Lday, December 21, 1030 TDK DAIL? NEW? FADE TORES r-rt A Suitable Gift For Anyone ... WHY NOT A WATERMAN'S Pen and Pencil Sets aslow as $3.50 Assorted styles and colors in pens and pencils Latest Desk Set Designs ft See our complete assortment CIGARETTES AND TOBACCOS In gay gift wrappers at popular prices LORD BALTIMORE STATIONERY J Always a pleasing gift. In plain or fancy boxes jj 25c to $3.50 i 8 in "PYRALIN" DRESSER SETS The latest designs in varied color ranges Complete sets fronv$6.00 to $15.00 ENGLISH WOOLY TOYS The ideal gift for baby. See our latest large assortment direct from England Prices from 85c Ormes Limited. For Gifts That Please Our cod m' matte you very Aot Tfetfdy we wet f A rt out w'not I 651 VflUlL LIKE The WAV ThevtreatYouJ t9. We Guarantee TWENTY PERCENT MORE Than you can get anywhere else for marten, mink and everything in fur. We have large orders. Prices Are Good Now. SHIP TO US AT ONCE. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable 3 Treat Yourself to a Merry Christmas by having your Coal bin full of the best coal in town. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements PHILP0TT- EV1TT & Co. Ltd. PHONE 652 51 Greetings We wish to devote this space to an appreciation of the splendid response of your patronage during 1936. We realize that your part has been a factor in the success achieved. Will you also accept our earnest-wishes for a Merry Christmas and may the New Year realize for you health, happiness and prosperity in abun-dance. Elio Furniture Excnange LOCAL NEWS NOTES Basketball tonight, Moose HalL D. C.McRae sailed last, night on George Eales sailed on the Princess Adelaide Satutday afternoon to spend 'the Christmas and New ii . Year season In Vanflouvpr. il -i I " ' i . I 1 . . . 1 1 1 L 4 I jarvis u. MCLieoa, couecur ui customs, made the round trip to Ketchikan aboard the Princess Adelaide at the end of the week, returned on Saturday afternoon.. Tlnn Klo-mnnrf vrhn nrrlvprt in frM 1 . , - - jfa the city Friday evening on the 6 irince jonn irom oueen cnar- lotte City, sailed Saturday after-.! noon on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver. aby's Cold ivtd best by two erations of mothers.. MICKS IW VapoRUs Owing to Friday being Christmas Day, the way freight for Pacific!' iwll leave at 7 o'clock Saturday morning instead of Friday morn ing this week, returning Sundaj; Instead of Saturday, it 13 announced at railway offices. Grade Eleven Party Enjoyed High School Pupils en Fete At Metropole Hall Grade Eleven class of King Ed? ward High School held a very enjoyable class party on Saturday in the Metropole Hall. Everybody was in the proper mood to celebrate the close of examinations and the be ginning of the Christmas holidays. The hall was decorated in a pleasing manner with Illuminated Christmas tree, cedar boughs,' streamers and mistletoe. The time of the "class draw" was very ex?" citing. .As thJ names of the part. ners were called, the company cheered their approval. After dancing for' a few hours, the students sat down for refresh-. ments at tables which Indicated, aj very eincient reiresnmenis committee. Bert O'Neill played the par of Santa Claus in presenting to the class teacher, Albert Sutton, on behalf of the class a most acceptable gift. Those in charge of the party were Helen Valentine, Alma Dybhayn, Victoria Stamford, Bert O'Neill and Peter Allen. Patrons at the party were Dr. E. Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. Davles, Mr: and Mrs. Sutton . and Miss Irine Mitchell. Johnny Saunders and Mrs. O. C. Arseneau provided the music. listen to this - - "Yet 'stay a moment longer, "Alasl why is It so "The wish to stay grows stronger "The' more 'tis time to go." How loth the party is to depart from around the fireplace these winter nights. What a comfort there Is , in the glowing embers.and how we all hate to leave It. IfS nothlnn new. of course. Thomas Moore wrote these lines last cenj ury and possibly in the. Stone Age the Cave Man felt the .same way. And when It comes to making your fire, you want the best coal For trie last twenty years Albert k, McCaffery's coal has been the best available. It is the best today and If better could be (got, Ihey would have lt.4if gives you the most heat for the least money and that's what you want these days. So the next time you need coal, just- Phone 116 or 117 to Albert & McCaffery any order Nanaimo-Welllngton for furnac ahej hekter; Alberta Soot-less for the kitchen range. . . Yqu. dcserve tlYj,.,best, x. , ,3, the Catala-for a brief business trip ' will De leaving shortly to make ;, their future home In California. ! The Communist Party will be held in the CL.D.L. Hall tomorrow night, Tueesday, commencing 8:30 o'clock. (298) Frank M. Pavles returned to the 'city on the Catala last evening oazaar . . u r t ir,,. ...... irum a. vacituuu uii wj vuumurn and Victoria. Announcement is made that the M,cMordle Apartments has been acquired by Mr. George A. Bryant and henceforth "will be knowri as the Angus Apartments. (298) ' !Dr. W. T. Kergin of this city and his son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Kergin of Premier, will sail on the Catala tomorrow for Vancouver whence they will sail for the Orient on the first stage of a" six months' trip around the "world,. Mrs. W. T. Kergin afso goes south tomorrow and will later pro ceed to England to meet and re turn home with the others. In the course of" their travels they plan to attend the Coronation. HOTEL ARRIVALS Knox O. Haveroy, city. ' Central E. C. Anderson, city. Prince Rupert H. McN. Fraser, H. M. Watson and C. Gillespie, Vancouver; G. Mi- Fisher, Terra:e. Royal Mr and Mrs. J. Arnsley, Terrace; Fpng"Moon, Usk; Andrew Wln-tijers, Topley; Oeorge Reld, Vancouver; 'S Ohashl, Port Essington. if. Savoy j Mrs, j. Mccrea, city; u. sig- mund,. T. Jenson, P. Tessem, P. Christensen and A. Ollgny, Queen J Charlotte City; E. Stevens, Skide-yate;- D, Matheson,; Vancouver: E j J. Erickson, Nash; Mrs. A V. Fish er, TclKwa; Mr. and Mrs. G. Robs' ... . ........ i mson, iuumaai; w, j. Linenam. JewLs Island. ' 1 I Announcements Canadian Legion Christinas Tree December' 191 Eagles' Christmas Tree, Decern- ter 21.. f .'Sons of Norway Xmas Tree, Uooss Hall, .December 28. ' j. .prang i Hogmany Dance, Decern-, ber 31.. ! V ' j,fElks' New- ytfar Dance, Boston Hall. December 31. " Archie Thompson arrived In the Mrs. M. F. Nlckcrson, who has city on the Catala last evening been on a trip to ner nome m from Vancouver to spend the Ban. "Tned ,t0 tnc Cliy Christmas and New Year holiday season here with his parents, Mr. j ana Mrs. James Graham Avenue, Westvlew, Col. J. W. NlchoiiS, general mana- ger of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., who has been on a business trip to Eastern Canada and the United States, returned to the city from the south on the Catala last evening, accompanied by his son, John, who Is home from his studies at Victoria for the Christmas and New Year holidays. Ion the Catala last evening. Bob Orme. .who, arrived in the. H. Thompson, jclty rccently from Premier, sails tomorrow morning on the Catala for Victoria to spend the Christmas and New Year season with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Orme. L. H. Kubley, well known Ket chikan curio dealer, and son, Wal lace, were passengers aboard the Princess Adelaide Saturday after neon going through for a trip to Seattle and elsewhere In the south. Silverware For Christmas Nothing makes the table look so nice as new Silverware. Among the many attractive gifts we have are-r 26-Piece Complete Set of Knives, Forks and Spoons in case ........................ .$7.50 Heavier quality Silver Set in strong, fancy chest with stainless knives $12.50 Other Sets up to $35.00 Silver Plated Teapot, Sugar and Cream $9.95, $12.50, $15.00 up to $35.00 Sterling Silver $55.00 Beautiful Flower Baskets $1.50 to $10.00 Sandwich Trays $2.50 to $8.50 Cake Dishes $3.0d to $10.00 New Crystal Ware with silver deposit decorations . . . . . . $2.50 to $9.50 i. John Bulger Jeweler Why not enjoy this Christmas without cooking all day? Have the family dinner at THE KNOX HOTEL R. BRASELL "Banquets a Specialty" Phone 71 N. M. BRASELL May fair Gift Shop Pre-Xmas Sale FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 9 A.M. Novelty Fancy Hand-Embroidered Kimonas, all colors and Cl Qff all sizes'; Pre-Christmas Special , . v Heavy Silk Crepe de Chine Nightdresses, regular value $4.95 CO QC Pre-Christmas Special Novelty Crepe de Chine Dansettes in novelty Christmas Boxes O-j AA regular values to $2.95; Pre-Christmas Special .... . .... . VVW Rayon Nightdresses, regular values to $2.50 Q4 AA Pre-Christmas Special ,.. V-i-'VV Crepe de Chine Pajamas, regular value to $4.95 ' 6 Qff Pre-Christmas Special v VW Rayon Pajamas, regular values to $2.95 . Ci 4Q Pre-Christmas Special Novelty Bedroom Slippers, Cuban heels, retl, black, green and O-i AA blue; Pre-Christmas Special ." Vl'V.V TOYS Novelty Dolls, Teddies, Cars, Trucks, Dogs and loads more. Just .what you want to get for the kids. OCJn Pre-Christmas Special AO Mirrors, Trays and Frames, Pictures, regular values to $1.25 fip Pre-Christmas Special . . . ... ........ OOX Do Your Stopping For Your Christmas Shopping at the 'May fair Gift Shop' Corner Third Avenue and Fifth Street, Prince Rupert ''HOW MANY CANDIES ARE IN THE JAR?" Sec Our Window For Further Details : The "Build B.C. Payrolls" Christmas Spirit Ell Mt$y I JvAPoMTtn. n The Christmas spirit is one of the beautiful thlng of life. For a . few days we. let go our selfishness and what : a deep,, fine bountiful feeling is released upon the world. It Is the golden moment of the year. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE Announcing: 35 Taxi (Ross Mazzet) DAY and NIGHT SERVICE Stand opposite Royal Hotel Third Avenue DON'T BE LATE Order Your Xmas SUIT or COAT today from House of Stone or House of Hobberlln clothes Large selection, fit guaranteed. LING - The Tailor 817 Second Ave. IMione G49 Delicious, Fresh COTTAGE CHEESE VALENTIN DAIRY PDOVE G57 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Cedar Mill Ends $4.50 cord PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue . . 1 il ! 1 t il -m I' 11 II I 5I W5 we .41 4 '.V8 4 1 It 1