"Build B.O. Payrolls" A Finer HHS Natural Flavor FWruvtlTffl It's by the flavor that patrons discover a change has come to pacific Milk. What has actually taken place is a new purity-. The-vacuum seal brings this about by giving1 better protection, Since Pacific Milk changed it style ol packing and appeared In vacuum cans we have received fine letters praising the milk and the demand has noticeably Increased. A point of Importance: Pacific is the only milk In Canada packed under vacuum seal. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED Of COURSE When down on the Waterfront call at the U & I CAFE for our special 25c DINNER See these Wonderful Novelties MARIGOLDS Dixie Sunshine, Dwarf Mexican Orange, Tall Double Royal Scott, Yellow Supreme (sweet scented i. All Double African Lemon, All Double African Orange. NEW NASTURTIUMS-Goldea Globe, Scarlet Gleam, Orange Gleam, Golden Gleam and Oolden Hybrids. ARTHUR BAYNE Second Ave. Phone CSS TRAPPERS AND DEALERS 50,000 MUSKRATS 5,000 UEAVF.R Wanted at once for immediate delivery HIGHEST PRICES PAID Also all your other FURS at full market value. Ship at once and, convince yourselves. J. CLONES Muyer'and Exporter PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning' Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert, SPECIAL Chevrolet MASTER SEDAN with Trunk Complete 193,Licence Just Like New $950.00 Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS. Third Ave. phone 52 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Demers special1 cash discount . sale opens tomorrow. 8T) i James Hall has left the city "for Sunnyslde to- spend the summer after having been in town for the winter. : P. VV. Fisher of Stewart, who ;has b&m on, a trip, ta. Vancouver, I was, a passenger aboard, the- Catala j last evening returning north. !; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cook ana son left on last Friday evening's train for Gravelhourg, Sask., where they have a farm. They expect to be away about three weeks. C. L. M, Glggey, prominent Terrace timber and sawmill operator, arrived In the city oa Saturday night's train from the Interior for ; a brief business visit to town. Mrs. Rlpsteln, daughter or William Goldbloom, and daughter arrived In the city on the Catala last evening iron Vancouver and expect to be here until the end of the week. NASAL CATARRH Just a few drops ot Vicks. Va tto-nol clean clogging nil. eus,. reduce swollen membranes., brings comforting reliet VlCKSVTON0L R. M. Winslow; assistant manager of the Canadian Fish, & Cold Storage Co., was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening, returning to the city after a six weeks' business trip to Eastern Canada and the United States. B. F. Smith,, general manager of the Premier Gold Mining Co., who has been on a trip to company's properties In the south, and Mrs. Smith were passengers aboard the Catala last evening going north from Vancouver to Premier; Mrs. William A. King of Terrace is paying a visit in the city with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Victor King. Mrs. King Is a well known former resident of Prince Rupert and is being welcomed by many old friends. P, W. Racey who was.one-of the engineers for the old Belmont-Surf Inlet Mines Ltd. at Surf Inr let and who is now to take charge of the property la which new capital has become Interested with the Princess Royal Gold Mines Ltd., arrived at Butedale on the Catala yesterday enroute to the property, a G. Mclntyre, formerly with the Granby Co. at Anyox; and two other men were with Mn Racey. Announcements Saturday Night Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret. Queen Mary Daffodil Dance, Easter Monday. Easter Novelty Dance, Moose Hall, April 13. Hospital Charity Ball. April 15, Moose Hall. Premier Orchestra. St. Andrew's Cathedral Easter sale. April 16. Dancing dlsplay. Oddfellows Hall, April 17. Free public mass display of physical education program, Satur day, April 18. Exhibition Building, Cambral Chapter "Leap Year Dance" April 24. Rebekah. Bridge, danee, April 29. United Spring Sale, April .30. Johnny Grows Up,!' Anglican Church, April 3fc. May 1, Gyro Hoedown, Moose Hall, May 1. St. Peter's; Spring Sale. May T. rnnndian Legion Spring Sale, May 13. Elks' Kiddles Flig Day May 25. The Prince Rupert Public- .Library was. closed all day today. 1 See the wonderful: new neekwear at the Dollar Store. (tf) Bishop O, A. Wx and patty, who are at Kltkatla In connection with, the dedication of the nevj church there, are expeeted bactt in the city tomorrow. Everything, for . sale at a sub-' stantlai discount for cash' a,t Demers. . (83 1 Peter Lakle, C. N. R. district freight and passenger agent, rj-, turned to the city on Sunday! (mornlng's train from a brief weekend trip to Terrace. The regular monthly meeting ot the Prince Rupert Shrine Club. which was to have been held "last Thursday night, was cancellel Rowing to the funeral of one of the prominent members, G. A. Wood- land. A set of slides was received at the week end from -Toronto for use .tomorrow night along with the Victoria slides for showing pictures 'of gardens at the Horticultural Society's annual dinner meeting. Saturday evening the slides were shown to two or three members of the executive In the Dally News offices. So far over sixty tickets have been sold for: the dinner which Is open to anyone interested hi gardening pro-, vlded they buy tickets In time td enable the caterers to make pre paratlons for the event. ,(H Saturday Night's Dancing Party Had Good Crowd Again Saturday night's dancing party at the, Commodore Cafe again went over well with about forty couples; In attendance. Walter Smith was, master of ceremonies and music was by Charlie Balagna's Orches- tra. This week's party Is being can-) celled on account of the physical education display. QUALITY FOOD at a Saving APPLES Rome Beauty 25c 5-lbs - per box - $1.84 SWEET ORANGES Nice Orjg OtliV UUA LEMONS SunkLst largest 31c per doz. ROLLED OATS B Si K 32c Extra cream, 6-lb. sack .... WHITE BEANS; 14c 3' lbs. cello PALMOLIVE SOAP 14 c 3 bars FELS' NA1THA SOAP 13c S' bars OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 9c pet tin' BATHROOM.. TISSUE- 20c Paragon, 8 oz., 3 roils HILLS, COFFEE Worth the dlf- fererice In cost 47c per lb THRIFT TEA Sure to 42c please, per lb. JELLO DEAL 4 'pkgsi Jello, assorted;. 1 pkg. Baker's Coconut QCn All for SCOTT'S EGGS Grade A 25c Large, per doz GRAHAM WAFERS Red 20c Arrow Cello, 1 lb. PINEAPPLE JUICE He Llbby's No. 1 tins, each . GRAPEFRUIT Polk's i9c Florida, per-No. 1 tin ..." ROYAL- CITY CORN 27c Golden Bantam, 2 llns SHRIMPS Wet or Dry , 18c per Ua CHATEAU CHEESB , 15c Vi-lU pkg. l-ln. pkg. 9c PORK St BEANS Cam p- is jhell's No,. I tins, 2 for ... SPAGHETTI Campbell's - 17c No. t tins, 2 for y ... COWAN'S COCOAr- 13c Vi-lh, tin l-lb. tin .2c Thrift Cash & Carry Thbrie 179 ThIrd"Ave ALMOST CRIPPLED witk KIDNEY TROUBLE AlmlMplMMf' constipation, Uvtr complaint, nd dizzy. hadachX FRUIT-A-TiVES brought relief in very short tim. Sayi Mrs. A. Aubry, Montreal, "I was troubled for years with livr complaint and dizzy headaches. I was constipated. And almost crippled with kidney trouble. After taking Fruit-a-tives for a Very short time my health greatly improved. I highly recommend Fruit-a-tives to anyone- suffering as I did." Fruit-a-tives are the discovery of a famous Canadian doctor. They contain extracts of fruits and herbs. They cleanse all the elimination organs and their tonic effects help bringnew energy. Don't miss the bargains In hosiery and shoes at Demers discount sale. , (88) Miss M. Townsend and Miss M. Adams, South Vancouver high School teachers, were here last evening aboard the steamer Catala on which they are making the round trip north. Don't forge't Horticultural din ner Tuesday, 6; 30 p.m. Tickets, 50c. D. Zarelli, who arrived In the city last week from Goldbridge Will leave Thursday night by the Prince Rupert on his return to the Bridge River district. Buckley Shannon of Seattle, who is Interested In the Nicholson Creek mine near Usk, arrived in the city on the Catala last evening from the south and will proceed to the interior on this evening's train. Hotel Arrivals Savoy C Nelson, Kamloops? O. Olson. city; L. Hogan, Pacific; Bernlca Chapman, Victoria; P. Vlck, Kwla-Itsa; John Garland, Kalum Lake: J. H. MacDonald and H. W. Wal- dof , ON.R. Royal G. Pettersen, G. Parkvold. F. Wezek, O. Olsen, F; E. Lindsay, .T. McDonald and Yuke OhashL city; Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Arnold, Pacifier M, Johnston and J. Smklal, C.N.R.; A. Sternland, Seattle; Mrs.; M, Ohashl and. daughter, Port Esslng ton. Prince Rupert .Olof Hagberg,. Vanderhoof; J. A. Duclos, Prince George; C. L. M. Glggey, Terrace; K. Tordanaf. Camrose, Alta.; A. E. Lawson,. Sun nyslde Cannery; Miss B. Post and Buckley Shannon, Usk. Series of Passion Services Ended The evening service In the Sal vation Army Citadel last night concluded a very Interesting and Inspiring series of meetings on "The Passion of Our Lord," this being an Interwoven story of Christ's last week upon earth recorded by the four gospel writers. Master David Jones was the guest soloist with Miss Maureen Klrkpat rick as accompanist. Seasonal music was rendered by the string band. ROYAL LUNCH The best place in town to eat WHITE COOKING HOME BAKING Try our Sandwiches & Coffee Phone 807 719 Third Ave. Fresh Delicious Cottage Cheese Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 COAL IT PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL WJLKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 Frank Aker Is Laid at Rest Funeral of Seal Cove FUheitnanj Was Ileld on Saturday Afternoon The funeral of the late Frank j Aker who died" earlier In the week under tragic- circumstances, took place Saturday afternoon from the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers to Falrview Ceraererv with Very Rev. James B. Gibson".' dean of St. Andrew's Anglic.t Cathedral, officiating. A. J. Lan caster presided at the organ to accompany the singing of one. hymn which was "Abide With Me." Quite a number of cars Joined In the procession to the cemetery and there were several floral offerings. DOLLAR TN NEW YORK NEW YORK. April U: The Canadian dollar Is trading at a discount ot V2c on the New York foreign exchange market. CisssiFiiO FOR RENT FOR RENT Five roomed modern flat. Phone Red 128. (tf) I MODERN 5-room. house on Blggar Place. Phone Green 378. (tf ) FOR SALE QUEBEC Heater, linoleum, kitchen table and chairs, steel bed, eec-trie ra(rette. Green 938. (91) TROLLING Boat for sale, complete with gear. $550 cash. Phone Black 461. (tf) FOR SALE Second-hand doors, good as new. H. McPherson, Phone Black 442. (87) GENTLEMEN-iPersonal drug sun dries. Highest. Grade Latest. Del ivered, 15 .for $1. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. WANTED GIRL For housework, live in, expenses paid. For three or four months. Write C. A. McCouiough, Premier, B.C; (88) CATERING CATERING Baking and cooking serving dinner parties, etc. First class work, Phone Blue 589. (92) NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Proprietor "A HOME AWAI FROM DOME" Rates fLOO ap 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prrnce Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box .199 Hyde Transfer Coal Wood PHONE 581 Office 31 S Second Avenue -. .. .. .. Oil Paintings Completei $1.25 1 each See Our Window. Display v ? f OrmesLld. Zfluz Pioneer Drvtqtfists I he KexaU BUr Pbonetr 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 no'on till 2 p.m., 7 p.m." till 9 p.m. SPRING CLEANING If you should improve your home with newfurnrf ture we buy what you cannot use. . ' l! . Phone: Used Furniture AT REASONABLE PRICES Beds, Dresscir, Dining Room.Suites, China Cabinets, Tables, Chairs, Singer Sewing Machines, Electric Washing Machines, RadiosEtc. D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. . . Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJ. Due Varriouver, Monday a.m. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naas lilver, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further. Information regarding sailings and tickets from, R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert A jent. Third Are. Phane 588 Tkere is a Reason Why In Spite of We sell the best coal in We deliver promptly. We have eourteous driv- ers. It you are not already a customer of ours nhohe for a-; trial nr- Apr nf nur rnnl y f. ' . ..-v. With Frame $0.25, Green 421 Our Coal Business Has Grows Keen Competition J.'i"!'1' immi jye can prove & worthy. . vourtifyrtf! i.iHU) t tnihtu t ttuiiiiu ntiuiu PH1LP0TT EVIH & CO. LTD. 651 - PHONES - 652