PAGE HOHT IDEAS For Useful and Noteworthy Gifts Diamonds and Precious Stones Diamond Set and Quality Watches at all prices New and up-to-date Stone Set and Novelty Jewelry Gold, Sterling and Rolled Gold Bracelets Pearls arc now the leading fashion note, we have a beautiful range from 50c up Gold and Gold-filled Dress Sets for Gentlemen's Evening Clothes Hand Carved Ivory, Souvenirs and Novelties Waterman and Sheaffer Fountain Pens and Pencils your name engraved free in gold letters Clocks of quality and high repute the newest and smartest designs. Electric Timepieces. Musical Alarms Leather Goods, Baggage and Wardrobe Trunks Moose, Elk and Seal Indian Slippers Le Mair's Day and Night Marine Glasses, Binnoculars1 and Telescopes Barometers for home and boat Heading Glasses I,,.,.. . 75c Special Christmas Dinner A (Relishes) tfjt Queen Olives and Celery $ (Salad) Fresh Shrimp Cocktail or Fruit Cocktail Wf .... (Soup) m Turkey a la Royalc or Cream of Tomato t (Fish) Boiled Spring Salmon with Egg Sauce For Your Every Day Requirements New and up-to-date Sterling Silver and Electro-Plate, Community and Rogers' Cutlery , ' Carving Sets and Game Carvers Special Value Pocket .Knives, 50c ea. Electric Percolators, Cream, Sugar and Tray, $14.75 Complete 8-Piece Cocktail Sets, special $10.50 Rolls and Electric Razors Pipes and Smoking Accessories Umbrellas, Handbags and Evening Bags Playing Cards and Bridge Sets Book Ends, Bronze Statuary, Picture Frames and Butterfly Pictures Floor Lamps, Table Lamps, Radio Lamps, Bedroom Lamps and Shades Cloisonne, Cinnibar and Soapstone Beautiful Sterling Silver and Pyralin Dresser Sets, Manicure Sets, Sewing Baskets BASEMENT STORE For all your household needs Crockery, Glassware and Hand Cut Crystal. Finest Bone China in Cups and Fancy Pieces, 30 Different Designs in Dinnerware, Brassware, Copper, Russian Hand-Painted Wooden Ware, Smoking Stands & Sets, Umbrella Stands We invite you to shop in comfort in the finest gift shop in the north MAX HEILBRONER OPEN EVENINGS DIAMOND SPECIALIST -c ft:, v.ift iVJ. i 1 n m 9 Wm'Wm Headquarters For SANTA CLAUS Thousands of Toys, Christmas Books, Decorations and Novelties REGAL SHOP Any Article Put Away Until Christmas Week 313 k!54 -tfm I BOSTON CAFE g We wish our, patrons a Hearty and Merry W Christmas 2? Untrees) w W Stuffed Young Turkey with Cranberry Sauce H B . . (Vegetables) fl g . Brussells Sprouts or Asparagus Tips jfi S.k., ... U'otatocs) Mashqd Potato or Baked Potato " (Dessert) English Christmas Plum Pudding and Hard Sauce or Hot Mince Pie or Ice Cream (Fruits) Apples, Oranges, Assorted Nuts Cluster Raision Christmas (Rcveraces) Tea or Coffee OPEN EVENINGS 'SSI Hush MeN Fra - Vancouver engineer, and H. M G i Watson,- who have been oh the Prime Ganahl mlnpral ViilH)nf. in v. - . . ..MiuMigj 444 W4C Omineca country, arrived from the interior on Saturday night's train and are sailing on the Princess Louise this evening for Van couver. LAM .vt Notice of Intention to Apply to Leaxe uina In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District Of R&IU7 4. rVmwt I.anH TiUtr'rt nd situate approximately one mile In n n.itV...1. J L . I I . . . uvuwiioii uarecT.icm. along me coatl line of Prlncea Royal Island from ReC Fern Point, said Red Fern Point being approximately four miles ln a Westerly direction from Barnard Cove. Take Notice that Hans Hansen ot Prince Rupert. BX3, occupation Plsb Packer Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands. Com-menclnz at a .nost nlantni at. hwn water mark on the shore-line In the mioaie ox a Day being approximately one mile South of Red Fern Point thence three chains North-East: thence fifteen chain East thenc flv rhaim South, thence fifteen chains West. thence Northerly to the nearest point at low water, thenoe following low water to a point opposite the Initial poet and containing five acres, more or less. HANS HANSEN Dated 13th day ot October. 193 Add a Personal Touch With a HAND MADE GIFT Of Distinction. Mrs. J. Clark Fancy Work Palmistry Suite 7. First Floor Federal Block l THE DAILY NEWS Mnhy. Member a, WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Fouling of ,a quantity of old cable lying on the bottom near the wharf by. her anchor which she had dropped to aid her in making a mooring as a howling gale was blowing was the cause of delay of ithe steamer Princess Adelaide, jcapt. Henry Anderson, which fin- I ally arrived in port at 3:45 Satur day afternoon following a special voyage to Ketchikan to pick up a pany 01 liny passengers ior me south. It was several hours before sue gut uiio Vancouver luaay. t Union steamer Catala, Capt. j John Muir, arrived In port at 7:45 lasi evening from the south and sailed at .9 p.m. for Stewart, Anyox i ..... .... i may get in to Vancouver earlier on Thursday, the day before The local halibut boat Helen II. Capt. Peter Byrne, was in port this morning with one thousand pounds of flatfish for Bacon Fisheries. The vessel reported extremelv roueh weather outside. Flowers Received For Funeral Of Late Henry Leaper The following people sent flowers for the funeral of the late Henry Leaper on Saturday last: His Lov ing Wife, Albert and Helen, Ted and Edith, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hougan, and family, Employees a N. It. Shop, Mr, and Mrs. S. C. Thomson and Frances; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickeif.andiEdnaj. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Rayner, Mr. "and Mrs. Smeaton, Mr. and Mrs. J. G( McCrimmon, Mr. and Mrs. Hill and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Cameron and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Hills (Premier, B.C.), Mr. and Mrs. Len Brew-erton. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McAuley, Mr. Duncan, Mrs. J. Storle and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. F. .W. Grim-ble, Capt. and Mrs. Charles Edwards, Trades and Labor Council, Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America Lodge 426, Ladles' Aid First Baptist Church, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Tattersal, Mr, and Mrs. P. J. McCormlck, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sllversldes and family, Capt. and Norma Archie, Mr. and Mrs. A. Barbe and family, S. B. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. David Scott' and Betty, Sunrise Grocery, Mr. and Mrs. Husoy, Fanny and Bill, Bulkley Market. Little Progress In Strike Talk Negotiations Continuing in Pacific Coast Tie-Up Non-Commlttal Statement Made SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 21: Little further progress was made over the week-end ln continued negotiations for a settlement of the maritime workers' strike and Pacific Coast shipping tie-up. A Joint statement from union and shipowners said: "A loint announcement will be made when negotiations have reached a point where an agreement can be Wrathalis Photo Finishing A Three Dollar Coupon Entitles to an Enlargement 5"x7''.Frec FRAMED PICTURES OF LOCAL VIEWS TERRACE In the police court oai Thurs-j day when a case concerning the. steallne of eees from a poultry was nearly a stampede when the prosecutor produced a can con-tanlnc two eees. which, he as hasty retreat on the part of every ,. , i raday rnaay morning morning Terrace Mcrrace woke woKe up up the vessel was able to clear the,5urprlzed to ,md fourteen mches anchor of the cable but it was ac-l t. . . Beautiful SPY DRAMA TOPS BILL jfarm was. being dealt with,, there Sfcret Asent.. at CapUol Thfatre Also Hilarious Comedv In "Mister ClnderaU" serted were the same eggs which: ,.. . the thief left behind on the day a spy drama lth Mctae Carroll and Robert he caught him red-handed, some time last June. Had it not bccn?"ng lading roles, and for the dignity of the court then- ? er Cinderella " a fast-moving would would undoubtedly undoubtedly have have' been been a a!nUar,mu. ful1 len fea' ture with Jack Haley and Betty iFumess, comprise the double bill offering on the screen of the compllshed.HadltnotbeenforthiS;Is however' 4SeCret Agtmt" reveals the sec unilkeiy to stav as " Mnrldont Incident, she h would ,nM have haup Kpn been hnrir back 11 ... ? . : ret service activities of a famous , lne same aiiemoon uroinnL nnjnt' . . about 7:30 a.m, eight hours sooner. The Princess Adelaide took sixteen passengers from here and. with a large number of others to pick up at Ocean Falls and other jwaypomis, u was expcciea sne would be a full ship by the time . t . of thU wek ,ndudln Tuesday afternoon. t, -a--- nryr .r tunn , 1 1 r- -.. t n frcm the southwest T ? inmi' a m . wno toarted of his conquests as C. N. R. TRAINS a hcart-smisher and reckless young playboy who 1 finally un- i . VT'-. , ,ls repleta with romance, intrigue Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-. ani thrills. days - 0 p.m. i -Mister Cinderella" delineates "um ""r , ithe expjriences of a masculine, ..uiouaya mm aavur- ri-ro wjth a society complex who days - v 10:20 P-m.iwins his Princess Charming and .a fortune through the maze of ln- Motorsnip Belllngham was In trigulns episodes. i&uu ULiicfr nnrmprn nmnrs wnpnpp . i - .... .. 1 J i , J r ycbieroay irom KewniKan u i she is due back here tomorrow jwh acreii carloads of frozen fish Mrs. Julius Welel sails this eve-jmornlng. The vessels sailing hour for transshipment East over Can- ning on the Princes, Louise fbr .for Vancouver tomorrow has been adlan National Railways. a trip to Vancouver Iset at 12 noon instead of the usual time at 1:30 p.m. in order that she Gift Lamps Wall 38 That will express and rc-cxpress Christinas long after the Holiday Season is over $ JUNIOR FLOOR LAMP Three Candle, or the $2 f new Tri-lite model, with a large selection pf M plain or fluted parchment, or the new ' cloth ? shades to choose from. imiDGE LAMPS A large variety of stands and & $3 snaues, in tne latest designs. CO 7c j from Jd.i t f TABLE LAMPS A smart assortment of Ultra J Modern Lamps in pleasing colors. 2f he irom RED LAMPS Delicate colors in fluted parch- W ment shades. 2? priced from W LAMP SHADES We have a large, variety of d shades of all types. Make your old lamp new & with a new shade. ? Any lamp held and delivered free of charge I GORDON'S HARDWARE us sprnt SPECIAL ... MATINff ..-,11, at z 30 MYSTERY...INTRICUE ROMANCE...bu,no flamlna trail amonj any capitals of Europt.i I iOMninlftAuoHAMr Crtitut iP1 n,rin MADELEINE CARROLL PETER LORRE JOHN GiELGUD 3 .ROBERT YOUNG HITCHCOCK (At 7:00 & 9 54 Your Newest Urason For Laughter . . . "MR. CINDERELLA" He barbered hia way u. 400 .. . and what a ar' "' :J fun and excitemenr h; f 4 himself in At 8:39 Once Or: WOULD, XES Af 6 23 : it COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EOSON' ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COIL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 55S HOTEL NEW ROYAL J. Zarelii ProprHor "A HOME AWAY FKOM HOME" Itates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Kupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box s Gifts For Every Member of the Family Christmas Special All Ladies' Coats Are Selling at Cost! Tailored styles or fur trimmed, in a god variety of styles and sizes. Ono of these will make an ideal gift which wil llong be a reminder of the giver Crepe de Chcne Dance Sets Dainty lace trim at ...... Reauliftil Satin Pajamas Handsomely trimmed at Crepe de Chcnc Gowns Assorted colors at ., Yelyasiiede Pajamas and 'downs at . ... Phone !) $1.50 t0$2.75 $4,95 $2.75' " $2.25 Wc Have a new shipment of Cushion Forms and Kapok Cushion Filler Toys For the Stockings, from 10c to 25c Store Open Til 110 P.M. Third & Fulln S1,