PAGE TWO Surprise Tables !! '.;.:! JIT ' For One Week Only I Grouping together single pairs and odd lines in : high grade '.shoes, we offer them at remarkably low prices Women's at- QQ $2.00 Men's fit S2-00 Don't Miss These bargains! Conie in and See Them! Where Most P,eople Trade .V F AMILY SHOE STORE ITU, PHONE 357 & 1008) -THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince . Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue .H. F. PULL.EN '-- - - Managing-Editor DAILY .EDITION Saturday, .October 31, 1936 United States Election Canadian people are divided in their sympathies with the presidential candidates in the United States, election which takes place Tuesday. In this district we should be all for Roosevelt but we are not. -There are plenty of Lan-don sympathizers even here. Frnm n selfish and politics is mostly self ishness,, we stand to gain f the continuation of the RoospvpH they who took the cent a nnurul off rVm Vialiitnf inf o,i it was'thev who made it possible lor Canadians once more v .iwi mwcj jiiiu vue umwu ordies. j nose ,me ponaes mac neip us in .tne northern part of British Columbia. Some Canadian p.eopje wer.e Republicans in the United States years ago and they .continue to sympathize with that party here. There also are many Canadians of a conservative turn of mind who, fear that the radical policies .of Roosevelt and his party Will spread into Canada and affect the political programs jn tWs cpuntrv. For that reason they would like to see Roosevelt .defeated. The election in the United States is a very strenuous one. Landon is opposing Rqosevelt's policies' but is proposing nothing in their place. ,He seems from his speeches to be against everything ,but for nothing. One of his supporters m radio addresses-js-tryifeto show that the president is a thief and a murderer. Hesaid that in his university davs Roosevplr W1 n Porl .ninis .mat the n II' V - r " "j K' "PAimv causea tne death .of Huev Long and a long , list of prominent men, some of -whom died natural deaths The Republicans are evidently stopping a nothing that .they think wjll defeat their Opponent SK sp cause .a avulsion .of popular Sft ? Wwihln'K:to- the man they wish to defeat. The people of English .speaking countries the hP political nnS-eSf m th,eir m A str limning in to .speeches, woU.ld wonder what sort of people hlt?finS wePPle -of ItalyGermany and Rus-' "'TlSyn? across ,thP f a Vnd say to themselves: . . llianK Uon W.P rln nnf liirn in o " ii ; ,.u (m ,4 a wcitiyux acv i M'e.t uiose are thp sort of men thov nWt ob W.. iy " j icaiiei a. Drivers jtf Autos The average Prince Rupert ,car (owner .drives most cir-cumspeetjy. tfe ,ealizeS conditions S Tht are such .as to make fflSf An , .' . i . dty y iViaf that flV,iiij r,T-.v,.W6 vugciuus. ne Knows children p. ay ,the .struts .because tliere are few playgroups, M&o ,th.e .atets ire narrow and it is Z easy .tosee .anyone turning irxto the' streets from rest ckleMrivers wip 4o wcac Mujgs, ,i.ney on the step gas and u m in many .cases ,do not .evpn hnnv ,a?ut. there have been childrn Vilioi tu sul Uf driving .cars and ,ther,e W be others in a few tV 1 r? 4 rv Tf; - jt it -v not .curbed. teehe fey .daring .and it j8 .difficult to avoid. nv accidentsspecviaily When wpwids.them are playing together, rushine- hithpr nnri fVuv, oi TVirt .ifi.ii wholesome -fear and it as a .wnndp w Z 1 . WST W'-W accident we should Rocked .and steps, would be iaken to avoid a repetition.. It is better 4o hp snfp f V P'a1n I lien POmPS til swim nn .(tt loft Hb tlnn In thlc ir,n,,l u uyerbuiidinp of Heet while ,one eye inira,ts to .He he-sary for a ,tUne, Jf not permanently.' The .cause was evident ln the clde its fellow on jU;e upper, .right Restoring Of Yield overbuilding of the fleet. When ,.de. At that Ume the young hall- . .this iwDoened. not .only was the out rk a 'JL The commission, omder Its pow- e with the Ileet and exlstlng total catch from each area and drifts inshore: to U le S , trade divided .among a greater number in .the bank, it. V. hL. u '?,5Posai. m an annuai of boats year by year, but the total til it migrates for spawning That w "7u UUJ 8reaier a'-catch uLn? "ady than it would have itself decreased. Three times occurs ?!! been had oot a, o .:. ..,,.n.,..vkiUie decline gone unchecked: a . v' v pfltfn wnfnli Hoc .o lilnVa nnKnn i south or cape Spencer, there have ;0nce this Jlife .history was .known, ' ;Tfl " 0L I neon oroot Inoronrac In tno omn.,nt I . V x .. ' '.W ' ta WBe OI f r IlrSt ret ClaiS , fiSh and Whicll h,,' I of fishing within the area. Each tlnn nr rntWw,ut Tv, ! can be taken less i time the result was the same. The; by means of net h-iuls Hauls. worn JP! 1" n l0ng6r made at a increased fishing brought In . iWfl5ftS.?f tfj1 expects that, as the greater total catnh for a time. , erent times and' SaVt. ?m.U.nt l.f P "cr"ses: the then this fell to a new low level and remained there. It remained there until a new Increase In fishing, encouraged by better prices, repeated the stoiy and brought the total yield to a still lower level. The production in Area 2 fell in these three steps-fro slxty-flye million pounds to twenty-two million ln 1930. In these plain facts which compared the yield and the amount tain' that by less fishing a greater amount of fish can be obtained for division among the boats, be ttvelr number what It may. At first this was not readily seen. Until it was realized that the different sections of the banks were behaving as separate units, no one thnueht. tn ppnnpntj fh re cords accordingly and a decline I out, It seems plain enough that there were distinct stocks of halibut, because each area of the coast went its own way regardless of the others. The banks off British Columbia were once far more heavily populated than those in the quir of Alaska, and were depleted until they were far more lightly populated, apparently without affecting the abundance of fish either to north or south. The Iso lated stock to the south, off the Columbia River, remained at a high level until 1915, was abruptly n TfaA , i i 1 . , 7 av"l' ""v iiiii is still depleted aepieieu by Dy a a very very intense intense fishery fishery ever be:n rebuilt. It was a snlen- did natural exneriment the practical independence of stocks. .HaUbut Differences At the same Ume that these cn- cral evidences of separate stocks of Hanout were .being gradually discovered by a slow nroress nf on). lectlng and .analyzing ,a vast mass o siausucal evidence, a more dl- ect .attack was betne made problem .by other scientific me- mo,as. u was first Jound that hail-but ,from different regions differed In .s,uch things a3 tne length .of th-3 neaa, characters that could not be apruptiy chanced as t.ho tth happen to change Its place of lly- A anore direct method .WAS l. co.rngiy ;USed. ilumbeced .metal tags .were placed ,pn lve fsh which wc;re be,rated. A record was kept; of .Ue tls,h .and ..ts place of .liberation.. A tre.ward .was paid for its re-coye,ry, ,when information' aqqom-1 pauica .ne .tag. ,Of ,6078 Jiallhnt. freed in Area 2. m oian v.n..- been .recaptured and .of ithese only halibut freed in Awn 5 enma 1 1 90 - i-. ,yt ' iiw nave been j:ecnninrH K,.f en m tArea 2 over a pejlod of eight ' Don on Tfl- tQ J jya..o. .wmmwnruj the results for ,pt the ireturne.d iflsh. the time object-lesson should not be necessary in order to hvl ve Jeen out- e .amount of about safer conditions on both sides lng neceff ,fl capture them, and other factors, the migration 0 DAILY HtHi Saturday, c. 'lb.-; I ; : ' - . v HALIBUT BANKS COMING BACK; between the areas Jessithan k I T6davfs Weather H. CONSERVATION CONSERVATION MEASURES MEASURES BE- BE- spawning cnanrnino- a I. Is almost nil, N nnrf and - ill age INC ATTENDED WITH GOOD RE- of mature fish a fraction of a per SULTS. cent Der.vear. Although the occa - ' " JD T: slonal migrant zivea fthe snecula (Contmuea irum pare. 1. uve fisherman something to talk But by careful''! Collection available record -the story been brought to" light. The that Jthe Ishery for many lived by constant expansion of the grounds as each ,new bank hi turn declined ln yield, ind that the total for the coiH ell ln spite of this jexpansion, Is but part of the story and throws no light on the reason for the decline. To discover this, statistics were collected froml company records, from, vessel log books, from government files, and from periodicals, and they were sorted out by regions or areas These areas were defined by other Investigations and, only . when they were known, did .the cause of the depletion of qach bank become of spawners can produce. . i Do Not, Drift These experiments liad to do jnly .with the fteh'of marketable sljse. It remalned.riecessary Jo prove that halib.ut did not .drift from one area to another ' aUeggs iprajs Minute Jlpatlng youg. I,nr,tfie ;jace at my command for this ar-tcle I cannot go deeply Into the fascinating story .written by the ommirsion scientists, of how the ijJUiut jerk is laid lnslowlv anov- number of lines of evidence cor rcboratlng each .qther and con firming the observaUon that the areas have from the beginning! shown that they are distinct be cause their behavior was different , as nsning depleted, them.' ' ' Tbe .cosclus)on- that lessening would giy a greater annual' vifld was so contrary trf what had-been- generally thought that before rely ing on It, the commission sought to find out Just why it was true. Th staff set to work to reconstruct as nearly as possible what haDDened to a halibut :each year of Its life from the time it, came of commer- l clal size until It met death. By the 1 use .of marks pn the ear bones the age was determined By the use of P0 rVfEJt CLEANS NO F.OLISHCS Bathtubs, Wnshbasina, Wbdow, and Mirran. Cannot scratch. I (Oovernmea Telegraph ) (Terrace Clear, jralm, 30. Alice" Arnw-Calm. 26. Stewa'rt-Clear, calm, 25. J about. H 13 totally negligible irpm Hazeltpn-Xlear. .calm, 20. 'Prairlle;UandpolhTof-mkfclnlng Uie. UHfil,; calm, frost-jrjj y ; ; (euppjy ln. either JaVa' twben coiilWf ?BumrtoKericalm?22Pfj ; fact fact pared to the .number of young r .pAnce' Geprge-Coudy, 'riorlh; years years whlch which jjyen oye,, a a sadly Lfnv '.mpa denleted staple.1 stock: wind, 12 .miles per hftur;,. Jtes&- meteao.H. Dead Tree Point Clear, .calm: barometer,. 30.30; temperature, zl; 29.96." 4Ueep water, fcpw ihe young fish , 'J , 2 oi :pats upright like Qther Jishes .fcr ! .'pur or five .moaths, .and :how 4t i sea smooth. '"jTrlple Island Clear; fresh northwest. wind; sea choppy EstevantrCleaf;' northeast ' wind Itlght "miles per .hour; barometv ) V Vlctoria ,Clo.udy, jjorlhwes. wind, 10 rajles per hour; ar.p meter, 20,83. Vancouver Clear, northwest wind, four .rrUles per bour, baro .. W1 ,UU11S ,tantlal fracti0n of the former . wmeea. restpred. The economic problems Distinct Areas which the fleet has always faced, These are Important conclusions, It must leave to others. that the stocks in different areas -. are riktlnr-t. anH hnhnvn Hirror. i . v.. . u Mw.iMw uuici" r ently, .that each must Droduce its1 itcacn tne BUjSt PeoPle ,n clty i " of fishing determines "rraiaes the the annual annual! .of fishing for the first time, was to y eld- U important to note that be seen the cause of decline over- fishing. And the conclusion is cer- tnese' conclusin based on a in one was opscured by an Increase ln another. Now that the secret is own spawn, and that the amount : fnldlstrl(!t' wlth an advertisement " "JC lJiUiy wews jf You. Hum a em ASK YOUR DOCTOR IHI5 lagging .experiments .orne-estimate; A$k Him Before Giwlno Your ""r was reached as to tneTate at which ruiu Ch,,d if l 29 halibut were captured. On an nkppWJi eniey banks they were lound to be disappearing at a rate of sixty percent sach year of their age, on -others less, and that few reached the mn. xlmum ages of thirty-five or forty years, it was already" known to what extent they migrated. It was found that It was nrnfit.; able to leave halibut pn the banks; a longer time because they were! gaining more by growth than they were wsing Dy death from natural " Practically any doctor you ask .will vtvtn: " Don't givt your cli(d unknuvn jtnirdies, without asking yout doctor first" When jt comes to the ..widely ustd children's remedy "milk ,61 mag-nesja," the standard of the world is established. For over half a century many Uoctors haye said VPIJ I LLI PS' Milk of Magnesia." Safe orKchiWreri, No other is "quite," Keep this in mirid,.and say VPHIL-LIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA" when VOIl hllV. NTnwnUn'in i nKlol (nm Get the fVX form you prefer. But see that causes: that f thev were !p u o-. v... yaniu i ne accumuiatea BiucK on ine banks was larger at any one .Ume and that what the fisherman lost tn less fishing was gained ln a larger catch per day or per set of a niece of ppnr n, that the longer time on the banks not only allowed for more growth but that the- fish were able to reach spawning si?e in greater numbers. Greater ernwth nnH . greater production .of .eggs ..were to . i ik Mao .wiinout decreasing the to found to differ ,vt tho . - . US? Dy tne .... , - ci" . vv bAiCOV dlyldials, dlyiduals. .however howevsr Henr qlear .they the,, ,,,0-oiw .. , u. - --" w i1-'""8 iVV" wnal " lit I. were on the .average, and It was conceivable that .a .certain number of in- awiauais w ght drift from one area tp .another. it as taken years nf rnrofni n ji . .. vv .vuover. Huillce it tp say that 4xe .details .are .on lecord, and that put ,tato practice by the commission the .concluslpns reached have f rpyed rrect. The .banks are. be-r.g ,retocked withput decreasing the .annual catch . i. log .accomplishment in yle,w of the wuei MM a .radical estrlc- Phillips Milk of Alagnes,ia." AISO IN.TAlltT f OUM) Ech tiny UbltU th caul. .alent of teupoonful' , " V K HWIUW Ul of Ienuln. Phillip' Milk .of lagnuiU. - PERFECyiQN N GOLD fi8& SEAJL Fancy Red Sockeye PJNK BS SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon vanning uompany with an all year rouna payroll Prince Rupert. ln In Dun mf MILK OF niLlra MAGNESIA ANNOUNCEMENT Opening Tyej.d$y, jVpyember 3 i.In fjrHi; .to .cope .with Ji?y ;.acr.e? b.usjness am opening my New Photographic Studio in the store; formerly occupied by IjaynoV f lorists Get 'Your Christmas 'Portraits jiow at r.ediic'd opening prices. Firt .class work 1 V guaranteed. Pjjo.tpgrj;her STEAMSHIPS SPECIAI, WINTER EXCURSION. RATS TQ VANCOUVER RK'IUHN. WOiV POJT .SOU'SOy j353J JitTUltN. All meals and Berth. included. Reduced Rates to Vancouver alip apply from intermediate point:: 'Sp.,oMal 7Jf t!a Valc Uetwc en Nowflifter t. )D3C.and February Mill, 1937, Inclusive Good to Return up to March 31 1937 Children .Half "are. .Steamers: ,Leay,e Prince Rupert: Ar Vancouver S.S. C ATA LA Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m. Tlmrsday, pan. AS. CARDENA Friday, W$Q p.m. . .Monday, ji.m. . Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent - A. W NKW.MAN r Third Ave.. I'hone 5C8 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office : .- ' 4 Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Porta SS. -Princess Adelaide,"" every Friday at .10 pjn. Tp Vancouver .direct .SS. "Prjincess Nprah," Nov. 3rd, 19th, Dec, 3rd, 17th. JTp Ke.tclilKttn, VanelI, Juneau and Skarway SS. "Princess Norah," .Oc. 3Qth, Nov. 15th, 29th, Dec 13th. WINTER EXCURSION FARES ixtx TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN Vo2.00 'Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1936 to Feb. 2eth. 1937, Final return limit March 31st, 1937. For information and Reservations W. .L; COATE8, Gen. Afepj, Prince Rupert. B.C. ; - i Read Used Books Tiiey are new to those who have not read them. Consider the -sensational sayinK ! ., :l : Set of 9 books , .i CHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPEDIA Regular 5, Jfew $l Saving W ' 'M Set of 5 books THE NEV TEACHERS' ENCYCLOPEDIA Regular SS20, NOW $5 Saying .$15 A.n we hayc a good selection of other .hooks at similar sayings! PICTURE FRAMES IN DIFFERENT SIZKS V Uyy Furniture For Cash EL 10 FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third .Avenue If V011 h.lVP anmoHn'nrr fn cnll o nlnnnU'.'m) ,1., .fictneilt wiii.nmig m ui.ii) u wuiHJllCU rtUVU , n this paper will soon-let you know if there is a buyers