piincc Rupert Clear, light scu hrast wind; barometer, 30.04; temperature, 61; sa smooth. air.. i. Ahead of 1933. So far this vinr hnllHlncr value in the city has reached a total of M5.774 a:, compared with $57,805 In 'he first eir,ht months of 1934. This year s value Is alrerdy ahead of all 1933 when the tnhil ue n 177 tuciai Li.Denu candidate ror "auaimo riams. and. In the ui an omtnoken address. . "e uennett Government a laCK Ol Svmnn i. frr ro. nrriA . " Tribunals .wiici t-RPir rt'ary Intn . 1 1 I Kuverrmmnr i, 4 . Buvcuimeni, on the r a Darllnmnr,... ... pas es- allv i "B u,Dunais person- lnvstigatcd all applications of new ew Z princlnlp Ce1?Cn Ior Pensions arid-4 nn- ccxvice men Terrace Girls Have Their Legs Broken Misses Lorna Christy and Irene Waite Brought Here With Painful Injuries Twn vminir ladle? from Terrace. yesterday afternoon for Ocean Falls on a campaign visit. Colonel Cv Peck V.C. Is Out In SuDDort of Liberals and Is Speaking In Their Behalf u lUKlA. Senteinhnr a uecausu ui i kiicLL it VMrnmonr rnn mm i t'l.ui iilu uw"v.' i--- ann u i , 4-i-y- mi a ir should be given the benefit of tne jKt"was enacted at that time. expenditures on tlsh government's Mother words, said the colonel, considered the rlbu- Mr. Bennett too Iivorao.e w .c- nals had been turned men. fluence .of Church at the disposal of the Ital . A. lan government in i enorts w keep the peace. At the League of Nations council meeting this week to deal with the TtAln.Ethlonlan crisis. Italy will submit that Ethiopia Is unworthy of being a member of the League, had im miiltv nt t7nvr trnff Irkfncr. was iubt u"v; v - . - t. , of itself and Incapable mtajjttuic I'l juirim3 governing ,, r - - - Miss Lorna Christy, sister of Miss' should be nuided bv Italy. Ethel Christy of thp Prince Rupert industrial Co jcesslon Citv Hall staff, and MLss Irene Waite arrived cn fie train yester day afternoon In charge of Dr. Stanley Mills and Mrs. N. Sher wood and were taken to the Prince Rupert General Hospital suffering from broken thighs and other Injuries as a result of an automobile accident on the Kalum road six miles from Terrace about 10 o'clock Sunday night. The;' were riding in a car driven by Constable Smiley and with Jock Sparkes also In the party "when the car went over the side and rolled over several times. The men of the party suffered only minor Injuries but the young la dies were seriously injured. C. H. Orme, Conservative candidate for Skeena In the federal, sailed on the Prince Rupert LONDON, September 3 A my riad of ramifications has loomed as a result of the reported granting by Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia of oil and other natural resources in some half of Ethiopia's entire area. Neither the Eritlsh or United States governments were able to confirm the deal. From New York name the denial of tne standard Oil Co. of any knowledge of the deal. From Addis Ababa came word of Emper6r Hulle Sela-ie's claim that tha deal was not In violation of the treaty between Great Britain, France and Italy respecting Ethlo- nla. as Menelech. the Emperor at that time In 1906, had not signed It. The Italian government Is off! daily protesting at the deal. ADDIS ABABA, September 3 Emperor Halle Selassie Is endeavor lngto prevent the flight of thou sands of his subkets from Addis Ahaba, the capital of Ethiopia. He threatens to punish refugees and Instructs all subjects to remain In the city under penalty of having their property confiscated If they leave; They are In no danger of aerial ibomblng, the Emperor de clares. AUGUST WEATHER There was sunshine In Prince Rupert during August to the a-mount of 110.4 hours while preclpl- - vvvuucu Ul iLO tlULlUIia 111 llUiii.T t) " X " . , rin i i . - . r . .... nm r ni r i -- urn e h v irii i hi i i r; o bvz L 1 1 11 1 17 Thn Vlnoniwtn Kin r it LiiliiiMiv vv . vv... 1 v . , i isf-tfria e n rr iiipiifvsi. LL'iiiurjidLuic 'CK, V.C.. finns h men f lin.ih e to support u umSI;.-,: - - - . - - 111 ..1.amaS Ul lt4. W " ' LI I O nnM. . K.1 11 ' L i hn TOIfl Mil il 1 1 1 1 I IZ 1 ILL" ... Ft vvtitiiiiiiii IT III I I II III I'M'III. I lllltVkv . 1 uiiri lllkLI'.M, t Ull J r r. , . i - - ; The colonel appeared on the Uwhwv " 'I ' The ncnslons tribunals made a MACKENZIE KING TO . ii..MtM r conscientious ana awwuunu that legislation into ef fort to put fect but their work was nuimn-u UJ the Bennett government. Colonel Peck quoted from corre- S wS Mr wu. Bennett was reported . . Rupert will recehe a visit from in v-mcn A ttf urtniim T.vnn Mac- 1 . i rr m s Liidb t x-i. iiuii. r.i orgotten .that kenrle King. Leader of the Op- fc6y n STSttnltoiwtooU.poilt annaren y and of the Liberal rthe pension bin 01 l"'uaii , K : . definite nf)v advice ice Is ls comparison wiui me w high In Party. After rprelvnd that the former Prime .Minister nf Canada is coming, .'a theatre meeting will be ar- -mm- 4 VISIT THIS CITY IT IS NOW ANTICIPATED During the course of the forthcoming federal election 'campaign, It Is expected rrince t PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, Today's Weather She Fremont, 14,000.. 8.9c. and 5.5c. Atlin. Canadian Margaret I.. 22,000, 6.5c. and 5.5c. Cold Storage. White Hope, 14,000, 6.4c. and 5.5c, Atlin. Morris II., 10,000 6.1c. and 5.5c, Pacific Atll, 4,000, 6c pnd 5.5c, Cold Storage. Bayvlew, 9,000, 6c. and 5.5c, Booth. TUESDAY'S SALES Pa nnrllfi n NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER The above picture showing Italian soldiers removing bodies of Itauan, was sent out from Rome as one of the reasor Italy Is proce .d.ng aganst Ethi.'ola. The Italians were killed on the Plain of Modra, in Eritre. Italian terrlto y. by Ethiopians, according to the Jtallan explanat'on. HaiibutArrivais Notorious Convict is SUMMARY Monday and Tuesday American 37.000 pounds 8.7c. and 5.5c. and 8.9c. and 5.5c. Canadian 75,900 pounds, 6c. and 5.5c. to 6.6c. and 5.Cc. MONDAY'S SALES Amprirnn Slugged By Guard as He Attempts Getaway Excel, 23,000, 8.7c. and 5.5c.t Ro- His Hanging:, Scheduled For Friday of This Week, May yal. Be Postponed If He Has Not Regained Consciousness by Then. Aivnn iishn ft nr. - nri' s s Hnin L .. . ..77",..., ..... Bagley ls stll! urconsclous and, " " uuumine in Aioena Lirciion is biiu lihio., h o , i u.. e.u... oiuiagt. Continuinir. i tu v.Anninn. ...in u.. i . ... Margalice, 5,400, Cold Storage. 6.4c. and 5.5c, Olof Hanson Is Received Well At Mine Camps Thomas Reid, M.P. for New who, during their stay here, were the guests of Mrs. . Olof Hanson. Mr. Reid and Mr. Hanson returned to the city on the Pachena yesterday morning, accompanied I by Alex Prudhomme, president of the Skeena District Liberal Assoc- latlon. from a trip to Anyox, Alice rm, Stewart and Premier at all ;of which points Mr. Hanson was accorded an enthusiastic reception. Good meetings were held at each place with Mr. Reid as the principal speaker. SAN QUENTIN, Cal., September 3 (Canadian Press) William Bagley, notorious 45-year old convict, slated to be hanged on Friday, was in the prison hospital today suffer ing from a fractured skull incurred when he made an un successful attempt to escape from his cell in the "Siberia Social Credit Fifty-Four Seats . section late yesterday I Bagley sawed thne bars out of i his cell and used one of them to slug j a guard. A trusty came to the res-jcue and slugged Bagley over the ihead with a bar. .had a long criminal record In Brl- i-i.MuwiuiN, aepiemoer o an- tlsh Columbia and California which adlan Press)-SoclP.l Credit repre- flnaUy culminated in the imposl-sentation in the new Alberta Leg- Uon of the death scntence after he islature Jumped definitely to fifty- ,had kUled a guard in a jall break xour ai ine ween-tna wun we ciec- here, tlon of William Sharpe In Grand; Prairie and James Popll In Stur-J geon. Social Credltcrs are leading : in two other seats with the prbba-j bllity that they will have fifty-six RADIO SHOP BURNS Extensive damage was done to the seats in the next House wim tne shop of the Sunerior Radio Service . 4V.4 HI. , , U. t II 1. . . . Westminster In the last federal B-wuce u"lue" --" mw on second Avenue by fire which Parliament, who has been spend- and Conservatives, probably five broke out at 1:45 yesterday morning the past week in this riding and two respectively. ing, the cause being not yet defl-asslstlng In the campaign of Olof Bennett Tn Help. nltely ascertained. The flames had Hanson for re-election, sailed by OTTAWA, September (Canadian the Prince Rupert yesterday aft- Press) Assurance that a good hold before the fire depart- Alberta ment was called by a passerby. tcrnoon on his return south, ac- will be treated fairly by the federal , There Is some Insurance. Messrs. companlcd by his, two daughters , government was given Premier- Bartlett and Insulander. the nro- elect William Aberhart by Premier I prietors, have opened up again for R. B. Bennett In a long distance 'business a few doors east on the telephone conversion today. Ab- same street erhart Immediately set about an Investigation to ascertain the exact financial requirements facing him and will advise Ottawa. QUEEN'S FUNERAL BRUSSELS, Sept. 3. (CP) With tio Hit,, tMncor V K fl-wl Uft r... ' UlrtpCU ttUU 111 last e'venlng's train for Vanderhoof S. ?1 enroute to the Omlnec. mining the funera( "J- k I I r ,rJ; ,? piace lWs afternoon, Interment v Northern Ventures , i Limited In which. u being made In the roval rrvnt m Tomorrow's Tides High Low 4:37 ajn. 16.3 It. 16:36 p.m. 183 ft. 10:35 a.m. 8.2 It. 23:35 ipm. 6.6 It. vxxiv no- 203. PRINCE RUPERT, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1935! price: 5 cents POPE 'mORDS ysfy HIMSELF FOR PEACE . WILLIAM dAuLlY HAS SKULL FRACTURED IN JAIL BREAK Pontiff Would Place Power and Influence of Catholic Church At Disposal of Italian Gov't. R. A. STAPKLLS, 1 vj. rs lected, by : .di nt ol the Canada Automobile Association at ' :::;aai me ting held In Mr SfapelLs Is ;( Tin wcM-known advertis- r-nry of J J. Gibbons Building Coming Back in Rupert Vlue So Far This Year Is $35,771 Italy's Case To Go Before Leafuc This WcekTWHI Con-tend Ethiopia Unworthy of Membership Concessions Protested ROME, September 3 From his summer retreat at Castle Gandolfo on Sunday, Pope Pius issued a message making a plea for world peace in the face of the present international crisis. He said that he and his church would be failing in their duty if they did not condemn armed warfare and urged a peaceful settlement of the crisis. He of- ierea wj puu me iuji aim - . . . . the Roman Catholic Reason For Warfare, Italy Explains GETS FINE RECEPTION People of Ocean Falls Go Strong For Olof Hapson Tom Held Heard OCEAN FALLS, September 3 Olof Hanson, member for Skeena In the last federal Parliament and a candidate for rc-electlon, was a visitor here for three days at the first of last week and received a rousing reception, auguring well for the support he will receive here . at the forthcoming election. Arriving on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson got in touch with a large number of the residents. On Monday evening there was a special meeting of the Liberal executive and other committees, Mr. Hanson outlining the work during his term of office In an hour and a half speech. On Tuesday afternoon the Ladles' Liberal AsvociRtlon held a social at the residence of the president, Mrs, Thompson, for Mrs. Hanson, about twenty-five ladles being In attendance. A great crowd was at the boat ou Tuesday night to welcome Tom Reid of New Westminster. A piper was. present and a biz crowd mar- from the whajF to the theatre (ched where a public meeting was held in the Interests of Mr. Hanson. J. C. Latham, President of the Liberal Association, was in the chair and, after a few opening remarks, introduced Mr. and Mrs Hanson, Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Reid. Mr. Han son spoke briefly, announcing that the present visit was more to get In personal contact with the po- ple and that he would be here again later to give a public address. Mr. Reid, the speaker of the even- .ng, discoursed for over an hour. His discussion of the fourteen blanks of the Llbeml platform revived a splendid hearing. Despite l.wo other meetings the same night, there were 150 persons present. On -he return to the boat, the party vas again escorted with pipe music. KILLER IS ATLARGE Theory That John Lake Killed Himself After Shooting: Emil Perle Now Discounted The provincial police have now lust about given up the suicide theory in regard to John Lake, farmer of Colleymount in the Francis Lake district, who made his getaway into the bush on Monday of last week after allegedly shooting Emll Perle, a neighbor, who expired a few hours after the shooting. It Is now believed that Take made a clean getaway and oosslbly may have found his way northward to the Canadian National Railway line. With that nossibility In view, the search has been widened from the Immediate neighborhood of Colleymount which has been extensively comb ed during the past week for trace of Lake but without success. MANY IN HIGH SCHOOL No less than 266 pupils presented themselves for High School enrolment with the reopening of the school term today, this being some 25 TYl nrO fhnn a Vol" n rrr. Tnn mn.A ...w.v. v.m... m J.. BgUi Abli are expected within a day or so. Although only two had given notice in advance, nine prsented themselves for enrolment In Senior Matriculation. No action vet he ls nterested. . ?the church of 01 nr ur rinv Af t v7lu 7 , 1 . has cfurcV Laeken.jbeen taken regarding this class.