1 mm Br SPECIAL Tablets, 50s, for ColiL, Headaches, mutism, etc. Heg. price 50c. On sale 36c ;ampoo, reg, price 25c On sale 15c , ii Hand Powder. Removes paint, Teases, etc. from hands. 1& furniture, woodwork, etc use Solid Wax, Liquid Polish or for dancing. Price each 50c es Ltd. Jit Pioneer Dru-qgists L Keisll BUrr. rnonc. sz Open Illy f rm I a.m. till II p.m. r.i HcItditJ From IS noon Ult Z pjau J p-m. till 9 pjn. HOLIDAYS ow Will You Spend Them This Year? p. i ; . f riaation with all the joys of country life at "The Dunes" Veil, Queen Charlotte Islands rnr' TENNIS - n8HINO a nrrk Stt a month and up. Modern Conveaienrrs Writ or wireless, tut teserralUns to MADAME RAJAUT CANADIAN PACIFIC ic-?r tla Ocrjn Fall and way ports Pwr Direct- SIDE. FRIDAYS. 10 FM. BIOTTE. July Mh. 17tb and 27th F July nth. 24th. Aug 3rd. " ' "Y July 20th and Slat in H'rangrll, Juneau and Skagway I'TTE. July 1st. 12th 22nd. SE July 8th 19th. tn h July 15th. 26, Aug 5th. . n anr1 rMM-raiioni call or write- jL t'JATCS, General Agent, Prince Rupert. B.C. IMO.N STEAMSHIPS LIMITED fiear.rts leave Prluce Rupert for Vancouver- E' E'EHX TUESDAY, 1:2 M. v-ci -mver Thursday IptNA EVERY FKIDAV MIDNIGHT. t vane uver Monday ajn. l !tai'.lua regarding all lalltngs and UckeU at- BT SOCNCT: 1blr MS D. ELIO Fl'RNITURE EXCHANGE m and Sells Used Furniture l3tv;p Kitchen Cabinet, Kitchen Chain, Kitchen Table Kupert, H.C. PHONE: GREEN 121 B H ENGLISH PAINT fcu:ifwrin?inl0ne ,8alln "J Brandram Henderson's anti wm : "'"'"mateiy twice as much surface as cuts rUu8lvVne,you ?ea" more prbUxtlon. Oood paint your paint bills In half. Bring Your Palntinr Problem, In IT. GORDON'S HARDWARE l'hone SI I MrllrM Kt s i :in t it tTnm?fr?aiairv-3irjivjiara 9 mmmmoMmmmsmmmm , You can renV a car at Walker" as low ai $1.50 a day. plus 7c. a mile. BotUtk Faksncr whs ha been on a trJt) to Vancouver was a pas-etujw aboard the Catala hut w-nta NtutntDK to Prswkr. R. E. Moot, local manager of P. Buns Co. List., returned to the city on the Prince Oeotae Saturday via the Queen Charlotte Islands. 7. Notice Owing to the wanton destruction of Umber, the cutting of wood on city lands without a permit is pro habited. Permits will not be issued before September 15th. Wood already cut may be removed prior to August 15th. 1936. W J ALDER. 1 1?9) Commissioner Announcements Catholic Church ber 2 and 1 Bazaar Octo- RapUst Bazaar, Oct. 5. Canadian Legion Baiaar Oct. 17 Presbyterian Bazaar, Novembei Orange Ladles' bazaar. Nov. 28. Moose Hall Wednesday, August 7 Moose Lodge meeis at 8 p.m. Rupert lotion No. 15 meets at 9 p.m. MACKENZIE FURNITURE BED ROOM SUITES SPECIAL 3- Pleccs Suite 4- Pleces Suites $70.00 5- Plcces Suites $87.50 Also other suites at reasonable ortces SS7 Third Ave., Prince Rupert TBI DULY HIWI .4- L PAOX LOCAL NEWS NOTES teg In 32 Taxi it costs the same Dominion Constaole A. J. Wat-kkason returned to the city on the Oatala last evenin? from a brief trip to Vancouver on escort duty. Mra L. W. Kergln and little daughter, Dorothy, returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train event from a brief bosJneia trtpLiter spending a week at Lakelse to Anyox and Stewart. Miss P. M. Money UN. peiat- ting room supervisor af tbe Prince Rupert Oeoeral Hospital returned to the ettr n the Ckrdena on Saturday after spending bee an-nuafl vacation In Vancouvsx. Oscar Andrao. well known Tefefraph Croak, rrorehaut. was a passenger aboard the Prtaccaa, Lotto Saturday aftesaooa golog through for a trip to Vancouver on business, accompanied by his son. This afternoon's train arrived on time at 2: 15 from the east It. brought in a number of the weekend excursion tits to Sultbers who left on Friday afternoon. The re mainder will be jMi k on tomorrow night's train. 81gmund Hnstoas of New York. who has signed up Alaska fisher men for co-operative marketing of halibut, is a business visitor in the city, having arrived from Ketchikan on the Princes Louise Saturday afternoon. Mm. Frank Moore and two daughters. PatrJoa and Shtthty, former residents of Prince Rcpert, who now reside in Vancouver, are having by this evening's treJs on their return south via Jasper Park after having spent ? few days visit ing here They have also been visiting in Prince Oeorge J A. Knight. weU known merchant of Ladyssttth. Van couver Island, was a visitor here at the week-end. He came north (from Vsnoottirr. made the round trip to Auyex ant Sfewavrt and transferred Saturday evening to the Prlnee Charles to return south Lake. W. H. Miller of the federal "Geological Survey, who has been In the SUklne River district, arrived in the city from the north on the Prince Robert yesterday morning and proceeds from here to Ottawa on this evening's train. O. C. Young and Dr R. IL Bed ford of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station staff saikd Saturday evening on the Prince George for Vancouver on business in coBBecUon with their scientific duUes. Mr. and Mrs. David Hamilton. nee Ruby Llewellyn, arrived in the etty on tbe Prince Rupert Satur day evening from Anyox and are leaving on tonight's train for Ter- rac-e where they will, visit with Mrs Hamilton's family. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Morgan returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train after spending a few days at Bulmor and sailed the same evening on the Prince Charles for Sedgewick Bay. Queen Charlotte Irian ds. Mrs. Frank Prudhomme and two hnsren arrived in -the city on the Oatala hut evenlnf. from Vancou ver, hems here to pay a two months' visit with Mrs. Prud- nmmc'i parents, Mr and Mrs. John M. Morrison. Borden Street L. W. Patmore is leaving on the batata tomorrow afternoon to at tend tbe wedding of his youngest laughter. Miss Elcanore Patmore to Charles Hayward. oldest son -of :!r. and Mrs. Reginald Hay-ward of Victoria. The wedding will take Tiace in Victoria on Saturday. August 10. John Dybhavn rottimed to the My on Saturday afternoon's train after having spent the past two or hree weeks at his summer home at Lake Kathlyn, where Mrs. Dybhavn ind family are In residence for the season, and sailed this afternoon 2n the Prince Rupert for a week's ouslness trip to Vancouver. Gary Hemsworth. travelling pas-icnger agent for the Canadian Na tional Railways at Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Prince Oeorge Saturday evening returning south after having spent the week at Anyox on business In connecUon with the moving south of passen gers from the closing smelter town. Jack Hlldltch, who for the past hree years has be?n in the Llard district, is a passenger aboard the Prince George toda; , going through to Victoria where he will spend a week or so visiting with his mother, Mrs. John Dore. He was accompanied by his sister. Miss Nelda Hll dltch. who has ben visiting with him In the north. Major W. J. Carruthers, divisional commander of the SalvaUon Army for Northern British Colum bia and Alaska, and hiss. Carruth ers arrived In the city on, the Prln cess Louise 'Saturday afternoon from WranRelL They conducted special meetings at the local Cita del over the week-end and are now at Port Esslngton attending- the annual native congress F. C. Whltehouse. retired of the Canadian Bank of Com merce, formerly stationed at Nel son and other points In this pro vince, was a visitor In the city at the end of the week on his way back to Vancouver after a' trip north for the purpose of studying dragon flies which is a hobby of his. Mr. Whltehouse arrived from the Queen Charlotte Islands on the Prince Charles on Thursday and left for the south aboard the Car- dena on Saturday. CJUL TRAIN 3 for the East- Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. p.m, From the East- Mondays, Saturdays .2:15p.m Tuesdays, Thursdays .10:20 pan. Mr. and Mrs. E; P. Jenner and family sailed Saturday night on the Prince Charles to spend a vacation at Massett. Misses H. Mathers and M. Math- Be warm and comfortable by rid- lers sailed on the Prince Charles Saturday night for their home at Sandsplt, Queen Charlotte Islands. Robert Parker and Miss Florence Parker, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Parker, sailed on the Prince Charles Saturday night for a visit to Tlell. Queen Charlotte Islands. Oliver Pekxjuin. well known pioneer of the city, who has been ill for some time, was removed this morning from his home on Seventh Avenue near Fulton Street to the Prince Rupert General Hospital His condition is reported, to be serious. Reid McLennan, returning officer for Skeena Riding in the forth coming federal election, returned to the dty from Vancouver on the Princess Alice this morning. A week ago today he visited points in the Ocean Falls and River In let area aboard the Ill-fated flying boat of the late Pilot W. R. Mc Clusky In which he flew to Van couver. A. Chlsholm and G. Gilbert who have been at Hazel ton In connec tion with the installation of radiotelephone equipment for th Government Telegraphs, arrived in the citv from the Interior on Saturdav afternoon's train. Mr. CiiishcC sailed last night on the Catala for Stewart and Mr. Gilbert this morning on the Prince Alice for Telegraph Creek oa similar work. They come from Victoria "Bufld B.C Fa Trolls" MANY' REASONS FOR PACIFIC ' MILK Si tVAMHTIJ "The uniformity of Pacific Milk makes rt lovely for baby. It Is rich in cream, a boon for picnics and camping, splendid for cooking, especially puddings." Thus brieOy Mrs. H. Crams gives reasons. She writes she has used Pacific Milk in nearly everything. Pacific Milk Want Ads FOR RENT MODERN. Furnished, 4-roomed Suite for rent August 15. to responsible party. Apply 733 Fifth Avenue West. U81 LOST LOST Grey cap. bottom set of false teeth. Finder please leave at Dally News office. U80i PAINTERS iAINTINO no Papertangln Moller. Phone Red 80J LAND ACT Notice ot Intention to Apply to Ln Land li Land ReoortUror District of Prince Rupert. Rue 8. Coaat District and altu&t Lbout one-quarter of a mt'e south of Lot 6710. Ran S, Coact DU tiict. Poreher Island. Tke notlee mat duwn sogar ou ter, of Hajrsport. B.C occupation ean-i jeryman. Intends to appl 'or a leasa of cbe foUovtos dBcrUMl lands: Oommencins ajt a post planted on a tmaU Island about three-quarters of mile south of Lot 0710. Range 8, coait District, thence, north-east 41S chains: thence west by north 23.4 chains, thence south south-vest 303 chains; thence south-east by south It A chains to the point of comnMoicemenS. and containing 53.1 acres mors or less. CLARXNCX EDGAR SALTER Dated Jun th. 193S. NOTUB TAKE NOTICE THAT I, A' M. Howen. of Vanoguver. B.C. broker, intend to apply to the Oonunlsslaner of Lands, at Prince Rupert for a Uoenos to prospect tor coaJ. prtnoleum and natural gas ovr the follow uu dencrlbe isnds: Lot a3o Queen Charlotte Islands District. Prince Rupert Land Rocordlnt District Dated this 10th day of July 1835. 7318-JyXI A. M. HOWELL. De Luxe Wall Tints Your decorating problems can be solved by using this improved product It is made in many eheerful tints ana is easy to apply. 5-lb. package UU THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos- phates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium. Bismuth. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lti PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. CORN FLAKES 1"OVEKSM"f fl m Kellogg's Corn Flakes are the largest-selling ready-to-eat cereal in the world. The reason for this is threefold: They're oven-fresh, they're flavor-perfect, and they're made from the finest ingredients obtainable. Vhen the Kellogg Company started making Corn Flakes 20 years ago, it changed breakfast habits the world over. People everywhere eat Kellogg's Corn Flakes because no imitation can equal their delicious flavor and crispness. Then you buy Kellogg's, you get frue value. Refuse a substitute. The original Corn Flakes are made only by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Remember the pictures below when yiu want fast relief from pain. Aspirin eases even a bad headache or neuralgia often in a few minutes! An Aspirin tablet begins "taking hold" of your pain practically as soon as you swallow it. And Aspirin is safe. For Aspirin does not harm the heart. F0R FLAVOR Here's Way Science Now Relieves Pain in Minutes BAD HEADACHES, NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAINS EASED ALMOST AT ONCE Remember these two points: Aspirin Speed and Aspiiin Safety. And. see that you get ASPlfUS. the method doctors, prescribe. It is made in Canada, and atl druggists have it. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every Aspirin tablet. Ot tin of 12 tablets ceo Domical bottle of tit wr 1UU tablets, f Why Aspirin Works So Fast Drp sn Aspirin uhttt in st of wat. Notr tist BEFORE it touches the bottom, it d IN 3 SECONDS SY STOPWATCH An Aspirin tablet (tarts to disints-gtal sikl go ta Mjrk. - M 1 What happens In tnn jlanes happens in your stomach ASPIRIN tabirts start "taking holii? of pass a few mtnutn alter taking. When in Pain Remembvr These Pictures ASriKLN DOES .NOT IUKM TUE UEABT 1 i I ..... im 'ioft p t .... .- - ..... m T. . L 9 : ...! . ft : i... T: , ,J O j 1 io k rt'rr Ui'.i I' ! '. i. ! i i .' jtA ,v ' - -t . .... ill t ., tuJbii i ", , t-: imIiIIIMI aiV t t ' I ' - K r. . v jt . : .11 ii iiwm . . i i ;j-n: c: i . . . 7I1." ( . it ', H :-i:ii-.'l 't:ti:! i t ,. .. ; . t .1 w! ! ;: . -'ti ;. 'ill! !.!(.'.' ,M .',. .' i ' .Ti j :!.... ..IT . . ;.. r.V 't: