Saturday Night Air. and Mrs. II. K. Christensen Entertain For Their Daughter Mr. and Mrs. H. K Chrlstensen, Fourth Avenue East, entertained last Saturday evenlns In honor of the birthday of their daughters. Margaret and Engin?. . The evening was spent in music staging and dancing. In the con tests, Miss Edith Johnstone and Maurice Davey captured first prizes and Miss Englna Christen- sen and Miss Margaret McMeckin the consolations. At midnight delicious refresh ments were served bf the hostess. Invited guests were Misses Edith Johnstone, Vivian Wrathall, Mary Davey, Dorothy Davles, Margaret McMeekln, Marybelle Stiles, Eileen and Phyllis Hamblln and Maurice Davey, Tom Johnstone, George Madrlll, Tom Landry, Harold Ivar-son, Johnny and Bertie O'Neil. P. Smith. D. Hudema, A. Andersen. Roy Fisher. E. Williams, C xviciean, a. MUton and William G. Gorman and Mr. and Mrs. M.w.i Murray, city; S. D. MacDonald, Blllmor Mills; George Bamford city; M. L. Clark, Georgetown. Last Showing. The Talk of The T, "Naught) Marietta' and Our New Low Pry Don't Miss This Brilliant Musk (At 7:24 and 9:32. LAST CHANCE TO.MceI Miss M. Cummlngs, i ture scenario writer of lc :cs, ana ner meaner Mr ! iiijiiga, weie among paC'.f l turning south aboard the r 1 Prince Rupert yesterday afcl ing made the round trip is I way. Be wise. Read the wantij SCHOOL OPENING Our STOCK of School Books and Supplies is as com plete as it is possible to have at this scam Our PRICES are standard minimum as Kt by the Department of Education. Our MERCHANDISE is of the highest quality lc meet the necessary requiremnts of the School! and Scholars. Our SERVICE is the best obtainable. We are we equipped to take care of all local trade and mil orders promptly. YOU will benefit when you deal with us because ocl Stock, Prices, Merchandise and Service RIGHT. Because we adhere to minimum prices on School Sum plies-Terms are strictly Cash with order-A phone orders or deliveries. -By Westove A "Burning" Question, r-rn lm'i get busv ; jsj 1 1 93 aaiLLii obit